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SELECT NETWORKProvider Directory

Effective January 1, 2017

gundersenhealthplan.orgEmployer Group Members: (608) 775-8007 or (800) 897-1923GundersenOne Members: (608) 775-8092 or (855) 685-6404

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Gundersen Health Plan does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the provision of programs, services, or activities. If you need this printed material interpreted, in a different language, in an alternative format, or need assistance in using any of our services, please contact Customer Service. Employer Group members: (608) 775-8007 or (800) 897-1923; GundersenOne members: (608) 775-8092 or (855) 685-6404 Monday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm. For people who are deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired, please call TTY 711 or toll free (800) 877-8973, or you may call through a video relay service company of your choice.

Customer Service Gundersen Health Plan Employer Group members: (608) 775-8007 or (800) 897-1923 GundersenOne members: (608) 775-8092 or (855) 685-6404 Monday thru Friday: 8 am - 5 pm This provider directory was developed and includes practitioners effective June 30, 2016, for distribution on January 1, 2017. The availability of providers is subject to change. Call Customer Service for current participating provider information, or visit our website at for a current listing of participating providers. Provider Network Enrolling in Gundersen Health Plan does not guarantee services by a particular provider on this list. If you wish to be certain of receiving care from a specific provider listed, you should contact that provider to ask whether or not the provider is still a Gundersen Health Plan provider and whether or not the provider is accepting additional patients. Please call Customer Service if you are requesting further information regarding the professional qualifications, the medical school attended, residency completed or board certification status of the practitioners listed in this directory. Employer Group members should call: (608) 775-8007 or toll free (800) 897-1923; GundersenOne members should call: (608) 775-8092 or toll free (855) 685-6404. Nurse Advisor Program Gundersen Health Plan provides advice from a registered nurse, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. For nurse advice, call (608) 775-4454 or (800) 858-1050. This service is free of charge. The fact that a provider, clinic or hospital is listed in this directory does not automatically mean that the services are covered under your employer’s plan.

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For Your Information... Summary of Utilization Management Programs Gundersen Health Plan is committed to providing members a comprehensive managed care network, which delivers the highest quality, most cost effective care possible. The Health Plan assesses the appropriateness and timeliness of inpatient and ambulatory care (including: pre-service, concurrent, or post-service authorization) using utilization review criteria. Gundersen Health Plan utilizes and adopts nationally developed medical policies, commercially recognized criteria sets, regionally developed medical coverage policies and locally produced specialty medical coverage policies. Additionally, the Health Plan involves appropriate practitioners in development, adoption, and review of criteria and medical coverage policies. Gundersen Health Plan implements the use of approved emerging medical technologies or new uses of existing technologies after thorough review of the literature and recommendations from our specialists. Gundersen Health Plan measures and analyzes practitioner and member satisfaction with Utilization Management (UM) services and takes action on identified opportunities for improvement. Gundersen Health Plan requires prior authorization for certain services. The prior authorization process determines both benefit determinations and medical necessity. You may contact our Customer Service department to inquire if a specific service requires a prior authorization. Summary of Chronic Complex Case Management Gundersen Health Plan Complex Case Management (CCM) consists of the coordination of care and services provided to members who have experienced a critical event or diagnosis that requires the extensive use of resources. CCM assists members in navigating the system in order to facilitate appropriate delivery of care and services. Gundersen Health Plan will evaluate the satisfaction level of members involved in CCM through an annual survey. The Health Plan also reports the effectiveness of CCM using identified measures, including but not limited to: use of diuretics, receiving a flu shot, improved quality of life, decreased hospitalizations, and emergency room usage.

Protecting Your Privacy Gundersen Health Plan is committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of your protected personal and health information. We comply with all state and federal privacy laws, including the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA), the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH). These laws require that we provide our members with a Privacy Notice that explains our privacy practices. We must also provide you with access to your records, allow you to request corrections to your information as well as allow you to request that access to your information be limited.

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In order to provide you with insurance products and services, we must collect healthcare and personal information about you. Access to your information is restricted to only those persons who need to know about that information to provide service or administer Gundersen Health Plan insurance products and services. We maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that comply with state and federal laws to protect your information. Gundersen Health Plan does not use, disclose, sell, or make available any protected personal or health information about you to affiliates or non-affiliated third parties, unless required or permitted by law. Furthermore, if any of this information is disclosed without your authorization, we will notify you as required by law. For a complete copy of our Notice of Privacy Practices, please visit or call our Customer Service department to request a copy.

Usage and Coverage of Prescription Medications The Pharmacy and Therapeutics committee (P&T) will review drugs for clinical appropriateness, including the practices and policies for formulary management activities. These include prior authorizations, step therapies, quantity limitations, generic considerations and other drug utilization management processes.

Decisions are based on scientific evidence, including peer reviewed medical literature, as well as pharmacy economic data that achieve appropriate, safe and cost effective drug therapy. Consideration for any advantages, in terms of safety and efficacy, will be used when selecting formulary drugs and placing them into formulary tiers. To view or print a copy of the most current formulary, please visit our website at or contact Customer Service to request a copy. Gundersen Health Plan uses the same criteria to select practitioners for all Marketplace plans, including silver-tier plans. Our organization does not use quality measures, member experience measures, or cost-related measures to select Marketplace practitioners or hospitals.

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AVAILABILITY OF LANGUAGE SERVICES If you or someone you are helping has questions about Gundersen Health Plan, you have the right to get help and information in your language at no cost. To talk to an interpreter, call (608) 775-8007 or (800) 897-1923. Spanish Si usted, o alguien a quien usted está ayudando, tiene preguntas acerca de Gundersen Health Plan, tiene derecho a obtener ayuda e información en su idioma sin costo alguno. Para hablar con un intérprete, llame al at (608) 775-8007 or (800) 897-1923. Chinese 如果您,或是您正在協助的對象,有關於[插入SBM項目的名稱 Gundersen Health Plan 方面的問題,您有權利免費以您的母語得到幫助和訊息。洽詢一位翻譯員,請

撥電話 [在此插入數字 (608) 775-8007 or (800) 897-1923. Vietnamese Nếu quý vị, hay người mà quý vị đang giúp đỡ, có câu hỏi về Gundersen Health Plan, quý vị sẽ có quyền được giúp và có thêm thông tin bằng ngôn ngữ của mình miễn phí. Để nói chuyện với một thông dịch viên, xin gọi (608) 775-8007 or (800) 897-1923. Serbo-Croatian Ukoliko Vi ili neko kome Vi pomažete ima pitanje o Gundersen Health Plan, imate pravo da besplatno dobijete pomoć i informacije na Vašem jeziku. Da biste razgovarali sa prevodiocem, nazovite (608) 775-8007 or (800) 897-1923. German Falls Sie oder jemand, dem Sie helfen, Fragen zum Gundersen Health Plan haben, haben Sie das Recht, kostenlose Hilfe und Informationen in Ihrer Sprache zu erhalten. Um mit einem Dolmetscher zu sprechen, rufen Sie bitte die Nummer (608) 775-8007 or (800) 897-1923. Arabic وأ كيدل ناك نإ Gundersen Health Plan تامولعملاو ةدعاسملا ىلع لوصحلا يف قحلا كيدلف ةيرورضلا .or (800) 897-1923 8007-775 (608) صوصخب ةلئسأ هدعاست صخش ىدل ب لصتا مجرتم عم ثدحتلل .ةفلكت ةيا نود نم كتغلب

Laotian ຖ້າທ່ານ, ຫ ◌ຼ ◌ື ຄົນທ ◌່ ທ່ານກໍາລັງຊ່ວຍເຫ ◌ຼ ◌ື ອ, ມ ຄໍ າຖາມກ່ຽວກັບ Gundersen Health Plan, ທ່ານມ ສິ ດທ ◌່ ຈະໄດ້ຮັບການຊ່ວຍເຫ ◌ຼ ◌ື ອແລະຂໍ ້ ມູນຂ່າວສານທ ◌່ ເປັນພາສາຂອງທ່ານບໍ່ ມ ຄ່າໃຊ້ຈ່າຍ. ການໂອ້ລົມກັບນາຍພາສາ, ໃຫ້ໂທຫາ (608) 775-8007 or (800) 897-1923.

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Korean 만약 귀하 또는 귀하가 돕고 있는 어떤 사람이 Gundersen Health Plan 에 관해서

질문이 있다면 귀하는 그러한 도움과 정보를 귀하의 언어로 비용 부담없이 얻을

수 있는 권리가 있습니다. 그렇게 통역사와 얘기하기 위해서는 (608) 775-8007 or (800) 897-1923. 로 전화하십시오. Hindi य�द आपके ,या आप द्वारा सहायता ककए जा रहे ककसी व्यक्तत के Gundersen

Health Plan के बारे म� प्रश्न ह� ,तो आपके पास अपनी भाषा म� मुफ्त म� सहायता और सूचना प्राप्त करने का अ�धकार है। ककसी ि◌◌ुभाषषए से बात करने के �लए (608) 775-

8007 or (800) 897-1923 पर कॉि◌ कर�। French Si vous, ou quelqu'un que vous êtes en train d’aider, a des questions à propos de Gundersen Health Plan, vous avez le droit d'obtenir de l'aide et l'information dans votre langue à aucun coût. Pour parler à un interprète, appelez (608) 775-8007 or (800) 897-1923. Pennsylvania Dutch Wann du hoscht en Froog, odder ebber, wu du helfscht, hot en Froog baut Gundersen Health Plan hoscht du es Recht fer Hilf un Information in deinre eegne Schprooch griege, un die Hilf koschtet nix. Wann du mit me Interpreter schwetze witt, kannscht du (608) 775-8007 or (800) 897-1923 uffrufe. Thai หากคุณ หรือคนที�คุณกาลงัช่วยเหลือมีคาถามเกี�ยวกบั Gundersen Health Plan คุณมีสทิธิที�จะได้รับความช่วยเหลือและข้อมูลในภาษาของคุณได้โดยไม่มีค่าใช้จ่าย พดูคุยกบัลา่ม โทร (608) 775-8007 or (800) 897-1923. Tagalog Kung ikaw, o ang iyong tinutulangan, ay may mga katanungan tungkol sa Gundersen Health Plan, may karapatan ka na makakuha ng tulong at impormasyon sa iyong wika ng walang gastos. Upang makausap ang isang tagasalin, tumawag sa (608) 775-8007 or (800) 897-1923. Karen

No Job Name - Gundersen Health System Plan/PNM...· Tagalog Kung ikaw, o ang iyong tinutulangan, ay may mg a katanungan tungkol sa Gundersen Health Plan, may karapatan ka na makakuha - [PDF Document] (8)

Russian Если у вас или лица, которому вы помогаете, имеются вопросы по поводу Gundersen Health Plan то вы имеете право на бесплатное получение помощи и информации на вашем языке. Для разговора с переводчиком позвоните по телефону (608) 775-8007 or (800) 897-1923. Hmong Yog koj, los yog tej tus neeg uas koj pab ntawd, muaj lus nug txog Gundersen Health Plan, koj muaj cai kom lawv muab cov ntsiab lus qhia uas tau muab sau ua koj hom lus pub dawb rau koj. Yog koj xav nrog ib tug neeg txhais lus tham, hu rau (608) 775-8007 or (800) 897-1923. Polish Jeśli Ty lub osoba, której pomagasz ,macie pytania odnośnie Gundersen Health Plan, masz prawo do uzyskania bezpłatnej informacji i pomocy we własnym języku .Aby porozmawiać z tłumaczem, zadzwoń pod numer (608) 775-8007 or (800) 897-1923. Albanian Nëse ju, ose dikush që po ndihmoni, ka pyetje për Gundersen Health Plan, keni të drejtë të merrni ndihmë dhe informacion falas në gjuhën tuaj. Për të folur me një përkthyes, telefononi numrin (608) 775-8007 or (800) 897-1923.

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Black River Falls

Sparta Tomah

NorwalkMonroeLa Crosse










La Farge

Soldier’s Grove

Prairie du Chien








La Crescent




Eau Claire


Lake Delton

Chippewa Falls

Eau Claire


New Lisbon

















West Union



Lime Springs








Richland CenterSpringGreen

St. Charles


Spring Grove

La Crosse Cashton


St. CroixDunn





Shell Lake






Service Area




SELECT NETWORK Primary Care (Clinics and Hospitals)


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Shopko HometownPharmacy - Abbotsford1011 East Spruce StreetAbbotsford, WI 54405(715) 223-2480HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 6 pmSaturday, 9 am - 3 pm



Wall Chiropractic Clinics -Adams149 North Main StreetAdams, WI 53910(608) 339-4600HoursMonday, 1:30 pm - 5:30 pmTuesday & Friday, 8 am - 11:30am Thursday, 1:30 pm - 5 pmChiropractorWall, Jon T, DC



Eagle Valley Chiropractic -Alma312 South Main StreetAlma, WI 54610(608) 685-4133HoursTuesday, 8 am - 5 pm Thursday,7:30 am - 11:30 amChiropractorSkoug, Jessin L, DC


Clinics - Specialty Care

DeFatta ENT And FacialPlastic Surgery - Altoona1490 Rivers Edge TrailAltoona, WI 54720(715) 828-2368HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmAudiologySmith, Nicole, AuDWilliams, Trista M, AUDOtolaryngologyDeFatta, Rima A, MD

OakLeaf Advanced WoundCare & Hyperbaric MedicineCenter1000 OakLeaf WayAltoona, WI 54720(715) 839-6869HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm

OakLeaf Concussion Services(Affiliated with OakLeafSurgical Hospital)1000 OakLeaf WayAltoona, WI 54720(715) 379-1977HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm

Pain Clinic of NorthwesternWisconsin S.C. - Oakwood1000 OakLeafWayAltoona, WI 54720(715) 552-5346HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmPain MedicineEndres, Stephen M, MDSchlimgen, Mark R, MD

Wisconsin Brain and SpineCenter1200 OakLeaf Way, Suite AAltoona, WI 54720(715) 832-1700HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmNeurosurgeryPorter, Phillip J, MDThapar, Kamal, MDNeurosurgery NursePractitionerD’Huyvetter, Jolene L, FNPOrthopaedic Surgery NursePractitionerWeisenberger, Cindi E, FNP

Durable MedicalEquipment

Grace Home Respiratory,Inc.2204 North Hillcrest Parkway,# 2Altoona, WI 54720(715) 832-7377HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm


OakLeaf Surgical Hospital,L.L.C.1000 OakLeaf WayAltoona, WI 54720(715) 831-8130HoursMonday thru Friday, 6 am - 5 pm


Chippewa ValleyOrthopedics & SportsMedicine Clinic, S.C. -Altoona1200 OakLeaf Way, Suite AAltoona, WI 54720(715) 832-1700HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmOrthopaedic SurgeryBerg, Troy L, MDBerschback, John C, MDCarlson, Brent D, MDCrow, Austin J, MDDrawbert, John P, MDPadilla, Jose A, MDStewart, Nathaniel J, MDOrthopaedic Surgery NursePractitionerBerg, Jason H, APNPHolden, Katie M, NPOrthopaedic Surgery PhysicianAssistantAnczak, John D, PA-CBurmeister, Adam R, PA-CCotton, Joseph O, PA-CMess, Timothy R, PA-CNelson, Kate E, PA-CRosenquist, Edward E, PA-CSwartz, Steven K, PA-CPhysical Medicine &Rehabilitation, PhysiatryCarlson, Carol S, MDPodiatryCaporusso, Annette B, DPMCaporusso, Eric F, DPM

Physical Therapy

Northwoods TherapyAssociates - Altoona1200 OakLeaf Way, Suite BAltoona, WI 54720(715) 839-9266HoursMonday thru Friday 7 am - 5 pm


Behavioral Health DayTreatment

Northwest Journey - Amery(Affiliated with NorthwestCounseling and GuidanceClinic)1096 Apple AvenuePO Box 167Amery, WI 54001(715) 268-5404HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 3 pmBehavioral Health ChildPsychiatrySaul, Jennifer S, MDBehavioral Health ProfessionalCounselorMitchell, Tara L, LPCBehavioral Health PsychologyLaw, Robert T, PHD LP

Clinics - Specialty Care

Interventional PainSpecialists of Wisconsin,S.C. - Amery265 Griffin Street EastAmery, WI 54001(715) 234-7246HoursBy appointmentPain MedicineBrendel, John, MD

Western Wisconsin Urology,SC -Amery265 Griffin Street EastAmery, WI 54001(715) 830-9990

Eye Clinic

Chippewa Valley Eye Clinic,L.L.C. - Amery265 Griffin Street EastAmery, WI 54001(715) 268-0449HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 5 pmOphthalmologyHofer, Lee A, MD

WISCONSIN Abbotsford - Amery



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Chet Johnson Drug204 North Keller AvenueAmery, WI 54001(715) 268-8121HoursMonday thru Friday 8 am - 7 pmSaturday, 8 am - 4 pm Sunday,9 am - 1 pm

Johnson Drug at ARMC265 East Griffin StreetAmery, WI 54001(715) 268-8000HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 5 pm

Renal Dialysis Unit

DaVita Amery Dialysis970 Elden AvenueAmery, WI 54001(715) 268-4288HoursBy appointment



Procare Chiropractic, Inc.308 St. Joseph Avenue, Suite 2Arcadia, WI 54612(608) 323-8563HoursMonday, Tuesday & Thursday,7:30 am - 5:30 pm Wednesday,7:30 am - 12:30 pm Friday,7:30 am - 4 pmChiropractorBassuener, Alan J, DC


Prevea Health - Arcadia(Affiliated with Sacred HeartHospital)945 Dettloff DriveArcadia, WI 54612(608) 323-1500HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmFamily MedicineJoles, Thomas I, MDFamily Medicine NursePractitionerBoe, Kathy A, FNP


Shopko Pharmacy - Arcadia1625 Blaschko AvenuePO Box 340Arcadia, WI 54612(608) 323-8134HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 6 pm,Saturday 9 am - 1 pm

Physical Therapy

Achieve Physical Therapyand Sports Medicine -Arcadia464 South St. Joseph Avenue,Suite 100Arcadia, WI 54612(608) 323-9998HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pm



Augusta Chiropractic, L.L.C.112 East Lincoln StreetAugusta, WI 54722(715) 286-5515HoursMonday thru Friday,9 am - 5:30 pm Saturday byappointment onlyChiropractorJohnson, Chad A, DC

Nursing Home

Augusta Area Home Inc215 East Brown StreetAugusta, WI 54722(715) 286-2266Hours24/7


Wally Shong Health MartPharmacy153 West Lincoln StreetAugusta, WI 54722(715) 286-2515HoursMonday thru Friday,9 am - 5:30 pm Saturday,9 am - 12 pm



Baldwin Chiropractic HealthCenter1640 Tenth AvenueBaldwin, WI 54002(715) 684-3344HoursMonday, Wednesday & Friday8 am - 5 pm, Tuesday8 am - 7 pm, Thursday8 am - 6 pm, & Saturday8 am - 12 pmChiropractorAdams, Teri L, DCJacot, Douglas E, DC


OakLeaf Clinics, SC - EauClaire Medical Clinic -Baldwin730 10th AvenueBaldwin, WI 54002(715) 839-9280HoursBy appointmentEndocrinologyAdkins, Aron S, MDGeneral Internal MedicineDettbarn, Kyle J, MD

Clinics - Specialty Care

DeFatta ENT and FacialPlasitc Surgery - Baldwin730 10th AvenueBaldwin, WI 54002(715) 684-3311HoursMonday, 8 am - 7 pm, Tuesday,8 am - 6 pm, Wednesday,8 am - 7 pm, Thursday,8 am - 6 pm, Friday,8 am - 5 pm, Saturday,9 am - 2 pm

AudiologySmith, Nicole, AuDOtolaryngologyDeFatta, Rima A, MD

Eau Claire GI Associates-Balwin730 10th AvenueBaldwin, WI 54002(715) 684-3311GastroenterologyRuh, Paul J, MDGastroenterology PhysicianAssistantSchantner, Shawna R, PA-C

Western Wisconsin Urology,SC -Baldwin730 10th AvenueBaldwin, WI 54002(715) 835-6548


Village Pharmacy - Baldwin840 Main StreetBaldwin, WI 54002(715) 684-2674HoursMonday thru Thursday,8 am - 7 pm Friday, 8 am - 6 pmSaturday, 9 am - 4 pm Sunday,9 am - 1 pm


Foot and Ankle Clinic,L.L.P. - Baldwin730 10th AvenueBaldwin, WI 54002(715) 684-3311HoursBy appointmentPodiatryKowski, Joel A, DPM



Balsam Lake Pharmacy315 Main StreetPO Box 388Balsam Lake, WI 54810(715) 485-3374HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 5 pm Saturday,8:30 am - 12:30 pm

WISCONSINAmery - Balsam Lake



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Behavioral Health

Innervisions Counseling &Consulting Center - Baraboo708 Elizabeth StreetBaraboo, WI 53913(608) 477-9858HoursMonday - Friday, 9 am - 9 pmBehavioral Health OutpatientPsychotherapyBessac, Judith A, LCSWJames, Colleen S, LCSW CSACBehavioral Health ProfessionalCounselorGesiorski, Christine A, LPC

Pauquette Center - Baraboo1002 Lincoln AvenueBaraboo, WI 53913(608) 742-5518HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmBehavioral Health ClinicalSocial WorkerComello, Elise L, LCSWMowbray, Lisa A, LCSWBehavioral Health Marriage &Family TherapistGasser, Paul W, LMFTBehavioral Health ProfessionalCounselorBalfanz, Eva, LPCGaumond, Tiffany, LPCGutzke, Lisa, LPCNehrkorn, Deseree A, LPCRaimer, Penny, LPCTaylor, Kylie A, LPC

Sauk County Department ofHuman Services - Baraboo505 BroadwayPo Box 29Baraboo, WI 53913(608) 355-4200HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pmBehavioral HealthBellard, Jessica L, LCSWBehavioral Health ChemicalDependency CounselingCadena, Javier, CSACKryka, Elizabeth J, CSACBehavioral Health ChildPsychiatrySwift, William J, MD

Behavioral Health Marriage &Family TherapistBeuthin, Sarah R, LMFTBehavioral Health OutpatientPsychotherapyAdams-Stevenson, Ruby A, LPCDrexler, Steven J, LCSWPetty, Joel D, LPCRufe, Jane E, LCSWBehavioral Health ProfessionalCounselorDrury, Natasha C, LPCEllinwood, Jill D, LCSW, LPCBehavioral Health PsychologyMijal, Jessica A, PsyD


Zolper Family Chiropractic701 Ash StreetBaraboo, WI 53913(608) 355-7999HoursMonday thru Thursday,8:30 am - 6 pm Friday,9 am - 12 pmChiropractorZolper, Michael R, DC


House of Wellness (Affiliatedwith Ho-Chunk Nation)S2845 White Eagle RoadBaraboo, WI 53913(608) 355-1240HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmLimited to American Indians andAlaska Na tives (AI/ANs) whoenroll with GundersenOnethrough the Federal-facilitatedMarketplace (FFM).

Durable MedicalEquipment

Community Home MedicalEquipment, L.L.C. - Baraboo1212 8th Street, Suite 3PO Box 153Baraboo, WI 53913(608) 355-0774HoursMonday thru Friday8:30 am - 5 pm

Home Health United HomeMedical Equipment -Baraboo1111 8th StreetBaraboo, WI 53913(608) 355-4083HoursMonday thru Friday 9 am - 4 pm,24/7 On Call

Home Health

Homeward Bound HomeHealth - Baraboo1360 Jefferson StreetBaraboo, WI 53913(608) 356-4666HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pm & On-call RN orstaff 24/7

Recover Health ofWisconsin, Inc. - Baraboo520 South BoulevardBaraboo, WI 53913(608) 356-7570HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm


Home Health United VisitingNurse Service - Hospice1600 Jefferson Street, Suite 101Baraboo, WI 53913(877) 356-4514HoursMonday thru Friday 8 am - 5 pm,24/7 On Call


Corner Drug522 Oak StreetBaraboo, WI 53913(608) 356-8701HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 6 pmSaturday, 8 am - 4 pm

Corner Drug ClinicPharmacy1700 Tuttle StreetBaraboo, WI 53913(608) 356-6966HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 5:30 pm & Saturday,8:30 am - 12 pm

Ho-Chunk House of WellnessPharmacy (Affiliated withHo-Chunk Nation)S2845 White Eagle RoadBaraboo, WI 53913(608) 355-1240HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm

Wal-Mart Pharmacy -Baraboo920 Highway 12Baraboo, WI 53913(608) 356-1779HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 9 pmSaturday, 9 am - 7 pm Sunday, 10am - 6 pm

Walgreens - Baraboo603 West Pine StreetBaraboo, WI 53913(608) 356-1171HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 10 pm Saturday,9 am - 6 pm Sunday, 9 am - 5 pm



Barneveld FamilyChiropractic101 South Jones StreetBarneveld, WI 53507(608) 924-2424HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 5:30 pmChiropractorHorsfall, Kimberly A, DC



Barron Chiropractic HealthCenter, S.C.407 East Division AvenueBarron, WI 54812(715) 537-3010HoursMonday & Thursday, 8 am - 6 pmTuesday, Wednesday & Friday,8 am - 5 pmChiropractorKaus, Thomas A, DC

WISCONSIN Baraboo - Barron



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Econo Foods Pharmacy -Barron622 East La Salle AvenueBarron, WI 54812(715) 537-5345HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 6 pm

James Pharmacy - Barron337 East La Salle AvenueBarron, WI 54812(715) 537-5005HoursMonday thru Friday,9 am - 5:30 pm Saturday,9 am - 12:30 pm



Nemitz Family Chiropractic188 East Main StreetPo Box 132Benton, WI 53803(608) 759-6152HoursMonday thru Thursday,8 am - 6 pm & Friday,8 am - 5 pmChiropractorNemitz, Steffanie R, DC


Renal Dialysis Unit

DaVita Green Lake CountyDialysis432 Oak StreetBerlin, WI 54923(920) 361-1177HoursBy appointment


Behavioral Health

Krohn Clinic, Ltd. -Behavioral Health610 West Adams StreetBlack River Falls, WI 54615(715) 284-4311HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 5 pm

Behavioral Health ChemicalDependency CounselingFirkins, Steven, CSAC, LCSWBehavioral Health OutpatientPsychotherapyJacobs, Danielle B, LCSWBehavioral Health PsychiatryWhitehouse, Catherine A, MD

Behavioral Health DayTreatment

Northwest Journey - BlackRiver Falls (Affiliated withNorthwest Counseling andGuidance Clinic)N6643 County Road ABlack River Falls, WI 54615(715) 284-1100HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 3 pmBehavioral Health ChildPsychiatrySaul, Jennifer S, MDBehavioral Health Child/Adolescent PsychologyLacy, Patrick J, PHDBehavioral Health ProfessionalCounselorKleingartner, Tracy R, LPCMcCurdy, Rebecca D, LPC


Black River ChiropracticClinic, S.C.126 South Second StreetBlack River Falls, WI 54615(715) 284-2915HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmSaturday 8 am - 11 pmChiropractorHolliday, Chanelle R, DCVolk, Todd A, DC

Jordan Chiropractic Clinic438 North Water StreetBlack River Falls, WI 54615(715) 284-5551HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 6 pmSaturday, 9 am - 12 pmChiropractorJessen, James D, DCJordan, John M, DCStowe, Jon P, DC


Ho-Chunk Health CareCenter (Affiliated with Ho-Chunk Nation)N6520 Lumberjack Guy RoadBlack River Falls, WI 54615(715) 284-9851HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmlimited to American Indians andAlaska Nat ives (AI/ANs) whoenroll with GundersenOnethrough the Federal-facilitatedMarketplace (FFM).

Krohn Clinic, Ltd.610 West Adams StreetBlack River Falls, WI 54615(715) 284-4311HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 5 pmCardiologyBrown, Ward M, MDFamily MedicineAnderson, Kevin M, MDBusse, Sarah J, MDCameron, Etson, MDClark-Forsting, Michelle J, MDCoville, Lea, MDKellen, David B, MDKitowski, Jerome, MDLane, Kirk E, MDMahan, Michael A, MDPolzin, Jeff K, MDRogers, Delbert W, MDSpegman, Howard F, MDFamily Medicine NursePractitionerAnderson, Krista D, APNPGoodenough, Katherine M, FNPJacobson, Patricia A, APNPNeurologyKumar, Ragasri, DOOncologyOettel, Kurt R, MDPodiatryHelstad, Paul, DPMSurgery, GeneralAntonelli, Darrin, MDKitowski, Nicholas J, MD

Clinics - Specialty Care

DeFatta ENT And FacialPlastic Surgery - 610 WestAdams Street610 West Adams StreetBlack River Falls, WI 54615(715) 284-4311HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pmAudiologySmith, Nicole, AuD

DeFatta ENT And FacialPlastic Surgery - 711 WestAdams Street711 West Adams StreetBlack River Falls, WI 54615(715) 828-2368HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pmAudiologySmith, Nicole, AuD

OakLeaf Clinics, SC - EauClaire Medical Clinic - 610West Adams Street610 West Adams StreetBlack River Falls, WI 54615(715) 284-1900HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmCardiologyMaddikunta, Rajesh V, MD

OakLeaf Clinics, SC - EauClaire Medical Clinic - 711West Adams Street711 West Adams StreetBlack River Falls, WI 54615(715) 552-9796HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmCardiologyMaddikunta, Rajesh V, MD

Pain Clinic of NorthwesternWisconsin, S.C. - 610 WestAdams Street610 West Adams StreetBlack River Falls, WI 54615(715) 552-5346HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmPain MedicineEndres, Stephen M, MDSchlimgen, Mark R, MD

WISCONSINBarron - Black River Falls



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Pain Clinic of NorthwesternWisconsin, S.C. - 711 WestAdams Street711 West Adams StreetBlack River Falls, WI 54615(715) 552-5346HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmPain MedicineEndres, Stephen M, MDSchlimgen, Mark R, MD

Western Wisconsin Urology,S.C. - 610 West AdamsStreet610 West Adams StreetBlack River Falls, WI 54615(715) 835-6548HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmUrologyNelson, Josiah D, MD

Western Wisconsin Urology,S.C. - 711 West AdamsStreet711 West Adams StreetBlack River Falls, WI 54615(715) 835-6548HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmUrologyNelson, Josiah D, MD

Wisconsin Brain & SpineCenter -Black River Falls610 West Adams StreetBlack River Falls, WI 54615(800) 322-1747NeurosurgeryThapar, Kamal, MDNeurosurgery NursePractitionerD’Huyvetter, Jolene L, FNP

Durable MedicalEquipment -Respiratory

Black River MemorialRespiratory DME (Affiliatedwith Black River MemorialHospital)711 West Adams StreetBlack River Falls, WI 54615(715) 284-5361HoursMonday thru Friday 8 am - 5 pm

Eye Clinic

Chippewa Valley Eye Clinic,L.L.C. - Black River Falls711 West Adams StreetBlack River Falls, WI 54615(715) 284-1330HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmOphthalmologyBuntrock, Chris T, MD

Gundersen Eye Clinic BlackRiver Falls601 West Adams StreetBlack River Falls, WI 54615(715) 284-9451HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmOphthalmologyFalkenberry, Suzanne M, MDOptometryLahmayer, Bruce A, OD

Family Planning Center

Essential Health Clinic -Black River Falls25 South Second StreetBlack River Falls, WI 54615(800) 657-5177HoursMonday, 10:30 am - 4 pmWednesday, 7:30 am - 6:15 pmObstetrics & GynecologyMidwifeJolivette, Sharon L, CNMWomen’s Health NursePractitionerKindschy, Nancy R, WHNP

Home Health

Black River MemorialHomecare (Affiliated withBlack River MemorialHospital)711 West Adams StreetBlack River Falls, WI 54615(715) 284-5361HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pm


Black River MemorialHospice (Affiliated withBlack River MemorialHospital)711 West Adams StreetBlack River Falls, WI 54615(715) 284-5361HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pm


Black River MemorialHospital711 West Adams StreetBlack River Falls, WI 54615(715) 284-5361Hours24/7

Nursing Home

Atrium Post Acute Care ofBlack River Falls1311 Tyler StreetBlack River Falls, WI 54615(715) 284-4396Hours24/7

Pine View Care Center400 County Road RBlack River Falls, WI 54615(715) 284-5396Hours24/7


Chippewa ValleyOrthopedics & SportsMedicine Clinic, S.C. - 711West Adams Street711 West Adams StreetBlack River Falls, WI 54615(715) 832-1400HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmNeurosurgeryThapar, Kamal, MD


Black River Falls ClinicPharmacy610 West Adams StreetBlack River Falls, WI 54615(715) 284-4089HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 5 pm & Saturday,8:30 am - 12 pm

Ho-Chunk Health CareCenter Pharmacy (Affiliatedwith Ho-Chunk Nation)N6520 Lumberjack Guy RoadBlack River Falls, WI 54615(715) 284-9851HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm

Wal-Mart Pharmacy - BlackRiver Falls611 State Highway 54Black River Falls, WI 54615(715) 284-9115HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 7 pmSaturday, 9 am - 6 pm Sunday,10 am - 6 pm

Renal Dialysis Unit

Gundersen LutheranDialysis - Black River Falls711 West Adams StreetBlack River Falls, WI 54615(715) 284-3676HoursMonday, Wednesday & Friday,6 am - 4:30 pm

Urgent Care

Black River MemorialHospital Urgent Care711 West Adams StreetBlack River Falls, WI 54615(715) 284-5361HoursMonday thru Friday, 5 pm - 10pm, Saturday, Sunday & MajorHolidays, 10 am - 10 pm

WISCONSIN Black River Falls - Black River Falls



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Gundersen Tri-CountyHospital and Clinics - Blair420 South Peterson AvenueBlair, WI 54616(608) 989-2505HoursTuesday, 7:45 am - 4:30 pmWednesday thru Friday,7:45 am - 5:30 pmFamily MedicineBreidenbach, Kimberly B, MDKlomps-McClung, Megan M, DOLofgren, David J, MDFamily Medicine NursePractitionerHagen, Marcia K, FNP

Nursing Home

Grand View Care Center,Inc.620 Grand View AvenuePO Box 27Blair, WI 54616(608) 989-2511HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pm


Blair Pharmacy125 West Broadway StreetBlair, WI 54616(608) 989-2919HoursMonday thru Friday,9 am - 5:30 pm

Physical Therapy

Achieve Physical Therapyand Sports Medicine - Blair620 Grandview AvenueBlair, WI 54616(608) 989-2195HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pm



Kelley Chiropractic, S.C.1503 Larson StreetBloomer, WI 54724(715) 568-4220HoursMonday, 7:30 am - 7:30 pmTuesday, 7:30 am - 12 pmWednesday, 7:30 am - 6 pmThursday, 1:30 pm - 6:30 pmFriday, 7:30 am - 5 pmChiropractorKelley, Brian S, DC


Ed’s Health Mart Pharmacy1511 Main StreetBloomer, WI 54724(715) 568-2190HoursMonday thru Friday,9 am - 5:30 pm Saturday &Sunday, 9 am - 12 pm



Associated Balance &Hearing Clinics, L.L.C.109 East Bluff StreetBoscobel, WI 53805(608) 375-4327HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pmAudiologyTranso, Poul-Erik, MS, CCC-A


Lorenz Chiropractic -Boscobel109 West Oak StreetPO Box 205Boscobel, WI 53805(608) 375-2411HoursMonday, Tuesday & Friday8 am - 12 pm & 1 pm - 5 pmThursday 8 am - 12 pmChiropractorLorenz, Patrick J, DCRickleff, Megan N, DC

Williams Chiropractic832 Wisconsin AvenueBoscobel, WI 53805(608) 375-5100HoursMonday, Wednesday & Friday,8:15 am - 12 pm & 1:30 pm - 6pm Tuesday & Thursday,10 am - 4 pm Saturday, 8:30 am -10 amChiropractorWilliams, Grant L, DC


Gundersen BoscobelHospital and Clinics -Boscobel208 Parker StreetBoscobel, WI 53805(608) 375-4144HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 5:00 pmCardiologyBrown, Ward M, MDSetty, Sampoornima, MDDermatologyNoll, Karl R, MDFamily MedicineFast, William P, MDWilhelm, Kurt, MDFamily Medicine NursePractitionerGriffin, Cynthia D, FNPLombardi, Lauren E, FNPPeterson, Michelle R, FNPSchopf, Nicole M, FNPObstetrics & GynecologyDonohue, Micca K, MDStephens, Shannan K, MDOncologyMarinier, David E, MDOrthopaedic SurgeryRiley, Edward H, MDOrthopaedic Surgery PhysicianAssistantBaldwin, Leah M, PA-CPediatrics Hematology/OncologyOrozco, Jennifer M, MDSurgery, GeneralYurcek, James J, MDSurgery, Nurse PractitionerFord, Catherine L, APNP

Durable MedicalEquipment

Boscobel Pharmacy, Inc. -Durable Medical Equipment1028 Wisconsin AvenueBoscobel, WI 53805(608) 375-4466HoursMonday thru Thursday,8:30 am - 5:30 pm Friday,8:30 am - 5:30 pm Saturday,8:30 am - 1 pm


Gundersen BoscobelHospital and Clinics205 Parker StreetBoscobel, WI 53805(608) 375-4112HoursURGENT CARE: Monday thruFriday, 5 pm - 9 pm Saturday,Sunday & Holidays, 9 am - 4 pmCardiologyWallhaus, Thomas R, MDSurgery, GeneralKramer, Carrie L, MD

Infusion Therapy

Boscobel Pharmacy, Inc. -Infusion/Pharmacy Services1028 Wisconsin AvenueBoscobel, WI 53805(608) 375-4466HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 5:30 pm Saturday,8:30 am - 1 pm

Nursing Home

Boscobel Care and Rehab207 Parker StreetBoscobel, WI 53805(608) 375-6326Hours24/7


Boscobel Pharmacy, Inc.1028 Wisconsin AvenueBoscobel, WI 53805(608) 375-4466HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 5:30 pm Saturday,8:30 am - 1 pm

WISCONSINBlair - Boscobel



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Boscobel Pharmacy, Inc. -Prosthetics/Orthotics1028 Wisconsin AvenueBoscobel, WI 53805(608) 375-4466HoursMonday thru Thursday,8:30 am - 5:30 pm Friday,8:30 am - 5:30 pm Saturday,8:30 am - 1 pm

Urgent Care

Gundersen BoscobelHospital and Clinics UrgentCare205 Parker StreetBoscobel, WI 53805(608) 375-4112HoursMonday thru Friday, 6 am - 8 am& 5 pm - 9 pm, Saturday &Sunday, 9 am - 4 pm


Renal Dialysis Unit

DaVita Brookfield Dialysis19395 West Capitol DriveBuilding CBrookfield, WI 53045(262) 781-0273HoursBy appointment


Behavioral HealthAODA


Rogers Memorial Hospital -Brown Deer4600 Schroeder DriveBrown Deer, WI 53223(800) 767-4411HoursMonday thru Friday 8 am - 4 pm

Behavioral HealthInpatient

Rogers Memorial Hospital -Brown Deer4600 Schroeder DriveBrown Deer, WI 53223(800) 767-4411Hours24/7



Cadott Miller Pharmacy318 North Main StreetPO Box 248Cadott, WI 54727(715) 289-3243HoursMonday thru Friday,9 am - 5:30 pm & Saturday,9 am - 12 pm


Behavioral Health

Scenic Bluffs CommunityHealth Centers BehavioralHealth - Cashton238 Front StreetPO Box 39Cashton, WI 54619(608) 654-5100HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 5 pmBehavioral Health ChemicalDependency CounselingShaffar, Eleanor R, CSACBehavioral Health ProfessionalCounselorMashak, Barbara J, LPC


Scenic Bluffs CommunityHealth Centers - Cashton238 Front StreetPO Box 39Cashton, WI 54619(608) 654-5100HoursMonday thru Friday,7:30 am - 6:00 pmChiropractorLyons, Trevor L, DC

Family MedicineBade, Elizabeth R, MDFamily Medicine NursePractitionerHarris, Sherry L, FNPMarkuson, Stacey L, FNP, APNPFamily Medicine PhysicianAssistantDegenhardt, Gloria J, PA-C


Scenic Bluffs CommunityHealth Centers - Pharmacy238 Front StreetCashton, WI 54619(608) 654-5100HoursMonday thru Thursday,8 am - 6 pm Friday, 8 am - 5 pm


Renal Dialysis Unit

DaVita Cedarburg DialysisN54W6135 Mill StreetCedarburg, WI 53012(262) 376-8011HoursBy appointment

DaVita Mill Street HomeTrainingN54W6135 Mill StreetSuite 500Cedarburg, WI 53012(262) 377-2158HoursBy appointment



Ohde Pharmacy628 Second StreetPo Box 127Chetek, WI 54728(715) 924-3592HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 5:30 pm Saturday,8:30 am - 12 pm


Renal Dialysis Unit

DaVita Chilton Dialysis425 M B LaneChilton, WI 53014(920) 849-3390HoursBy appointment


Clinics - Specialty Care

Oral & Maxillofacial SurgeryAssociates of Eau Claire-Chippewa Falls1825 Kennedy RoadChippewa, WI 54729(715) 834-8414HoursMonday thru Friday,7:30 am - 4 pm

Wisconsin Brain & SpineCenter -Chippewa Falls757 Lakeland Drive Suite BChippewa, WI 54729(800) 322-1747HoursBy appointment


Behavioral HealthAODA


LE Phillips- LibertasTreatment Center- ChippewaFalls (Affiliated with St.Joseph’s Hospital)2661 County Highway IChippewa Falls, WI 54729(715) 723-5585HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm

Behavioral Health DayTreatment

St. Joseph’s Hospital DayTreatment (Affiliated withSacred Heart Hospital)2661 County Highway IChippewa Falls, WI 54729(715) 723-1811HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm

WISCONSIN Boscobel - Chippewa Falls



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Behavioral HealthInpatient

St. Joseph’s Hospital -Chippewa Falls (Affiliatedwith Sacred Heart Hospital)2661 County Highway IChippewa Falls, WI 54729(715) 723-1811Hours24/7


Appel Chiropractic2863 South Prairie View RoadChippewa Falls, WI 54729(715) 720-9911HoursMonday, Wednesday & Friday,7:30 am - 6 pm Tuesday &Thursday, 7:30 am - 1 2 pm

Chippewa Valley Wellness4751 County Highway JChippewa Falls, WI 54729(715) 723-2713HoursMonday thru Thursday, 9 am -5pm, Friday, 8 am - noonChiropractorCzelatdko, Daniel E, DC

Hurtgen Chiropractic1942 Hallie RoadChippewa Falls, WI 54729(715) 720-9097HoursMonday, Wednesday & Friday,8 am - 6 pm Tuesday,8 am - 12 pm Thursday, ClosedChiropractorHurtgen, Brian C, DC


Prevea Health - ChippewaFalls (Affiliated with SacredHeart Hospital)2509 County Highway IChippewa Falls, WI 54729(715) 723-9138HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm

Family MedicineGering, Kristie L, MDHasenberg, Jill A, DOIppel, Paul M, MDIsaacson, Laura J, DOLea, Robert S, MDLopez, James G, MDSteinmetz, Steven W, MDStudt, Larry C, MDWeinmeister, Donald D, MDFamily Medicine NursePractitionerKudrna, Brittany N, FNPFamily Medicine PhysicianAssistantCanopy, Ellen N, PA-C

Prevea Health - CountyHighway I (Affiliated withSacred Heart Hospital)2661 County Highway IChippewa Falls, WI 54729(715) 723-9138HoursBy appointmentObstetrics & GynecologyTiffany, Michael F, DO

Southside Medical Clinic -Chippewa Falls2661 County Highway IChippewa Falls, WI 54729(715) 830-9990HoursBy appointmentGastroenterologyPeller, Thomas P, MD

Sunrise Family Care Clinic,S.C.2829 County Highway I, Suite 2Chippewa Falls, WI 54729(715) 726-3096HoursMonday & Tuesday,7 am - 6:30 pm Wednesday &Friday, 7 am - 4:30 pm & Thursday, 8 am - 1 pmFamily MedicineLandwehr, Mary L, MDFamily Medicine NursePractitionerBischel, Ann L, FNPKeisler, Katherine S, FNP

Thomas P. Peller, MD, SC -Chippewa Falls2661 County Hwy IChippewa Falls, WI 54729(715) 830-9990

Clinics - Specialty Care

Eau Claire Heart Institute,SC -Chippewa Falls2661 County Hwy IChippewa Falls, WI 54729(715) 831-4444CardiologySharaf, Mahmoud A, MD

Evergreen Surgical, S.C. -Chippewa Falls2661 County Hwy IChippewa Falls, WI 54729(715) 832-1044HoursMonday thru Friday, 8:30 - 5 pmSurgery, GeneralDaniels, Richard J, MD

HSHS St. Joseph’s WoundCare & HyperbaricMedicine-ChippewaFalls(affiliated with St.Joseph’s Hospital)Chippewa Falls Center2661 County Highway IChippewa Falls, WI 54729(715) 723-1811HoursBy appointment

IHC - Wound Care Services,L.L.C. - St. Joseph’s Hospital2661 County Highway IChippewa Falls, WI 54729(414) 290-6720HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm

OakLeaf Clinics, SC - EauClaire Medical Clinic -Chippewa Falls2829 County Highway I,Suite 2AChippewa Falls, WI 54729(715) 552-9796HoursMonday, Tuesday, Thursday &Friday, 10 am - 3 pmGeneral Internal MedicineBenson, Terry D, MD

Sacred Heart Hearing andBalance Center - Chippewa(Affiliated with Sacred HeartHospital)2661 County Highway IChippewa Falls, WI 54729(888) 717-6885HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmAudiologyElkin, Michele S, AUDLee, Shawna S, AuD

St. Joseph’s OccupationalHealth & Medicine -Chippewa Falls (Affiliatedwith Sacred Heart Hospital)2661 County Highway IChippewa Falls, WI 54729(715) 723-1811HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmOccupational Health NursePractitionerWolf, Suzanne J, APNP

Western Wisconsin Urology,SC -Chippewa Falls2661 County Hwy IChippewa Falls, WI 54729(715) 835-6548

Eye Clinic

Chippewa Valley Eye Clinic,Chippewa Falls, S.C.2525 County Hwy IChippewa Falls, WI 54729(715) 723-9375HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pmOphthalmologyBrown, Jeffrey F, MDHolm, Peter W, MDMcCanna, Terrence D, MD

Home Health

St. Joseph’s Hospital HomeHealth - Chippewa Falls(Affiliated with Sacred HeartHospital)2661 County Highway IChippewa Falls, WI 54729(715) 726-3485HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pm

WISCONSINChippewa Falls - Chippewa Falls



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St. Joseph’s HospitalHospice - Chippewa Falls(Affiliated with St. Joseph’sHospital)2661 County Highway IChippewa Falls, WI 54729(715) 726-3485HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pm


St. Joseph’s Hospital -Chippewa Falls (Affiliatedwith Sacred Heart Hospital)2661 County Highway IChippewa Falls, WI 54729(715) 723-1811Hours24/7


Chippewa ValleyOrthopedics & SportsMedicine Clinic, S.C. -Chippewa Falls757 Lakeland Drive, Suite BChippewa Falls, WI 54729(715) 723-8514HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmNeurosurgeryThapar, Kamal, MDOrthopaedic SurgeryBerg, Troy L, MDBerschback, John C, MDCarlson, Brent D, MDDrawbert, John P, MDPadilla, Jose A, MDStewart, Nathaniel J, MDOrthopaedic Surgery NursePractitionerBerg, Jason H, APNPHolden, Katie M, NPOrthopaedic Surgery PhysicianAssistantBurmeister, Adam R, PA-CCotton, Joseph O, PA-CSwartz, Steven K, PA-CPhysical Medicine &Rehabilitation, PhysiatryCarlson, Carol S, MDPodiatryCaporusso, Annette B, DPMCaporusso, Eric F, DPM


Chippewa Clinic Pharmacy2449 County Trunk IChippewa Falls, WI 54729(715) 723-2824HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 5:30 pm

Konsella Health MartPharmacy224 North Bridge StreetChippewa Falls, WI 54729(715) 723-9177HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 6 pm & Saturday,9 am - 1 pm

LTC RX13 East Spruce Street, Suite 102Chippewa Falls, WI 54729(715) 861-4422HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 6 pm

Marshfield Clinic Pharmacyof Chippewa Falls2655 County Highway IChippewa Falls, WI 54729(715) 726-4177HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 5:30 pm

Medicine Shoppe - ChippewaFalls603 North Bridge StreetChippewa Falls, WI 54729(715) 723-9192HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 6 pmSaturday, 9 am - 1 pm

Omnicare of Chippewa Falls2815 County Highway I, Suite BChippewa Falls, WI 54729(715) 726-0834HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 5 pmSaturday, 9 am - 3 pm

Shopko Pharmacy -Chippewa Falls2677 South Prairie View RoadChippewa Falls, WI 54729(715) 726-1631HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 9 pmSaturday, 9 am - 6 pm Sunday,10 am - 6 pm

Wal-Mart Pharmacy -Chippewa Falls2786 Commercial BoulevardChippewa Falls, WI 54729(715) 738-2418HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 9 pmSaturday, 9 am - 7 pm Sunday,10 am - 6 pm

Walgreens - Chippewa Falls849 Woodward AvenueChippewa Falls, WI 54729(715) 726-8540HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 10 pm Saturday,9 am - 6 pm Sunday,10 am - 6 pm

Physical Therapy

Northwoods TherapyAssociates - Chippewa Falls757 Lakeland DriveChippewa Falls, WI 54729(715) 723-5060HoursMonday thru Friday 7 am - 5 pm


Hesse Foot & Ankle Clinic,S.C. - Chippewa Falls2661 County Highway IChippewa Falls, WI 54729(866) 749-3668HoursBy appointmentPodiatryHesse, David F, DPM

Surgery Center

Independent Surgery Center,LLC2751 Commercial Blvd, Suite 7Chippewa Falls, WI 54729(715) 738-1800HoursBy appointment only

Urgent Care

St. Joseph’s Hospital UrgentCare (Affiliated with SacredHeart Hospital)2661 County Highway IChippewa Falls, WI 54729(715) 717-7220Hours24/7



Carlson Chiropractic ClinicLLC111 South First StreetColby, WI 54421(715) 223-1511HoursMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday &Friday, 7 am - 5 pmChiropractorCarlson, Philip J, DC



Berres Family Chiropractic617 Main StreetPO Box 265Colfax, WI 54730(715) 962-3225HoursMonday, 8 am - 7 pm Tuesday,8 am - 4 pm Wednesday &Friday, 8 am - 5 pmChiropractorBerres, George W, DC


Colfax Healthmart Pharmacy525 Main StreetColfax, WI 54730(715) 962-3784HoursMonday thru Friday,9 am - 5:30 pm

WISCONSIN Chippewa Falls - Colfax



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Coon Valley Chiropractic,S.C.113 Central AvenueCoon Valley, WI 54623(608) 452-2525HoursMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday &Friday, 8 am - 6 pmChiropractorPeterson, Carl R, DCPeterson, MaryPat C, DCWestphal, Mark W, DC



Prevea Health Cornell(Affiliated with Sacred HeartHospital)320 N 7th StreetCornell, WI 54732(715) 239-0337HoursBy appointmentGeneral Internal MedicineVande Zande, Victoria L, MD


Cornell Pharmacy300 Main StreetCornell, WI 54732(715) 239-6453HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 5:30 pm Saturday,8:30 am - 12 pm



Cardin’s Pharmacy117 West Webster StreetCuba City, WI 53807(608) 744-2195HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 6 pm & Saturday,8:30 am - 1 pm

Cuba City HometownPharmacy122 North Main StreetCuba City, WI 53807(608) 744-2440HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 6 pm & Saturday,8:30 am - 1 pm



OakLeaf Clinics, SC - EauClaire Medical Clinic -Cumberland1110 7th AvenueCumberland, WI 54829(715) 839-9280HoursBy appointmentCardiologyMaddikunta, Rajesh V, MDEndocrinologyAdkins, Aron S, MD

Southside Medical Clinic -Cumberland1110 7th AvenueCumberland, WI 54829(715) 830-9990HoursBy appointmentGastroenterologyPeller, Thomas P, MD

Clinics - Specialty Care

Interventional PainSpecialists of Wisconsin,S.C. - Cumberland1110 7th AvenueCumberland, WI 54829(715) 234-7246HoursBy appointmentPain MedicineBrendel, John, MD

Kenneth J. Garrison, M.D.,S.C. - Cumberland1475 Webb StreetCumberland, WI 54829(715) 822-2231HoursBy appointmentSurgery, GeneralGarrison, Kenneth J, MD

Merrick Plastic and HandSurgery - Cumberland1110 7th AvenueCumberland, WI 54829(866) 242-3499HoursBy appointment

Western Wisconsin Urology,SC -Cumberland1110 7th AvenueCumberland, WI 54829(715) 835-6548

Eye Clinic

Chippewa Valley Eye Clinic,L.L.C. - Cumberland1110 7th AvenueCumberland, WI 54829(715) 822-2741HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmOphthalmologyLange, Ronald H, MD


Branham-Healy OrthopedicClinic, S.C. - Cumberland1110 7th AvenueCumberland, WI 54829(715) 234-9018HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pmOrthopaedic SurgeryBranham, Roger V, MD

Chippewa ValleyOrthopedics & SportsMedicine Clinic, S.C. -Cumberland1110 7th AvenueCumberland, WI 54829(800) 322-1747HoursBy appointment


Schneider Pharmacy1296 2nd AvenuePO Box 65Cumberland, WI 54829(715) 822-2434HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 5 pmSaturday, 9 am - 1 pm

The Apothecary1470 Webb StreetCumberland, WI 54829(715) 822-2424HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 5 pmSaturday, 9 am - 12 pm


Foot and Ankle Clinic,L.L.P. - Cumberland1110 7th AvenueCumberland, WI 54829(715) 822-2741HoursBy appointmentPodiatryMack, Gregory J, DPM


Behavioral Health DayTreatment

Northwest Counseling AndGuidance Clinic - De Pere300 South 6th StreetDe Pere, WI 54115(920) 336-8960



Durand Chiropractic HealthCenter319 West Main StreetDurand, WI 54736(715) 672-4699HoursMonday, Tuesday & Wednesday,7 am - 7 pm Thursday,8 am - 5 pm Friday, 7 am - 5 pmChiropractorAdams, Teri L, DCHuybrecht, Steven T, DCJacot, Douglas E, DC

Clinics - Specialty Care

DeFatta ENT and FacialPlasitc Surgery - Durand1220 3rd Avenue WestDurand, WI 54736(715) 672-4211AudiologySmith, Nicole, AuDOtolaryngologyDeFatta, Rima A, MD

WISCONSINCoon Valley - Durand



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Eau Claire GI Associates-Durand1220 3rd Avenue WestDurand, WI 54736(715) 672-4211GastroenterologyRuh, Paul J, MD

Evergreen Surgical, S.C. -Durand1220 3rd Avenue WestDurand, WI 54736(715) 832-1044HoursBy appointmentSurgery, GeneralWogahn, Brent M, MD

OakLeaf Clinics, SC -Southside OB-GYN - Durand1220 3rd Avenue WestDurand, WI 54736(715) 836-9242HoursBy appointmentObstetrics & GynecologyLongbella, Chris R, MDLoRusso, Frank P, MD

Western Wisconsin Urology,SC -Durand1220 3rd Avenue WestDurand, WI 54736(715) 835-6548HoursBy appointment

Durable MedicalEquipment

Heike Pharmacy Inc. -Durable Medical Equipment213 West Main StreetDurand, WI 54736(715) 672-5202HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 5 pm Saturday,8 am - 12 pm

Eye Clinic

Chippewa Valley Eye Clinic,L.L.C. - Durand905 7th Avenue WestDurand, WI 54736(715) 834-8471HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm

OphthalmologyBuntrock, Chris T, MDHofer, Lee A, MD


Chippewa ValleyOrthopedics & SportsMedicine Clin -Durand1220 3rd Avenue WestDurand, WI 54736(715) 672-4211Orthopaedic SurgeryPadilla, Jose A, MDOrthopaedic Surgery PhysicianAssistantCotton, Joseph O, PA-CPodiatryCaporusso, Eric F, DPM


Econo Foods Pharmacy -Durand520 West Main StreetDurand, WI 54736(715) 672-5900HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 6 pm

Heike Pharmacy213 West Main StreetDurand, WI 54736(715) 672-5202HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 5 pm & Saturday,8:30 am - 12 pm



Eau Claire Anesthesiologists,Ltd.1101 West Clairemont Avenue,Suite 2CEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 834-8721HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm

AnesthesiologyBeaudrie, Michael L, DOBelmont, Richard E, DOBowman, Daniel J, MDCochrane, Richard N, MDEtzel, Eric D, DOEvans, John M, MDGardner, Brett L, MDGerry, Timothy R, MDGilberstadt, Philip M, MDIrwin, Matthew J, MDJohnson, Deborah L, MDKapla, Steven M, MDLodahl, James L, MDManske, Westley T, DOMcCrery, D Lantz, MDMilz, Michael Q, MDOttevaere, James A, MDSontag, Mark T, MDWood, William J, MD

Behavioral Health

Clinic for ChristianCounseling, L.L.C. - EauClaire505 South Dewey Street,Suite 208Eau Claire, WI 54701(715) 832-1678HoursMonday & Wednesday,8 am - 7 pm, Tuesday,7 am - 5 pm Thursday,8 am - 5 pm & Friday,8 am - 2 pmBehavioral Health OutpatientPsychotherapyGordon, Carol E, LCSWPeterson, Paula M, LPCBehavioral Health ProfessionalCounselorChrouser, Carey L, LPCGumulauskas, LeeAnn R, LPCKoestler, Philip A, LPCSexton, Amy E, LPCStein, Kimberly J, LPCYoung, Gina R, LPC

Sacred Heart BehavioralHealth Clinic (Affiliated withSacred Heart Hospital)4235 Southtowne DriveEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 717-5899HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 6 pmBehavioral Health ChildPsychiatryBayola, Ricardo P, MD

Behavioral Health Child/Adolescent PsychologyLace, Michael A, PsyDBehavioral Health NursePractitionerSchmidt, Kimberly M, APNPBehavioral Health OutpatientPsychotherapyFisher, Corina L, LCSWBehavioral Health PhysicianAssistantJackson, Jeffrey A, PA-CBehavioral Health ProfessionalCounselorGronemus, Jeni L, LPCHovland, Courtney L, LPCBehavioral Health PsychiatryCharlier, Nancy L, MDBehavioral Health PsychologySnider, Jonathon A, PsyD

Vantage Point Clinic andAssessment Center (Affiliatedwith Synergy Group of EauClaire, S.C.)2005 Highland AvenueEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 832-5454HoursMonday, 8 am - 7 pm Tuesdaythru Thursday 8 am - 6 pm Friday,8 am - 4 pmBehavioral Health AdultPsychologyGoodman, Roberta, PHDBehavioral Health ChemicalDependency CounselingBenson-Storrar, Kathy A, CSACLPCHolden, Gary S, CSACBehavioral Health Marriage &Family TherapistAbele, Jennifer J, LMFTHelpsmeet, Sandra M, LMFTNicolet, Stephanie T, LMFTSokup, Mary K, LMFTTischman, Cory D, LMFTBehavioral Health OutpatientPsychotherapyNeira, Jean M, LCSWTrapani, Carl A, LPCUllrich, Elisabeth J, LPC

WISCONSIN Durand - Eau Claire



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Behavioral Health ProfessionalCounselorBenware, Julie M, LPCBright, Jodi K, LPCBrudnicki, Christine A, LPCBunkelman, Allison L, LPCEklund Walsh, Lori J, LPCGarnett, Karen E, LPCGlaze, Sarah A, LPCHaddeland, Kristen G, LPCBehavioral Health PsychiatryRugowski, James A, MDBehavioral Health PsychologyBjerke, Mark D, PHDHeinz, Harlan R, PHD

Vantage Point Clinic andAssessment Center -GolfRoad2524 Golf Road 2FEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 832-5454HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 6 pmBehavioral Health Marriage &Family TherapistHelpsmeet, Sandra M, LMFTBehavioral Health ProfessionalCounselorBrudnicki, Christine A, LPC

Behavioral HealthInpatient

Sacred Heart Hospital900 West Clairemont AvenueEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 717-4121Hours24/7


Abens Olson Chiropractic,LLC3420 Mall Drive, Suite 2Eau Claire, WI 54701(715) 552-5254HoursMonday thru Friday,9 am - 5:30 pmChiropractorNanstad, David A, DC

Active Health Chiropractic -Eau Claire3521 London Road, Suite AEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 834-6333HoursMonday thru Thursday,8 am - 12 pm, 2 pm - 6 pmChiropractorSoborowicz, John F, DCSoborowicz, Judy K, DC

Arkowski Chiropractic503 East Clairemont AvenueEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 832-2223HoursMonday thru Thursday,8 am - 5:30 pm Friday,8:30 am - 3 pm

Care Full Chiropractic1819 Brackett AvenueEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 514-1450HoursMonday thru Friday7:30 am - 6:30 pm, Saturday8 am - 12 pm

Carlson Chiropractic Clinic3119 Golf Road, Suite 103Eau Claire, WI 54701(715) 514-2833HoursMonday thru Thursday,9:30 am - 12 pm & 3 pm - 6 pmFriday, 9:30 am - 12 pmChiropractorCarlson, Julia J, DC

Clearwater Chiropractic2907 Mall DriveEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 831-2111HoursMonday, 8 am - 7 pm Tuesday, 12pm - 5 pm Wednesday,8 am - 7 pm Thursday10 am - 5 pm Friday,8 am - 5 pm Saturday,9 am - 12 pmChiropractorFlood, David R, DC

Corneiller Chiropractic2811 East Hamilton AvenueEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 831-8535HoursMonday thru Thursday, 9 am - 11am & 2 pm - 5 pm & Friday, 9am - 11 amChiropractorCorneiller, James J, DC

Dr. MJ Gonstead LLC503 East Clairemont AvenueEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 832-2223HoursMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday, &Thursday, 8 am - 5:30 pm Friday,8 am - 3 pmChiropractorGonstead, Mary J, DC

Eau Claire Chiropractic, S.C.4606 Commerce Valley Road,Suite 209Eau Claire, WI 54701(715) 832-6616HoursMonday, Tuesday, Thursday &Friday, 8 am - 5 pm Wednesday,8 am - 11 am Sat urday, 9 am -11 amChiropractorHougen, Chris H, DCSkogstad, Chad, DC

Gateway Chiropractic Center3420 Mall Drive, Suite 1Eau Claire, WI 54701(715) 832-3771HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 6 pm,24 hour availability foremergencies.ChiropractorMarkgren, Brian J, DC

Jennifer GonsteadChiropractic503 East Clairemont AvenueEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 832-2223HoursMonday, 10 am - 6:30 pm,Wednesday, 2:30 pm - 6 pm,Thursday 10:30 am - 6 pm,Friday, 10:30 am - 4:30 pm, andSaturday, 9 am - 11:30 am.ChiropractorGonstead, Jennifer R, DC

Keltgen Family Chiropractic3301 Golf Road, Suite 102Eau Claire, WI 54701(715) 514-4302HoursMonday, Wednesday & Thursday,9 am - 6 pm Tuesday, 2:30 pm - 6pm & Friday, 9 am - 12:30 pmChiropractorKeltgen, Jason K, DC

Klug Chiropractic2130 Brackett Avenue, Suite CEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 832-2292HoursMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday &Friday 8 am - 5:30 pm, Thursday8 am - 12 pm S aturday,Appointment onlyChiropractorKlug, James A, DC

McMahon Chiropractic andPhysical Therapy3004 Golf Road, Suite 100Eau Claire, WI 54701(715) 834-4516HoursMonday thru Thursday,7:30 am - 6 pm Friday7:30 am - 5 pm Saturday9 am - 12 pmChiropractorBlack, Curtis F, DCMcMahon, Michael J, DCShimoda, Jon S, DC

Oas Family Chiropractic,L.L.C.1740 Westgate RoadEau Claire, WI 54703(715) 552-7889HoursMonday & Wednesday,8 am - 6:30 pm Thursday, 7:30am - 11 am Tuesday & Friday,7:30 am - 1 pmChiropractorOas, Mark G, DC

WISCONSINEau Claire - Eau Claire



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Optima Health and VitalityCenter3321 A Golf RoadEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 832-1953HoursMonday & Tuesday8:30 am - 6 pm Wednesday,8:30 am - 2 pm Thursday,10:30 am - 5:30 pm Friday,7:30 am - 1 pmChiropractorMartens, David M, DC

Paulsrud Chiropractic2627 North Clairemont AvenueEau Claire, WI 54703(715) 552-3232HoursMonday & Thursday, 8 am - 6 pmTuesday, 7 am - 6 pm Wednesday,8 am - 12 pm Friday,8 am - 5 pmChiropractorPaulsrud, Bradley N, DCPaulsrud, Teresa M, DCRetzlaff, Gerald H, DC

Prissel Chiropractic829 West Clairemont AvenueEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 833-3505HoursMonday, 8:30 am - 7 pm Tuesday,8:30 am - 6 pm Wednesday,8 am - 6 pm Thursday,8:30 am - 6:30 pm & Friday,8 am - 3 pmChiropractorPrissel, Angela M, DC

Schwab Chiropractic Clinic1030 Oak Ridge Drive, Suite 4Eau Claire, WI 54701(715) 838-0300HoursMonday & Wednesday,9 am - 6 pm Tuesday,8 am - 12 pm Friday,8 am - 3 pm

Smith Chiropractic - EauClaire829 West Clairemont AvenueEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 833-3505HoursMonday, 9 am - 7 pm Tuesday,9 am - 5:30 pm Wednesday,8:30 am - 5:30 pm Thursday,9 am - 5:30 pm & Friday,8:30 am - 3 pmChiropractorSmith, Emily J, DC

Stangl Chiropractic &Massage Therapy503 East Clairemont AvenueEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 832-2223HoursMonday & Wednesday,8:30 am - 5:30 pm Thursday, 12pm - 5:30 pm Friday,8:30 am - 12 pm Saturday,8 am - 12 pmChiropractorStangl, Melissa A, DC

Tenold Chiropractic Clinic3814 Oakwood Hills ParkwayEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 833-8777HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 5:30 pmChiropractorSegerstrom, Cole S, DCTenold, Lisa M, DCTenold, Scott M, DC

Vanasse Chiropractic1227 Menomonie Street, Suite AEau Claire, WI 54703(715) 839-9999HoursMonday thru Thursday,9 am - 6 pm Friday & Saturday byappointment onlyChiropractorVanasse, Tanya J, DC


OakLeaf Clinics, SC - EauClaire Medical Clinic3802 West Oakwood Mall DriveEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 839-9280HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 5 pm

Adult Medicine NursePractitionerGaedtke-Farber, Kelley L, ANPCardiologyKluge, Peter W, DOMaddikunta, Rajesh V, MDEndocrinologyAdkins, Aron S, MDFamily MedicineWogahn, Kristin S, MDFamily Medicine NursePractitionerBowman, Karen M, FNPNelson, Andrea M, FNPGastroenterology NursePractitionerInsteness, Jennifer A, APNPGeneral Internal MedicineBenson, Terry D, MDDettbarn, Kyle J, MDKidess, Anton I, MDObaid, Saleh A, MDSabbagh, Fadi, MD

OakLeaf Clinics, SC - EauClaire Medical Clinic -Clairemont Avenue950 West Clairemont AvenueEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 552-9780HoursBy appointmentFamily Medicine NursePractitionerBowman, Karen M, FNP

OakLeaf Clinics, SC -Southside Medical Clinic714 West Hamilton AvenueEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 830-9990HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmFamily Medicine NursePractitionerDrechsel, Karen S, FNPSontag, Patricia T, FNPGeneral Internal MedicineSmith, Michael J, MD

Pine Grove FamilyMedicine - ClairemontAvenue2741 North Clairemont AvenueEau Claire, WI 54703(715) 834-0711HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 5 pm

Family MedicineAuth, Dennis A, DODurkee, Russell L, DOHanson, William R, DOKress, Patricia L, MDPhilip, Binu M, DOPolus, Jacqueline F, MDSlinkard, Tamara J, MDThompson, Janell M, DOFamily Medicine PhysicianAssistantNordquist, Megan L, PA-C

Pine Grove FamilyMedicine - Stein Boulevard3221 Stein BoulevardEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 834-2788HoursMonday thru Thursday,7 am - 7 pm Friday, 7 am - 5 pmFamily MedicineAuth, Dennis A, DODurkee, Russell L, DOHanson, William R, DOKress, Patricia L, MDPhilip, Binu M, DOPolus, Jacqueline F, MDSlinkard, Tamara J, MDThompson, Janell M, DOFamily Medicine PhysicianAssistantNordquist, Megan L, PA-C

Prevea Health - ClairemontAvenue (Affiliated withSacred Heart Hospital)1109 West Clairemont AvenueEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 717-4121Physical Medicine &Rehabilitation, PhysiatryLamoureux, John T, MD

Prevea Health - Eau Claire(Affiliated with Sacred HeartHospital)900 West Clairemont AvenueEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 717-4121HoursBy appointmentAudiologyLee, Shawna S, AuD

Thomas P. Peller, M.D., S.C.714 West Hamilton AvenueEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 830-9990HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm

WISCONSIN Eau Claire - Eau Claire



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GastroenterologyPeller, Thomas P, MD

Clinics - Specialty Care

Caryn I. Schulz, M.D.4638 Golf RoadEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 839-9400HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmDermatologySchulz, Caryn I, MD

Chippewa ValleyNeurosciences, L.L.C.950 West Clairemont Avenue,Suite BEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 831-0811HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmNeurologyKonzen, Jon P, DO

Eau Claire GI Associates,S.C.3940 Oakwood Hills ParkwayEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 552-7303HoursMonday thru Thursday,8 am - 5 pm Friday, 8 am - 3 pmGastroenterologyRuh, Paul J, MDGastroenterology PhysicianAssistantSchantner, Shawna R, PA-C

Eau Claire Heart Institute,S.C.659 West Hamilton AvenueEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 831-4444HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 5 pmCardiologyKhatib, Abd G, MDSharaf, Mahmoud A, MD

Evergreen Surgical, S.C.719 West Hamilton AvenueEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 832-1044HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 5 pm

Surgery, GeneralDaniels, Richard J, MDImmerman, Steven C, MDKumar, Surya R, MDWogahn, Brent M, MD

Heart & Vascular Center(Affiliated with Sacred HeartHospital)900 West Clairemont AvenueEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 717-6600HoursMonday thru Friday 8 am - 5 pmCardiology Physician AssistantCorbit, Justin W, PA-CCardiothoracic SurgeryMcDonald, Monica L, MDSuarez, Louis A, MDWaciuma, John L, MDCardiothoracic SurgeryPhysician AssistantAdam, Jory J, PA-CHarrison, Richard A, PA-C

HSHS St. Joseph’s WoundCare & Hyperbaric Medicine-Eau Claire(Affiliated with St.Joseph’s HospitalEau Claire Center950 West Clairemont AvenueEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 717-4395HoursBy appointment

IHC - Wound Care Services,L.L.C. - St. Joseph WoundCare Center2125 Heights Drive, Suite 3BEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 717-4395HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm

Merrick Plastic and HandSurgery - Eau Claire659 West Hamilton AvenueEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 514-2557HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 5:00 pmPlastic Surgery, General PlasticSurgeryMerrick, J Clinton, MD

Northwest RadiationOncology Associates, S.C.900 West Clairemont AvenueEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 717-3929HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pmRadiation OncologySteinmetz, Mark C, MD

OakLeaf Clinics, SC - EauClaire Medical Clinic -Cardiology3802 West Oakwood Mall DriveEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 552-9780HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmLab 7 am - 5 pmCardiologyKluge, Peter W, DOMaddikunta, Rajesh V, MD

OakLeaf Clinics, SC - EauClaire Women’s Care1110 Oakridge DriveEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 834-9998HoursMonday, Tuesday, Thursday &Friday, 8:30 am - 5 pmWednesday, 8:30 am - 8 pmFamily MedicineLudwikowski, Amy M, MDObstetrics & GynecologySchoenfelder, Donna L, MDObstetrics & GynecologyNurse PractitionerLamm, Jamie N, ARNP

OakLeaf Clinics, SC -OakLeaf Pediatrics1110 Oakridge DriveEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 830-0732HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmFamily Medicine NursePractitionerMarty, Nichole A, FNPPediatricsJensen, Brent W, MDSchlimgen, Karla M, MD

OakLeaf Clinics, SC - OB-GYN Clinic of Eau Claire1110 Oakridge DriveEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 834-9998HoursMonday thru Thursday8:30 am - 5 pmObstetrics & GynecologyKhatib, Irfane M, MD

OakLeaf Clinics, SC -Southside OB-GYN3213 Stein BoulevardEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 836-9242HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmObstetrics & GynecologyBarrette, Erica C, MDLongbella, Chris R, MDLoRusso, Frank P, MD

Oral & Maxillofacial SurgeryAssociates of Eau Claire1120 Oak Ridge DrivePO Box 1224Eau Claire, WI 54701(715) 834-8414HoursMonday thru Friday,7:30 am - 4:30 pmDental Specialists, EndodonticsBollman, Megan A, DMDJohnson, Blair T, DDSDental Specialists, Oral &Maxillofacial SurgeryDozier, Ian, DDSGoetz, Jeffrey S, DDSIvankovic, Slavko, DDSMillington, M Drew, DDS

Pain Clinic of NorthwesternWisconsin, S.C. - ClairemontAvenue900 West Clairemont AvenueEau Claire, WI 54701(888) 235-7246HoursBy appointmentPain MedicineSchlimgen, Mark R, MD

Pain Clinic of NorthwesternWisconsin, S.C. - Eau Claire1221 Whipple StreetEau Claire, WI 54703(715) 552-5346HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm

WISCONSINEau Claire - Eau Claire



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Pain MedicineEndres, Stephen M, MDSchlimgen, Mark R, MD

Rucker M.D. Plastic SurgeryClinic (Affiliated with PlasticSurgery Clinic of Eau Claire,Ltd., S.C.3221 Stein BoulevardEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 833-2116HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmPlastic Surgery, General PlasticSurgeryRucker, Joseph W, MD

Sacred Heart Hearing andBalance Center - Eau Claire(Affiliated with Sacred HeartHospital)900 West Clairemont AvenueEau Claire, WI 54701(888) 717-6885HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmAudiologyElkin, Michele S, AUDLee, Shawna S, AuD

Sacred Heart Obstetrics &Gynecology (Affiliated withSacred Heart Hospital)3213 Stein BoulevardEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 717-5350HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmObstetrics & GynecologyBarrette, Erica C, MD

Sacred Heart OutpatientRehabilitation Center(Affiliated with Sacred HeartHospital)1109 West Clairemont AvenueEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 717-4121HoursBy appointment

St. Joseph’s HospitalOutpatient RehabilitationCenter (Affiliated with St.Joseph’s Hospital)1109 West Clairemont AvenueEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 717-4121HoursBy appointment

St. Joseph’s OccupationalHealth & Medicine - EauClaire (Sacred HeartHospital)900 West Clairemont AvenueEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 717-6600HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmOccupational Health NursePractitionerWolf, Suzanne J, APNP

Two Rivers Clinic, S.C.200 Main StreetEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 855-8280HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 1 pm

Western Wisconsin Urology,S.C. - Eau Claire3217 Stein BoulevardEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 835-6548HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmUrologyHirsh, Michael S, MDIwakiri, James S, MDJohnson, D. Brooke, MDKatz, David J, MDTornehl, Christopher K, MD

Western Wisconsin Urology,SC -2116 Craig Road2116 Craig RoadEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 835-6548

Durable MedicalEquipment

Apria Healthcare, L.L.C. -Eau Claire1316 North Hastings Way,Suite BEau Claire, WI 54703(715) 834-7517HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 5 pm

Lincare, Inc. - Eau Claire1731 Westgate RoadEau Claire, WI 54703(715) 835-3628HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmSaturday & Sunday On Call

Numotion - Eau Claire2601 Morningside DriveEau Claire, WI 54703(800) 494-0463HoursMonday thru Friday8:30 am - 5 pm

Eye Clinic

Chippewa Valley Eye Clinic,L.L.C. - Eau Claire2715 Damon StreetEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 834-8471HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmOphthalmologyBuntrock, Chris T, MDDow, C. Thomas, MDGray, Roger S, MDHarvey, Thomas M, MDHofer, Lee A, MDJarecki, Heidi L, MDLange, Ronald H, MDOptometryBeeksma, Siobhan M, ODFrederiksen, Timothy J, ODVieth, Chad T, OD

Eau Claire Optical2715 Damon Street, Suite 200Eau Claire, WI 54701(715) 834-5644HoursMonday & Wednesday,8:30 am - 5:30 pm, Tuesday &Thursday, 8:30 am - 6 pm, &Friday, 8:30 am - 5 pm

Home Health

Almost Family - Eau Claire2523B West FolsomEau Claire, WI 54703(715) 831-0631HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm


Sacred Heart Hospital900 West Clairemont AvenueEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 717-4121Hours24/7


OakLeaf Clinics, SC EauClaire Medical Clinic Lab3802 West Oakwood Mall DriveEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 839-9280HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 5 pm


Pathology, S.C.900 West Clairemont AvenueEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 839-4376HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pmPathology & LaboratoryMedicineHeiler, Greg C, MDHofer, Mark W, MDRidenour, Robert V, MD


CVS Pharmacy - Eau Claire2200 Brackett AvenueEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 839-0041Hours24 Hour Pharmacy

Eau Claire Health MartPharmacy2741 North Clairemont AvenueEau Claire, WI 54703(715) 833-6767HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 6 pm

HealthDirect InstitutionalPharmacy Services, Inc.3184 London RoadEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 832-3780HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 5 pm

Marshfield Clinic Pharmacyof Eau Claire2116 Craig RoadEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 858-4811HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 8 pmSaturday thru Sunday,9 am - 3 pm

WISCONSIN Eau Claire - Eau Claire



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Mayo Clinic Health SystemPharmacy & Home Medical -Clairemont Campus733 West Clairemont AvenueEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 838-5000HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 8 pmSaturday, 9 am - 5 pm Sunday,10 am - 5 pm

Mayo Clinic Health SystemPharmacy & Home Medical -Downtown325 East Madison StreetEau Claire, WI 54703(715) 838-6800HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 6 pmSaturday, 9 am - 5 pm

Mayo Clinic Health SystemPharmacy & Home Medical -Long Term Care1707 Westgate RoadEau Claire, WI 54703(715) 838-5856HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 5:30 pm Saturday, 2 pm -5 pm

Mayo Clinic Health SystemPharmacy & Home Medical -Luther Campus1400 Bellinger StreetEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 838-6000HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 6 pmSaturday, 9 am - 1 pm

Personifilrx, LLC800 Wisconsin StreetMail Box 21, Bldg A18, Suite 10Eau Claire, WI 54703(715) 852-5790HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm

Sam’s Pharmacy4001 Gateway DriveEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 836-9585HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am to 7pm Saturday, 9 am to 6 pm

Shopko Pharmacy - EauClaire955 West Clairemont AvenueEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 832-8336HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 9 pmSaturday, 9 am - 6 pm Sunday,10 am - 6 pm

Target Pharmacy - Eau Claire3649 South Hastings WayEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 838-0447HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 9 pmSaturday & Sunday, 9 am - 6 pm

Value Center Health MartPharmacy2421 East Clairemont AvenueEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 833-6760HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 6 pmSaturday, 9 am - 1 pm Sunday,9 am - 12 pm

Wal-Mart Pharmacy - EauClaire3915 Gateway DriveEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 834-5966HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 9 pmSaturday, 9 am - 7 pm Sunday,10 am - 6 pm

Walgreens - ClairemontAvenue1106 West Clairemont AvenueEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 852-0063HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 10 pm Saturday,9 am - 6 pm Sunday,10 am - 6 pm

Walgreens - Hastings Way1819 South Hastings WayEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 834-3121Hours24/7

Physical Therapy

Optimum Therapies - EauClaire517 East Clairemont AvenueEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 855-0408HoursMonday, Wednesday & Friday7 am - 5 pm, Tuesday & Thursday7 am - 6 pm


Foot and Ankle Clinic,L.L.P. - Eau Claire617 West Clairemont AvenueEau Claire, WI 54701(800) 359-4421HoursBy appointmentPodiatryKowski, Joel A, DPMMack, Gregory J, DPM

Hesse Foot & Ankle Clinic,S.C. - Eau Claire3902 Oakwood Hills ParkwaySuite 3Eau Claire, WI 54701(715) 514-4706HoursMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday &Friday, 8 am - 5 pmPodiatryHesse, David F, DPM


Prosthetic Laboratories ofEau Claire (Affiliated withProsthetic Laboratories ofRochester, Inc.)221 West Madison Street, Suite 7Eau Claire, WI 54703(715) 830-1814HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm

Silhouette Shoppe - EauClaire (Affiliated withProsthetic Laboratories ofRochester, Inc.)221 West Madison Street, Suite 7Eau Claire, WI 54703(715) 830-1814HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm


Computerized MedicalImaging719 West Hamilton Avenue,Suite BEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 839-8020HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm

Urgent Care

Sacred Heart Urgent Care(Affiliated with Sacred HeartHospital)900 West Clairemont AvenueEau Claire, WI 54701(715) 717-4500HoursMonday thru Sunday & Holidays,6 am - 10 pm



Shopko Pharmacy - Ellsworth598 Lucas LanePo Box 207Ellsworth, WI 54011(715) 273-4278HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 6 pmSaturday, 9 am - 1 pm



Elroy Area Fire & AmbulanceAssociation225 Main StreetElroy, WI 53929(608) 547-6300HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 4 pm

WISCONSINEau Claire - Elroy



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Anderson ChiropracticClinics - Elroy1104 Academy StreetElroy, WI 53929(608) 462-2225HoursMonday & Tuesday, 8 am - 5 pm,Thursday 8 am - 12 pmChiropractorAnderson, Christopher R, DCTann, Travis J, DC


Elroy Family Medical Center(Affiliated with Mile BluffMedical Center, Inc.)1515 Academy StreetElroy, WI 53929(608) 462-8466HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 5 pmFamily MedicineBjelland, Timothy D, DOMurphy, Moiya L, DOFamily Medicine PhysicianAssistantIngraham, Bradley J, PA-CPodiatryLangen, Richard J, DPM

Gundersen St. Joseph’sHospital and Clinics - Elroy1705 Omaha StreetElroy, WI 53929(608) 489-8270HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pmBehavioral Health Marriage &Family TherapistGasser, Paul W, LMFTFamily MedicineCooke, William T, MDCornell, Lea G, MDO’Rourke, Katherine A, DORadcliffe, Noel A, MDFamily Medicine NursePractitionerHellerude-Borchardt, Susan M,FNPFamily Medicine PhysicianAssistantNorth, Lowell L, PA-CSchmidt, Tracie L, PA-C

Nursing Home

Heritage Manor307 Royall AvenuePO Box 167Elroy, WI 53929(608) 462-8491Hours24/7



Fall Creek Chiropractic301 West Lincoln AvenuePO Box 338Fall Creek, WI 54742(715) 877-2880HoursMonday & Wednesday,8 am - 6 pm Tuesday & Thursday,2 pm - 7 pm & Friday,8 am - 5 pmChiropractorScott, Erin L, DC



Birkett Chiropractic990 Lincoln AvenuePO Box 68Fennimore, WI 53809(608) 822-3260HoursMonday, Tuesday & Friday,9 am - 5 pm Wednesday,9 am - 7 pm Saturday 8 am -10amChiropractorBirkett, Steven, DC


Crossing Rivers HealthClinic - Fennimore1800 Bronson BoulevardFennimore, WI 53809(608) 326-1072HoursMonday & Thursday,7:30 am - 4:30 pmFamily MedicineVincent, Owen D, DOFamily Medicine NursePractitionerMcMillan, Susan K, FNP

General Internal MedicineRybarczyk, Sara J, MDObstetrics & GynecologyBush, Steven D, MD

Gundersen BoscobelHospital and Clinics -Fennimore220 Lincoln AvenueFennimore, WI 53809(608) 822-3737HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pmCardiologyBrown, Ward M, MDFamily Medicine NursePractitionerPeterson, Michelle R, FNPOncologyMarinier, David E, MDOrthopaedic SurgeryRiley, Edward H, MDPediatrics Hematology/OncologyOrozco, Jennifer M, MD

High Point Family Medicine,L.L.C. - Fennimore1255 11th StreetFennimore, WI 53809(608) 822-3363HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmFamily MedicineSlane, Eric G, MDStader, Eric E, MDVarnam, Jessica H, MDFamily Medicine NursePractitionerNemitz, Misty L, APNP

Nursing Home

Good Samaritan Society -Fennimore1850 11th StreetFennimore, WI 53809(608) 822-6100HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pm


Hartig Drug - Fennimore1120 Lincoln AvenueFennimore, WI 53809(608) 822-3601HoursMonday thru Friday,9 am - 5:30 pm



Actra RehabilitationAssociates, Inc.- Fond DuLac525 East Division StreetSuite 104Fond Du Lac, WI 54935(920) 923-6676HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 4:30 pm

Renal Dialysis Unit

DaVita Fond Du Lac Dialysis210 Wisconsin American DriveFond Du Lac, WI 54937(920) 907-0689HoursBy appointment



Foundations ChiropracticW502 Spur LaneFountain City, WI 54629(608) 687-1255HoursMonday, Wednesday & Thursday,6 am - 12 pm & 2:00 pm - 6 pm,Tuesday & Friday, 6 am - 12 pmChiropractorGrimes, Kyle W, DCGrimes, Samantha J, DC

WISCONSIN Elroy - Fountain City



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Behavioral Health DayTreatment

Northwest Passage Child &Adolescent Center PassageIII & CAC203 United Way DriveFrederic, WI 54837(715) 327-4402HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmBehavioral Health ChildPsychiatrySaul, Jennifer S, MDBehavioral Health ProfessionalCounselorKleingartner, Tracy R, LPCMitchell, Tara L, LPCSchmude, Valerie A, LPCYanko, Kira A, LPCBehavioral Health PsychologyAnastasio, Emily R, PHD LPLaw, Robert T, PHD LP


Frederic Pharmacy110 Oak Street EastPO Box 584Frederic, WI 54837(715) 327-4208HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 5 pm, & Saturday,8:30 am - 12 pm


Durable MedicalEquipment

Phillips Roche-A-CriPharmacy, Inc. - DurableMedical Equipment402 West Lake StreetFriendship, WI 53934(608) 339-9080HoursMonday thru Friday 9 am - 6 pm& Saturday 9 am - 12 pm



Galesville Chiropractic LLC16812 South 2nd Street,Suite 120Galesville, WI 54630(608) 582-4612HoursMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday &Friday, 7:30 am - 6 pm &Saturday 7:30 am - 12 pmChiropractorAntonie, Joseph J, DC


Gundersen Galesville Clinic16812 South MainGalesville, WI 54630(608) 582-2025HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pmFamily Medicine PhysicianAssistantGintner, Laura M, PA-CPetersen, Christopher E, PA-C

Nursing Home

Marinuka Manor (Affiliatedwith Bethany St. Joseph’sCorporation)19475 Silver Creek RoadGalesville, WI 54630(608) 582-2211HoursMonday thru Friday,7 am - 3:30 pm


Galesville Pharmacy16812 South Main StreetGalesville, WI 54630(608) 582-2446HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 5:30 pm & Saturday,8:30 am - 12 pm


Renal Dialysis Unit

Davita Bay Shore Dialysis5650 North Green Bay AvenueSuite 150Glendale, WI 53209(414) 351-1290HoursBy appointment



Village Pharmacy Glenwood224 West Oak StreetGlenwood City, WI 54013(715) 565-3465HoursMonday thru Friday 12 pm - 6 pm


Durable MedicalEquipment

Numotion - Appleton920 North Westhill BoulevardGrand Chute, WI 54914(920) 749-3777HoursMonday thru Friday,7:30 am - 4:30 pm



Wood River Pharmacy122 West Madison AvenuePo Box 39Grantsburg, WI 54840(715) 463-2525HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 6 pm


Behavioral HealthInpatient

Libertas Treatment Center(Affiliated with Sacred HeartHospital & St. JosephHospital)1701 Dousman StreetGreen Bay, WI 54303(920) 498-8600HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmoutpatient 24/7 inpatient

Renal Dialysis Unit

DaVita Fox River Dialysis1910 Riverside DriveGreen Bay, WI 54301(920) 436-4910HoursBy appointment

DaVita Green Bay Dialysis1751 Deckner AvenueGreen Bay, WI 54302(920) 465-0430HoursBy appointment

DaVita Titletown Dialysis120 Siegler StreetGreen Bay, WI 54303(920) 327-2120HoursBy appointment


Renal Dialysis Unit

DaVita Loomis Road Diaylsis4120 West Loomis RoadGreenfield, WI 53221(414) 761-4920HoursBy appointment

DaVita South Ridge Dialysis7740 West Layton AveGreenfield, WI 53220(414) 281-1313HoursBy appointment

WISCONSINFrederic - Greenfield



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Durable MedicalEquipment

National Seating AndMobility, Inc. - Greenville922 Tower View Drive, Unit NGreenville, WI 54942(423) 756-2268HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 4 pm



Memorial Medical Center -Greenwood201 South Main StreetGreenwood, WI 54437(715) 267-3200HoursMonday & Tuesday, 8 am - 4 pmWednesday-closed Thursday,9 am - 4 pm Friday, 9 am - 2 pmFamily Medicine NursePractitionerLindell, Jamie L, FNPFamily Medicine PhysicianAssistantFields, David A, PA-C


Clinics - Specialty Care

DeFatta ENT and FacialPlastic Surgery -Hayward11040 North State Road 77Hayward, WI 54843(715) 934-4321HoursBy appointmentAudiologySmith, Nicole, AuDOtolaryngologyDeFatta, Rima A, MD

Eau Claire Heart Institute,SC -Hayward11128 North State Hwy 77Hayward, WI 54843(715) 831-4444CardiologySharaf, Mahmoud A, MD

Merrick Plastic and HandSurgery - Hayward11040 North State Road 77Hayward, WI 54843(866) 242-3499HoursBy appointment

Western Wisconsin Urology,SC- Hayward11128 N. State Road 77Hayward, WI 54843(715) 835-6548HoursBy appointment


Chippewa ValleyOrthopedics & SportsMedicine Clinic -Hayward11040 North State Road 77Hayward, WI 54843(800) 322-1747Orthopaedic SurgeryCarlson, Brent D, MD


Co-op Pharmacy15870 West First StreetHayward, WI 54843(715) 634-8238HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 6 pmSaturday, 9 am - 1 pm

Essentia Health ClinicPharmacy11134 North Highway 77Hayward, WI 54843(715) 634-6774HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 5 pm

Lac Courte OreillesPharmacy13380 West Trepania RoadHayward, WI 54843(715) 638-5146HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 6 pm

Wal-Mart Pharmacy -Hayward15594 State Highway 77Hayward, WI 54843(715) 634-8309HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 9 pmSaturday, 9 am - 7 pm Sunday,10 am - 6 pm

Walgreens - Hayward10489 State Road 27Hayward, WI 54843(715) 634-1919HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 10 pm Saturday,9 am - 6 pm Sunday,10 am - 6 pm


Foot and Ankle Clinic,L.L.P. - Hayward11040 North State Road 77Hayward, WI 54843(800) 359-4421HoursBy appointmentPodiatryMack, Gregory J, DPM



Badger Chiropractic, LLC621 Mechanic StreetHillsboro, WI 54634(608) 848-2638HoursBy appointment only 7 days aweekChiropractorHolthe, Jared D, DC

Maurer Chiropractic Care300 Water AvenuePo Box 62Hillsboro, WI 54634(608) 489-2274HoursTuesday, Thursday & Friday9 am - 6 pm

Wall Chiropractic Clinics -Hillsboro840 Water AvenueHillsboro, WI 54634(608) 489-4263HoursMonday & Thursday, 8 am -11:30 am Tuesday & Friday, 1:30pm - 5 pmChiropractorWall, Jon T, DC


Gundersen St. Joseph’sHospital and Clinics -Hillsboro400 Water AvenuePO Box 527Hillsboro, WI 54634(608) 489-8000HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm& Saturday, 8 am - 12 pmBehavioral Health Marriage &Family TherapistGasser, Paul W, LMFTCardiologySutthiwan, Piraon, MDWitcik, Michael A, MDCardiology Nurse PractitionerWypyszynski, Juliana E, APNPFamily MedicineCooke, William T, MDCornell, Lea G, MDMei, Jong D, MDO’Rourke, Katherine A, DORadcliffe, Noel A, MDTompkins, Cayle T, MDFamily Medicine NursePractitionerFiegel-Newlon, Jennifer A, APNPHellerude-Borchardt, Susan M,FNPFamily Medicine PhysicianAssistantAnderson, Andrea L, PA-CErie, Samantha R, PA-CNorth, Lowell L, PA-CNephrologySiddiqi, Sumaiya W, MDObstetrics & GynecologyHolness, Robert A, MDOphthalmologyWhitford, Steven W, MDOrthopaedic SurgeryRiley, Edward H, MDWeber, Kevin J, MD

WISCONSIN Greenville - Hillsboro



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Orthopaedic Surgery PhysicianAssistantPeterson, Caroline, PA-CRolling, Cecily C, PA-COtolaryngologyPeterson, Luke N, MDPodiatryRoukis, Thomas S, DPMSimonson, Devin C, DPMPulmonary Physician AssistantBlank, Rebecca L, PA-CSleep Medicine NursePractitionerNeumeister, Erica R, APNPSurgery, GeneralSchmus, Robert E, MD

Eye Clinic

Gundersen Eye ClinicHillsboro845 Water AvenuePO Box 547Hillsboro, WI 54634(608) 489-2451HoursTuesday thru Friday 8 am - 5 pmMonday, 8 am - 6 pmOphthalmologyWhitford, Steven W, MDOptometryReierson, Kristen M, OD


Gundersen St. Joseph’sHospital and Clinics400 Water AvenuePO Box 527Hillsboro, WI 54634(608) 489-8000HoursUrgent Care: Monday thru Friday,4 pm - 8 pm Saturday & Sunday,2 pm - 8 pm


Peterson Pharmacy727 Water AvenueHillsboro, WI 54634(608) 489-3141HoursMonday thru Thursday,8:30 am - 5:30 pm Friday,8:30 am - 6 pm Saturday,8:30 am - 1 pm

Urgent Care

Gundersen St. Joseph’sHospital Urgent Care Clinic400 Water AvenueHillsboro, WI 54634(608) 489-8000HoursMonday thru Friday, 4 pm - 10pm, Saturday, 12 pm - 8 pm,Sunday 10 am - 8 pm



Chiropractic Place - Holmen126 State StreetHolmen, WI 54636(608) 526-4628HoursMonday, 7 am - 6 pm, Tuesday 7am - 11 am, Wednesday,7 am - 6 pm, Thursday, 2 pm - 6pm, Friday, 7 am - 11 amChiropractorStrasser, Katie J, DC

Holmen Chiropractic505 State StreetHolmen, WI 54636(608) 526-3244HoursMonday thru Thursday, 7 am - 10am & 3 pm - 6 pmChiropractorWedul, Ted M, DC

Jones Family Chiropractic434 North Star RoadHolmen, WI 54636(608) 526-3343HoursFriday, 9:00 am - 5:30 pm,Saturday, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm, andSunday by appointment.ChiropractorJones, Andrew J, DC


Degen Berglund, Inc. -Holmen600 North Holmen Drive,Suite 1Holmen, WI 54636(608) 775-8875HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 7 pmSaturday, 8 am - 2 pm

Mayo Clinic Health SystemFranciscan Healthcare -Holmen Clinic Pharmacy1303 Main Street SouthHolmen, WI 54636(608) 526-1526HoursMonday thru Thursday,8 am - 6 pm Friday, 8 am - 5 pm

Mayo Clinic Health SystemPharmacy - Holmen1303 South Main StreetHolmen, WI 54636(608) 526-1566HoursMonday thru Thursday,8 am - 6 pm & Friday8 am - 5 pm

Physical Therapy

Achieve Physical Therapyand Sports Medicine -Holmen106 South Holmen Drive,Suite 2Holmen, WI 54636(608) 526-9888HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pm Early morning,Evening & Weekends byappointment


Clinics - Specialty Care

Interventional PainSpecialists of Wisconsin,S.C. - Hudson405 Stageline RoadHudson, WI 54016(715) 234-7246HoursBy appointmentPain MedicineBrendel, John, MD


County Market Pharmacy2310 Crest View DriveHudson, WI 54016(715) 381-5923HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 8 pmSaturday & Sunday, 8 am - 4 pm

Family Fresh MarketPharmacy - Hudson2351 Coulee RoadHudson, WI 54016(715) 381-9661HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 8 pm Saturday,8:30 am - 3 pm & Sunday,9 am - 2 pm

Hudson Hospital & ClinicsPharmacy405 Stageline RoadHudson, WI 54016(715) 531-6450HoursMonday thru Thursday,8:30 am - 7:30 pm Friday,8:30 am - 6 pm & Saturday,8:30 am - 12:30 pm

Micklesen Drug Inc.530 2nd StreetHudson, WI 54016(715) 386-3344HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 8 pmSaturday, 9 am - 5 pm Sunday,10 am - 2 pm

Target Pharmacy - Hudson2401 Coulee RoadHudson, WI 54016(715) 381-3603HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 9 pmSaturday & Sunday, 9 am - 6 pm

Wal-Mart Pharmacy -Hudson2222 Crest View DriveHudson, WI 54016(715) 386-1345HoursMonday - Friday, 9 am - 9 pmSaturday, 9 am - 7 pm Sunday,10 am - 6 pm

WISCONSINHillsboro - Hudson



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Walgreens Pharmacy -Hudson141 Carmichael RoadHudson, WI 54016(715) 381-0183HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 9 pmSaturday, 9 am - 6 pm Sunday,10 am - 6 pm

Renal Dialysis Unit

DaVita Hudson Dialysis421 Stageline RoadHudson, WI 54016(715) 381-8240HoursBy appointment


Behavioral Health

West Central WisconsinBehavioral Health Clinic23062 Whitehall RoadIndependence, WI 54747(715) 985-3452HoursMonday thru Friday 8 am - 4 pmBehavioral Health ClinicalSocial WorkerPyka, Todd C, LCSWBehavioral Health PsychiatryPersing, James S, MDBehavioral Health PsychologyPierzina, Jessica A, PSY D


Independence FamilyChiropractic23741 Washington StreetIndependence, WI 54747(715) 985-2500HoursTuesday, 7 am - 12 pm Thursday,2 pm - 7 pmChiropractorHeiden, David J, DC


Gundersen Tri-CountyHospital and Clinics -Independence35791 Osseo RoadIndependence, WI 54747(715) 985-2351HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pmFamily Medicine NursePractitionerHagen, Marcia K, FNPFamily Medicine PhysicianAssistantEtten, Katie L, PA-CSchoenfuss, Erin S, PA-C


Durable MedicalEquipment

Home Health United HomeMedical Equipment -Janesville3700 East Racine StreetJanesville, WI 53546(608) 758-4143HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm

Durable MedicalEquipment - Wound


KCI USA, Inc. - Janesville625 South Wuthering Hills DriveJanesville, WI 53546(888) 275-4524Hours24/7 Customer Service

Renal Dialysis Unit

DaVita Janesville Dialysis1305 Woodman RoadJanesville, WI 53545(608) 741-4181HoursBy appointment


Durable MedicalEquipment - Wound


KCI USA, Inc. - Kaukauna1297 Badger RoadKaukauna, WI 54130(920) 766-9588Hours24/7 Customer Service


Behavioral HealthAODA


Rogers Memorial Hospital -Kenosha9916 75th StreetKenosha, WI 53142(800) 767-4411HoursMonday thru Friday 8 am - 4 pm


Actra RehabilitationAssociates, Inc. - Kenosha7201 Green Bay RoadKenosha, WI 53142(262) 697-1160HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 4:30 pm


Behavioral Health

Counseling Associates,L.L.C. - La Crosse115 Fifth Avenue South,Suite 301La Crosse, WI 54601(608) 785-0827HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 5 pmBehavioral HealthJarrett, Emily A, LPCBehavioral Health ChemicalDependency CounselingBerzinski, Carmen C, LCSWSzatkowski, Jeanne C, LADC

Behavioral Health OutpatientPsychotherapyEinsman, Mario W, LCSW, LMFTHarrison, James C, LCSWQuinlisk, Jane A, LCSWBehavioral Health ProfessionalCounselorGrimsled, Ashley H, LPC

Driftless Recovery Services,Inc.444 Main Street, Suite 301La Crosse, WI 54601(608) 519-5906HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmBehavioral Health ChemicalDependency CounselingHoffe, Todd A, CSACBehavioral Health ProfessionalCounselorKnutson, Brett A, LPC

Family & Children’s Center -La Crosse1707 Main StreetLa Crosse, WI 54601(608) 788-6322HoursMonday, 8:30 am - 5 pm Tuesday,8:30 am - 6 pm Wednesday,9 am - 6 pm Thursday,8:30 am - 5:30 pmBehavioral Health ChemicalDependency CounselingHansen, Melony A, CSACBehavioral Health Child/Adolescent PsychologyZirkel, Kip, PHDBehavioral Health ProfessionalCounselorDaubert, Ellen M, LPCGlynn, Staci M, LPCWeidenheim, Ann B, LCSW LPC

Garrison Counseling, Inc.319 Main Street, Suite 510La Crosse, WI 54601(608) 796-1114HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 7 pmBehavioral HealthGourley, Lauren R, LCSWBehavioral Health Child/Adolescent PsychologyGarrison, Deborah L, LCSWBehavioral Health Marriage &Family TherapistHill, Tamera L, LMFT

WISCONSIN Hudson - La Crosse



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Behavioral Health OutpatientPsychotherapyNowland, Christi, LCSWBehavioral Health ProfessionalCounselorFannin, Melissa J, LPC

Gundersen Lutheran MedicalCenter Behavioral HealthLa Crosse1836 South AvenueLa Crosse, WI 54601(608) 775-2287HoursMonday, Wednesday, & Thursday8 am - 8 pm, Tuesday8 am - 6 pm & Friday,8 am - 5 pmBehavioral Health AddictionPsychiatryBucknam, William C, MDBehavioral Health ChemicalDependency CounselingBablitch, Casey J, CSACFigueroa, Edwin, CSACLoos, Jennifer J, CSAC, LPCNeve, Kelly J, CSACWeinmann, William E, CSACWissing, Linda F, CSACBehavioral Health ChildPsychiatryJohnson, Parnjai, MDLahmann, Jennifer S, MDRae, Emily, MDBehavioral Health Child/Adolescent PsychologyListiak, Richard L, PHD LPLyrene, Stephen A, MDMcElligott, Michelle D, PSY DOlson-Dorff, Denyse G, PsyDWeinberg, Harvey A, PHD LPBehavioral Health EatingDisorders PsychotherapyWatts, Mary B, LCSW LPCBehavioral Health Marriage &Family TherapistSievers, Erik F, LCSWBehavioral Health NursePractitionerGisvold, Anne E, APNPHarter, Amy E, APNPHofmann, Monica R, NPMattie, Pamela J, APNPReis, Joseph W, APNPSorum Lean, Katrine K, NP

Behavioral Health OutpatientPsychotherapyBodnar, Joseph J, LPCCharlton, Lesley F, LCSW, LPCDahl, Katherine M, LCSWDunn, Marcia, LCSWFruehling, David, LCSWHead, Gregory E, LPCReiland, Jeffrey P, LCSW CSACTaylor, Mark L, LPCWalters, Holly L, LPCBehavioral Health ProfessionalCounselorBarnes, Angela M, LPCHess, Mandy M, LPCScharringhausen, Gretchen R,LPCSersch, Michael J, LPCBehavioral Health PsychiatryAders, Graig A, MDBank, Paula A, MDBrahmbhatt, Neil J, DOChristian, Christopher J, MDFreier, Kristen A, MDGorsuch, Jared M, DOPolubinsky, Laurie J, MDPowell, Carol J, MDSievert, Martin E, MDBehavioral Health PsychologyAllmon Dixson, Allison L, PHDLPKoball, Afton M, PHD LPLong, Sarah A, PHD LPMillard, Erin L, PsyDSchuman, Catherine C, PHD LP

Heart Journey, L.L.C.205 5th Avenue, Suite 308La Crosse, WI 54601(608) 785-0011HoursMonday, 12 pm - 7 pm, Tuesday,8 am - 4 pm, Wednesday 12 pm -5 pm,Thursday, 12 pm - 7 pm,Friday 8 am - 4 pmBehavioral Health Marriage &Family TherapistClark-Ericksen, Cynthia L, LMFT

Hiawatha Valley MentalHealth Center - La Crosse313 4th Street SouthLa Crosse, WI 54601(608) 796-1168HoursMonday thru Thursday,8 am - 6 pm & Friday,8 am - 4 pmBehavioral Health ChemicalDependency CounselingTeachout, Kelly J, LCSW

Behavioral Health Child/Adolescent PsychologyPlanavsky, JoAnn, LICSWBehavioral Health NursePractitionerRodell, Frank J, ARNPBehavioral Health PsychiatryTrannel, Thomas J, MD

Mary Riedel CounselingServices, LLC505 King Street, Suite 227La Crosse, WI 54601(608) 799-1208HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 7 pmBehavioral Health ProfessionalCounselorRiedel, Mary B, LPC

Peace of Mind Counseling,L.L.C. - La Crosse115 5th Ave South, Suite 507La Crosse, WI 54601(608) 797-5679HoursMonday thru Friday,7:30 am - 7 pmBehavioral Health OutpatientPsychotherapyCody, Jacquelyn A, LICSWBehavioral Health ProfessionalCounselorKirby, Kelly C, LPCC

Red Feather Therapy andConsulting, L.L.C.2920 East Avenue South,Suite 101La Crosse, WI 54601(608) 301-5181HoursMonday & Wednesday8 am - 6 pm, Friday 1 pm - 5 pmBehavioral Health OutpatientPsychotherapyStreyle, John R, LCSW

The Therapy Place ofLa Crosse, LLC600 North Third Street Suite 206La Crosse, WI 54601(608) 519-5546HoursMonday thru Thursday,8 am - 8 pm Friday, 8 am - 5 pm& Saturday, 9 am - 3 pmBehavioral Health OutpatientPsychotherapyGora-Bollom, Sheryl L, LCSWHellwig-Cottrell, Melissa S, LPC

Behavioral Health ProfessionalCounselorClements, Gretchen A, LPCJohnson, Nicole R, LPC

Transformations Today, LLC205 5th Avenue South Suite 415La Crosse, WI 54601(608) 799-7904HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm,Saturday by appointmentBehavioral HealthJarrett, Emily A, LPC

Van Dyke, David M.D.,S.C. - La Crosse3626 East Avenue South,Suite 2ALa Crosse, WI 54601(608) 788-1114HoursMonday & Wednesday,8 am - 5 pmBehavioral Health PsychiatryVan Dyke, David A, MD

Behavioral HealthAODA


Gundersen Lutheran MedicalCenter Unity House for Men1924 Miller StreetLa Crosse, WI 54601(608) 775-4753Hours24/7Behavioral Health ChemicalDependency CounselingFigueroa, Edwin, CSAC

Gundersen Lutheran MedicalCenter Unity House forWomen1312 Fifth Avenue, SouthLa Crosse, WI 54601(608) 775-4718Hours24/7Behavioral Health ChemicalDependency CounselingTock, Jacquelyn M, CSAC

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Behavioral HealthInpatient

Gundersen Lutheran MedicalCenter, Inc. - BehavioralHealth1910 South AvenueLa Crosse, WI 54601(608) 782-7300Hours24/7


Breidenbach Family & SportsChiropractic, Inc. - La Crosse1526 Rose Street, Suite 102La Crosse, WI 54603(608) 781-9880HoursMonday, Wednesday, & Friday 7am- 6 pm Tuesday 8 am - 6 pmThursday 7:30 am - 6 pmChiropractorBeard, Shanti G, DCBreidenbach, Benjamin J, DCLew, Angela L, DC

Breidenbach Family & SportsChiropractic, Inc. - LoseyBoulevard1605 Losey Boulevard SouthLa Crosse, WI 54601(608) 788-7880HoursMonday thru Friday 8 am - 6 pmChiropractorAnderson, Mitchell A, DCBreidenbach, Benjamin J, DC

Bronston Chiropractic -La Crosse525 Lang DriveLa Crosse, WI 54603(608) 782-2225HoursMonday, Wednesday & Friday8 am - 12 pm, 2 pm - 6 pmTuesday 8 am - 11 am, Thursday1 pm - 6 pm, Saturday8 am - 10 pmChiropractorBronston, Leo J, DCSterba, William M, DC

Coulee Chiropractic Clinic600 North Third Street,Suite 201La Crosse, WI 54601(608) 782-6604HoursMonday, Wednesday & Friday,8 am - 5 pm Tuesday & Thursday8 am - 12 pmChiropractorGeorge, Charity K, DC

Driftless Chiropractic andSpinal Rehab1022 19th Street SouthLa Crosse, WI 54601(608) 519-5690HoursMonday, 8 am - 11 am & 3 pm -6 pm, Tuesday, 3 pm - 6 pm,Wednesday, 8 am - 11 am & 3pm - 6 pm Thursday, 3 pm - 6pm, Friday, 8 am - 11 am, & 3pm - 6 pm Saturday, appointmentonlyChiropractorMundinger, Ross R, DCMundinger, Shauna R, DC

Elite Chiropractic AndMassage, L.L.C - La Crosse2137 Ward AvenueLa Crosse, WI 54601(608) 788-6010HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmChiropractorCzys, Steve P, DC

Johnson Chiropractic -La Crosse4435 Mormon Coulee RoadLa Crosse, WI 54601(608) 788-4435HoursMonday, Wednesday & Thursday,9 am - 5 pm Friday, 9 am - 1 pmChiropractorJohnson, Jerry L, DC

LiveWell Chiropractic andWellness - Jay Street102 Jay StreetLa Crosse, WI 54601(608) 782-6800HoursTuesday & Friday, 9 am - 2:30 pmChiropractorFrank, Angela L, DC

LiveWell Chiropractic andWellness - Pearl Street219 Pearl StreetLa Crosse, WI 54601(608) 782-6800HoursMonday, Wednesday & Thursday,8 am - 1 pm & 3 pm - 5 pmChiropractorFrank, Angela L, DC

Lorenz Chiropractic -La Crosse432 Cass StreetLa Crosse, WI 54601(608) 784-2227HoursMonday, Wednesday & Friday,8:30 am - 5 pm Tuesday &Thursday, 9 am - 5 pmChiropractorDawson, Kelly L, DCLorenz, Linda L, DCPomranke, Corey L, DC

South Side Chiropractic4535 Mormon Coulee Road,Suite 3La Crosse, WI 54601(608) 881-6052HoursMonday, Wednesday & Friday7 am - 7 pmChiropractorPomranke, Corey L, DC

The Center of Chiropractic402 South Sixth StreetLa Crosse, WI 54601(608) 785-2225HoursMonday & Wednesday,8 am - 6 pm Tuesday, 11 pm - 5pm Friday, 7 am - 5 pmChiropractorHamamoto, Ashley N, DCSchaffer, Nyhus, DCWoodruff, Kenneth H, DCWulf, Lance A, DC

Washa Chiropractic Clinic,Inc.1415 Highway 16La Crosse, WI 54601(608) 785-7746HoursMonday & Thursday, 7 am - 6 pmTuesday, 7 am - 5 pm Wednesday& Friday, 7 am - noonChiropractorWasha, David M, DC


Gundersen Lutheran MedicalCenter East Building724 Denton StreetLa Crosse, WI 54601(608) 782-7300HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmBehavioral Health OutpatientPsychotherapyBaumgartner, Carrie J, LPCOmit-Dorshorst, Barbara J,LCSWChiropractorPolito, Michael L, DCPotaracke, Joshua J, DCHematologyFarnen, John P, MDParsons, Benjamin M, DORosenstein, Lori J, MDHematology/Oncology NursePractitionerTorkelson, Janet L, NPHematology/OncologyPhysician AssistantAranguren, Nina R, PA-CWilliams, Eileen, PA-CNeurologyBiemiller, Rachel A, MDBounds, James V, MDFischer, Gregory G, MDGoodsett, Mary L, MDHutter, Richard D, MDKumar, Ragasri, DOLeone, Michael A, MDMutgi, Sunil A, MDSantillan, Concepcion E, MDSchonberger, Michael B, DONeurology Clinical NurseSpecialistSedlacek, Leona J, APNPNeurology Nurse PractitionerBelling, Lisa A, ANPBudd, Sharon K, APNPNimocks, Larissa L, APNPSchulze, Melissa L, NPVanDreese, Barbara J, NPNeurology Physicican AssistantHeath, Veronica A, PA-CNeurology, PediatricsTemple, John Peter, MDNeurosurgeryDavis, Jerry A, MDEbersold, Michael J, MDHughes, Douglas G, MDKabbani, Mouhammed R, MDWaddell, Jason K, DO

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Neurosurgery NursePractitionerDavenport-Fortune, Polly, APNPMitley, Jane M, ANPNeurosurgery PhysicianAssistantBuck, Jennifer M, PA-CJohnson-Meeter, Leanne J, PA-CZimmermann, Matthew K, PA-CObstetrics & GynecologyBenden, Dana M, MDMerkitch, Kenneth W, MDSchauberger, Charles W, MDSimon, Deborah A, MDObstetrics & GynecologyMidwifeConnely, Angela M, CNMObstetrics & GynecologyNurse PractitionerJensen, Catherine J, APNPObstetrics & GynecologyPhysician AssistantNevsimal, Sarah J, PA-COncologyBottner, Wayne A, MDDietrich, Leah L, MDJumonville, Alcee, MDKwong, Roger W, MDMarinier, David E, MDOettel, Kurt R, MDOjelabi, Michael O, MDSmaradottir, Agnes, MDOphthalmologyNash, David L, MDPain MedicineNeuman, Stephanie A, MDPalliative CareHarbour, Allison K, MDMorris, Mary I, MDPalliative Care Clinical NurseSpecialistKendall, Marcia M, NPLapham, Carrie L, APNPReutlinger, Sherri L, NPPalliative Care PhysicianAssistantMiddleton, Elizabeth L, PA-CPediatrics Hematology/OncologyOrozco, Jennifer M, MDPhysical Medicine & RehabNurse PractitionerBerger, Kylie E, FNPMoe, Traci A, NPWickert, Patricia A, NPPhysical Medicine & RehabPhysician AssistantPomranke, Natalie M, PA-CWinters, Sara L, PA-C

Physical Medicine &Rehabilitation, PhysiatryBinegar, Joseph B, MDBrose, Christine M, MDDomroese, Mark E, MD, Ph DHarbst, Timothy A, MDMaslowski, Erin L, MDPhysical Medicine &Rehabilitation, PsychologyBaker, Kathryn A, PHDList, Raymond C, PHDPrichett, Gregory D, PsyDSusmaras, Teresa M, PHD LPPlastic Surgery, Facial PlasticSurgeryMartin, Lynn T, MDPlastic Surgery, General PlasticSurgeryBenacci, Joseph C, MDGuzzo, Matthew H, MDRadiation OncologyConway, Patrick D, MDDriscoll, Collin D, MDGold, Douglas G, MD, Ph DRadiation Oncology PhysicianAssistantGroshek, Dale C, PA-C

Gundersen Lutheran MedicalCenter Founders Building710 Denton StreetLa Crosse, WI 54601(608) 775-6680HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmFamily MedicineBorge, Robyn A, MDCayasso, Richard A, MDHammell, Lucas J, DOHardy, Kimberly J, MDHer, Cheng, MDHoefert, James R, MDKlas, Paul T, MDKrister, Laura E, MDLansing, Kimberly M, MDStrong, Brandi C, MDWaniger, Ricky J, MDZivney, Aaron J, DOFamily Medicine PhysicianAssistantMcGettigan, Kallie A, PA-C

PediatricsBudzak, Ann E, MDGerhard, David G, MDHowell, Kelly D, MDJedele, Kerry B, MDKlevan, Judy L, MDKleven, Jennifer E, MDLang, Tara R, MDManson, Steven R, MDRandall, Stephen J, MDStrauss, Richard H, MDThompson-Fleming, Rachel T,MDWeber, Lori S, MDZee-Cheng, Janine E, MDPediatrics EndocrinologyDonohoue, Patricia A, MDPediatrics Nurse PractitionerBalder-Schroeder, Mary B, APNPDuga, Linn M, APNPLitscher-Lee, Kris M, APNPOtt, Ellen M, APNPRude, Karen A, APNPSackman, Emily A, APNPPhysical Medicine & RehabPhysician AssistantRoss, Michael J, PA-CPulmonary Physician AssistantBlank, Rebecca L, PA-CNigl, Cheryl F, PA-CSleep MedicineVillareal, Alexander M, MDSleep Medicine NursePractitionerNeumeister, Erica R, APNP

Gundersen Lutheran MedicalCenter La Crosse1836 South AvenueLa Crosse, WI 54601(608) 782-7300HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm(Please contact individualdepartment directly for specifichours.) URGENT CARE: Mondaythru Sunday, 7 am - 11 pm

AnesthesiologyBorene, Steven C, MDBottcher, Michael L, MDBurelbach, John C, MDCarlisle, Stephen E, MDCulp, Kimberley E, MDCzeczok, Charles A, MDGrootwassink, Lois W, MDGroshek, Robert R, MDJefferies, Michael D, MDKang, Seuk B, MDKirsch, Jennifer L, MDKleven, James G, MDKrause, Forrest J, MDLee, Young K, MDMorrison, David J, MDOlson, Richard A, MDProper, Jacqueline, MDReynen, John M, MDStancic, Zoran, MDTrohkimoinen, Jeffrey B, MDYoon, Joon, MDAnesthesiology NursePractitionerStanek, Monica B, APNPAnesthesiology PhysicianAssistantGamoke, Adam F, PA-CAudiologyFarmer, Emily M, AuDMaliszewski, Andrea R, AuDManke, Angela S, AuDPerrone, Diane C, AuDRutta, Mandy M, AuDSchmida, Milton J, AuDBehavioral Health ChildPsychiatryLahmann, Jennifer S, MDCardiologyAiliani, Raju G, MDBird, Julio J, MDBrown, Ward M, MDDevine, Stephen M, MDGudmundsson, Hjalti, MDJaeger, Kevin M, MDJohnson, Gordon L, MDOdigie Okon, Esosa G, MDSetty, Sampoornima, MDSubla, Mir R, MDSundaram, Rajah S, MDWitcik, Michael A, MDCardiology Nurse PractitionerAdsit, Jacqueline A, APNPHolthe, Sarah K, APNPKabat, Debra L, APNPLaylan, Jayne M, APNPSchroeder, Janice L, NPWypyszynski, Juliana E, APNP

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Cardiology Physician AssistantBell, Kirby A, PA-CDewey, Joshua C, PA-CLaufenberg, Carly Z, PA-CRoberts, Herbert (Gene), PA-CCardiothoracic SurgeryParamesh, Venki, MDRabindranauth, Prem, MDRizvi, Sajjad H, MDCardiothoracic Surgery NursePractitionerFinch, Angeline M, CNSRugen-Rendler, Barbara M,APNPCardiothoracic SurgeryPhysician AssistantKallies, Jack R, PA-COlson, Kelly A, PA-CVessey, Todd T, PA-CEndocrinologyAsp, Arnold A, MDFrohnauer, Mary K, MDMcKenney, Rachel L, MDShort, Daniel K, MD, Ph DThida, San, MDGastroenterologyAberger, Frank J, MDFolkers, Milan E, MDGroskreutz, James L, MDHenry, Michael J, MDHorth, Kenneth S, MDRathgaber, Scott W, MDRehman, Abdul, MDSchlack-Haerer, Steven C, MDGastroenterology PhysicianAssistantBaumgartner, Amie L, PA-CEkobena, Sherri L, PA-CMeyer, Amber M, PA-CWickersham, Paula J, PA-C

General Internal MedicineBassing, Mary C, MDBaumgart, James R, DOBleidorn, David F, MDBurnet, Joel A, DOConzemius, John J, MDCrissler Belanger, Mary J, MDDeyo, Abigail K, MDDolan, Michael J, MDEcklund, Daniel J, MDKauphusman, James R, MDLee, Kyla R, MDLowry, Christopher M, DOMatey Romeyn, Joan P, MDMiller, Christine D, MDMomont, David A, MDMomont, Sheila L, MDMulrennan, Brian M, MDNest, Kelly J, MDPearson, Steven B, MDPratt, Alan D, MDRayhan, Kazi Z, MDSchamber, Travis E, DOScudiero, Carmen A, MDStrosahl, Amanda L, MDUdell, John L, MDVig, Mark E, MDWebster, Margaret E, MDZaky, Mary A, MDZlabek, Jonathan A, MD, FACPGeneral Internal MedicineNurse PractitionerHorstman, Lisa A, APNPSimon, Mary L, FNPGeneral Internal MedicinePhysician AssistantKeehner, Rachel B, PA-CKumm, Jaklyn K, PA-CInfectious DiseaseAgger, William A, MDFirary, Sylvia A, MDKowalski, Todd J, MDMcNamara, David R, MDNephrologyKamada, Pratima, MDMetz, Leah I, MDSiddiqi, Sumaiya W, MDSrinivasan, Balaji, MDUsha, Kumari, MDNephrology Nurse PractitionerGregas, Jennifer J, NPMyhre, Margaret J, APNPNeurosurgeryWaddell, Jason K, DOObstetrics & GynecologyAlvarado, Mary S, MDKarnowski, Jennifer S, MDKuffel, Mary E, MD

Obstetrics & GynecologyMidwifeBelling-Dunn, Amy J, CNMHamilton, Jessica L, CNMMcGeorge, Jennifer H, CNMWalcker, Elizabeth A, CNMWoychik, Ashley J, CNMObstetrics & GynecologyPerinatologyPeck, Theodore M, MDObstetrics & GynecologyPhysician AssistantMcNeilly, Sarah C, PA-CNevsimal, Sarah J, PA-COncologyMarinier, David E, MDOrthopaedic SurgeryBassuener, Scott R, MDHayden, Charles H, MDKlein, Steven M, MDNorris, Russell J, MDRiley, Edward H, MDRumball, Kevin M, MDSaterbak, Andrew T, MDTopolski, Mark S, MDOrthopaedic Surgery NursePractitionerMarthaler, Julie A, ANPRieke, Stephen W, NPRivera, Ricardo A, FNPWillenbring, Molly E, APNPOrthopaedic Surgery PediatricWintersteen, Virginia G, MDOrthopaedic Surgery PhysicianAssistantBaldwin, Leah M, PA-CGarland, Eric L, PA-CGlaunert, Stacey L, PA-CPeterson, Caroline, PA-CRudie, Chad A, PA-CSeston, Quinn L, PA-CTyriver, Michael K, PA-CValk, Autumn K, PA-COtolaryngologyCase, Michael K, MDConnelly, Mark V, MDManz, Ryan M, MDOverholt, Edwin M, MDOverholt, Steven L, MDPeterson, Luke N, MDRedman, Michael D, MDSdano, Matthew T, MDSieck, Brian M, MDOtolaryngology NursePractitionerOlson, Lindsey L, NPOtolaryngology PhysicianAssistantJostad, Sara J, PA-C

Pediatrics Allergy/Asthma/ImmunologyMahr, Todd A, MDPediatrics CardiologyChamberland, Christen R, MDMacLellan-Tobert, Susan G, MDPediatrics Critical CareThompson, Jeffrey E, MDPediatrics Developmental/BehavioralFitts, Margaret M, PHDHead, Lara S, PHDPediatrics EndocrinologyMarquart, Kathleen E, MDPediatrics GastroenterologyUko, Victor E, MDPediatrics Hematology/OncologyEttinger, Robert S, MDPeters, Antoinette M, MDPediatrics NeonatologyKemp, Evan R, MDNduka, Ngozi A, MDRichmond, Kathryn M, MDPeds Allergy/Asthma/Immunology PhysicianAssistantEppley, Jennilee L, PA-CPodiatryAbicht, Bradley P, DPMDawson, David M, DPMElliott, Andrew D, DPMFournier, Magali, DPMRoukis, Thomas S, DPMSimonson, Devin C, DPMPulmonaryHagan, Brian M, MDMattingley, Jennifer S, MDShurts, Justin K, DOThompson, Gregory P, MDTobert, Daren G, MDPulmonary Nurse PractitionerSonsalla, Julie A, APNPPulmonary Physician AssistantMyre, Gretchen K, PA-CPeterson, Emily E, PA-CRheumatology NursePractitionerBahr, Janet L, NP

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Surgery, GeneralBaker, Matthew T, MDCogbill, Thomas H, MDDavis, Clark A, MDFisher, Mason G, MDGrover, Brandon T, DOGundersen, Sigurd B, MDJarman, Benjamin T, MDJohnson, Jeanne M, MDKawata, Michitaka, MDKothari, Shanu N, MDLandercasper, Jeffrey, MDLinebarger, Jared H, MDMarcos, Basem, MDShapiro, Stephen B, MDSmith, Travis J, MDWaller, Christine J, MDSurgery, Nurse PractitionerConnolly, Erin E, NPFord, Catherine L, APNPHamilton, Kimberly R, ANPReardon, Thomas C, CNSRichmond, Rita A, ANPSurgery, Physician AssistantBrozak, Shannon P, PA-CSanchez, Anthony M, PA-CVanderLei, Laura K, PA-CSurgery, VascularSchoepel, Kevin L, MDUrologyEndrizzi, Joseph M, MDHofland, Chris A, MDKlein, A Scott, MDLondergan, Thomas A, MDVan Every, Marvin J, MDUrology Physician AssistantCoorough, Carissa A, PA-CJensen, Dorene R, PA-C

Clinics - Specialty Care

Drs. Anderson & Durtsche,Ltd.615 South 10th StreetLa Crosse, WI 54601(608) 784-7319HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmDental Specialists, Oral &Maxillofacial SurgeryDurtsche, Timothy B, DDSDental Specialists,ProsthodonticsTimm, Leslee C, DDS

Gundersen DentalSpecialties - La Crosse1836 South AvenueLa Crosse, WI 54601(608) 782-7300HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmDental Specialists, EndodonticsEllenz, Daniel G, DDSDental Specialists, Oral &Maxillofacial SurgeryCastro, Lauren M, DMDKoop, Martin J, DDSMacKenzie, Thomas S, DDSSathiah, Deepa T, DDSDental Specialists,OrthodonticsEndrizzi, Mark T, DDSDental Specialists, PediatricDentistryMoeller, Mark S, DDSDental Specialists,PeriodonticsEnglish, Ellyn M, DDSDental Specialists,ProsthodonticsDrago, Carl J, DDSFarley, Nathanial E, DDS

Durable MedicalEquipment

Degen Berglund, Inc. -Durable Medical Equipment,La Crosse2511 Green Bay StreetLa Crosse, WI 54601(608) 775-8500HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 6 pm, Saturday8:30 am - 4 pm

Degen Berglund, Inc. -Durable Medical Equipment,Mormon Coulee4000 Mormon Coulee RoadLa Crosse, WI 54601(608) 775-4740HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm

Family Medical Supply andCPAP Store705 State StreetLa Crosse, WI 54601(608) 791-1100HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmand call service

Lincare, Inc. - La Crosse1010 19th Street SouthLa Crosse, WI 54601(608) 791-0018HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmSaturday & Sunday On Call

Durable MedicalEquipment - Wound


KCI USA, Inc. - La Crosse2409 16th Street SouthLa Crosse, WI 54601(608) 788-5678Hours24/7 Customer Service

Eye Clinic

Family Vision Center ofLa Crosse, L.L.C.3424 Mormon Coulee Road,Suite ALa Crosse, WI 54601(608) 788-4300HoursMonday thru Wednesday8 am - 6 pm, Thursday9 am - 6 pm, Friday 8 am - 5 pm,Saturday 8 am - 1 pmOptometryCherney, Dustin A, ODFoss, Richard L, ODPuls, Jessica C, ODWonderling, Ann M, OD

Gundersen Lutheran MedicalCenter Eye Clinic La Crosse724 Denton StreetLa Crosse, WI 54601(608) 775-2191HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmOphthalmologyAult-Brinker, Elizabeth A, MDBorn, Christopher P, MDCalderon, Cindy S, MDCondit, Randall S, MDFalkenberry, Suzanne M, MDKuck, Paul A, MDLange, Daniel B, MDLenth, Gary J, MDRunde, Matthew R, MDShappell, Kristie K, MDWhitford, Steven W, MD

OptometryClements, Sarah A, ODEdwards, Thomas M, ODLarson, John D, ODSterling, John L, ODVerdon, Todd A, OD

Optical Fashions, Ltd.2104 State Road 16La Crosse, WI 54601(608) 782-7127HoursMonday, 7 am - 6 pm, Tuesday &Thursday, 7:30 am - 7 pm,Wednesday & Friday,7:30 am - 5:30 pm, Saturday,8 am - 1 pmOptometryFisher, Holly M, ODGarbrecht, Kendra E, ODMergenthaler, Mathew B, ODWedig, Brenda S, OD

Family Planning Center

Essential Health Clinic -La Crosse1201 Caledonia StreetLa Crosse, WI 54603(608) 775-8390HoursMonday & Tuesday 9 am - 5 pm,Wednesday & Thursday9 am - 6 pm, Friday 12 am - 4pmObstetrics & GynecologyMidwifeJolivette, Sharon L, CNMKearns, Rebecca K, CNMWomen’s Health NursePractitionerFrey, Sarah B, WHNPKindschy, Nancy R, WHNP

Home Health

Almost Family - La Crosse1425 B State Road Highway 16La Crosse, WI 54601(608) 779-0900HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 4 pm

Recover Health ofWisconsin, Inc. - La Crosse700 Third Street North,Suite 205La Crosse, WI 54601(608) 406-3140HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm

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Gundersen Lutheran MedicalCenter Hospice1900 South AvenueLa Crosse, WI 54601(608) 775-8435HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pm 24/7 on call


Gundersen Lutheran MedicalCenter, Inc.1910 South AvenueLa Crosse, WI 54601(608) 782-7300Hours24/7 Lactation Consultant ServicesAvailableOrthopaedic SurgeryNorris, Russell J, MD

Nursing Home

Benedictine Manor ofLa Crosse2902 East Avenue SouthLa Crosse, WI 54601(608) 788-9870HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pm

Bethany Riverside (Affiliatedwith Bethany LutheranHomes, Inc.)2575 South Seventh StreetLa Crosse, WI 54601(608) 775-8200Hours24/7

Bethany St. Joseph CareCenter (Affiliated withBethany St. JosephCorporation)2501 Shelby RoadLa Crosse, WI 54601(608) 788-5700HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pm

Hillview Health Care Center3501 Park Lane DriveLa Crosse, WI 54601(608) 789-4800HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pm


Cass Street Pharmacy528 Cass StreetLa Crosse, WI 54601(608) 784-9922HoursMonday thru Friday 9 am - 6 pm,Saturday 9 am - 1 pm

Degen Berglund, Inc. -La Crosse2511 Green Bay StreetPO Box 3157La Crosse, WI 54601(608) 775-8585HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 7 pmSaturday, 8 am - 5 pm & Sunday,10 am - 4 pm

Genoa Healthcare Pharmacy1707 Main Street, Suite 102La Crosse, WI 54601(608) 433-2287HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 5 pm

Gundersen Clinic Pharmacy1836 South AvenueLa Crosse, WI 54601(608) 775-5595HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 8 pmSaturday, 8 am - 12:30 pm

Gundersen Clinic Pharmacy -East Building (CancerCenter)724 Denton StreetLa Crosse, WI 54601(608) 775-1000HoursMonday thru Friday,9 am - 5:30 pm

Health Direct Pharmacy2840 21st Terrace SouthLa Crosse, WI 54601(608) 784-6500HoursMonday thru Friday,9 am - 5:30 pm Saturday,8 am - 12 pm

K-Mart Pharmacy - La Crosse2415 State RoadLa Crosse, WI 54601(608) 788-0803HoursMonday thru Friday8 am - 1:30 pm & 2 pm - 8 pm,Saturday 9 am - 1:30 pm & 2pm - 5 pm & Sunday10 am - 1:30 pm & 2 pm - 4 pm

Mayo Clinic Health SystemFranciscan HealthcareProfessional Arts Pharmacy615 South 10th StreetLa Crosse, WI 54601(608) 785-1999HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 5:30 pm Saturday,9 am - 12 pm

Mayo Clinic Health SystemSkemp Pharmacy800 West Avenue SouthLa Crosse, WI 54601(608) 791-9855HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 5:30 pm

Med Pak Pharmacy505 King Street, Suite 154La Crosse, WI 54601(608) 782-4448HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm& Saturday, 9 am -1 pm

OmniCare of La Crosse3235 Airport RoadLa Crosse, WI 54603(608) 781-7900HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 5 pmSaturday, 9 am - 12 pm

Shopko Pharmacy - NorthLa Crosse2400 Rose StreetLa Crosse, WI 54603(608) 781-3300HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 9 pmSaturday, 9 am - 6 pm Sunday,10 am - 6 pm

Shopko Pharmacy - SouthLa Crosse4344 Mormon Coulee RoadLa Crosse, WI 54601(608) 788-8860HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 9 pmSaturday, 9 am - 6 pm Sunday,10 am - 6 pm

Wal-Mart Pharmacy -La Crosse4622 Mormon Coulee RoadLa Crosse, WI 54601(608) 788-9146HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 9 pmSaturday, 9 am - 6 pm Sunday,10 am - 6 pm

Walgreens - Mormon CouleeRoad3909 Mormon Coulee RoadLa Crosse, WI 54601(608) 788-9700HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 9 pmSaturday, 9 am - 6 pm Sunday,10 am - 6 pm

Walgreens - Rose Street2626 Rose StreetLa Crosse, WI 54603(608) 781-0791HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 10 pm Saturday,9 am - 6 pm Sunday, 10 am -6 pm

Walgreens - State Road4415 State Road 16La Crosse, WI 54601(608) 779-0939HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 10 pm Saturday,9 am - 6 pm Sunday,10 am - 6 pm

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Walgreens - West Avenue900 West Avenue SouthLa Crosse, WI 54601(608) 796-2058Hours24/7

Physical Therapy

Achieve Physical Therapyand Sports Medicine -La Crosse1526 Rose Street, Suite 103La Crosse, WI 54603(608) 784-9998HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pm & weekends byappointment

Gundersen Industrial RehabCenter1843 Sims PlaceLa Crosse, WI 54601(608) 782-7300HoursMonday thru Thursday,7 am - 5:30 pm Friday,7 am - 5 pm

Gundersen Lutheran MedicalCenter Outpatient PhysicalTherapy - La Crosse1836 South AvenueLa Crosse, WI 54601(608) 782-7300HoursMonday thru Thursday,7 am - 5:30 pm Friday,7 am - 5 pm


Degen Berglund, Inc. -Orthotics, La Crosse2511 Green Bay StreetPO Box 3157La Crosse, WI 54601(608) 775-8500HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 7 pmSaturday, 8 am - 5 pm Sunday,10 am - 4 pm

Gundersen Lutheran MedicalCenter Orthotics1836 South AvenueLa Crosse, WI 54650(608) 782-7300HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm

Limb Lab - La Crosse1919 State RoadLa Crosse, WI 54601(608) 782-1855HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 4 pm

Prosthetic Laboratories ofLa Crosse (Affiliated withProsthetic Laboratories ofRochester, Inc.)3440 Losey Boulevard SouthLa Crosse, WI 54601(608) 782-5070HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pm

Silhouette Shoppe -La Crosse3440 Losey Blvd SouthLa Crosse, WI 54601(608) 781-4565HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pm

Renal Dialysis Unit

Gundersen Lutheran RenalDialysis - La Crosse1910 South AvenueLa Crosse, WI 54601(608) 782-7300HoursMonday thru Saturday,6 am - 4:30 pm

Urgent Care

Gundersen ExpressCare -La Crosse2500 State Road 33La Crosse, WI 54601(608) 775-5858HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 6:30 pm Saturday,8 am - 4:30 pm Sunday,9 am - 3:30 pm

Gundersen Lutheran MedicalCenter La Crosse UrgentCare1910 South AvenueLa Crosse, WI 54601(608) 775-2192HoursMonday thru Sunday,7 am - 11 pm



La Farge Medical Clinic(Affiliated with VernonMemorial Hospital)206 North Mill StreetPo Box 190La Farge, WI 54639(608) 625-2494HoursMonday, Wednesday, Thursday &Friday, 9 am - 5 pm Tuesday,8 am - 8 pm Saturday,9 am - 12 pmFamily MedicineAgar, Ben A, MDDeLine, James, MDSedgwick, Shawn T, MDFamily Medicine NursePractitionerScheder, Kelly M, APNPFamily Medicine PhysicianAssistantMorgan, Tamsen, PA-CVarnes-Epstein, Lisa J, PA-C



OakLeaf Clinics, SC - EauClaire Medical Clinic -Ladysmith900 College Avenue WestLadysmith, WI 54848(715) 839-9280HoursBy appointmentEndocrinologyAdkins, Aron S, MDGeneral Internal MedicineBenson, Terry D, MD

Clinics - Specialty Care

Defatta ENT and FacialPlastic Surgery - Ladysmith900 College Avenue WestLadysmith, WI 54848(715) 532-5561AudiologySmith, Nicole, AuDOtolaryngologyDeFatta, Rima A, MD

Merrick Plastic and HandSurgery - Ladysmith900 College Avenue WestLadysmith, WI 54848(866) 242-3499HoursBy appointment

Western Wisconsin Urology,SC -Ladysmith900 College Avenue WestLadysmith, WI 55848(715) 835-6548HoursBy appointment

Eye Clinic

Chippewa Valley Eye Clinic,Chippewa Falls, S.C. -Ladysmith900 College Avenue WestLadysmith, WI 54848(715) 723-9375HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pmOphthalmologyBrown, Jeffrey F, MDHolm, Peter W, MD


Chippewa ValleyOrthopedics & SportsMedicine Clinic, S.C -Ladysmith900 College Avenue WestLadysmith, WI 54848(800) 322-1747HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmOrthopaedic SurgeryBerschback, John C, MDOrthopaedic Surgery NursePractitionerHolden, Katie M, NP

WISCONSINLa Crosse - Ladysmith



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Rusk County ClinicPharmacy906 College Avenue WestLadysmith, WI 54848(715) 532-3339HoursMonday thru Friday,9 am - 5:30 pm Saturday,9 am - 12 pm

Wal-Mart Pharmacy - LadySmith800 West 10th Street SouthLadysmith, WI 54848(715) 532-6614HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 7 pmSaturday, 9 am - 6 pm Sunday,10 am - 6 pm

Wal-Mart Pharmacy -Ladysmith800 West 10th Street SouthLadysmith, WI 54848(715) 532-2721HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 7 pmSaturday, 9 am - 6 pm Sunday,10 am - 6 pm



LaFarge Chiropractic111 West Snow StreetLaFarge, WI 54639(608) 625-5555HoursMonday 1 pm - 5 pm, Tuesday8 am - 5 pm, Wednesday,8 am - 5 pm & Friday8 am - 5 pmChiropractorPeterson, Carl R, DC


Clinics - Specialty Care

Western Wisconsin Urology,SC- Lake City507 W. Doughty StreetLake City, WI 55041(715) 835-6548HoursBy appointment



Delton Family MedicalCenter (Affiliated with MileBluff Medical Center, Inc.)28 Commerce StreetLake Delton, WI 53940(608) 254-5888HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmFamily MedicineSabey, Kimberley E, DOFamily Medicine PhysicianAssistantOlson, Angela M, PA-CZhong, Ling, PA-CObstetrics & GynecologyPech, Michael L, MD


Renal Dialysis Unit

DaVita Lake Geneva Dialysis650 North Edwards BoulvardLake Geneva, WI 53147(262) 248-2502HoursBy appointment


Renal Dialysis Unit

DaVita Lake Hallie Dialysis3636 East Melby StreetLake Hallie, WI 54729(715) 833-8512HoursBy appointment


Behavioral Health

Unified Community Services(Affiliated with County ofGrant)200 West Alona LaneLancaster, WI 53813(608) 723-6357HoursMonday, Wednesday, & Thursday,8 am - 5 pm Tuesday,8 am - 8 pm Friday, 8 am - 4:30pmBehavioral HealthMeyer, Lindsay A, CSAC LPC

Behavioral Health ChemicalDependency CounselingFernette, Michael L, CSACKroeber, Diana M, CSACBehavioral Health NursePractitionerManning, Becky R, APNPBehavioral Health OutpatientPsychotherapyQuest, Kathryn E, LCSWBehavioral Health ProfessionalCounselorHardyman, Briana L, LPCHeer, Patricia A, LPCKnapp, Holly J, LPCBehavioral Health PsychiatryCullen, Randall K, MDKnuppel, Jeffrey W, MD

WKM Psychology Clinic -Lancaster131 South Monroe Street, Suite 2Lancaster, WI 53813(608) 723-4668HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 6 pmBehavioral Health ProfessionalCounselorLombardi, Jan C, LPCBehavioral Health PsychologyMiller, William K, Ed D


Lancaster Chiropractic,L.L.C.219 West Maple StreetLancaster, WI 53813(608) 723-4229HoursMonday, Wednesday & Friday,9 am - 5:30 pm Tuesday, 9 am to12 pm


Grant Regional CommunityClinic (Affiliated with GrantRegional Health Center)507 South Monroe StreetLancaster, WI 53813(608) 723-2131HoursMonday thru Thursday,7 am - 7 pm & Friday,8 am - 5 pmFamily MedicineHuebschman, Erin L, MDLaMantia, Sheirlie A, MDSchreiber, Thomas J, MD

Family Medicine NursePractitionerLaban, Janet M, APNPMeighan, Laurie L, FNPFamily Medicine PhysicianAssistantAllen, Abby E, PA-CMuench, Kelly S, PA-CObstetrics & GynecologyBuckley-Pechous, Krynn K, MDOrthopaedic SurgeryBinsfeld, Brad G, DOSurgery, GeneralSchope, Adam W, MD

High Point Family Medicine,L.L.C. - Lancaster507 South Monroe StreetLancaster, WI 53813(608) 723-3100HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmFamily MedicineSlane, Eric G, MDStader, Eric E, MDVarnam, Jessica H, MDFamily Medicine NursePractitionerNemitz, Misty L, APNP

Lancaster Family MedicalCenter, S.C.9177 Old Potosi RoadPO Box 271Lancaster, WI 53813(608) 723-4300HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmFamily MedicineStader, Robert E, MDValyo, Kenneth A, DOFamily Medicine NursePractitionerEdge, Renee D, FNPFamily Medicine PhysicianAssistantQuick, Brian A, PA-CPediatrics Nurse PractitionerReuter, Katherine C, NP

Home Health

Grant County HealthDepartment - Home Health111 South Jefferson StreetLancaster, WI 53813(608) 723-6416HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pm 24 hours on-call

WISCONSIN Ladysmith - Lancaster



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Homeward Bound HomeHealth - Lancaster130 W Elm StreetPO Box 503Lancaster, WI 53813(608) 723-6601HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pm & On-call RNand Staff 24/7


Grant County HealthDepartment - Hospice111 South Jefferson StreetLancaster, WI 53813(608) 723-6416HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pm 24 hours on-call

Grant Regional HealthCenter Hospice507 South Monroe StreetLancaster, WI 53813(608) 723-2143HoursMonday thru Friday,7:30 am - 4:30 pm


Grant Regional HealthCenter507 South Monroe StreetLancaster, WI 53813(608) 723-2143HoursMonday thru Friday,7:30 am - 4:30 pm Urgent CareHours: Monday thru Friday, 6am - 8 am & 5 pm - 10 pmSaturday, Sunday & Holidays,9 am - 9 pm

Nursing Home

Lancaster Care Center, LLC,dba Atrium Post Acute Careof Lancaster1350 South Madison StreetLancaster, WI 53813(608) 723-4143HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pm


Hartig Drug - Lancaster139 West Maple StreetLancaster, WI 53813(608) 723-4737HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 5:30 pm Saturday,9 am - 1 pm

Shopko Pharmacy -Lancaster1625 Highway 61 NorthLancaster, WI 53813(608) 723-7679HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 6 pmSaturday, 9 am - 1 pm

Urgent Care

Grant Regional HealthCenter Walk-in Urgent Care507 South Monroe StreetLancaster, WI 53813(608) 723-2143HoursMonday thru Friday, 6 am - 8 am& 3 pm - 10 pm, Saturday,Sunday & Holidays, 9 am - 9 pm


Clinics - Specialty Care

Memorial Medical Center -Loyal502 East Elm StreetLoyal, WI 54446(715) 255-8551HoursMonday thru Wednesday,8 am - 5 pm Thursday-closedFriday, 8 am - 3 pm



Luck Pharmacy132 South MainLuck, WI 54853(715) 472-2122HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 5 pm


Behavioral HealthAODA


Rogers Memorial Hospital -Madison406 Science Drive #110Madison, WI 53711(800) 767-4411HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 5:30 pm

Durable MedicalEquipment

Home Health United HomeMedical Equipment -Madison4639 Hammersley RoadMadison, WI 53711(608) 276-3420HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm

National Seating andMobility, Inc - Madison4493 Robertson RoadMadison, WI 53714(800) 213-8994HoursMonday thru Friday,7:30 am - 4 pm

Infusion Therapy

Home Health United XtraCare Pharmacy4639 Hammerley RoadMadison, WI 53711(800) 924-2273HoursOpen 24/7


Associated Podiatrists, L.L.P.6510 Grand Teton Plaza,Suite 406Madison, WI 53719(608) 829-2535HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmSaturday, 8 am - 12 pmPodiatryBogue, Stephen C, DPMMerckx, Steven J, DPM


Actra RehabilitationAssociates, Inc. - Madison6514 Odana RoadMadison, WI 53719(608) 833-9660HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 4:30 pm


Renal Dialysis Unit

DaVita Manitowoc Dialysis601 Reed AvenueManitowoc, WI 54220(920) 686-0920HoursBy appointment


Behavioral HealthAODA


Libertas of Marinette(Affiliated with Sacred Heart& St. Joseph’s Hospital)1712 Dunlap Square Building,Suite 5Marinette, WI 54143(715) 735-0095

Renal Dialysis Unit

DaVita Marinette Dialysis2706 Cahill RoadMarinette, WI 54143(715) 732-2372HoursBy appointment


Durable MedicalEquipment

American HomePatient -Marshfield204 East Upham Street, Suite BMarshfield, WI 54449(715) 387-1789HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 3 pm,Customer Service 24/7

WISCONSINLancaster - Marshfield



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Renal Dialysis Unit

DaVita Marshfield Dialysis123 Northridge StreetMarshfield, WI 54449(715) 384-3478HoursBy appointment



Professional Hearing Care,LLC509 North Union StreetMauston, WI 53948(608) 847-2444HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 5 pmAudiologyRaabe, Ann L, MS, CCC-AVinopal, Laura K, AuD, CCC-A

Behavioral Health

Innervisions Counseling &Consulting Center - Mauston231 East State StreetMauston, WI 53948(608) 477-9858HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 9 pmSaturday, 9 am - 12 pmAdditional times available byappointmentBehavioral Health OutpatientPsychotherapyBessac, Judith A, LCSWJames, Colleen S, LCSW CSACBehavioral Health ProfessionalCounselorGesiorski, Christine A, LPCHeckenkamp, Dawn L, LPC

Juneau County HumanServices220 East La Crosse StreetMauston, WI 53948(608) 847-2400HoursMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday &Friday, 8 am - 4:30 pm Thursday,8 am - 8 pmBehavioral Health ProfessionalCounselorGeiger, JoAnn M, LPCMcCasey, Christine A, LPC

Behavioral Health PsychiatryDiRaimondo, Linda A, MDBehavioral Health PsychologyMijal, Jessica A, PsyD


Asbel ChiropracticN3540 State Hwy 58PO Box 252Mauston, WI 53948(608) 847-1888HoursMonday, 8 am - 4:30 pm Tuesday,10 am - 6 pm Thursday 12 pm - 6pm Friday, 7 am - 2 pm Saturday,closedChiropractorAsbel, Andrew J, DC

Jurgensen Chiropractic114 West State StreetMauston, WI 53948(608) 847-6194HoursMonday, Wednesday & Friday,6 am - 5:30 pm Tuesday, 6 am -11:30 am Saturday, 6 am - 9 amChiropractorJurgensen, David T, DC


Mile Bluff Clinic1040 Division StreetMauston, WI 53948(608) 847-9701HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmFamily MedicineBjelland, Timothy D, DOBuss, Robert C, MDDresang, Lee T, MDGatzke-Plamann, Angela M, MDHoffmann, Ann H, MDHoffmann, David M, MDKattenbraker, Daniel W, MDKovach, Cassondra L, MDPeterson-Kattenbraker, Jane E,MDRadant, Leon J, MDSabey, Kimberley E, DOStodola, Carol D, MDFamily Medicine NursePractitionerCuster, Cristina, APNPWolf, Maria D, FNP

Family Medicine PhysicianAssistantBrandt, Randall, PA-CGreen, Kyra A, PA-CJensen, Christine M, PA-CKidd, Catherine, PA-CWilliams, Sam, PA-CGeneral Internal MedicineButterfield, Kevin A, DONeurosurgeryHughes, Douglas G, MDObstetrics & GynecologyHilsinger, Katherine L, MDPech, Michael L, MDOrthopaedic SurgeryBrucker, Wallace B, MDButler, Aaron M, MDHoran, John W, MDLiebert, Paul L, MDPediatrics GastroenterologyUko, Victor E, MDPodiatryLangen, Richard J, DPMSurgery, GeneralDemarais, Bradley J, MDMarculis, William, DONapier, Timothy E, MDSurgery, HandMalinowski, Rodney W, MDSurgery, Physician AssistantBurgess, Gregory E, PA-COlson, Lisa, PA-C

Durable MedicalEquipment

Phillips Drug Store, Inc.-Durable Medical Equipment123 East State StreetPo Box 136Mauston, WI 53948(608) 847-5949HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 8 pmSaturday 8 am - 4:30 pm Sunday& Holidays 8 am - 1 pm

Eye Clinic

Schaefer Optometry205 Division Street, Suite AMauston, WI 53948(608) 847-6264HoursMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday &Friday, 8 am - 5 pm, Thursday,8 am - 7 pm, Saturday,8 am - 12 pm, October thru April

OptometryRenner, Christine F, ODSchaefer, John, OD

Family Planning Center

Family Planning HealthServices, Inc - Mauston522 Gateway Avenue Suite FMauston, WI 53948(800) 246-5743HoursMonday, 9 am - 6 pmObstetrics & GynecologyZabel, Earl W, MD

Home Health

Mile Bluff Medical Center,Inc. - Home Health Agency1050 Division StreetMauston, WI 53948(608) 847-6161HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pm


Mile Bluff Medical Center,Inc.1050 Division StreetMauston, WI 53948(608) 847-6161HoursURGENT CARE: Monday thruFriday, 5 pm - 12 am Saturday &Sunday, 9 am - 9 pmCardiology ElectrophysiologyGrogan, E Wayne, MD

Infusion Therapy

Phillips Drug Store, Inc.,Home Infusion Services123 East State StreetPO Box 136Mauston, WI 53948(608) 847-5949HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 8 pmSaturday, 8 am - 4:30 pm Sunday,8 am - 1 pm

WISCONSIN Marshfield - Mauston



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Nursing Home

Fair View Nursing Home(Affiliated with Mile BluffMedical Center, Inc.)1050 Division StreetMauston, WI 53948(608) 847-6161Hours24/7


Phillips Health MartPharmacy - Mauston123 East State StreetPO Box 136Mauston, WI 53948(608) 847-5949HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 8 pmSaturday, 8 am - 3 pm Sunday,8 am - 1 pm

Phillips Total Care Pharmacy125 East State StreetMauston, WI 53948(608) 847-5949HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 8 pmSaturday, 8 am - 3 pm Sunday,8 am - 1 pm

Walgreens - Mauston403 State Road 82 EastMauston, WI 53948(608) 847-7814HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 10 pm Saturday,9 am - 6 pm Sunday, 9 am - 5 pm

Physical Therapy

PT Works, L.L.C.610 McEvoy StreetMauston, WI 53948(608) 847-5100HoursMonday thru Friday,7:30 am - 5:30 pmPodiatryEckerman, Christopher M, DPM

Urgent Care

Mile Bluff Medical Center,Inc. Urgent Care1050 Division StreetMauston, WI 53948(608) 847-6161HoursMonday thru Friday, 4 pm - 10pm, Saturday & Sunday,9 am - 9 pm


Behavioral Health DayTreatment

Northwest Journey -Menomonie (Affiliated withNorthwest Counseling andGuidance Clinic)402 Technology Drive EastMenomonie, WI 54751(715) 235-4245HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 3 pmBehavioral Health ChildPsychiatrySaul, Jennifer S, MDBehavioral Health ProfessionalCounselorMcCurdy, Rebecca D, LPC


Red Cedar Chiropractic1415 Broadway Street NorthMenomonie, WI 54751(715) 231-4994HoursMonday thru Thursday,9 am - 6:30 pm & Friday,9 am - 5 pmChiropractorMoses, Clint P, DCMoses, Nora R, DC

Smith Chiropractic -Menomonie1309 Stout RoadMenomonie, WI 54751(715) 495-4494HoursTuesday, 9 am - 6 pmChiropractorSmith, Emily J, DC


Prevea Health - Menomonie(affiliated with Sacred HeartHospital)1125 North Broadway Suite #3Menomonie, WI 54751(715) 309-4451HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmFamily MedicineLopez, James G, MD

Clinics - Specialty Care

Oral & Maxillofacial SurgeryAssociates of Eau Claire-Menomonie2524 Hils CourtMenomonie, WI 54751(715) 834-8414HoursMonday thru Friday,7:30 am - 4 pm

Pain Clinic of NorthwesternWisconsin, S.C. -Menomonie2321 Stout RoadMenomonie, WI 54751(888) 235-7246HoursBy appointmentPain MedicineSchlimgen, Mark R, MD

Western Wisconsin Urology,S.C. - Menomonie1309 Stout RoadMenomonie, WI 54751(715) 835-6548HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm

Eye Clinic

Chippewa Valley Eye Clinic,L.L.C. - Menomonie710 Wolske Bay RoadMenomonie, WI 54751(715) 235-2855HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmOphthalmologyHarvey, Thomas M, MDHofer, Lee A, MDOptometryVieth, Chad T, OD


CVS Pharmacy - Menomonie433 Broadway Street SouthMenomonie, WI 54751(715) 235-5349HoursMonday thru Sunday,8 am - 10 pm

Mayo Clinic Health System -Red Cedar2321 Stout RoadMenomonie, WI 54751(715) 233-7500HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 6 pmSaturday, 9 am - 12 pm

Wal-Mart Pharmacy -Menomonie180 Cedar Falls RoadMenomonie, WI 54751(715) 235-7885HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 9 pmSaturday, 9 am - 7 pm Sunday,10 am - 6 pm

Walgreens - Menomonie121 Pine Avenue WestMenomonie, WI 54751(715) 235-9275HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 10 pm Saturday,9 am - 6 pm Sunday,10 am - 6 pm

Physical Therapy

Optimum Therapies -Menomonie1309 Stout RoadMenomonie, WI 54751(715) 233-6230HoursMonday, Wednesday & Friday,8 am - 5 pm, Tuesday & Thursday8 am - 6 pm

WISCONSINMauston - Menomonie



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Foot and Ankle Clinic,L.L.P. - Menomonie201 Cedar Falls RoadPO Box 392Menomonie, WI 54751(715) 235-4274HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 5 pmPodiatryKowski, Joel A, DPMMack, Gregory J, DPM


Renal Dialysis Unit

DaVita Prairie River Dialysis601 South Center AvenueMerrill, WI 54452(715) 539-0613HoursBy appointment


Infusion Therapy

Chartwell MidwestWisconsin2241 Pinehurst DriveMiddleton, WI 53562(608) 831-8555HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm24/7 on-call availability

Open MRI

Midwest Open MRI, L.L.C.8309 Greenway Blvd Suite 100Middleton, WI 53562(608) 836-7220HoursMonday, Wednesday & Friday,7 am - 3 pm Tuesday & Thursday,9 am - 5 pm


Behavioral HealthAODA


Rogers Memorial Hospital -Milwaukee11101 West Lincoln AvenueMilwaukee, WI 53227(800) 767-4411HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 5:30 pm

Behavioral HealthInpatient

Rogers Memorial Hospital -Milwaukee11101 West Lincoln AvenueMilwaukee, WI 53227(800) 767-4411Hours24/7


Actra RehabilitationAssociates, Inc. - Milwaukee10700 West Burleigh StreetMilwaukee, WI 53222(414) 778-4500HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 4:30 pm

Renal Dialysis Unit

DaVita Bluemound PD601 North 99th StreetMilwaukee, WI 53226(414) 778-1623HoursBy appointment

DaVita Capital CourtDialysis4176 North 56th StreetMilwaukee, WI 53216(414) 445-2119HoursBy appointment

DaVita Humboldt RidgeDialysis2211 North Humboldt BoulevardMilwaukee, WI 53212(414) 336-7200HoursBy appointment

DaVita River Center Dialysis117 North Jefferson StreetMilwaukee, WI 53202(414) 225-3740HoursBy appointment

DaVita West AppletonDialysis10130 West Appleton AvenueSuite 500Milwaukee, WI 53225(414) 393-0600HoursBy appointment

DaVita Wisconsin AvenueDialysis3801 West Wisconsin AvenueMilwaukee, WI 53208(414) 937-8240HoursBy appointment


Behavioral Health

Stein Counseling &Consulting Services -Mondovi211 West Main StreetMondovi, WI 54755(608) 785-7000HoursBy appointmentBehavioral HealthNewton, Christopher C, LPBehavioral Health ChemicalDependency CounselingLettner, Ronda, CSAC LMFTBehavioral Health ProfessionalCounselorKokott-Rebhahn, Valerie J, LPCOlson, Juliette M, LPCStein, Theodore J, LPC


Jurgensen Chiropractic ofMondovi129 East Hudson StreetMondovi, WI 54755(715) 926-3919HoursMonday, Tuesday & Friday,8 am - 6 pm Wednesday, 12 pm -9 pm Thursday, Saturday &Sunday: Closed

ChiropractorJurgensen, Andrea L, DCJurgensen, Jacob T, DC

Mondovi ChiropracticOffices143 North Franklin StreetMondovi, WI 54755(715) 926-4998HoursMonday, 1 pm - 10 pm Tuesday11 am - 10 pm Thursday,11 am - 10 pm Friday,9 am - 4 pmChiropractorSchmittfranz, James D, DC


Mondovi HealthmartPharmacy122 South Eau Claire StreetMondovi, WI 54755(715) 926-4938HoursMonday, 8:30 am - 7 pm Tuesdaythru Friday, 8:30 am - 5:30 pmSaturday, 8:3 0 am - 12 pm

Physical Therapy

Mondovi Physical Therapy,L.L.C.428 South Washington StreetMondovi, WI 54755(715) 926-5177HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm



Prosthetic Laboratories ofMadison, Inc.514 River PlaceMonona, WI 53716(608) 268-5101HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm

WISCONSIN Menomonie - Monona



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Gundersen BoscobelHospital and Clinics -Muscoda525 North Wisconsin AvenueMuscoda, WI 53573(608) 739-3138HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pmCardiologyBrown, Ward M, MDFamily Medicine NursePractitionerGriffin, Cynthia D, FNPLombardi, Lauren E, FNPPeterson, Michelle R, FNPOncologyMarinier, David E, MDOrthopaedic SurgeryRiley, Edward H, MDPediatrics Hematology/OncologyOrozco, Jennifer M, MD

Muscoda Health Center(Affiliated with RichlandHospital)1075 North Wisconsin AvenueMuscoda, WI 53573(608) 739-3113HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmFamily MedicineButrick, Robin M, MDDickman, James J, MDWright, Andrew J, MDFamily Medicine NursePractitionerPuls, Kathryn E, FNPSinnett, Karen R, APNP

Nursing Home

Golden LivingCenter -Riverdale (GGNSC MuscodaL.L.C.)1000 North Wisconsin AvenueMuscoda, WI 53573(608) 739-3186HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm



Whole Life Chiropractic andWellness Center107 South Main StreetNecedah, WI 54646(608) 565-7600HoursMonday, Tuesday & Thursday,9 am - 5:30 pm Friday, 9 am -12pmChiropractorYarroch, Raquel M, DC


Necedah Family MedicalCenter (Affiliated with MileBluff Medical Center, Inc.)1408 Wheelihan AvenueNecedah, WI 54646(608) 565-2000HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 4:30 pmFamily MedicineGatzke-Plamann, Angela M, MDPediatricsPlamann, Ryan A, MDPodiatryLangen, Richard J, DPMSurgery, Physician AssistantOlson, Lisa, PA-C


Clinics - Specialty Care

Western Wisconsin Urology,SC-Neillsville216 Sunset PlaceNeillsiville, WI 54456(715) 835-6548HoursBy appointment


Behavioral Health

Clark County CommunityServices517 Court St, Room 503Neillsville, WI 54456(715) 743-5208HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pm

Behavioral Health ProfessionalCounselorDrawz, Erin K, LPCReif, Daniel J, LPCBehavioral Health PsychologyRooney, Joel P, PsyD


Davis Chiropractic154 East 5th StreetNeillsville, WI 54456(715) 743-3404HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmChiropractorDavis, Bruce, DC


Memorial Medical Center -Neillsville216 Sunset PlaceNeillsville, WI 54456(715) 743-3101HoursMonday thru Thursday,7:30 am - 7 pm Friday,7:30 am - 5 pm Saturday,9 am - 1 pm Sunday,10 am - 2 pmFamily MedicineCruz-Apolinario, Maria G, MDSchneider, Amy E, MDShafer, Jennifer R, MDFamily Medicine NursePractitionerOpelt, Tina L, FNPFamily Medicine PhysicianAssistantConard, Michael G, PA-CFields, David A, PA-CGeneral Internal MedicineMeyer, Timothy C, DOObstetrics & GynecologyLoRusso, Frank P, MDOrthopaedic SurgeryCarlson, David C, MDOrthopaedic Surgery PhysicianAssistantLarson, Jennifer R, PA-CPediatricsWeimer, Kenneth C, MDSleep MedicineWhitney, Courtney W, DOSurgery, GeneralAvecilla, Constante S, MDHayward, Sharon R, MDThurlow, Peter M, MD

OakLeaf Clinics, SC - EauClaire Medical Clinic -Neillsville216 Sunset PlaceNeillsville, WI 54456(715) 743-3101HoursBy appointmentGeneral Internal MedicineDettbarn, Kyle J, MD

Clinics - Specialty Care

DeFatta ENT and FacialPlastic Surgery - Neillsville216 Sunset PlaceNeillsville, WI 54456(715) 743-3101HoursBy appointmentAudiologySmith, Nicole, AuDOtolaryngologyDeFatta, Rima A, MD

Eye Clinic

Chippewa Valley Eye Clinic,L.L.C. - Neillsville216 Sunset PlaceNeillsville, WI 54456(715) 743-3101HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmOphthalmologyHarvey, Thomas M, MD


Memorial Medical Center -Hospital216 Sunset PlaceNeillsville, WI 54456(715) 743-3101HoursMonday thru Friday,7:30 am - 7 pm


Shopko Pharmacy -Neillsville1008 East Division StreetNeillsville, WI 54456(715) 743-6632HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 6 pmSaturday, 9 am - 2 pm

WISCONSINMuscoda - Neillsville



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Sniteman Pharmacy528 Hewitt StreetNeillsville, WI 54456(715) 743-3500HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 6 pm Saturday,8:30 am - 2 pm Sunday,10 am - 12 pm


Foot and Ankle Clinic,L.L.P. - Neillsville216 Sunset PlaceNeillsville, WI 54456(715) 743-3101HoursBy appointmentPodiatryKowski, Joel A, DPM

Urgent Care

Memorial Medical CenterUrgent Care216 Sunset PlaceNeillsville, WI 54456(715) 743-3101Hours24/7


Infusion Therapy

Coram Specialty InfusionServices - New Berlin5345 South Moorland Road,Suite 101New Berlin, WI 53151(262) 207-1590HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm;Saturday & Sunday On-Call



New Glarus HometownPharmacy1101 State Road 69, Suite 7New Glarus, WI 53574(608) 527-2517HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 6 pmSaturday, 9 am - 1 pm



New Lisbon Family MedicalCenter (Affiliated with MileBluff Medical Center)901 West Bridge StreetNew Lisbon, WI 53950(608) 562-3111HoursMonday thru Friday 8 am - 5 pm,by appointment on SaturdayFamily MedicineHinton, Timothy R, MDKovach, Cassondra L, MDLogan, James J, MDFamily Medicine NursePractitionerSullivan, Cassie L, APNPFamily Medicine PhysicianAssistantFenwick, Anne, PA-CNachreiner, Gloria, PA-CPediatricsPlamann, Ryan A, MDPodiatryLangen, Richard J, DPM

Nursing Home

Crest View Nursing Home(Affiliated with Mile BluffMedical Center, Inc.)612 View StreetNew Lisbon, WI 53950(608) 562-3667Hours24/7


Raabe’s Pharmacy112 South Adams StreetPo Box 160New Lisbon, WI 53950(608) 562-3302HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 6 pmSaturday, 8 am - 2 pm



Family Fresh MarketPharmacy - New Richmond110 West Fourth StreetNew Richmond, WI 54017(715) 246-2490HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 7:30 pm Saturday,9 am - 4 pm & Sunday,9 am - 12 pm

Wal-Mart Pharmacy - NewRichmond250 West Richmond WayNew Richmond, WI 54017(715) 246-9097HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 9 pmSaturday, 9 am - 7 pm Sunday,10 am - 6 pm

Westfields CommunityPharmacy535 Hospital RoadNew Richmond, WI 54017(715) 243-2970HoursMonday thru Thursday,8:30 am - 7 pm, Friday,8:30 am - 6 pm & Saturday,8:30 am - 12:30 pm



Scenic Bluffs CommunityHealth Centers - Norwalk200 West North StreetPO Box 228Norwalk, WI 54648(608) 823-7853HoursMonday, Wednesday, Thursday &Friday, 7:30 am - 5 pmChiropractorLyons, Trevor L, DCFamily MedicineBade, Elizabeth R, MDFamily Medicine NursePractitionerHarris, Sherry L, FNPFamily Medicine PhysicianAssistantDegenhardt, Gloria J, PA-C


Durable MedicalEquipment

Numotion - Milwaukee440 West Bell Court, Suite 400Oak Creek, WI 53154(414) 762-1300HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 12:30 pm & 1:30 pm -5 pm

Renal Dialysis Unit

DaVita Oak Creek Dialysis8201 South Howell AvenueOak Creek, WI 53154(414) 762-3784HoursBy appointment


Behavioral HealthAODA


Rogers Memorial Hospital -Oconomowoc34700 Valley RoadOconomowoc, WI 53066(800) 767-4411HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 5:30 pm

Behavioral HealthInpatient

Rogers Memorial Hospital -Oconomowoc34700 Valley RoadOconomowoc, WI 53066(800) 767-4411Hours24/7


Behavioral Health

Gundersen Lutheran MedicalCenter Behavioral HealthOnalaska3111 Gundersen DriveOnalaska, WI 54650(608) 775-2287HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm

WISCONSIN Neillsville - Onalaska



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Behavioral Health ChildPsychiatryRae, Emily, MDBehavioral Health Child/Adolescent PsychologyOlson-Dorff, Denyse G, PsyDBehavioral Health ClinicalSocial WorkerBerti, Shareene M, LCSWBehavioral Health NursePractitionerBrink, Kristine A, APNPBehavioral Health OutpatientPsychotherapyLukasek, Marsha A, LCSW LMFTVan Atta, Ann E, LCSW CSAC

Gundersen Lutheran MedicalCenter Behavioral HealthOnalaska Annex123 16th Avenue SouthOnalaska, WI 54650(608) 775-2287HoursMonday, Tuesday & Thursday,8 am - 8 pm Wednesday,8 am - 5 pm Friday, 8 am - 4 pmBehavioral Health AddictionPsychiatryBucknam, William C, MDBehavioral Health AdultPsychiatryVosika, Mariana K, MDWood, Cindy L, MDBehavioral Health AdultPsychologyMueller, Jennifer L, PHD LPBehavioral Health ChemicalDependency CounselingVan Vreede, LeeAnn E, LPCBehavioral Health Child/Adolescent PsychologyWeinberg, Harvey A, PHD LPBehavioral Health ClinicalSocial WorkerBerti, Shareene M, LCSWBehavioral Health NursePractitionerBrink, Kristine A, APNPHofmann, Monica R, NPBehavioral Health OutpatientPsychotherapyDickson, Jon W, LCSWKolaczkowski, Gene E, LCSWMadsen, Rhonda J, LCSWTabbert, Jerald F, LCSWVan Atta, Ann E, LCSW CSAC

Behavioral Health ProfessionalCounselorScharringhausen, Gretchen R,LPCSchmid, Christopher G, LPCSersch, Michael J, LPCBehavioral Health PsychiatryLean, James E, MDBehavioral Health PsychologyEverett, Ethan R, PSY D LP

InnerChange Counseling,Inc.1401 Main Street, Suite 102Onalaska, WI 54650(608) 783-2186HoursMonday & Wednesday, 12 pm - 7pm Tuesday & Thursday,10 am - 5 pmBehavioral Health PsychologyRoberts, Thomas B, LCSW

Living Well Christian FamilyClinic, L.L.C.575 Lester Avenue, Suite 100Onalaska, WI 54650(608) 783-1452HoursMonday thru Thursday,8 am - 9 pm Friday, 8 am - 5 pmBehavioral Health Marriage &Family TherapistLipps, Joshua K, LMFTLipps, Kami J, LMFTBehavioral Health ProfessionalCounselorKoestler, Philip A, LPC

Stein Counseling &Consulting Services -Onalaska571 Braund StreetOnalaska, WI 54650(608) 785-7000HoursMonday, Tuesday & Wednesday,8 am - 8 pm Thursday,8 am - 5 pm Friday 8 am - 4 pmBehavioral HealthNewton, Christopher C, LPBehavioral Health ChemicalDependency CounselingLettner, Ronda, CSAC LMFTBehavioral Health ProfessionalCounselorKokott-Rebhahn, Valerie J, LPCOlson, Juliette M, LPCStein, Theodore J, LPC


Breidenbach Family & SportsChiropractic, Inc. - OnalaskaN5498 State Road 35Onalaska, WI 54650(608) 779-5323HoursMonday thru Friday 8 am - 6 pm& Saturday 8 am - 12 pmChiropractorAnderson, Mitchell A, DCBeard, Shanti G, DCBreidenbach, Amy K, DCBreidenbach, Benjamin J, DC

Bronston Chiropractic-Onalaska1202 County Road PH,Suite 100Onalaska, WI 54650(608) 781-2225HoursMonday thru Friday 8 am - 6 pmChiropractorBronston, Leo J, DC

Chiropractic Place -Onalaska559 Braund Street, Suite 3Onalaska, WI 54650(608) 783-7735HoursMonday, 7 am - 6 pm Tuesday, 2pm - 6 pm Wednesday,7 am - 6 pm Friday, 7 am - noonChiropractorAnderson, John J, DCAnderson, Renata M, DCHuettner, Brooke A, DC

Elite Chiropractic andMassage, L.L.C. - Onalaska925 13th Avenue SouthOnalaska, WI 54650(608) 790-5994HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmChiropractorCzys, Steve P, DC

Erlandson FamilyChiropractic1125 Main Street, Suite 160Onalaska, WI 54650(608) 783-5768HoursMonday & Wednesday,8 am - 6 pm Tuesday, 2:30 pm - 6pm Thursday, 9 am - 12 pmFriday, 9 am - 5 pm

ChiropractorErlandson, Benjamin W, DC

Feils Knapp ChiropracticClinic and Wellness403 Sand Lake RoadOnalaska, WI 54650(608) 783-9355HoursMonday & Wednesday,9 am - 6 pm Tuesday,9 am - 1 pm & Friday,9 am - 5 pmChiropractorKnapp, Carolyn F, DC

Generations Chiropracticand Wellness826 Second Avenue NorthOnalaska, WI 54650(608) 781-9555HoursMonday, 1 pm - 7 pmWednesday, 7 am - 7 pm Friday,7 am - 1 pm Saturday byappointment onlyChiropractorHeiden, David J, DC

Naturally AlignedChiropractic and Wellness648 2nd Avenue NorthOnalaska, WI 54650(608) 519-8080HoursMonday, Wednesday & Thursday8 am - 12:30 pm & 2:30 pm - 6pm, Friday, 8:30 am - 12:30 pmChiropractorHeichel, Kasey M, DC

Onalaska FamilyChiropractic Wellness1115 Riders Club RoadOnalaska, WI 54650(608) 519-8112HoursMonday, Wednesday & Thursday8 am - 12 pm & 3 pm - 6 pmChiropractorGasch, Paul H, DC

WISCONSINOnalaska - Onalaska



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Purpose Chiropractic2850 National Drive, Suite 105Onalaska, WI 54650(608) 519-5767HoursMonday, 8 am - 11 am & 3 pm -6 pm Tuesday 10 am - 2 pm & 3pm - 6 pm Wednesday - closedThursday 8 am - 11 am & 3 pm -6 pm Friday, 7:30 am - 10 am &1 pm - 3:30 pmChiropractorLorentz, Marty J, DC

River City Chiropractic577 Braund StreetOnalaska, WI 54650(608) 406-2488HoursMonday thru Friday,7:30 am - 6 pmChiropractorBodoh, James T, DCHarris, Corey S, DCLarson-Johnson, Kara B, DC

River Valley ChiropracticCenter, S.C.831 Critter Court, Suite 100Onalaska, WI 54650(608) 781-2273HoursMonday & Thursday, 9 am - 7 pmWednesday & Friday,7:30 am - 6 pm Tuesday,8 am - 5 pmChiropractorBodoh, James T, DCHarris, Corey S, DCLarson-Johnson, Kara B, DC

The Center of Chiropractic1840 East Main StreetOnalaska, WI 54650(608) 785-7778HoursMonday & Wednesday,8 am - 6 pm, Friday, 7 am - 5 pmChiropractorHamamoto, Ashley N, DCSchaffer, Nyhus, DCWulf, Lance A, DC


Gundersen Lutheran MedicalCenter Onalaska3111 Gundersen DriveOnalaska, WI 54650(608) 775-8100HoursMonday thru Friday 8 am - 5 pm,Urgent Care Hours: Monday thruFriday 7 am - 9 pm, Saturday,Sunday & Holidays 9 am - 5 pmAudiologyMaliszewski, Andrea R, AuDSchmida, Milton J, AuDCardiologyJaeger, Kevin M, MDMoses, John, MDSetty, Sampoornima, MDSutthiwan, Piraon, MDCardiology Nurse PractitionerKabat, Debra L, APNPVan Auken, Courtney M, NPWypyszynski, Juliana E, APNPChiropractorPotaracke, Joshua J, DCDermatologyAhmed, Atif U, MDFarrell, April L, MDMueller, Kurt K, MDNoll, Karl R, MDYao, Yongxue D, MDFamily MedicineBahr, Kelley A, MDClark, Charles E, MDCoyne, Kimberly M, MDEscher, Scott A, MDFrerks, Tara L, MDGerig, Julie R, MDGundersen, Erik A, MDHoffman, Donna L, MDLamps, Jennifer M, MDStrain, Amy L, MDStrong, Brandi C, MDThurman, Chad M, MDFamily Medicine NursePractitionerBauer, Anneliese K, FNPClark, Maryanne C, APNPVeldboom, Brea C, FNPFamily Medicine PhysicianAssistantPetersen, Christopher E, PA-C

General Internal MedicineHerath, John F, MDKulkarni, Amit P, MDMarinier, Tiffany J, DOMunn, James H, MDNaik, Sarah S, MDSolum, Melanie M, MDVeglahn, Lisa A, MDWissink, Stephen C, MDGeneral Internal MedicineNurse PractitionerJahnke, Deborah J, NPWilson, Catherine E, APNPGeneral Internal MedicinePhysician AssistantShimshak, Jennifer S, PA-CNephrology Nurse PractitionerGregas, Jennifer J, NPObstetrics & GynecologyDavidson, Jill E, MDDonohue, Micca K, MDMerkitch, Kenneth W, MDStephens, Shannan K, MDObstetrics & GynecologyMidwifeConnely, Angela M, CNMDowat, Kim W, CNMPoellinger, Carleen M, CNMObstetrics & GynecologyNurse PractitionerRowe, Nancy R, APNPRybarczyk, Barbara A, WHNPObstetrics & GynecologyPhysician AssistantHoffmann, Stacie L, PA-CPeterson, Jaime M, PA-COncologyBottner, Wayne A, MDOrthopaedic SurgeryHayden, Charles H, MDKlein, Steven M, MDNorris, Russell J, MDOrthopaedic Surgery NursePractitionerMarthaler, Julie A, ANPOrthopaedic Surgery PediatricWintersteen, Virginia G, MDOrthopaedic Surgery PhysicianAssistantBaldwin, Leah M, PA-CGlaunert, Stacey L, PA-CSteging, Mark J, PA-CPediatricsGrube, Casandra L, DOHansen, Elizabeth R, MDJackson, Anna J, MDJohnson, Steven J, DONaik, Rajiv M, MDNiec, Stephanie R, MD

Pediatrics Nurse PractitionerBalder-Schroeder, Mary B, APNPJohnson, Catherine C, APNPOtt, Ellen M, APNPPodiatryDawson, David M, DPMFournier, Magali, DPMJacobs, P Michael, DPMRoukis, Thomas S, DPMPulmonaryHagan, Brian M, MDThompson, Gregory P, MDTobert, Daren G, MDRheumatologyDanning, Carol L, MDWhite, Douglas W, MDYoung, Carol L, MDRheumatology NursePractitionerBahr, Janet L, NPBarnhart, Sharon I, APNPSurgery, GeneralBaker, Matthew T, MDGrover, Brandon T, DOGundersen, Sigurd B, MDJarman, Benjamin T, MDJohnson, Jeanne M, MDKothari, Shanu N, MDShapiro, Stephen B, MDSurgery, Nurse PractitionerConnolly, Erin E, NPSurgery, Physician AssistantLarson, Christopher J, PA-C, RDUrologyEndrizzi, Joseph M, MDUrology Physician AssistantJensen, Dorene R, PA-CWomen’s Health NursePractitionerBaudek, Meggan M, WHNP

Clinics - Specialty Care

Gundersen DentalSpecialties - Onalaska801 Critter CourtOnalaska, WI 54650(608) 775-8152HoursMonday thru Thursday,8 am - 5 pmDental Specialists, EndodonticsCampbell, Mary Ann, DDSDental Specialists, Oral &Maxillofacial SurgerySathiah, Deepa T, DDSDental Specialists,OrthodonticsBarba, Michael, DDS

WISCONSIN Onalaska - Onalaska



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Dental Specialists,PeriodonticsEnglish, Ellyn M, DDS

Oral Surgery Clinic ofLa Crosse2819 National DriveOnalaska, WI 54650(608) 782-8193HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmDental Specialists, Oral &Maxillofacial SurgeryLudington, David P, DDS

Durable MedicalEquipment

American HomePatient -Onalaska1052 Oak Forrest Drive,Suite 160Onalaska, WI 54650(608) 779-9900HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 2 pmCustomer Service 24/7

Apria Healthcare, L.L.C. -OnalaskaW 6853 Industrial BoulevardOnalaska, WI 54650(608) 783-7668HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 4:30 pm

Degen Berglund, Inc. -Durable Medical Equipment,Onalaska111 Sand Lake RoadOnalaska, WI 54650(608) 775-8595HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 6 pm, Saturday8:30 am - 4 pm

Eye Clinic

Gundersen Lutheran MedicalCenter Eye Clinic Onalaska3111 Gundersen DriveOnalaska, WI 54650(608) 775-8180HoursMonday thru Wednesday &Friday, 8 am - 5 pm Thursday,9 am - 7 pmOphthalmologyRunde, Matthew R, MD

OptometryClements, Sarah A, ODLarson, Filomena C, ODPurdue, John S, ODSummerfield, Kent D, ODVerdon, Todd A, OD

Nursing Home

Onalaska Care Center(Affiliated with Bethany St.Joseph’s Corporation)1600 Main StreetOnalaska, WI 54650(608) 783-4681HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 4 pm


Degen Berglund, Inc. - SandLake Road111 Sand Lake RoadOnalaska, WI 54650(608) 775-8595HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 6 pm Saturday,8:30 am - 4 pm

Gundersen Pharmacy -Onalaska3111 Gundersen DriveOnalaska, WI 54650(608) 775-8699HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 5:30 pm

Mayo Clinic Health SystemFranciscan Healthcare -Onalaska Clinic Pharmacy191 Theater RoadOnalaska, WI 54650(608) 392-5030HoursMonday thru Friday, 7 am - 6 pmSaturday, 9 am - 12 pm

Shopko Pharmacy - Onalaska9366 Highway 16Onalaska, WI 54650(608) 781-5404HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 9 pmSaturday, 9 am - 6 pm Sunday,10 am - 6 pm

Target Pharmacy - Onalaska9400 State Road 16Onalaska, WI 54650(608) 779-5780HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 7 pmSaturday, 9 am - 5 pm Sunday,11 am - 5 pm

Wal-Mart Pharmacy -Onalaska3107 Market PlaceOnalaska, WI 54650(608) 781-8355HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 9 pmSaturday, 9 am - 7 pm Sunday,10 am - 6 pm

Physical Therapy

Chiropractic & PhysicalTherapy, Inc.200 Mason Street #17Onalaska, WI 54650(608) 781-0174HoursMonday thru Friday, 6 am - 1 pm

Gundersen Lutheran MedicalCenter Outpatient PhysicalTherapy - Onalaska3111 Gundersen DriveOnalaska, WI 54650(608) 775-8140HoursMonday thru Friday, 7 am - 5 pm


Degen Berglund, Inc. -Orthotics, Onalaska111 Sand Lake RoadOnalaska, WI 54650(608) 775-8595HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 7 pmSaturday, 8 am - 5 pm Holidays,9 am - 2 pm

Renal Dialysis Unit

Gundersen LutheranDialysis - Onalaska3075 Kinney Coulee RoadOnalaska, WI 54650(608) 775-1360HoursMonday thru Saturday,6 am - 4:30 pm

Sports Medicine Clinic

Gundersen Lutheran MedicalCenter - Sports MedicineCenter - Onalaska3111 Gundersen DriveOnalaska, WI 54650(608) 775-8600HoursMonday thru Friday,6:30 am - 6:30 pmPhysical Medicine &Rehabilitation, PhysiatryMaslowski, Erin L, MDSports Medicine OrthopaedicSurgeryFowler, Bradley L, MDTanner, Suzanne M, MDSports Medicine PhysicianAssistantLuter, Michael E, PA-CMcCormick, Michael R, PA-C

Urgent Care

Gundersen ExpressCare -Onalaska1260 Crossing Meadows DriveOnalaska, WI 54650(608) 775-5858HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 6:30 pm Saturday,8 am - 4:30 pm Sunday,9 am - 3:30 pm

Gundersen Lutheran MedicalCenter Onalaska UrgentCare3111 Gundersen DriveOnalaska, WI 54650(608) 775-8650HoursMonday thru Friday, 7 am - 9 pm;weekends & holidays,9 am - 5 pm


Physical Therapy

Precision Physical Therapy100 West South StreetOntario, WI 54651(608) 337-4222HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm

WISCONSINOnalaska - Ontario



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Olson Chiropractic Office307 Cascade Street NorthP.O. Box 68Osceola, WI 54020(715) 294-3211HoursMonday & Wednesday,8 am - 6 pm Thursday, 2 pm - 6pm & Friday, 7:30 am -12 :30 pmChiropractorOlson, David J, DC


Osceola Clinic Pharmacy2600 65th AvenueOsceola, WI 54020(715) 294-4050HoursMonday, 8:30 am - 7 pm Tuesdaythru Friday, 8:30 am - 6 pmSaturday, 8:30 am - 12 pm



Actra RehabilitationAssociates, Inc. - Oshkosh1931 South Washburn StreetOshkosh, WI 54904(920) 426-1231HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 4:30 pm


Accurate Imaging, Inc.2895 Algoma BoulevardOshkosh, WI 54901(920) 230-9729HoursMonday thru Friday 8 am - 5 pmfor Ultrasound and EKG, 24/7/365for portable x-ray

Mobile Medical Diagnosticsof La Crosse, Inc.2895 Algoma BoulevardOshkosh, WI 54901(608) 792-5592HoursMonday thru Friday 8 am - 5 pm

Renal Dialysis Unit

DaVita Oshkosh WestDialysis855 North Westhaven DriveOshkosh, WI 54904(920) 303-0650HoursBy appointment



Osseo Chiropractic andHealth Center LLC13512 9th StreetOsseo, WI 54758(715) 597-3388HoursMonday, Wednesday & Friday,8 am - 6 pm, Tuesday9 am - 1 pm Thursday, 3 pm - 6pmChiropractorAleckson, Steve R, DC


Buffalo River Clinic, S.C.12830 Cox LanePO Box 398Osseo, WI 54758(715) 597-6767HoursMonday, Wednesday & Thursday,9 am - 5 pm Tuesday & Friday,9 am - 12 pmGeneral Internal MedicineScrenock, Thomas, MD

Prevea Health - Osseo(Affiliated with Sacred HeartHospital)13029 Ninth StreetOsseo, WI 54758(715) 597-3131HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmFamily MedicineKazi, Wahab A, MD


Mayo Clinic Health SystemPharmacy & Home Medical -Osseo13025 Eighth StreetPO Box 70Osseo, WI 54758(715) 597-3166HoursMonday, 8:30 am - 6 pm Tuesdaythru Friday 9 am - 5:30 pmSaturday, 8:30 am - 12:30 pm



Scharer Chiropractic Clinic107 South Harding StreetOwen, WI 54460(715) 229-2113HoursMonday & Wednesday,8 am - 4:30 pm Tuesday,9 am - 6:30 pm & Friday,8 am - 5 pmChiropractorScharer II, Galen, DC


Nursing Home

Pigeon Falls Health CareCenter (Affiliated withTrempealeau County HealthCare Center)13197 Church StreetPO Box 310Pigeon Falls, WI 54760(715) 983-2293HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pm


Behavioral Health

Mindful Solutions Counseling52 Means Drive, Suite 101BPlatteville, WI 53818(608) 642-2491HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 7 pm,Saturday, 8 am - 2 pmBehavioral Health ProfessionalCounselorUdelhoven, Rita M, LPC

WKM Psychology Clinic -Platteville6058 South Chestnut Street,Suite 100Platteville, WI 53818(608) 342-4853HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 6 pmBehavioral Health OutpatientPsychotherapySchuhmacher, Jennifer B, LCSWBehavioral Health ProfessionalCounselorBolton-Flynn, Candace A, LPCLombardi, Jan C, LPCRoum Brue, Marcia C, LPCBehavioral Health PsychologyMiller, William K, Ed D


Rosemeyer JonesChiropractic662 Highway 151 EastPlatteville, WI 53818(608) 348-4500HoursMonday, Wednesday & Friday8 am - 6 pm Tuesday & Thursday9 am - 6 pm, Saturday 7 am - 10amChiropractorBergmann, David R, DCJones, Daniel J, DCRosemeyer, Joseph R, DC

Durable MedicalEquipment

Home Health United HomeMedical Equipment -Platteville1155 North Elm Street, Suite 200Platteville, WI 53818(608) 348-7677HoursMonday thru Friday 9 am - 4 pm,24/7 On Call

Family Planning Center

SWCAP NeighborhoodHealth Partners5 West Mineral StreetPlatteville, WI 53818(608) 348-9766HoursMonday, Tuesday & Thursday,8 am - 4:30 pm, Wednesday10 am - 6:30 pm

WISCONSIN Osceola - Platteville



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Women’s Health NursePractitionerBodden, Jacquelyne A, WHNP


Hartig Drug - Platteville180 West Pine StreetPlatteville, WI 53818(608) 348-9771HoursMonday thru Friday, 7 am - 9 pmSaturday, 8 am - 9 pm & Sunday,9 am - 6 pm

K-Mart Pharmacy -Platteville1425 East US Highway 151Platteville, WI 53818(608) 348-6577HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 1:30 pm & 2 pm - 8 pmSaturday, 9 am - 1:30 pm & 2pm - 5 pm & Sunday,10 am - 1:30 pm & 2 pm - 4 pm

Wal-Mart Pharmacy -Platteville1800 Progressive ParkwayPlatteville, WI 53818(608) 348-4733HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 9 pmSaturday, 9 am - 7 pm Sunday,10 am - 6 pm

Walgreens - Platteville675 South Water StreetPlatteville, WI 53818(608) 348-7611HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 9 pmSaturday, 9 am - 6 pm Sunday,10 am - 6 pm


Renal Dialysis Unit

DaVita Stevens Point Dialysis1100 Meridian DrivePlover, WI 54467(715) 343-1266HoursBy appointment


Durable MedicalEquipment

Home Health United HomeMedical Equipment - Portage2888 Village RoadPortage, WI 53901(608) 742-2538HoursMonday thru Friday 9 am - 4 pm,24/7 On Call



Prairie du Chien EmergencyMedical Services, Inc.528 South State StreetPrairie du Chien, WI 53821(608) 326-4441Hours24/7

Behavioral Health

Crawford County HumanServices Department225 North Beaumont Road,Suite 326Prairie du Chien, WI 53821(608) 326-0248HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pmBehavioral Health ClinicalSocial WorkerMcLimans, Heather L, LCSWBehavioral Health NursePractitionerDressler, Christine M, APNPBehavioral Health PsychiatryTrannel, Thomas J, MD

Crossing Rivers HealthBehavioral Health705 South Buchannan StreetPrairie du Chien, WI 53821(608) 357-2700HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmBehavioral Health NursePractitionerMabb, Nicolette M, APNPBehavioral Health ProfessionalCounselorBouska, Richelle C, LPC

Gundersen BehavioralHealth Prairie du Chien610 East Taylor StreetPrairie du Chien, WI 53821(608) 326-3380HoursMonday 8 am - 5 pm, Tuesday8 am - 7 pm, Wednesday8 am - 4 pm, Thursday8 am - 4 pmBehavioral Health AdultPsychiatryGupta, Lalit, MDBehavioral Health OutpatientPsychotherapyDunn, Marcia, LCSWHead, Gregory E, LPCTaylor, Mark L, LPCBehavioral Health PsychiatryBank, Paula A, MD


Lorenz Chiropractic -Prairie du Chien101 East Blackhawk AvenuePO Box 206Prairie du Chien, WI 53821(608) 326-2737HoursMonday, Wednesday & Friday,8 am - 5 pm Tuesday,8 am - 12 pm Thursday, 1 pm - 5pmChiropractorLorenz, Patrick J, DC

Prairie Health1502 South Marquette RoadPrairie du Chien, WI 53821(608) 326-0909HoursMonday & Wednesday,8 am - 5 pm Tuesday & Thursday,1 pm - 7 pm & Friday,8 am - 3 pmChiropractorCoughlin, Joshua M, DC

Weber Chiropractic Clinic -Prairie du Chien601 East Blackhawk AvenuePrairie du Chien, WI 53821(608) 326-2511HoursMonday, 8:30 am - 8 pm Tuesday,Wednesday & Friday,8:30 am - 6 pm & Saturday,8 am - 12 pmChiropractorWeber, Alan J, DC



Crossing Rivers HealthClinic - Prairie du Chien37822 US Highway 18Prairie Du Chien, WI 53821(608) 326-1072HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmBehavioral Health NursePractitionerMabb, Nicolette M, APNPFamily MedicineOlson, Matthew D, MDVincent, Owen D, DOFamily Medicine NursePractitionerGriswold, Holly J, APNPMcMillan, Susan K, FNPGeneral Internal MedicineRybarczyk, Sara J, MDObstetrics & GynecologyBush, Steven D, MDOtolaryngologyKing, Timothy A, MDPalliative Care Clinical NurseSpecialistMyhre, Pamela, ANPPodiatryJannati, Fatemeh S, MD



Gundersen Prairie du ChienClinic610 East Taylor StreetPrairie du Chien, WI 53821(608) 326-6466HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmAudiologySchmida, Milton J, AuDCardiologyJaeger, Kevin M, MDSetty, Sampoornima, MDCardiology Nurse PractitionerWypyszynski, Juliana E, APNPDermatologyYao, Yongxue D, MDEndocrinologyFrohnauer, Mary K, MDFamily MedicineBoisvert, Walter R, MDMees, Christopher J, MDProdzinski, Kirk D, DO

WISCONSINPlatteville - Prairie du Chien



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Family Medicine NursePractitionerNeisius, Rochelle L, APNPPlondke, Tammy L, FNPFamily Medicine PhysicianAssistantWhetston, Thomas J, PA-CGeneral Internal MedicineMiller, Christine D, MDHematologyFarnen, John P, MDNephrologyMetz, Leah I, MDSrinivasan, Balaji, MDNeurologyLeone, Michael A, MDObstetrics & GynecologyDonohue, Micca K, MDOncologyBottner, Wayne A, MDKwong, Roger W, MDOettel, Kurt R, MDOjelabi, Michael O, MDOtolaryngologyCase, Michael K, MDPalliative Care Clinical NurseSpecialistKendall, Marcia M, NPPediatrics Hematology/OncologyOrozco, Jennifer M, MDPeters, Antoinette M, MDPodiatrySullivan, Craig P, DPMValkosky, Gregory J, DPMRheumatology NursePractitionerBahr, Janet L, NPSurgery, GeneralHolzer, Tamara L, DOKramer, Carrie L, MDMcLellan, Jennifer A, MDSurgery, VascularSchoepel, Kevin L, MDUrologyLondergan, Thomas A, MD

Clinics - Specialty Care

Gundersen DentalSpecialties - Prairie du Chien118 South Marquette RoadPrairie du Chien, WI 53821(608) 775-2202HoursWednesday, 8 am - 4 pmDental Specialists,OrthodonticsEndrizzi, Mark T, DDS

Durable MedicalEquipment

Crossing Rivers Health HomeMedical Equipment37868 US Highway 18Prairie du Chien, WI 53821(608) 357-2000HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 4 pm

Eye Clinic

Gundersen Eye ClinicPrairie du Chien118 South Marquette RoadPO Box 218Prairie du Chien, WI 53821(608) 326-6453HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmOphthalmologyBorn, Christopher P, MDOptometryCollins, Brad W, ODHolzer, Philip J, OD

Family Planning Center

Essential Health Clinic -Prairie du Chien103 North Wacouta AvenuePrairie du Chien, WI 53821(800) 657-5177HoursTuesday, 9 am - 5 pm Wednesday,10:30 am - 4 pmObstetrics & GynecologyMidwifeJolivette, Sharon L, CNMWomen’s Health NursePractitionerKindschy, Nancy R, WHNP

Home Health

Crossing Rivers Health HomeHealth37868 US Highway 18Prairie du Chien, WI 53821(608) 357-2000HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pm


Crossing Rivers HealthHospice37868 US Highway 18Prairie du Chien, WI 53821(608) 357-2000Hours24/7


Crossing Rivers HealthMedical Center37868 US Highway 18Prairie du Chien, WI 53821(608) 357-2000HoursURGENT CARE: Monday thruFriday, 5:30 pm - 9:00 pmSaturday & Sunday,10 am - 9:30 pm

Nursing Home

Prairie Maison (Affiliatedwith Prairie Nursing Facility,L.L.C.)700 South FreemontPrairie du Chien, WI 53821(608) 326-8471HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pm


Hartig Drug -Prairie du Chien101 South Marquette RoadPrairie du Chien, WI 53821(608) 326-2581HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 6 pm& Saturday, 9 am - 1 pm

Prairie Pharmacy GundersenHealth System610 East Taylor StreetPrairie du Chien, WI 53821(608) 326-8911HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm

Wal-Mart Pharmacy -Prairie du Chien38020 US Highway 18, Suite 40Prairie du Chien, WI 53821(608) 326-5103HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 9 pmSaturday, 9 am - 7 pm Sunday,10 am - 6 pm

Walgreens - Prairie du Chien109 North Marquette RoadPrairie du Chien, WI 53821(608) 326-0581HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 9 pmSaturday, 9 am - 6 pm Sunday,10 am - 6 pm

Physical Therapy

Prairie Maison - OutpatientTherapy (Affiliated withPrairie Nursing Facility,L.L.C. )700 South FreemontPrairie du Chien, WI 53821(608) 326-8471HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pm

Renal Dialysis Unit

Gundersen LutheranDialysis - Prairie du ChienMemorial610 East Taylor StreetPrairie du Chien, WI 53821(608) 326-3325HoursMonday, Wednesday & Friday,6 am - 4:30 pm

Urgent Care

Crossing Rivers HealthMedical Center Urgent Care37868 US Highway 18Prairie du Chien, WI 53821(608) 357-2222HoursMonday thru Friday, 5:30 pm -9:30 pm, Saturday & Sunday,10 am - 9:30 pm

WISCONSIN Prairie du Chien - Prairie du Chien



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Behavioral Health

Pauquette Center - Prairie duSac50 Prairie AvenuePrairie du Sac, WI 53578(608) 643-3147HoursTuesday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmBehavioral Health ClinicalSocial WorkerComello, Elise L, LCSWMowbray, Lisa A, LCSWBehavioral Health ProfessionalCounselorBalfanz, Eva, LPCNehrkorn, Deseree A, LPCRaimer, Penny, LPC


Bre Chiropractic1250 Prairie StreetLower LevelPrairie du Sac, WI 53578(608) 630-9040HoursMonday 1 pm - 6 pmChiropractorBallweg, Breanna R, DC


Ballweg Family Pharmacy1200 Prairie StreetPrairie du Sac, WI 53578(608) 643-6500HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 6 pm, Saturday,8:30 am - 1 pm

Eannelli Pharmacy405 Water StreetPrairie du Sac, WI 53578(608) 643-3396HoursMonday thru Friday 9 am - 6 pmSaturday 9 am - 1 pm



Most Pharmacy201 Broad Street NorthPrescott, WI 54021(715) 262-3294HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 7 pmSaturday, 9 am - 4 pm


Renal Dialysis Unit

DaVita Harbor View Dialysis3113 Washington AvenueRacine, WI 53405(262) 632-0120HoursBy appointment

DaVita Willow CreekDialysis1139 Warwick WayRacine, WI 53406(262) 884-2730HoursBy appointment


Behavioral Health

Goodman’s BehavioralHealth Clinic1104 Twenty First Street, Suite EReedsburg, WI 53959(608) 768-4545HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 12 pm & 1 pm - 5 pmBehavioral Health ChemicalDependency CounselingSpicer, Kay E, CSACBehavioral Health OutpatientPsychotherapyGoodman, Barbara G, LCSWBehavioral Health ProfessionalCounselorBavlnka, Claudia M, LPCBehavioral Health PsychiatryCullen, Randall K, MD

Pauquette Center -Reedsburg710 North Webb Avenue,Suite 400Reedsburg, WI 53959(608) 524-5151HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmBehavioral Health ClinicalSocial WorkerJohnson, Eric T, LCSWMowbray, Lisa A, LCSWBehavioral Health Marriage &Family TherapistFox-Warnecke, Beth, LMFTGasser, Paul W, LMFTBehavioral Health NursePractitionerTrewyn, Rebecca L, APNPBehavioral Health ProfessionalCounselorGutzke, Lisa, LPCHoornstra, Lynn L, MS, LPCNehrkorn, Deseree A, LPCRaimer, Penny, LPC

Sauk County Department ofHuman Services - Reedsburg425 6th StreetReedsburg, WI 53959(608) 355-4200HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pmBehavioral Health ProfessionalCounselorEllinwood, Jill D, LCSW, LPCBehavioral Health PsychiatryDiRaimondo, Linda A, MD


Anderson ChiropracticClinics - Reedsburg420 Viking DriveReedsburg, WI 53959(608) 524-2616HoursMonday 7 am - 7 pm, Tuesday8 am - 6 pm, Wednesday7 am - 6 pm, Thursday7 am - 5 pm, Friday 7 am - 6 pm,Saturday 8 am - noon (everyother) Sunday - closedChiropractorAnderson, Christopher R, DCTann, Travis J, DC

Jorandby Chiropractic Office149 North Park StreetReedsburg, WI 53959(608) 524-2213HoursMonday, 8 am - 5 pm & 6:30pm - 8 pm Tuesday, Wednesday &Friday, 8 am - 5 pmChiropractorJorandby, Richard A, DCJorandby, Shelly J, DC


Reedsburg Area MedicalCenter - Clinic1900 North Dewey Avenue,Suite AReedsburg, WI 53959(608) 524-6477HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmCardiologyTurner, Robert C, MDFamily MedicineBenish, Deanna D, MDDeGiovanni, Gina M, MDFast, Spencer W, MDHarris, Anne E, MDKoontz, Robert J, MDLaukant, Joanna L, MDOndersma, Debbie M, DOShear, Mary Beth, MDWenninger, Christopher J, MDFamily Medicine NursePractitionerMikonowicz, Renee, APNPWeiss, Emily M, FNPFamily Medicine PhysicianAssistantBrey, Allison R, PA-CObstetrics & GynecologyMidwifeAdams, Debra S, CNMPediatricsKincaid, Steven W, MD

Clinics - Specialty Care

Reedsburg Area MedicalSpecialty Center (Affiliatedwith Reedsburg AreaMedical Center, Inc.)1104 21st StreetReedsburg, WI 53959(608) 768-3901HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmCardiologySaghir, Mohammed K, MD

WISCONSINPrairie du Sac - Reedsburg



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Cardiothoracic SurgeryWeiss, Victor J, MDFamily Medicine PhysicianAssistantHank, Elizabeth A, PA-CObstetrics & GynecologySchad, Todd A, MDOrthopaedic SurgeryChrabaszcz, Gerry J, MDFochios, Dean T, MDWeber, Kevin J, MDOrthopaedic Surgery PhysicianAssistantRolling, Cecily C, PA-CPodiatryEckerman, Christopher M, DPMSurgery, GeneralHibbett, Kevin G, MDUrologyWood, Thomas W, MD

Surgical Partners (Affiliatedwith Reedsburg AreaMedical Center, Inc.)1104 21st Street, Suite BReedsburg, WI 53959(608) 524-2349HoursMonday thru Thursday,8:30 am - 4:30 pm Friday,8:30 am - 4 pmSurgery, GeneralHibbett, Kevin G, MDKlingbeil, Eric W, MD

Durable MedicalEquipment

Home Health United HomeMedical Equipment -Reedsburg164 2nd StreetReedsburg, WI 53959(608) 524-8440HoursMonday thru Friday 8 am - 5 pm,24/7 On Call

Eye Clinic

Davis Duehr Dean -Reedsburg1104 21st Street, Suite FReedsburg, WI 53959(608) 524-4303HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm,Tuesday evenings by appointmentOptometryHasler, Philip J, OD

Home Health

Home Health United VisitingNurse Service - HomeHealth164 2nd StreetReedsburg, WI 53959(608) 524-6607HoursMonday thru Friday 8 am - 5 pm,24/7 on call


Reedsburg Area MedicalCenter, Inc.2000 North Dewey AvenueReedsburg, WI 53959(608) 524-6487Hours24/7


Medical Arts Pharmacy1900 North Dewey StreetReedsburg, WI 53959(608) 524-6177HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 6 pm Saturday,9 am - 1 pm & Sunday, 9 am - 12 pm

Reedsburg FamilyPrescription115 Second StreetReedsburg, WI 53959(608) 524-3215HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 6 pm Saturday,9 am - 1 pm

Walgreens - Reedsburg1100 East Main StreetReedsburg, WI 53959(608) 524-1228HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 10 pm Saturday,9 am - 6 pm Sunday,10 am - 6 pm

Urgent Care

Reedsburg Area MedicalCenter, Inc. Urgent Care2000 North Dewey AvenueReedsburg, WI 53959(608) 524-6487HoursMonday thru Friday, 3 pm - 9 pm,Saturday & Sunday, 10 am - 9 pm


Renal Dialysis Unit

DaVita Rhinelander Dialysis1306 Lincoln StreetRhinelander, WI 54501(715) 362-3718HoursBy appointment


Behavioral Health

Clinic for ChristianCounseling, L.L.C. - RiceLake12 West Marshall Street,Suite 104Rice Lake, WI 54868(715) 832-1678HoursMonday, 9 am - 5 pmWednesday, 8 am - 5 pmThursday, 9 am - 7 pm & Friday,8 am - 12 pmBehavioral Health OutpatientPsychotherapyPeterson, Paula M, LPCBehavioral Health ProfessionalCounselorKoestler, Philip A, LPCStein, Kimberly J, LPC


Crotteau Chiropractic, L.L.C.407 West Knapp StreetRice Lake, WI 54868(715) 234-3808HoursMonday, Wednesday & Friday7 am - 5 pm Tuesday,7 am - 6 pmChiropractorCrotteau, Steven D, DC

Draeger Chiropractic1801 West Knapp Street, Suite 2Rice Lake, WI 54868(715) 234-1106HoursMonday & Wednesday8:30 am - 6 pm Tuesday,8:30 am - 4:30 pm Thursday,8:30 am - 12 pm Friday8:15 am - 5:15 pmChiropractorDraeger, Ricky C, DC

Hover Chiropractic Clinic1801 West Knapp Street, Suite 1Rice Lake, WI 54868(715) 234-3067HoursMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday &Friday, 8 am - 5 pm Thursday,8 am - 12 pmChiropractorHover, Thomas D, DC

Clinics - Specialty Care

Interventional PainSpecialists of Wisconsin,S.C. - Rice Lake2021 Cenex Drive, Suite JRice Lake, WI 54868(715) 234-7246HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pmPain MedicineBrendel, John, MDPain Medicine NursePractitionerMatthys, Carol A, NP

Oral & Maxillofacial SurgeryAssociates of Eau Claire -Rice Lake821 Bear Paw AvenueRice Lake, WI 54868(715) 834-8414HoursBy appointment

Pain Clinic of NorthwesternWisconsin, S.C. - Rice Lake331 South Main StreetRice Lake, WI 54868(888) 235-7246HoursBy appointmentPain MedicineSchlimgen, Mark R, MD

WISCONSIN Reedsburg - Rice Lake



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Wisconsin Brain & SpineCenter -Rice Lake2021 Cenex Drive Suite JRice Lake, WI 54868(800) 322-1747HoursBy appointmentNeurosurgeryThapar, Kamal, MD


Branham-Healy OrthopedicClinic, S.C.1035 North Main StreetRice Lake, WI 54868(715) 234-9018HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am to 4:30pmOrthopaedic SurgeryBranham, Roger V, MD

Chippewa ValleyOrthopedics & SportsMedicine Clinic, S.C. - RiceLake1507 West Knapp Street, Unit 1Rice Lake, WI 54868(800) 322-1747HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmOrthopaedic SurgeryBerg, Troy L, MDBerschback, John C, MDCrow, Austin J, MDOrthopaedic Surgery NursePractitionerHolden, Katie M, NPOrthopaedic Surgery PhysicianAssistantSwartz, Steven K, PA-C


Medications Plus8 East Koepp StreetRice Lake, WI 54868(715) 234-9021HoursMonday thru Friday,9:30 am - 5:30 pm Saturday,9 am - 12 pm

Osterbauer Drugs312 West KnappRice Lake, WI 54868(715) 234-3969HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 5:30 pm Saturday,8 am - 12 pm

Shopko Pharmacy - RiceLake320 South Access RoadRice Lake, WI 54868(715) 236-7414HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 9 pmSaturday, 9 am - 6 pm Sunday,10 am - 6 pm

Wal-Mart Pharmacy - RiceLake2501 West AvenueRice Lake, WI 54868(715) 234-2997HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 9 pmSaturday, 9 am - 7 pm Sunday,10 am - 6 pm

Walgreens - Rice Lake502 South Main StreetRice Lake, WI 54868(715) 736-0120HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 10 pm Saturday,9 am - 6 pm & Sunday,10 am - 6 pm


Foot and Ankle Clinic,L.L.P. - Rice Lake2021 Cenex Drive, Suite KRice Lake, WI 54868(800) 359-4421HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 5 pmPodiatryKowski, Joel A, DPMMack, Gregory J, DPM


Diagnostic RadiologyAssociates of Wisconsin, S.C.1024 North Main StreetRice Lake, WI 54868(715) 234-8151HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 4 pm

RadiologyLefsrud, Robert D, MDPelant, Thomas M, MDTerrell, John A, MD


Behavioral Health

Pauquette Center - RichlandCenter23295 US Highway 14Richland Center, WI 53581(608) 647-4705HoursMonday thru Thursday,8 am - 5 pmBehavioral Health ChemicalDependency CounselingLarson, Sue A, CSAC LPCBehavioral Health Marriage &Family TherapistFox-Warnecke, Beth, LMFTBehavioral Health OutpatientPsychotherapySimonson, Heather N, LPCBehavioral Health ProfessionalCounselorGaumond, Tiffany, LPC

Richland County Health andHuman Services221 West Seminary StreetRichland Center, WI 53581(608) 647-8821HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmTuesday evenings by appointmentBehavioral Health ChemicalDependency CounselingGoodman, Louvin B, CSACBehavioral Health OutpatientPsychotherapyFullmer, Barbara J, LCSWNigl, Pamela J, LPCBehavioral Health PsychologyWarrior, Jean A, PHD


Cronk Chiropractic Office797 West Seminary StreetRichland Center, WI 53581(608) 647-3646HoursMonday, Wednesday & Friday,9 am - 12 pm, 1:30 pm - 5:30 pm6:30 pm - 8:30 pm Tuesday &Thursday 9 am - 12 pm Saturdayby appointment only

ChiropractorCronk, Laine K, DC

Wacker Chiropractic, L.L.C.186 East Mill StreetRichland Center, WI 53581(608) 647-9100HoursMonday, Wednesday, Thursday &Friday, 8 am - 5:30 pm Tuesday,8 am - 4 pmChiropractorWacker, Daryl R, DC


Richland Medical Center,Ltd.301 East Second StreetRichland Center, WI 53581(608) 647-6161HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 8 pmSaturday & Sunday, 9 am - 12 pmAudiologyTranso, Poul-Erik, MS, CCC-ACardiologyAiliani, Raju G, MDBrown, Ward M, MDHinderaker, Paul H, MDIgic, Petar, MDMoses, John, MDSaghir, Mohammed K, MDCardiothoracic SurgeryWeiss, Victor J, MDDermatologyNoll, Karl R, MDFamily MedicineBalink, Kay M, MDBard, Neil N, MDButrick, Robin M, MDDickman, James J, MDMay, David J, MDMyers, Bryan L, MDMyszkowski, Jennifer M, MDRichards, Christine S, MDRichardson, Thomas L, MDScherer, Jillian M, MDWhitney, Kevin R, MDWright, Andrew J, MDFamily Medicine NursePractitionerBabbitt, Janet, APNPBanda-Wolk, Martine, APNPPoole, Philomena M, APNPFamily Medicine PhysicianAssistantLawless, Lindsey M, PA-CWolk, Stephen M, PA-C

WISCONSINRice Lake - Richland Center



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GeriatricsSmith, Robert P, MDNephrologyUsha, Kumari, MDNephrology Nurse PractitionerGregas, Jennifer J, NPNeurology Physicican AssistantHeath, Veronica A, PA-CObstetrics & GynecologyPhysician AssistantGrossen, Nicole M, PA-COrthopaedic SurgeryBeck, Thomas S, MDSurgery, GeneralDelventhal, Stephen J, MD

Clinics - Specialty Care

Center Creek ProfessionalBuilding (Affiliated withRichland Medical Center,Ltd.)1313 West Seminary StreetRichland Center, WI 53581(608) 647-6161HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmGeriatricsSmith, Robert P, MD

Durable MedicalEquipment

Community Home MedicalEquipment, L.L.C. - RichlandCenter157 North Main StreetRichland Center, WI 53581(608) 647-4963HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 5 pm

Eye Clinic

Davis Duehr Dean -Richland Center165 West Haseltine StreetRichland Center, WI 53581(608) 647-8995HoursMonday, Wednesday, Thursday &Friday, 8 am - 5 pm Tuesday,8 am - 8 pm Saturday,8 am - 12 pmOptometryGuelig, John P, ODWalker, Bradford P, OD

Family Planning Center

Essential Health Clinic -Richland Center175 Mill Street EastRichland Center, WI 53581(800) 657-5177HoursWednesday, 9:30 am - 4:30 pmObstetrics & GynecologyMidwifeJolivette, Sharon L, CNMWomen’s Health NursePractitionerKindschy, Nancy R, WHNP


Richland Hospital333 East Second StreetRichland Center, WI 53581(608) 647-6321Hours24/7

Nursing Home

Pine Valley Healthcare &Rehabilitation Center25951 Circle View DriveRichland Center, WI 53581(608) 647-2138HoursMonday thru Friday,7:45 am - 4:15 pm

Schmitt Woodland Hills, Inc.1400 West Seminary StreetRichland Center, WI 53581(608) 647-8931HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 4 pm


Richland Family PrescriptionCenter301 East Second StreetRichland Center, WI 53581(608) 647-8806HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 6 pm Weekends, 24/7on-call

Thrifty White Pharmacy -Richland190 Richland SquareRichland Center, WI 53581(608) 647-8918HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 8 pmSaturday, 9 am - 5 pm Sunday,12:30 pm - 5 pm

Wal-Mart Pharmacy -Richland Center2401 US Highway 14 EastRichland Center, WI 53581(608) 647-8941HoursMonday thru Saturday,9 am - 7 pm Sunday,10 am - 6 pm

Renal Dialysis Unit

Gundersen LutheranDialysis - Richland1313 Seminary StreetRichland Center, WI 53581(608) 647-4800HoursMonday, Wednesday & Friday,6 am - 4:30 pm


Clinics - Specialty Care

Rucker M.D. Plastic SurgeryClinic - River Falls (Affiliatedwith Plastic Surgery Clinic ofEau Claire)1629 East Division StreetRiver Falls, WI 54022(800) 456-8222HoursBy appointmentPlastic Surgery, General PlasticSurgeryRucker, Joseph W, MD


Family Fresh MarketPharmacy - River Falls303 South Main StreetRiver Falls, WI 54022(715) 425-8494HoursMonday thru Thursday,9 am - 8 pm Friday, 9 am - 7 pmSaturday, 9 am - 3 pm & Sunday,10 am - 1 pm

Freeman Drugs104 South Main StreetRiver Falls, WI 54022(715) 425-2255HoursMonday thru Thursday,8 am - 8 pm Friday, 8 am - 7 pmSaturday, 8 am - 3 pm

Shopko Pharmacy - RiverFalls1777 Paulson RoadRiver Falls, WI 54022(715) 425-6272HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 9 pmSaturday, 9 am - 6 pm Sunday,10 am - 6 pm

Walgreens - River Falls1047 North Main StreetRiver Falls, WI 54022(715) 426-4089HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 8 pmSaturday, 9 am - 6 pm Sunday,10 am - 6 pm


Renal Dialysis Unit

DaVita St Croix DialylsisCenter744 East Louisana StreetSaint Croix Falls, WI 54024(715) 483-1555HoursBy appointment



Maplewood of Sauk PrairiePharmacy245 Sycamore StreetSauk City, WI 53583(608) 643-3383HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pm

Sauk City Pharmacy830 Water StreetSauk City, WI 53583(608) 643-6858HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 6 pm Saturday,8:30 am - 1 pm

WISCONSIN Richland Center - Sauk City



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Walgreens - Sauk City333 Phillips BoulevardSauk City, WI 53583(608) 643-5182HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 10 pm, Saturday,9 am - 6 pm, Sunday, 9 am -5 pm



Crawford Chiropractic -Seneca156 Main StreetSeneca, WI 54654(608) 734-3444HoursMonday, Wednesday & Friday,8 am - 6 pm Tuesday,8 am - 1 pm Thursday, 1 pm - 7pm Saturday, 8 am - 12 pmChiropractorMorovits, Paul F, DC


Renal Dialysis Unit

DaVita Green BayNorthwood DialysisW7305 Elm AvenueShawano, WI 54166(715) 526-4310HoursBy appointment


Behavioral HealthAODA


Libertas of SheboyganLibertas of Sheboygan(Affiliated with Sacred Heart& St. Joseph’s Hospital)2108 Kohler Memorial DriveSheboygan, WI 53081(920) 803-0740


Renal Dialysis Unit

DaVita Sheboygan Dialysis1338 North Taylor DriveSheboygen, WI 53081(920) 458-1724HoursBy appointment



Shell Lake Clinic, Ltd. - ShellLake105 Fourth AvenuePO Box 336Shell Lake, WI 54871(715) 468-2711HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pmFamily MedicineDunham, Jeffrey L, MDHaesemeyer, Allan J, MDLang, David A, MDRigstad, Eugene C, MDFamily Medicine NursePractitionerFarrow, Eydie A, FNPFamily Medicine PhysicianAssistantBell, Jamie Lea T, PA-C

Clinics - Specialty Care

Eau Claire Heart Institute,SC -Shell Lake105 4th AvenueShell Lake, WI 54871(715) 831-4444CardiologySharaf, Mahmoud A, MD

Kenneth J. Garrison, M.D.,S.C.- Shell lake105 4th AvenuePO Box 189Shell Lake, WI 54871(715) 468-2711HoursMonday & Thursday, 2 pm - 4 pmSurgery, GeneralGarrison, Kenneth J, MD

Merrick Plastic and HandSurgery - Shell Lake113 4th AvenueShell Lake, WI 54871(866) 242-3499HoursBy appointment


Chippewa ValleyOrthopedics & SportsMedicine Clinic -Shell Lake113 4th AvenueShell Lake, WI 54871(800) 322-1747Orthopaedic SurgeryCrow, Austin J, MDPadilla, Jose A, MDOrthopaedic Surgery NursePractitionerHolden, Katie M, NPOrthopaedic Surgery PhysicianAssistantCotton, Joseph O, PA-C


Shell Lake Pharmacy108 Fourth Avenue WestShell Lake, WI 54871(715) 468-7800HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 5 pm Saturday,9 am - 12 pm


Foot and Ankle Clinic,L.L.P. - Shell Lake105 4th AvenueShell Lake, WI 54871(715) 468-2711HoursBy appointmentPodiatryMack, Gregory J, DPM


Behavioral Health DayTreatment

Northwest Journey - Siren(Affiliated with NorthwestCounseling and GuidanceClinic)7670 Johnson StreetSiren, WI 54872(715) 349-2829HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 3 pmBehavioral Health ChildPsychiatrySaul, Jennifer S, MDBehavioral Health ProfessionalCounselorMitchell, Tara L, LPCBehavioral Health PsychologyLaw, Robert T, PHD LP


Shell Lake Clinic, Ltd. - Siren7728 West Main StreetSiren, WI 54872(715) 349-2910HoursMondaty thru Friday,8:30 am - 4:30 pmFamily MedicineDunham, Jeffrey L, MDHaesemeyer, Allan J, MDRigstad, Eugene C, MDFamily Medicine NursePractitionerFarrow, Eydie A, FNPFamily Medicine PhysicianAssistantBell, Jamie Lea T, PA-C


Siren Pharmacy24106 State Highway 35,Suite 70Po Box 503Siren, WI 54872(715) 349-2221HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 5:30 pm

WISCONSINSauk City - Siren



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Renal Dialysis Unit

DaVita Siren Dialysis24670 State Road 35 70Suite 100Siren, WI 54872(715) 349-4220HoursBy appointment



Kickapoo Valley MedicalClinic (Affiliated withVernon Memorial Hospital)102 Sunset AvenuePO Box 147Soldiers Grove, WI 54655(608) 624-5203HoursMonday, Thursday & Friday,8 am - 5 pm Tuesday,8 am - 7 pm Wednesday,7:30 am - 5 pm & Saturday,9:30 am - 12 pmFamily Medicine NursePractitionerSwasko, Patricia A, FNPFamily Medicine PhysicianAssistantPedretti, Tammy S, PA-CVarnes-Epstein, Lisa J, PA-C

Nursing Home

Sannes Skogdalen Heim101 Sunshine BoulevardPO Box 177Soldiers Grove, WI 54655(608) 624-5244HoursMonday thru Friday8 am - 4:45 pm


Solar Town Pharmacy104 Sunset AvenuePO Box 94Soldiers Grove, WI 54655(608) 624-3344HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 5:30 pm Saturday,8:30 am - 12:30 pm

Physical Therapy

Sannes Skogdalen Heim -Outpatient Therapy101 Sunshine BoulevardPO Box 177Soldiers Grove, WI 54655(608) 624-5126HoursMonday thru Friday8 am - 4:30 pm



Somerset Drug107 Parent StreetSomerset, WI 54025(715) 247-3535HoursMonday thru Friday,9 am - 5:30 pm



Sparta Area AmbulanceService, Ltd.618 Stelting StreetPO Box 543Sparta, WI 54656(608) 269-4949HoursMonday thru Thursday,8 am - 5 pm 24 Hour Dispatch/Emergency (608) 633-07 67

Behavioral Health

Gundersen BehavioralHealth Sparta124 North Court StreetSparta, WI 54656(608) 269-1588HoursMonday, Wednesday & Thursday,8 am - 5 pm Tuesday,8 am - 7 pm Friday, 8 am - 4 pmBehavioral Health ChemicalDependency CounselingFuhrmann, Timothy R, CSACLPCLoos, Jennifer J, CSAC, LPCBehavioral Health ChildPsychiatryRae, Emily, MD

Behavioral Health Marriage &Family TherapistDippen-Castillo, Katerri J, LMFTBehavioral Health NursePractitionerBrink, Kristine A, APNPBehavioral Health OutpatientPsychotherapyHoelzen, Donnalee A, LCSWLukasek, Marsha A, LCSW LMFTTabbert, Jerald F, LCSWBehavioral Health PsychiatryBank, Paula A, MDLean, James E, MDPolubinsky, Laurie J, MDBehavioral Health PsychologyEverett, Ethan R, PSY D LP


Bronston ChiropracticClinic - Sparta1020 West Wisconsin AvenueSparta, WI 54656(608) 269-8145HoursMonday, Wednesday & Friday8 am - 6 pm Tuesday & Thursday8 am - 5 pm Saturday 8 am - 10amChiropractorRasmusson, James M, DCSterba, William M, DC

Chiropractic Place - Sparta415 West Wisconsin Street,Suite 4Sparta, WI 54656(608) 269-4511HoursMonday & Wednesday,7 am - 6 pm Tuesday, 2 pm - 6pm Thursday, Closed Friday,7 am - 12 pmChiropractorAnderson, John J, DCAnderson, Renata M, DCHuettner, Brooke A, DC

Sparta Chiropractic Clinic110 West Wisconsin StreetSparta, WI 54656(608) 269-1451HoursMonday, Tuesday & Friday,8 am - 5 pm Wednesday,9 am - 5 pm Saturday,8 am - 12 pmChiropractorPuent, Cindy L, DC


Gundersen Sparta Clinic315 West Oak StreetSparta, WI 54656(608) 269-6731HoursMonday thru Friday,7:30 am - 5 pmEndocrinologyFrohnauer, Mary K, MDFamily MedicineCoffey, John J, MDLanddeck, Daniel S, MDPace, Michael T, MDStefanski-Williams, Jessica R, DOWolbrink, Rose A, MDFamily Medicine NursePractitionerSchroader, Mitchelle L, FNPFamily Medicine PhysicianAssistantOlson, Glenna J, PA-COshan, Amber R, PA-CHematology/Oncology NursePractitionerTorkelson, Janet L, NPNephrologyUsha, Kumari, MDObstetrics & GynecologyHolness, Robert A, MDObstetrics & GynecologyMidwifeAnderson, Karen S, CNMKett, Kathleen M, CNMOncologyBottner, Wayne A, MDOrthopaedic Surgery PhysicianAssistantSteging, Mark J, PA-CPalliative Care Clinical NurseSpecialistKendall, Marcia M, NPPodiatryDawson, David M, DPMSurgery, GeneralMinus, Timothy O, DOUrologyLondergan, Thomas A, MD

Eye Clinic

Gundersen Eye Clinic Sparta400 West Jefferson AvenueSparta, WI 54656(608) 269-8176HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm

WISCONSIN Siren - Sparta



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OphthalmologyWhitford, Steven W, MDOptometryWilliamson, Jon M, OD

Family Planning Center

Essential Health Clinic -Sparta415 West Wisconsin StreetSparta, WI 54656(800) 657-5177HoursMonday, 8 am -6 pm Thursday,10 am - 4:30 pmObstetrics & GynecologyMidwifeJolivette, Sharon L, CNMWomen’s Health NursePractitionerKindschy, Nancy R, WHNP

Nursing Home

Morrow Memorial Home forthe Aged331 South Water StreetSparta, WI 54656(608) 269-3168HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pm

Rolling Hills RehabilitationCenter14345 County Highway BSparta, WI 54656(608) 269-8800Hours24/7


Sparta Pharmacy201 South Water StreetSparta, WI 54656(608) 269-2949HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 6 pm Saturday,8:30 am - 3 pm

Wal-Mart Pharmacy - Sparta1600 West Wisconsin StreetSparta, WI 54656(608) 269-7843HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 9 pmSaturday, 9 am - 6 pm Sunday,10 am - 6 pm

Walgreens - Sparta710 West Wisconsin StreetSparta, WI 54656(608) 269-3990HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 10 pm Saturday,9 am - 6 pm Sunday,10 am - 6 pm

Physical Therapy

Achieve Physical Therapyand Sports Medicine - Sparta14345 County Highway BSparta, WI 54656(608) 269-8826HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pm, Weekends byappointment only

Innovations Rehabilitation,S.C.501 West Wisconsin StreetSparta, WI 54656(608) 269-0555HoursMonday thru Friday,7 am - 5:30 pm


Behavioral Health DayTreatment

Northwest Passage Child &Adolescent Center Passage II1661 Hams RoadSpooner, WI 54801(715) 635-7204HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmBehavioral Health ChildPsychiatrySaul, Jennifer S, MD

Clinics - Specialty Care

Parkinson Dermatology, S.C.114 Timberlane RoadSpooner, WI 54801(715) 635-3766HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmDermatologyParkinson, Katherine E, MD


Branham-Healy OrthopedicClinic, S.C. - Spooner819 Ash StreetSpooner, WI 54829(715) 234-9018HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pmOrthopaedic SurgeryBranham, Roger V, MD


Red Cross Pharmacy -Spooner146 Walnut StreetSpooner, WI 54801(715) 635-2117HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 6 pmSaturday, 8 am - 5 pm Sunday,8 am - 1 pm Holidays,9 am - 1 pm

Schmitz’s Economart700 South River StreetSpooner, WI 54801(715) 635-2836HoursMonday thru Friday,9:30 am - 6:30 pm


Hesse Foot & Ankle Clinic,S.C. - Spooner707 Ash StreetSpooner, WI 54801(715) 514-4706HoursBy appointmentPodiatryHesse, David F, DPM



Spring Green Medical Center(Affiliated with RichlandHospital)150 East Jefferson StreetSpring Green, WI 53588(608) 588-7413HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm

Family MedicineCornelius, Cristine L, MDRichardson, Thomas L, MDScherer, Jillian M, MDFamily Medicine PhysicianAssistantWolk, Stephen M, PA-C


Spring Green Pharmacy, Inc.208 East Jefferson StreetSpring Green, WI 53588(608) 588-2541HoursMonday thru Friday,9 am - 5:30 pm Saturday,9 am - 1 pm



Spring Valley Drug104 South McKay AvenueSpring Valley, WI 54767(715) 778-5684HoursMonday thru Friday,9 am - 5:30 pm Saturday,9 am - 12 pm



River Valley Pharmacy208 South Adams StreetSt. Croix Falls, WI 54024(715) 483-0426HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 5 pm

Tangen Drug124 North Washington StreetSt. Croix Falls, WI 54024(715) 483-3271HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 9 pm Saturday,8:30 am - 6 pm Sunday,9:30 am - 4 pm

WISCONSINSparta - St. Croix Falls



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Wal-Mart Pharmacy - St.Croix Falls2212 Glacier DriveSt. Croix Falls, WI 54024(715) 483-1499HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 9 pmSaturday, 9 am - 1:30 pm & 2pm - 7 pm Sunday,10 am - 1:30 pm & 2 pm - 6 pm



Harris Family ChiropracticCenter123 North BroadwayStanley, WI 54768(715) 644-5677HoursMonday, Wednesday, Thursday &Friday, 9 am - 1 pm & 3 pm - 7pm


OakLeaf Clinics, SC - EauClaire Medical Clinic -Stanley1120 Pine StreetStanley, WI 54768(715) 839-9280HoursBy appointmentEndocrinologyAdkins, Aron S, MD

Pine Grove Family PracticeAssociates, Ltd. - Stanley425 North Franklin StreetStanley, WI 54768(715) 709-0034HoursMonday, Tuesday & Friday,8 am - 5 pmFamily MedicineAuth, Dennis A, DOFamily Medicine PhysicianAssistantNordquist, Megan L, PA-C

Clinics - Specialty Care

DeFatta ENT and FacialPlastic Surgery - Stanley1120 Pine StreetStanley, WI 54768(715) 644-5571HoursBy appointment

AudiologySmith, Nicole, AuDOtolaryngologyDeFatta, Rima A, MD

Eau Claire GI Associates-Stanley1120 Pine StreetStanley, WI 54768(715) 644-6115GastroenterologyRuh, Paul J, MD

Evergreen Surgical, S.C. -Stanley1120 Pine StreetStanley, WI 54736(715) 832-1044HoursBy appointmentSurgery, GeneralDaniels, Richard J, MD

Eye Clinic

Chippewa Valley Eye Clinic,Chippewa Falls, S.C. -Stanley1120 Pine StreetStanley, WI 54768(715) 723-9375HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pmOphthalmologyBrown, Jeffrey F, MDMcCanna, Terrence D, MD


Chippewa ValleyOrthopedics & SportsMedicine Clinic, S.C -Stanley1120 Pine StreetStanley, WI 54768(800) 322-1747HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmOrthopaedic SurgeryCarlson, Brent D, MDOrthopaedic Surgery PhysicianAssistantMess, Timothy R, PA-CPhysical Medicine &Rehabilitation, PhysiatryCarlson, Carol S, MDPodiatryCaporusso, Annette B, DPM


Shopko Pharmacy - Stanley409 Junction AvenueStanley, WI 54768(715) 644-3340HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 6 pm,Saturday, 9 am - 3 pm


Foot and Ankle Clinic,L.L.P. - Stanley1120 Pine StreetStanley, WI 54768(715) 644-5571HoursBy appointmentPodiatryKowski, Joel A, DPM



Johnson Chiropractic -Stoddard201 North Main StreetStoddard, WI 54658(608) 457-2211HoursTuesday, 9 am - 5 pm Saturday,9 am - 12 pmChiropractorJohnson, Jerry L, DC



Natural Health ChiropracticCenter, Inc.120 5th Avenue SouthPO Box 147Strum, WI 54770(715) 695-2946HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 5 pmExtended Hours Available byAppointmentChiropractorMechtenberg, Melissa A, DC


Strum Pharmacy, Inc.111 5th Avenue NorthStrum, WI 54770(715) 695-3417HoursMonday thru Friday,9 am - 5:30 pm Saturday,9 am - 12 pm


Renal Dialysis Unit

DaVita Sturgeon Bay Dialysis108 South 10th AvenueSturgeon Bay, WI 54235(920) 746-7955HoursBy appointment


Renal Dialysis Unit

DaVita Sun Praire Dialysis719 Bunny TrailSun Praire, WI 53590(608) 825-6556HoursBy appointment


Behavioral Health

Gundersen BehavioralHealth Tomah601 North Superior AvenueRiver Park SuitesTomah, WI 54660(608) 374-3853HoursMonday thru Wednesday8 am - 5 pm, Thursday8 am - 8 pmBehavioral Health AddictionPsychiatryBucknam, William C, MDBehavioral Health AdultPsychiatryWood, Cindy L, MDBehavioral Health ChemicalDependency CounselingFuhrmann, Timothy R, CSACLPCBehavioral Health ChildPsychiatryRae, Emily, MD

WISCONSIN St. Croix Falls - Tomah



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Behavioral Health ClinicalSocial WorkerKalisz, Amanda K, LCSWBehavioral Health Marriage &Family TherapistDippen-Castillo, Katerri J, LMFTBehavioral Health OutpatientPsychotherapyHoelzen, Donnalee A, LCSWKeyeski, Sarah S, LPCMadsen, Rhonda J, LCSWStreyle, John R, LCSWBehavioral Health PsychiatryBank, Paula A, MDLean, James E, MDPolubinsky, Laurie J, MDBehavioral Health PsychologyEverett, Ethan R, PSY D LP


Active Health ChiropracticCenter - Tomah402 Superior AvenueTomah, WI 54660(608) 374-3000HoursMonday, 9 am - 1 pm, 3 pm - 5pm Tuesday & Thursday,10 am - 1 pm, 3 pm - 6 pm,Wednesday, 8 am - 12 pm, 2pm - 4 pm, Closed Friday thruSunday but available foremergencies if neededChiropractorOwens, Bridget A, DC

Olson Chiropractic301 Superior AvenueTomah, WI 54660(608) 372-5922HoursMonday & Thursday,10 am - 6 pm Tuesday &Wednesday, 8:30 am - 5:30 pmFriday 8 am - 12 pmChiropractorOlson, Brian W, DC

Tank Family Chiropractic1100 Kilbourn AvenueTomah, WI 54660(608) 372-2747HoursMonday thru Friday,9 am - 12 pm Tuesday, ClosedMonday & Wednesday 2 pm - 6pm & Friday 2 pm - 4 pmChiropractorHeeren, Brian D, DCTank, Meggan M, DC

Tomah Chiropractic Clinic500 North Superior AvenueTomah, WI 54660(608) 372-3348HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 5:30 pm Saturday, 8:30am - 11:30 amChiropractorRudd, Kelly D, DCShaw, Lindsey A, DC


Gundersen Tomah Clinic1330 North Superior AvenueTomah, WI 54660(608) 372-4111HoursMonday thru Thursday,7 am - 5:30 pm, Friday,7 am - 5 pmAudiologyManke, Angela S, AuDCardiologyDevine, Stephen M, MDSutthiwan, Piraon, MDCardiology Physician AssistantWinters, Andrea J, PA-CCardiothoracic SurgeryParamesh, Venki, MDRabindranauth, Prem, MDCardiothoracic Surgery NursePractitionerRugen-Rendler, Barbara M,APNPDental Specialists, Oral &Maxillofacial SurgeryCastro, Lauren M, DMDMacKenzie, Thomas S, DDSDental Specialists,OrthodonticsBarba, Michael, DDSFamily MedicineJacobsen, Christine E, MDKline, Robb E, MDMcMullen, Jill P, MDMinier, Veronica S, MDFamily Medicine NursePractitionerTate, Kimberly A, FNPFamily Medicine PhysicianAssistantMaurhoff, Bradley D, PA-COlson, Glenna J, PA-CGeneral Internal MedicineErdman, Rick A, MDHematologyFarnen, John P, MD

Hematology/Oncology NursePractitionerTorkelson, Janet L, NPNephrologySiddiqi, Sumaiya W, MDObstetrics & GynecologyHolness, Robert A, MDObstetrics & GynecologyMidwifeAnderson, Karen S, CNMKett, Kathleen M, CNMOncologyKwong, Roger W, MDOrthopaedic Surgery PhysicianAssistantSteging, Mark J, PA-COtolaryngologySieck, Brian M, MDPalliative Care Clinical NurseSpecialistKendall, Marcia M, NPPediatricsHodgson-Kline, Kelly E, MDPediatrics CardiologyMacLellan-Tobert, Susan G, MDPediatrics Hematology/OncologyOrozco, Jennifer M, MDPeters, Antoinette M, MDPodiatryAbicht, Bradley P, DPMSurgery, GeneralMinus, Timothy O, DOSmith, Travis J, MDSurgery, VascularSchoepel, Kevin L, MDUrologyLondergan, Thomas A, MD

Clinics - Specialty Care

General Surgery Clinic(Affiliated with TomahMemorial Hospital)321 Butts AvenueTomah, WI 54660(608) 372-2181HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm

Specialty Clinic (Affiliatedwith Tomah MemorialHospital)321 Butts AvenueTomah, WI 54660(608) 372-2181HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pm

Family Medicine NursePractitionerAllen, Kelli, FNPOrthopaedic SurgeryBanks, Richard W, DOBrucker, Wallace B, MDLiebert, Paul L, MDOrthopaedic Surgery NursePractitionerLiebert, Rebecca A, APNPSurgery, GeneralRobertson, John W, MD

Durable MedicalEquipment

Phillips Tomah Pharmacy,Inc. - Durable MedicalEquipment1004 Superior AvenueTomah, WI 54660(608) 372-4115HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 6 pm & Saturday8:30 am - 1 pm

Eye Clinic

Family Vision Center ofTomah (Affiliated withFamily Vision Center)1021 North Superior AvenueTomah, WI 54660(608) 372-4664HoursMonday, 8 am - 1 pm Tuesday,Thursday & Friday, 8 am - 5 pmOptometryCherney, Dustin A, ODFoss, Richard L, ODPuls, Jessica C, ODWonderling, Ann M, OD

Gundersen Eye Clinic Tomah1330 North Superior AvenuePO Box 430Tomah, WI 54660(608) 372-4458HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmOphthalmologyRunde, Matthew R, MDOptometryLarsen, David P, OD

WISCONSINTomah - Tomah



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Tomah Memorial HospiceSerenity Touch (HospiceTouch and Palliative CareLife Choices Clinic)601 Straw StreetTomah, WI 54660(608) 374-0250Hours24/7


Tomah Memorial Hospital321 Butts AvenueTomah, WI 54660(608) 372-2181HoursUrgent Care Hours: Monday thruSunday, 6 am - 10 pmSurgery, Nurse PractitionerFushianes, America A, NP

Nursing Home

Tomah Nursing andRehabilitation (Affiliatedwith CCG Tomah, Inc.)1505 Butts AvenueTomah, WI 54660(608) 372-3241HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pm


Medicine Shoppe - Tomah300 Superior AvenueTomah, WI 54660(608) 372-2101HoursMonday thru Friday, 8:30 am - 6 pm Saturday,8:30 am - 1 pm

Phillips Tomah Pharmacy1004 Superior AvenueTomah, WI 54660(608) 372-4115HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 6 pm Saturday,8:30 am - 1 pm

Wal-Mart Pharmacy - Tomah222 West McCoy BoulevardTomah, WI 54660(608) 372-7557HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 9 pmSaturday, 9 am - 1:30 pm & 2pm - 7 pm Sunday, 10 am - 6 pm

Renal Dialysis Unit

Gundersen LutheranDialysis - Tomah321 Butts AvenueTomah, WI 54660(608) 374-0280HoursMonday thru Saturday,6 am - 4:30 pm

Urgent Care

Tomah Memorial HospitalUrgent Care321 Butts AvenueTomah, WI 54660(608) 374-0239HoursSunday thru Saturday,6 am - 10 pm



Trempealeau FamilyChiropractic11378 Chase StreetTrempealeau, WI 54661(608) 534-6090HoursMonday, 7 am - 12 pm Tuesday, 1pm - 7 pm Wednesday, ClosedThursday, 7 am - 1 pm Friday, 2pm - 7 pm Saturday,8 am - 12 pmChiropractorHeiden, David J, DC



James Pharmacy - TurtleLake215 Maple StreetPO Box 46Turtle Lake, WI 54889(715) 986-2225HoursMonday thru Friday,9 am - 5:30 pm & Saturday9 am - 1 pm


Behavioral Health

Center Point CounselingServices Cooperative210 Airport Road, Suite 103Po Box 189Viroqua, WI 54665(608) 638-7420HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmBehavioral HealthJohnson, Katrina M, LCSWBehavioral Health ChildPsychiatryKarlstad, Martha A, MDBehavioral Health NursePractitionerDressler, Christine M, APNPBehavioral Health OutpatientPsychotherapyHagerman, Cheri L, LCSWJolley, Donna M, LCSWSchmidt, Kevin R, LCSWSchmidt, Paul P, LCSWBehavioral Health ProfessionalCounselorDeutsch, Paul A, LPCBehavioral Health PsychiatryFassbinder, Katie R, MDFamily MedicineChakoian, David, MD

Family & Children’s Center -Viroqua1321 North Main StreetViroqua, WI 54665(608) 637-7052HoursMonday, 8 am - 6 pm Tuesdaythru Thursday, 8 am - 7 pmFriday, 8 am - 5 pm

Behavioral Health OutpatientPsychotherapyCavanaugh, Laura C, LCSW

Ocooch Counseling Services,L.L.C.304 South Main Street, Suite AViroqua, WI 54665(608) 638-0005HoursBy appointmentBehavioral Health ProfessionalCounselorWelsh, Barbara K, LPC

Psychiatric AssociatesCounseling Center, L.L.C.122 West South StreetPO Box 206Viroqua, WI 54665(608) 637-2511HoursMonday thru Thursday,8:30 am - 4:30 pm Evenings andFridays by Appointment OnlyBehavioral Health OutpatientPsychotherapyBell, Roberta, LCSWBehavioral Health PsychologySaner, Dean B, PsyD

Viroqua Healing Arts MentalHealth Center224 East Court StreetViroqua, WI 54665(608) 637-7600HoursMonday thru Wednesday,9 am - 7 pm, Thursday & Friday,9 am - 5 pmBehavioral Health OutpatientPsychotherapyHoel, Gilford C, MA Ed, LCSWTownsley, Susan K, LCSW


Aligned for HealthChiropractic739 South Main StreetViroqua, WI 54665(608) 637-6577HoursMonday, Wednesday, Thursday, &Friday, 8:30 am - 6 pm, Tuesdayby appointment onlyChiropractorThompson, Tena M, DC

WISCONSIN Tomah - Viroqua



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Bjerke Chiropractic820 North Main StreetViroqua, WI 54665(608) 637-7177HoursMonday thru Friday,9 am - 12 pm & 1 pm - 6 pm,Saturday 9 am - 12 pmChiropractorBjerke, John A, DC

Dr. Odell V. Solverson DC211 North Main StreetViroqua, WI 54665(608) 637-7656HoursMonday thru Thursday,8 am - 5:30 pmChiropractorSolverson, Odell V, DC

Vernon Clinic ofChiropractic1316 Bad Axe Court, Suite AViroqua, WI 54665(608) 637-8111HoursMonday & Wednesday,8 am - 5:30 pm Tuesday,7 am - 5 pm, Thursday,9 am - 6 pm Friday, 8 am - 10:30amChiropractorErlandson, Kris N, DCVarichak, Bryan M, DC


Gundersen Viroqua Clinic407 South Main Street, Suite 200Viroqua, WI 54665(608) 637-3195HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmAudiologyManke, Angela S, AuDCardiologySundaram, Rajah S, MDWitcik, Michael A, MDCardiology Nurse PractitionerSchroeder, Janice L, NPWypyszynski, Juliana E, APNPEndocrinologyAsp, Arnold A, MD

Family MedicineBassett, Rachel M, MDFeltes, James R, MDKalinosky, Michael A, DOLong, Richard E, MDPorter, John C, DORadcliffe, Jon D, DOFamily Medicine NursePractitionerBrueggen, Kristine K, APNPMlsna, Susanne R, APNPGastroenterologySchlack-Haerer, Steven C, MDHematologyFarnen, John P, MDObstetrics & GynecologySimon, Deborah A, MDObstetrics & GynecologyMidwifeDowat, Kim W, CNMEissfeldt, Jennifer L, CNMOrthopaedic SurgeryHayden, Charles H, MDLawrence, Jeffrey M, MDTopolski, Mark S, MDOrthopaedic Surgery PhysicianAssistantKratochwill, Colin J, PA-CMickelson, Randy J, PA-COtolaryngologyOverholt, Edwin M, MDPalliative Care Clinical NurseSpecialistKendall, Marcia M, NPPodiatryChestelson, Heather L, DPMRheumatology NursePractitionerBarnhart, Sharon I, APNPSurgery, GeneralWade, Alexander D, MDWilson, Rachel M, MD

Hirsch Clinic (Affiliated withVernon Memorial Hospital)407 South Main Street, Suite 400Viroqua, WI 54665(608) 637-3174HoursMonday & Friday, 8 am - 5 pm,Tuesday, 7:30 am - 5 pm,Wednesday, 9 am - 5 pm, Friday,8 am - 5 pm & Saturday, 9:30am - noonAdult Medicine NursePractitionerPankratz, Shayna D, ANPBehavioral Health ChildPsychiatryKarlstad, Martha A, MD

Family MedicineBergquist, Paul E, MDChakoian, David, MDKoons, Duane M, MDMacasaet, Rolando A, MDPrior, Deborah L, MDReadinger, Lucas P, MDRoberts, Elizabeth A, MDWoody, Brian R, MDFamily Medicine PhysicianAssistantFranke, Tom, PA-CNevers, Juliane R, PA-CSherry, Anne, PA-CPediatricsHerr, Thomas J, MD

Eye Clinic

Gundersen Eye ClinicViroqua407 South Main Street, Suite 103Viroqua, WI 54665(608) 637-8281HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmOphthalmologyKuck, Paul A, MDOptometryMcKay, Troy D, ODNahas, Andrew W, OD

Family Planning Center

Essential Health Clinic -Viroqua210 South Main Street, Unit CViroqua, WI 54665(800) 657-5177HoursTuesday, 10 am - 4:30 pmThursday, 8:30 am - 5:30 pmObstetrics & GynecologyMidwifeJolivette, Sharon L, CNMWomen’s Health NursePractitionerKindschy, Nancy R, WHNP

Home Health

Vernon Memorial HomeHealth Care705 Arena DriveViroqua, WI 54665(608) 637-4362HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pm with a RegisteredNurse on-Call 24/7


Vernon Memorial Hospice705 Arena DriveViroqua, WI 54665(608) 637-4362Hours24/7


Vernon Memorial Hospital507 South Main StreetViroqua, WI 54665(608) 637-2101HoursHospital, 24/7 with encouragedvisiting hours, 11 am - 8:30 pm

Nursing Home

Bethel Home and Services,Inc.614 South Rock AvenueViroqua, WI 54665(608) 637-2171HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 4 pm

Vernon ManorE7404A County Road BBViroqua, WI 54665(608) 637-5400HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pm


Vernon MemorialPharmacy - Viroqua407 South Main Street, Suite 104Viroqua, WI 54665(608) 637-4717HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 5:30 pm Saturday,8:30 am - 12:30 pm

Wal-Mart Pharmacy -Viroqua1133 North Main StreetPO Box 86Viroqua, WI 54665(608) 637-8514HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 9 pmSaturday, 9 am - 7 pm Sunday,10 am - 6 pm

WISCONSINViroqua - Viroqua



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Walgreens - Viroqua517 North Main StreetViroqua, WI 54665(608) 637-6575HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 10 pm Saturday,9 am - 6 pm Sunday, 9 am - 5 pm

Renal Dialysis Unit

Gundersen LutheranDialysis - Vernon Memorial407 South Main Street, Suite 300Viroqua, WI 54665(608) 637-4376HoursMonday, Wednesday & Friday,6 am - 4:30 pm

Urgent Care

Vernon Memorial HospitalUrgent Care507 South Main StreetViroqua, WI 54665(608) 637-4261HoursMonday thru Friday, 6 pm - 10pm, Saturday & Sunday,10 am - 10 pm


Urgent Care

Warrens Walk In Clinic(Affiliated with TomahMemorial Hospital)101 Unity DriveWarrens, WI 54666(608) 374-6671HoursMonday thru Sunday,9 am - 6 pm


Behavioral Health

Cary J. Kohlenberg, M.D.,S.C.2717 North GrandviewBoulevard Suite 202Waukesha, WI 53188(262) 513-0700HoursBy appointment

Durable MedicalEquipment

180 Medical, Inc.N8W22195 Johnson Drive,Suite 100Waukesha, WI 53186(877) 688-2729HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 12 pm, 2 pm - 4 pm


Durable MedicalEquipment

Kinex Medical Company, LLC1801 Airport Road, Suite DWAUKESHA, WI 53188(800) 845-6364HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm


Durable MedicalEquipment - Wound


KCI USA, Inc. - Waukesha2000 Pewaukee Road, Suites L -MWaukesha, WI 53188(262) 524-8347Hours24/7 Customer Service


Renal Dialysis Unit

Davita Waupaca Dialysis930 Furman DriveWaupaca, WI 54981(715) 258-0934HoursBy appointment


Durable MedicalEquipment

Lincare, Inc. - Wausau4405 Stewart Avenue, Suite BWausau, WI 54401(715) 848-4031HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm,Saturday & Sunday On Call

Family Planning Center

Family Planning HealthServices, Inc -Wausau719 North 3rd AvenueWausau, WI 54401(800) 246-5743HoursMonday, 8 am - 5 pm, Tuesday,9 am - 6 pm, Wednesday,9 am - 6 pm, Thursday,8 am - 5 pm, Friday,8:30 am - 2:30 pmObstetrics & GynecologyZabel, Earl W, MD

Renal Dialysis Unit

DaVita Wausau Dialysis2600 Steward AvenueSuite 144Wausau, WI 54401(715) 841-1708HoursBy appointment


Renal Dialysis Unit

DaVita Wautoma Dialysis900 East Divsion StreetWautoma, WI 54982(920) 787-1031HoursBy appointment


Durable MedicalEquipment

National Seating AndMobility, Inc. - Wauwatosa12040 West Ferrick StreetSuite D & EWauwatosa, WI 53222(866) 248-0756HoursMonday Thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pm

Renal Dialysis Unit

DaVita Bluemound Dialysis601 North 99th Street Suite 100Wauwatosa, WI 53226(414) 755-6300HoursBy appointment


Behavioral Health DayTreatment

Northwest Passage Child &Adolescent Center Passage I7818 Moline RoadWebster, WI 54893(715) 866-8301HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmBehavioral Health ChildPsychiatrySaul, Jennifer S, MDBehavioral Health ProfessionalCounselorMitchell, Tara L, LPC


Yellow River Pharmacy7438 Main Street WestPO Box 26Webster, WI 54893(715) 866-8644HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 5:30 pm Saturday,8:30 am - 4 pm



Coulee Health920 West County Highway 16,Suite AWest Salem, WI 54669(608) 498-4669HoursMonday, Tuesday & Thursday8 am - 6 pm Wednesday6 am - 6 pm Friday 6 am - 4 pmSaturday by appointment onlyChiropractorBoland, Erica A, DCBoland, Kyle D, DC

Groth Chiropractic Clinic1540 Heritage Boulevard,Suite 203West Salem, WI 54669(608) 786-3670HoursMonday & Wednesday8 am - 6 pm, Tuesday &Thursday, 8 am - noon, Friday8 am - 5 pm

WISCONSIN Viroqua - West Salem



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ChiropractorGroth, Kevin, DC

Jones Chiropractic, L.L.C.149 South LeonardWest Salem, WI 54669(608) 786-1426HoursMonday, Wednesday & Friday,8:30 am - 6 pm Tuesday,8:30 am - 12 pm & Thursday,8:30 am - 5 pmChiropractorJones, Denise L, DC

West Salem Chiropractic640 Commerce Street, Suite AWest Salem, WI 54669(608) 786-3304HoursMonday, 7:30 am - 5:30 pmTuesday, 3 pm - 6:30 pmWednesday, 8 am - 5:30 pmThursday, 3 pm - 6:30 pm Friday,9 am - 4 pmChiropractorEoriatti, Daniel J, DC

Nursing Home

Mulder Health Care Facility713 North Leonard StreetPO Box 850West Salem, WI 54669(608) 786-1600HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm


West Salem Health MartPharmacy880 North Mill StreetWest Salem, WI 54669(608) 786-0210HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 6 pm Saturday,8:30 am - 3 pm

Physical Therapy

Burkhardt Physical TherapyCenter, L.L.C.1555 Heritage BoulevardWest Salem, WI 54669(608) 786-4989HoursMonday thru Friday,7:30 am - 5:30 pm


Renal Dialysis Unit

DaVita West Union Dialysis405 Highway 150 NorthWest Union, WI 52175(563) 422-5734HoursBy appointment



Erlandson Clinic ofChiropractic700 South Main StreetWestby, WI 54667(608) 634-3193HoursMonday & Wednesday,8 am - 12 pm & 2 pm - 5:30 pmTuesday, 7 am - 10:45 am Friday,8 am - 4 pmChiropractorErlandson, Joseph L, DC


Bland Clinic (Affiliated withVernon Memorial Hospital)100 Melby StreetWestby, WI 54667(608) 634-3126HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmSaturday, 8:30 am - 12 pmFamily MedicineCalkins, William N, MDFouts, Joann A, DOFamily Medicine NursePractitionerAdams, Bernadette L, FNP

Eye Clinic

Adams Eye Clinic105 South Main StreetWestby, WI 54667(608) 634-3434HoursMonday, Tuesday & Thursday,8 am - 5 pm Wednesday,8 am - 6 pm Friday, 8 am - 4 pmOptometryAdams, Gerald S, OD

Nursing Home

Norseland Nursing Home(Affiliated with Bethany St.Joseph’s Corporation)323 Black River RoadWestby, WI 54667(608) 634-3747HoursMonday thru Friday,7 am - 3:30 pm


Vernon MemorialPharmacy - Westby115 West State StreetWestby, WI 54667(608) 634-2222HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 5:30 pm Saturday,8:30 am - 12:30 pm



Tri-County AmbulanceService18601 Lincoln StreetPO Box 65Whitehall, WI 54773(715) 538-4361HoursBusiness Office: Monday thruFriday, 8 am - 4:30 pm,Ambulance: 24/7

Behavioral Health

Gundersen BehavioralHealth Whitehall18606 Ervin StreetPO Box 704Whitehall, WI 54773(715) 538-2676HoursTuesday & Thursday 8 am - 5 pm,Wednesday 8 am - 7 pmBehavioral Health ChildPsychiatryRae, Emily, MDBehavioral Health OutpatientPsychotherapyFruehling, David, LCSWWalters, Holly L, LPCBehavioral Health ProfessionalCounselorSchmid, Christopher G, LPC

Behavioral Health PsychiatryFreier, Kristen A, MD


Pank Chiropractic Relief andWellness Center36321 Main StreetPO Box 486Whitehall, WI 54773(715) 538-2333HoursMonday & Wednesday7:45 am - 5:30 pm Tuesday &Thursday, 8 am - 5:30 pm Friday,7:45 am - 5 pmChiropractorKoxlien, Brandon H, DCPank, Sara A, DC


Gundersen Tri-CountyHospital and Clinics -Whitehall18606 Ervin StreetWhitehall, WI 54773(715) 538-4355HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pmAudiologyMaliszewski, Andrea R, AuDCardiologyOdigie Okon, Esosa G, MDSutthiwan, Piraon, MDCardiology Nurse PractitionerSchroeder, Janice L, NPEndocrinologyFrohnauer, Mary K, MDFamily MedicineBreidenbach, Kimberly B, MDKlomps-McClung, Megan M, DOLofgren, David J, MDMinnaert, Natasha R, DOStudt, Larry C, MDThurman, Chad M, MDFamily Medicine PhysicianAssistantEtten, Katie L, PA-CHerried, Jeffery S, PA-CMoericke, Douglas B, PA-CSchoenfuss, Erin S, PA-CZellmer, Mark R, PA-CGastroenterologyAberger, Frank J, MDGeneral Internal MedicinePhysician AssistantRam, Ganesh, PA-C

WISCONSINWest Salem - Whitehall



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NephrologyUsha, Kumari, MDObstetrics & GynecologyAlvarado, Mary S, MDOncologyBottner, Wayne A, MDKwong, Roger W, MDOettel, Kurt R, MDOrthopaedic SurgeryRiley, Edward H, MDOrthopaedic Surgery PhysicianAssistantRudie, Chad A, PA-COtolaryngologyCase, Michael K, MDPediatrics Hematology/OncologyOrozco, Jennifer M, MDPeters, Antoinette M, MDPulmonaryMattingley, Jennifer S, MDSleep MedicineVillareal, Alexander M, MDSurgery, VascularSchoepel, Kevin L, MDUrologyVan Every, Marvin J, MD

Eye Clinic

Gundersen Eye ClinicWhitehall18606 Ervin StreetPO Box 65Whitehall, WI 54773(715) 538-4330HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmOphthalmologyWhitford, Steven W, MDOptometryFinch, Ashley K, OD

Family Planning Center

Essential Health Clinic -Whitehall18520 Scranton StreetWhitehall, WI 54773(800) 657-5177HoursTuesday, 7:30 am - 6:15 pmThursday, 8:45 am - 5:15 pmObstetrics & GynecologyMidwifeJolivette, Sharon L, CNMWomen’s Health NursePractitionerKindschy, Nancy R, WHNP


Gundersen Tri-CountyHospital and Clinics18601 Lincoln StreetWhitehall, WI 54773(715) 538-4361HoursURGENT CARE: Monday thruFriday, 5 pm - 9 pm Saturday &Sunday, 9 am - 5 pm

Nursing Home

Gundersen Tri-County CareCenter18601 Lincoln StreetWhitehall, WI 54773(715) 538-4361HoursMonday thru Friday8 am - 4:30 pm


Colby Health Mart Pharmacy36363 Main StreetPO Box 7Whitehall, WI 54773(715) 538-4947HoursMonday thru Friday,9 am - 5:30 pm Saturday,9 am - 12 pm

Urgent Care

Gundersen Tri-CountyHospital and Clinics UrgentCare18601 Lincoln StreetWhitehall, WI 54773(715) 538-4361HoursMonday thru Friday, 5 pm - 9 pm,Saturday, Sunday & Holidays,9 am - 5 pm


Family Planning Center

Family Planning HealthServices, Inc - WisconsinDells1425 Wisconsin Dells ParkwaySuite 7Wisconsin Dells, WI 53965(800) 246-5743HoursWednesday, 12:30 pm - 6 pm

Obstetrics & GynecologyZabel, Earl W, MD


Wal-Mart Pharmacy -Wisconsin Dells130 Commerce StreetWisconsin Dells, WI 53965(608) 253-5662HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 9 pmSaturday, 9 am - 7 pm Sunday,10 am - 6 pm


Renal Dialysis Unit

DaVita Wisconsin RapidsDialysis1041B Hill StreetWisconsin Rapids, WI 54494(715) 422-0550HoursBy appointment



Owen Withee Pharmacy514 Division StreetPO Box 144Withee, WI 54498(715) 229-2020HoursMonday thru Friday,9 am - 5:30 pm Saturday,9 am - 12:30 pm



Gundersen St. Joseph’sHospital and Clinics -Wonewoc301 Railroad StreetWonewoc, WI 53968(608) 464-3575HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pmFamily MedicineCooke, William T, MDCornell, Lea G, MDO’Rourke, Katherine A, DORadcliffe, Noel A, MD

Family Medicine NursePractitionerHellerude-Borchardt, Susan M,FNPFamily Medicine PhysicianAssistantErie, Samantha R, PA-CSchmidt, Tracie L, PA-C


Renal Dialysis Unit

DaVita Northern StarDialysis311 Elm StreetWoodruff, WI 54568(715) 356-0132HoursBy appointment

WISCONSIN Whitehall - Woodruff



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Olmsted Medical Clinic -Byron (Affiliated withOlmsted Medical Center)846 High Point Drive, NortheastPO Box 250Byron, MN 55920(507) 775-2128HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmFamily MedicineAbcejo, Andrea J, MDWilbur, Mark, MDFamily Medicine PhysicianAssistantDeLacey, Karen A, PA-C


Behavioral Health

Hiawatha Valley MentalHealth Center - Caledonia121 South MarshallCaledonia, MN 55921(507) 725-2022HoursBy appointmentBehavioral Health ChemicalDependency CounselingCunningham, Lee W, LADCBehavioral Health Child/Adolescent PsychologyKuenn, Lori A, MA, LPBehavioral Health NursePractitionerRodell, Frank J, ARNPBehavioral Health ProfessionalCounselorSiegersma, Scott A, LPC


Mell Chiropractic101 South Kingston StreetCaledonia, MN 55921(507) 725-8500HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmChiropractorMell, Geoffrey, DC

Schoeberl ChiropracticClinic114 North Sunset BoulevardCaledonia, MN 55921(507) 725-3197HoursMonday & Wednesday,9 am - 5 pm & Friday,9 am - 12 pmChiropractorSchoeberl, Milton, DC

Home Health

Houston County PublicHealth611 Vista Drive, Suite 1Caledonia, MN 55921(507) 725-5810HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pm


Sterling Pharmacy -Caledonia615 Esch DriveCaledonia, MN 55921(855) 419-2331HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 6 pmSaturday, 9 am - 1 pm



Olmsted Medical Clinic -Cannon Falls1705 Highway 20 NorthCannon Falls, MN 55009(507) 263-4900HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmFamily MedicineDetert, David G, MDMolenaar, Karl D, MDFamily Medicine NursePractitionerWerner, Christine M, FNP


Behavioral HealthAODA


Hazelden Betty FordFoundation - Center City15251 Pleasant Valley RoadCenter City, MN 55012(651) 213-4000HoursMonday thru Friday,7:30 am - 8 pm


Behavioral HealthAODA


Hazelden Chaska (Affiliatedwith Hazelden Betty FordFoundation)1107 Hazeltine BoulevardChaska, MN 55318(800) 257-7800Hours8 am - 5 pm



Olmsted Medical Clinic -Chatfield (Affiliated withOlmsted Medical Center)207 Twiford Street, SouthwestChatfield, MN 55923(507) 867-4925HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmFamily MedicineDietz, Victoria L, MDKnight, Jonathan E, DOFamily Medicine PhysicianAssistantHalverson, Samuel H, PA-COccupational TherapyMeagher, Keely M, OTR


Weber & Judd Pharmacy -Chatfield237 Main Street NorthChatfield, MN 55923(507) 867-4425HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 5:30 pm


Clinics - Specialty Care

Whitney Sleep Diagnostics &Consultants712 Washington AvenueDetroit Lakes, MN 56501(218) 844-6150HoursMonday thru Friday - 24 hour oncallSleep MedicineWhitney, Courtney W, DO

Durable MedicalEquipment

Whitney Sleep Diagnostics &Consultants - DurableMedical Equipment714 Washington AvenueDetroit Lakes, MN 56501(218) 844-6150HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm24 hours on-call



Dodge Center Chiropractic405 Second Avenue NorthwestDodge Center, MN 55927(507) 374-6742HoursMonday, Wednesday, & Thursday,8 am - 5:30 pm Friday,8 am - 4 pmChiropractorKlein, Andrew T, DC

MINNESOTA Byron - Dodge Center



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Durable MedicalEquipment - Wound


KCI USA, Inc. - Duluth4430 Haines RoadDuluth, MN 55811(888) 275-4524Hours24/7 Customer Service


Cardiac Monitoring

CardioNet, L.L.C. - Eagan1285 Corporate Center Drive,Suite 175Eagan, MN 55121883122328Hours24/7/365 days

Home Monitoring

CardioNet, L.L.C. - Eagan1285 Corporate Center Drive,Suite 175Eagan, MN 55121(888) 312-2328Hours24/7/365 days


Durable MedicalEquipment

Numotion - Fridley7142 University Avenue,NortheastFridley, MN 55432(763) 571-9176HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 5 pm


Durable MedicalEquipment

Numotion - Grand Rapids502 Southeast 10th StreetGrand Rapids, MN 55744(218) 322-5021HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pm


Behavioral Health

Zumbro Valley HealthCenter - Harmony65 Main Avenue NorthHarmony, MN 55939(507) 289-2089HoursMonday thru Thursday,7:30 am - 7 pm & Friday,7:30 am - 12 pmBehavioral Health ClinicalSocial WorkerGeerts, Heather J, LICSWRodgers, Alan E, LICSWBehavioral Health ProfessionalCounselorLight, Laurel A, LPCC


Harmony ChiropracticOffice315 1st Avenue SoutheastPO Box 177Harmony, MN 55939(507) 886-6051HoursMonday, Wednesday, Thursday &Friday, 9 am - 5 pm Tuesday,9 am - 1 pmChiropractorRanda, Janell M, DC


Gundersen Harmony Clinic805 Main Avenue SouthHarmony, MN 55939(507) 886-8888HoursMonday thru Friday,7:30 am - 4:30 pmFamily MedicineBerg, Randi K, MDFamily Medicine PhysicianAssistantElsbernd, Leslie A, PA-CNelson, Diana L, PA-CHematology/Oncology NursePractitionerTorkelson, Janet L, NP

Nursing Home

Gundersen Harmony CareCenter815 Main Avenue SouthHarmony, MN 55939(507) 886-6544HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pm


Sterling Pharmacy -Harmony44 Main Avenue NorthHarmony, MN 55939(507) 886-2322HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 5 pm

Physical Therapy

Gundersen Harmony CareCenter - Outpatient Therapy815 Main Avenue SouthHarmony, MN 55939(507) 886-6544HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pm



Gundersen Houston Clinic511 East Maple StreetHouston, MN 55943(507) 896-6000HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pmFamily Medicine NursePractitionerHansen, Jennifer L, FNPRunstrom, Linda J, APNP

Nursing Home

Valley View Nursing Homeof Houston, Inc.510 East Cedar StreetHouston, MN 55943(507) 896-3125HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 4:30 pm



Chiropractic First ofLa Crescent205 North Chestnut Street,Suite 108La Crescent, MN 55947(507) 895-2225HoursMonday, 7:30 am - 5:30 pmTuesday, 1 pm - 6:30 pmWednesday, 7:30 am - 5:30 pmThursday, 7 am -12 pm Friday,7 am - 5:30 pm 1st and 3rdSaturday 8:30 am - 12 pmChiropractorPintz, Jennifer R, DCWood, Christopher D, DC

La Crescent Chiropractic136 South Walnut Street, Suite 1La Crescent, MN 55947(507) 895-6015HoursMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday &Friday, 8 am - 5 pm Thursday, 8am - 11 amChiropractorKiesau, Eric J, DC

Schams Chiropractic306 Main Street, Suite 1La Crescent, MN 55947(507) 895-2358HoursMonday, Wednesday & Friday,8 am - 5:30 pm Tuesday,9 am - 12 pm Thursday - ClosedSaturday, 8 am - 11 amChiropractorSchams, Steven K, DC


Gundersen La CrescentClinic226 Second Street NorthLa Crescent, MN 55947(507) 895-6610HoursMonday thru Friday,7:30 am - 4:30 pmBehavioral Health ChildPsychiatryQuinn, Kevin V, MDFamily MedicineCaron, Joseph W, MDGerhard, Carrie L, MD

MINNESOTADuluth - La Crescent




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Family Medicine NursePractitionerNutter, Lisa M, FNPGeneral Internal MedicineUndeland, Duane K, MD

Home Health

International QualityHomecare - La Crescent306 Main Street, Suite 4La Crescent, MN 55947(507) 895-2570HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm24/7 on call

Nursing Home

Golden LivingCenter -La Crescent (GGNSCLa Crescent, L.L.C.)101 South Hill StreetLa Crescent, MN 55947(507) 895-4445HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm


Sterling Pharmacy -La Crescent306 Main Street Suite 103La Crescent, MN 55947(507) 895-8784HoursMonday thru Friday,9 am - 5:30 pm Saturday,9 am - 12 pm



Lake City Family Physicians,P.C.507 West Doughty StreetLake City, MN 55041(651) 345-2350HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmFamily MedicinePflaum, Douglas D, MDZiebarth, Thomas M, MDFamily Medicine NursePractitionerBoe, Crystal M, FNPMajerus, Susan E, NP


Kennedy Snyder Drug223 South Lakeshore DriveLake City, MN 55041(651) 345-3411HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 8 pm,Saturday, 8 am - 5 pm & Sunday,9 am - 4 pm


Clinics - Specialty Care

Pain Clinic of NorthwesternWisconsin, S.C. - Lake Elmo8650 Hudson Boulevard,Suite 235Lake Elmo, MN 55042(888) 235-7246HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmPain MedicineSchlimgen, Mark R, MD



River Hills Chiropractic102 Sheridan Street WestLanesboro, MN 55949(507) 467-2629HoursMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday &Friday, 9 am - 6 pm & Saturdayby appointment onlyChiropractorJohnson, Kay D, DC



Limb Lab - Mankato1400 Madison Avenue Suite 212Mankato, MN 56001(507) 779-7117HoursMonday thru Friday 9 am - 4 pm


Behavioral HealthAODA


Hazelden Maple Grove(Affiliated with HazeldenBetty Ford Foundation)7001 East Fish Lake RoadMaple Grove, MN 55311(800) 257-7800Hours8 am - 5 pm


Durable MedicalEquipment

National Seating AndMobility, Inc. - Maplewood235 East Roselawn Avenue,Suite 18Maplewood, MN 55117(651) 756-7419HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pm


Infusion Therapy

Coram Specialty InfusionServices - Mendota Height2345 Waters DriveMendota, MN 55120(651) 452-5600HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 5 pm; Saturday &Sunday On-Call


Durable MedicalEquipment - Wound


KCI USA, Inc. - NewBrighton99 Fifth Avenue NorthwestNew Brighton, MN 55112(888) 275-4524Hours24/7 Customer Service



Olmsted Medical Clinic -Pine Island (Affiliated withOlmsted Medical Center)111 County Road 11 NorthwestPine Island, MN 55963(507) 356-4929HoursMonday, 8 am - 7 pm Tuesdaythru Friday, 8 am - 6 pmFamily MedicineGroeschl, Nicole E, MDFamily Medicine NursePractitionerFlavin, Penny L, CNPWaldo, Jeremy J, CNP



Olmsted Medical Clinic -Plainview (Affiliated withOlmsted Medical Center)20 2nd Avenue NortheastPlainview, MN 55964(507) 534-3885HoursMonday & Thursday,8 am - 6 pm, Tuesday,Wednesday & Friday,8 am - 5 pmFamily Medicine PhysicianAssistantBooth, Alane M, PA-CStiles, Phillip E, PA-C


Weber & Judd Pharmacy -Plainview245 First Street SouthwestPlainview, MN 55964(507) 534-3816HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 12:30 pm & 1 pm - 6 pmSaturday, 9 am - 1 pm

MINNESOTA La Crescent - Plainview



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Behavioral HealthAODA


Hazelden Betty FordFoundation - Plymouth11505 36th Avenue NorthPlymouth, MN 55441(800) 257-7800HoursMonday thru Friday 8 am - 5 pm



Olmsted Medical Clinic -Preston (Affiliated withOlmsted Medical Center)405 Kansas Street, NorthwestPreston, MN 55965(507) 765-5324HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmFamily MedicineJakim, Stephanie L, MDLoeffler, Dale E, DO

Home Health

Good Samaritan Society -Home Care200 St. Paul StreetPreston, MN 55965(507) 765-2700HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pm & On-Call asneeded


Weber & Judd Pharmacy -Preston136 Main StreetPreston, MN 55965(507) 765-2156HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 5:30 pm

Physical Therapy

Fillmore County PhysicalTherapy Services212 Fillmore Street WestPO Box 232Preston, MN 55965(800) 867-8007HoursMonday thru Friday, 7 am - 7 pm


Behavioral Health

Olmsted Medical CenterBehavioral Health -Rochester210 9th Street SoutheastRochester, MN 55904(507) 288-3443HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmBehavioral Health AdultPsychiatryRoth, James E, MDBehavioral Health PsychiatryGursky, Jeffrey T, MDLombardo, Kathryn D, MDVan Loon, Jon A, MDBehavioral Health PsychologyGuertin, Marcia L, PSY DKainz, Katherine, PHDLoring, Barbara J, PHDOllendick, Duane G, PHD LPWeber, Kevin J, PHDWickre, Harlan O, LP

Zumbro Valley HealthCenter - Behavioral Health343 Wood Lake Drive SoutheastRochester, MN 55904(507) 289-2089HoursMonday thru Thursday,7:30 am - 7 pm & Friday,7:30 am - 12 pmBehavioral HealthHenderson, Anita E, LICSWPfeifer, Spencer L, LADCBehavioral Health ChemicalDependency CounselingEyers, Jennifer R, LADCHenry, Kendra R, LADCSather, Michelle L, LADCTaylor, Else M, LADCUmhoefer, Joseph T, LADC

Behavioral Health ClinicalSocial WorkerBronson, Mark C, LICSWDavidiak, Marie J, LICSWGeerts, Heather J, LICSWKidder, Julie A, LICSWPyron Hugo, Amy G, LICSWRodgers, Alan E, LICSWThompson, Elizabeth B, LICSWBehavioral Health ProfessionalCounselorDowis, Ashleigh H, LPCCLight, Laurel A, LPCCMattheisen, Luke J, LPCPattridge, Mary A, LICSWShoberg-Weiner, Lisa M, LPCCBehavioral Health PsychologyHolmes, Leah J, LP

Zumbro Valley HealthCenter - Seventh Street29 Seventh Street NortheastRochester, MN 55906(507) 289-2089HoursMonday thru Thursday,7:30 am - 7 pm & Friday,7:30 am - 12 pmBehavioral Health ChemicalDependency CounselingHenry, Kendra R, LADCSather, Michelle L, LADCUmhoefer, Joseph T, LADCBehavioral Health ClinicalSocial WorkerBronson, Mark C, LICSWGeerts, Heather J, LICSWRodgers, Alan E, LICSW

Behavioral HealthAODA


Zumbro Valley HealthCenter - AODA ResidentialTreatment343 Wood Lake drive SoutheastRochester, MN 55904(507) 289-2089HoursMonday thru Thursday,7:30 am - 7 pm Friday7:30 am - 12 pm


Chiropractic Solutions326 Elton Hills Drive, NorthwestRochester, MN 55901(507) 281-8844HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 6 pmChiropractorRohlfing, Dale A, DC

Maday Chiropractic1201 South Broadway Avenue,Suite 70Rochester, MN 55904(507) 424-3226HoursMonday, Wednesday & Friday8 am - 5 pm Tuesday9 am - 4 pm Thursday9 am - 4 pm & Saturday byappointment onlyChiropractorMaday, Brent T, DC


Olmsted Medical Clinic -Rochester Northwest(Affiliated with OlmstedMedical Center)5067 55th Street, NorthwestRochester, MN 55901(507) 292-7070HoursClinic Services: Monday thruFriday, 7 am - 7 pm, Non-Emergency walk-in care:8 am - 3 pmAllergy/ImmunologyLowe, David, MDAudiologyJohnson, Jamie J, AUDMeier, Mary C, AuDMitchell, Donna M, AuDRoss, Karin T, AuDBehavioral Health AdultPsychiatryRoth, James E, MDBehavioral Health Marriage &Family TherapistSchilling, Tricia A, LICSWBehavioral Health PsychiatryGursky, Jeffrey T, MDLombardo, Kathryn D, MDVan Loon, Jon A, MD

MINNESOTAPlymouth - Rochester




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Behavioral Health PsychologyGuertin, Marcia L, PSY DKainz, Katherine, PHDLoring, Barbara J, PHDOllendick, Duane G, PHD LPWeber, Kevin J, PHDWickre, Harlan O, LPCardiologyJain, Mothilal Sonia, MDTabatabaei, Niloufar, MDClinical Social WorkerMacDonald, Katherine T, LICSWDermatologyChang, Michael B, MDNorth, Margaret, MDSeyfer, Sarah J, MDWinchester, Daniel S, MDEndocrinologyMuthusamy, Kalpana, MDEndocrinology PhysicianAssistantHuerter, Karina, PA-CFamily MedicineBrown, Brenda K, MDDetert, David G, MDDietz, Victoria L, MDGroeschl, Nicole E, MDHemann, Randy P, MDJakim, Stephanie L, MDJohnson, Melanie M, MDKnight, Jonathan E, DOKuncaitis, John J, MDLamp, Lynette M, MDLoeffler, Dale E, DOMolenaar, Karl D, MDNistler, Carole V, MDPelaez, Laura I, MDSparacino, Michael L, DOThauwald, Craig D, MDThoendel, Amanda L, MDVize, Barbara J, MDWilbur, Mark, MDWilliams, Linda L, MDFamily Medicine NursePractitionerBeighley, Anne M, CNPDevorak, Judith A, FNPFlavin, Penny L, CNPGabelko, Katrina L, FNPHiggins, Michelle L, FNPKarp, Tammy L, CNPKycek, Michael P, NPLunaas, Michele L, FNPWagner, Matthew P, ARNPWaldo, Jeremy J, CNPWerner, Christine M, FNP

Family Medicine PhysicianAssistantBooth, Alane M, PA-CHalverson, Samuel H, PA-CSchultz-Tiedeken, Clover G,PA-CStiles, Phillip E, PA-CGeneral Internal MedicineBowman, Martha A, MDChambers, Craig M, MDCierzan, John J, MDHankel, Lindy S, MDKojaian, Maral, MDMikkilineni, Prasamsi, MDGeneral Internal MedicineNurse PractitionerGroth, Debra A, CNPTienter, Roxie, CNPNeurologyBorders-Robinson, Angala, DONeurology Nurse PractitionerRussell, Theresa, CNPObstetrics & GynecologyAgudelo Suarez, Patricia A, MDGillman, Diana M, MDHoffmann, James A, DOHokenstad, Alexis N, MDMcKeon, Kimberly J, MDNitschmann, Caroline C, MDPalmer, Kenneth M, MDPerrone, Jack F, MDPetersen, Deborah, MDObstetrics & GynecologyMidwifeHinck, Patricia J, CNMSchwanke, Annemarie, CNMObstetrics & GynecologyNurse PractitionerCanzanello, Karen L, CNPHalbach, Judi L, ARNPNelson, Amy E, CNPOphthalmologyGrill, Robert, MDPeterson, Daniel C, MDOptometryWoolley, Donald W, ODOrthopaedic SurgeryKirsch, Matthew J, MDOrthopaedic Surgery NursePractitionerWalters, Matthew S, ARNPOrthopaedic Surgery PhysicianAssistantCitronowicz, Stephanie A, PA-CKautz, Douglas V, PA-COtolaryngologyErbach, Thomas J, MDLibi, Sharon, MD

Pain MedicineAbdel-Aziz, Samer, MDVirdi, Amarjit, MDPediatricsArndt, Kristin C, MDArndt, Peter M, MDBhargava, Deepika, MDBonde, Denise L, MDEdwards, Terri B, MDGibson, Katy J, DOGonzalez Paz, Natalia C, MDMcCoy, Hila H, MDNagpaul-Chaudhry, Indrani, MDRudnik, Volha, MDPhysical Medicine & RehabNurse PractitionerHarp, Cydnie L, ARNPHartman, Tamara L, ARNPSiewert, Jeffrey T, ARNPPhysical Medicine & RehabPhysician AssistantDodge Jerde, Sarah E, PA-CMcKibben, Robert R, PA-CTooley, Kyle J, PA-CPodiatryKaminsky, Myron O, DPMPanetta, Stephen E, DPMPfizenmaier, Vanessa L, DPMStead, Loring J, DPMSleep MedicineCramer Bornemann, Michel A,MDGreatens, Todd M, MDSleep Medicine NursePractitionerHurley, Theresa L, ARNPSports MedicineThompson, Matthew C, MDSports Medicine OrthopaedicSurgeryAlexandrov, Tamara, MDSports Medicine PhysicianAssistantPoczos, Andrew J, PA-CSurgery, GeneralChandra, Vidhan, MDGrimm, Gayette F, MDJuta, Jacob T, MDUrologyHighshaw, Ralph A, MDPeterson, Noel R, MD

Olmsted Medical Clinic -Rochester Southeast(Affiliated with OlmstedMedical Center)210 Ninth Street, SoutheastRochester, MN 55904(507) 288-3443HoursMonday thru Friday,6:45 am - 5 pmAllergy/ImmunologyLowe, David, MDAnesthesiologyPfeffer-Kleeman, Susanne D, MDAudiologyJohnson, Jamie J, AUDMeier, Mary C, AuDMitchell, Donna M, AuDRoss, Karin T, AuDCardiologyJain, Mothilal Sonia, MDTabatabaei, Niloufar, MDClinical Social WorkerMacDonald, Katherine T, LICSWDermatologyChang, Michael B, MDLisowe, Jennifer A, MDNorth, Margaret, MDSeyfer, Sarah J, MDWinchester, Daniel S, MDEndocrinologyMuthusamy, Kalpana, MDEndocrinology PhysicianAssistantHuerter, Karina, PA-CFamily MedicineAbcejo, Andrea J, MDBartels, Duane R, MDBrown, Brenda K, MDDetert, David G, MDDietz, Victoria L, MDGroeschl, Nicole E, MDHemann, Randy P, MDJakim, Stephanie L, MDJohnson, Melanie M, MDKnight, Jonathan E, DOKuncaitis, John J, MDLamp, Lynette M, MDMolenaar, Karl D, MDNistler, Carole V, MDSparacino, Michael L, DOThauwald, Craig D, MDThoendel, Amanda L, MDVize, Barbara J, MDWilbur, Mark, MDWilliams, Linda L, MD

MINNESOTA Rochester - Rochester



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Family Medicine NursePractitionerDevorak, Judith A, FNPFlavin, Penny L, CNPHiggins, Michelle L, FNPKarp, Tammy L, CNPKycek, Michael P, NPLunaas, Michele L, FNPWagner, Matthew P, ARNPWaldo, Jeremy J, CNPWerner, Christine M, FNPFamily Medicine PhysicianAssistantBooth, Alane M, PA-CDeLacey, Karen A, PA-CHalverson, Samuel H, PA-CSchultz-Tiedeken, Clover G,PA-CGeneral Internal MedicineBowman, Martha A, MDChambers, Craig M, MDCierzan, John J, MDHankel, Lindy S, MDJepson, Laurie L, MDKaggal, Sneha R, MDKojaian, Maral, MDMikkilineni, Prasamsi, MDGeneral Internal MedicineNurse PractitionerGroth, Debra A, CNPLee, Yvonne, NPTienter, Roxie, CNPNeurologyBorders-Robinson, Angala, DONeurology Nurse PractitionerRussell, Theresa, CNPObstetrics & GynecologyAgudelo Suarez, Patricia A, MDGillman, Diana M, MDHoffmann, James A, DOHokenstad, Alexis N, MDMcKeon, Kimberly J, MDNitschmann, Caroline C, MDPalmer, Kenneth M, MDPerrone, Jack F, MDObstetrics & GynecologyMidwifeHinck, Patricia J, CNMSchwanke, Annemarie, CNMObstetrics & GynecologyNurse PractitionerCanzanello, Karen L, CNPHalbach, Judi L, ARNPNelson, Amy E, CNPOphthalmologyGrill, Robert, MDPeterson, Daniel C, MDOptometryWoolley, Donald W, OD

Orthopaedic SurgeryBeckenbaugh, Jeffrey P, DOKirsch, Matthew J, MDOrthopaedic Surgery NursePractitionerWalters, Matthew S, ARNPOrthopaedic Surgery PhysicianAssistantCitronowicz, Stephanie A, PA-CKautz, Douglas V, PA-COtolaryngologyErbach, Thomas J, MDLibi, Sharon, MDPain MedicineAbdel-Aziz, Samer, MDPediatricsArndt, Kristin C, MDArndt, Peter M, MDBhargava, Deepika, MDBonde, Denise L, MDEdwards, Terri B, MDGibson, Katy J, DOGonzalez Paz, Natalia C, MDMcCoy, Hila H, MDNagpaul-Chaudhry, Indrani, MDRudnik, Volha, MDPhysical Medicine & RehabNurse PractitionerHarp, Cydnie L, ARNPHartman, Tamara L, ARNPSiewert, Jeffrey T, ARNPPhysical Medicine & RehabPhysician AssistantBenn, Nathan J, PA-CDodge Jerde, Sarah E, PA-CMcKibben, Robert R, PA-CReed, Mackenzie A, PA-CPlastic Surgery, General PlasticSurgeryBabovic, Srdan, MDPodiatryKaminsky, Myron O, DPMPfizenmaier, Vanessa L, DPMStead, Loring J, DPMSleep MedicineCramer Bornemann, Michel A,MDGreatens, Todd M, MDSleep Medicine NursePractitionerBanks, Ida M, ARNPHurley, Theresa L, ARNPSports MedicineThompson, Matthew C, MD

Sports Medicine OrthopaedicSurgeryAlexandrov, Tamara, MDSports Medicine PhysicianAssistantPoczos, Andrew J, PA-CSurgery, GeneralChandra, Vidhan, MDGrimm, Gayette F, MDJuta, Jacob T, MDUrologyPeterson, Noel R, MD

Zumbro Valley HealthCenter - Clinic343 Wood Lake Drive SoutheastRochester, MN 55904(507) 289-2089HoursMonday thru Friday,7:30 am - 7 pm & Friday,7:30 am - 12 pmFamily Medicine NursePractitionerHagi-Salaad, Misbil F, FNPMajerus, Susan E, NP

Clinics - Specialty Care

Olmsted Medical Center -Center for Weight Loss &Wellness (Affiliated withOlmsted Medical Center)4303 Hwy 52 NorthRochester, MN 55901(507) 292-7155HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm

Olmsted Medical Center -Rehabilitation Services(Affiliated with OlmstedMedical Center)102 Elton Hills DriveRochester, MN 55901(507) 292-7222HoursMonday thru Friday, 7 am - 5 pm

Olmsted Medical Center -Rehabilitation ServicesNorthwest (Affiliated withOlmsted Medical Center)5067 55th Street, NorthwestRochester, MN 55901(507) 292-7222HoursMonday thru Friday, 7 am - 5 pm

Physical Medicine & RehabNurse PractitionerHarp, Cydnie L, ARNPPhysical Medicine &Rehabilitation, PhysiatryWilliams, Brent S, MD

Durable MedicalEquipment

American HomePatient -Rochester414 Service Court NortheastRochester, MN 55906(507) 281-4884HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm,Customer Service 24/7

Apria Healthcare, L.L.C. -Rochester1500 Opportunity RoadNorthwestRochester, MN 55901(507) 285-0065HoursMonday thru Friday, 8:30 am -11:30 am & 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm

Lincare, Inc. - Rochester200 4th Street SoutheastRochester, MN 55904(507) 529-8140HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmSaturday & Sunday on call

Home Health

International QualityHomecare - Rochester3261 19th Street NorthwestRochester, MN 55901(507) 252-8117HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm

Recover Health, Inc. -Rochester300 11th Avenue Northwest,Suite 201Rochester, MN 55901(507) 282-2246HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm

MINNESOTARochester - Rochester




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Olmsted Medical Center -Hospital (Affiliated withOlmsted Medical Center)1650 Fourth Street, SoutheastRochester, MN 55904(507) 529-6600Hours24/7 Urgent Care: Monday thruFriday 7 am - 7 pm, Saturday,7 am - 3 pm, Sunday closedLactation Consultant ServicesAvailableBehavioral Health PsychiatryWard, Amanda M, PSY D LP

Nursing Home

Golden Living Center -Rochester East (BeverlyEnterprises - Minnesota,L.L.C.)501 Eighth Avenue SoutheastRochester, MN 55904(507) 288-6514HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm

Golden LivingCenter -Rochester West (GGNSCRochester West, L.L.C.)2215 Higway 52 NorthRochester, MN 55901(507) 288-1818HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm


Costco Pharmacy2020 Commerce DriveNorthWestRochester, MN 55901(507) 286-1870HoursMonday thru Friday,10 am - 7 pm Saturday,9:30 am - 6 pm

Cub Pharmacy1021 15th Avenue SoutheastRochester, MN 55904(507) 288-3234HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 9 pmSaturday, 9 am - 6 pm Sunday,10 am - 5 pm

Guidepoint Pharmacy202 North BroadwayRochester, MN 55906(507) 288-6463HoursMonday thru Friday,9 am - 5:30 pm Saturday,9 am - 12 pm

Hunt LTC Pharmacy1518 North BroadwayRochester, MN 55906(507) 288-3831HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 4 pm

Hunt Silver Lake Drug1510 North BroadwayRochester, MN 55906(507) 289-3901HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 9:30 pm Saturday,9 am - 9 pm Sunday, 9 am - 6 pm

Hy-Vee Pharmacy -Crossroads500 Crossroads DriveRochester, MN 55902(507) 280-9441HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 8 pmSaturday & Sunday, 9 am - 5 pm

Hy-Vee Pharmacy -Rochester500 37th Street NorthwestRochester, MN 55901(507) 289-7408HoursMonday, 8 am - 8 pm Tuesday,8 am - 6 pm Wednesday thruFriday, 8 am - 8 pm Saturday &Sunday, 9 am - 5 pm

K-Mart Pharmacy -Rochester201 9th Street, SoutheastRochester, MN 55904(507) 281-3532HoursMonday thru Friday8 am - 1:30 pm & 2 pm - 8 pmSaturday, 9 am - 1:30 pm & 2pm - 5 pm Sunday10 am - 1:30 pm & 2 pm - 3 pm

Mayo Clinic Health SystemPharmacy - Baldwin200 1st Street Southwest,Suite 1501Rochester, MN 55905(507) 284-8880HoursMonday thru Thursday,8 am - 7 pm Friday, 8 am - 5 pmSaturday, 8 am - 12 pm

Mayo Clinic Health SystemPharmacy - Eisenberg201 West Center StreetRochester, MN 55902(507) 266-7416HoursMonday thru Friday, 7 am - 8 pmSaturday & Sunday,7 am - 3:30 pm

Mayo Clinic Health SystemPharmacy - Mary Brigh1216 2nd Street Southwest,Suite M604Rochester, MN 55902(507) 284-4041HoursOpen 24/7

Mayo Clinic Health SystemPharmacy - Rochester21 Second Street SouthwestBrackenridge BuildingRochester, MN 55902(507) 284-2021HoursMonday thru Friday,7:30 am - 6 pm

Mayo Clinic Health SystemPharmacy - Subway200 First Street, SouthwestRochester, MN 55902(507) 284-2021HoursMonday thru Friday,7:30 am - 6 pm

Mayo Clinic Pharmacy -Northeast3041 Storehedge Drive,NortheastRochester, MN 55906(507) 538-8550HoursMonday & Wednesday,8 am - 7 pm Tuesday, Thursday &Friday, 8 am - 5 pm

Mayo Clinic Pharmacy -Northwest4111 Highway 52 NorthRochester, MN 55901(507) 266-0966HoursMonday, Wednesday & Friday,8 am - 5 pm Tuesday & Thursday,8 am - 7 pm

Olmsted Medical CenterNorthwest Clinic Pharmacy5067 55th Street Northwest,Suite ARochester, MN 55901(507) 535-1974HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 6 pm

Olmsted Medical CenterSoutheast Clinic Pharmacy210 9th Street, SoutheastRochester, MN 55904(507) 292-7255HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm

QoL Meds343 Wood Lake Drive SoutheastRochester, MN 55904(507) 226-9020HoursMonday thru Thursday,8:30 am - 5:30 pm Friday,8:30 am - 12 pm

Sam’s Club Pharmacy3410 Northwest 55th StreetRochester, MN 55901(507) 292-5783HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 7 pmSaturday, 9 am - 6 pm

Shopko Pharmacy -Rochester North3708 Highway 63 NorthRochester, MN 55906(507) 281-0658HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 9 pmSaturday, 9 am - 6 pm Sunday,10 am - 6 pm

MINNESOTA Rochester - Rochester



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Shopko Pharmacy -Rochester South2820 Highway 63 SouthRochester, MN 55904(507) 281-0688HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 9 pmSaturday, 9 am - 6 pm Sunday,10 am - 6 pm

Target Pharmacy - RochesterNorth3827 Marketplace Drive,NorthwestRochester, MN 55901(507) 536-3898HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 9 pmSaturday & Sunday, 9 am - 6 pm

Target Pharmacy - RochesterSouth4611 Maine Avenue, SoutheastRochester, MN 55904(507) 206-5020HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 7 pmSaturday, 9 am - 5 pm Sunday,11 am - 5 pm

Wal-Mart Pharmacy -Rochester North3400 55th Street, NorthwestRochester, MN 55901(507) 280-7665HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 9 pmSaturday, 9 am - 7 pm Sunday,10 am - 6 pm

Wal-Mart Pharmacy -Rochester South25 25th Street, SoutheastRochester, MN 55904(507) 292-1475HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 9 pmSaturday, 9 am - 7 pm Sunday,10 am - 6 pm

Walgreens Pharmacy -Rochester North1112 Civic Center Drive,NorthwestRochester, MN 55901(507) 206-5173HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 8 pmSaturday, 9 am - 6 pm Sunday,10 am - 6 pm

Walgreens Pharmacy -Rochester South80 14th Street, SouthwestRochester, MN 55902(507) 206-5132HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 9 pmSaturday, 9 am - 6 pm Sunday,10 am - 6 pm

Weber & Judd - SouthBroadway18 9th Street SoutheastRochester, MN 55904(507) 282-1422HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm

Weber & Judd Pharmacy -Barlow Plaza1315 6th Street, NorthwestRochester, MN 55901(507) 289-6368HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 8 pmSaturday, 9 am - 5 pm Sunday,9 am - 1 pm

Weber & Judd Pharmacy -LTC1814 15th Street, NorthwestRochester, MN 55901(507) 285-9079HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 7 pmSaturday, 9 am - 5 pm Sunday,9 am - 5 pm

Weber & Judd Pharmacy -Marriott Plaza101 1st Avenue SouthwestRochester, MN 55902(507) 289-0716HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 6 pm


Lair’s Shoes (Affiliated withProsthetic Laboratories ofRochester, Inc.)155 First Avenue Southwest,Suite S20Rochester, MN 55902(507) 282-3141HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm

Limb Lab - Rochester400 South Broadway Suite 106Rochester, MN 55904(507) 322-3457HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 4 pm

Prosthetic Laboratories ofRochester, Inc.121 23rd Avenue, Southwest,Suite 101Rochester, MN 55902(507) 281-5250HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm

Silhouette Shoppe -Rochester (Affiliated withProsthetic Laboratories ofRochester, Inc.)121 23rd Avenue Southwest,Suite 101Rochester, MN 55902(507) 289-1512HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm

Urgent Care

Olmsted Medical Center -Skyway Clinic318 First Avenue Southwest,Suite 203Rochester, MN 55902(507) 288-3443HoursMonday thru Friday 8 am - 5 pm

Olmsted Medical Center -Urgent Care/Emergency(Affiliated with OlmstedMedical Center)1650 Fourth Street SoutheastRochester, MN 55904(507) 529-6600HoursMonday thru Friday, 7 am - 7 pm,Saturday, 7 am - 3 pm, closedSunday 24 Hour EmergencyServices

Olmsted Medical Clinic -FastCare North (Affiliatedwith Olmsted MedicalCenter)3708 Highway 63 NorthRochester, MN 55906(507) 292-7009HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 8 pm Saturday,8:30 am - 5 pm Sunday,10 am - 5 pm

Olmsted Medical Clinic -FastCare South (Affiliatedwith Olmsted MedicalCenter)2820 South BroadwayRochester, MN 55904(507) 292-7009HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 8 pm, Saturday8:30 am - 5 pm, Sunday10 am - 5 pm


Durable MedicalEquipment

Pediatric Home Service2800 Cleveland Avenue NorthRoseville, MN 55113(651) 642-1825HoursMonday thru Friday 8 am - 5 pm(Evenings and Weekends asneeded for patients)



Rushford Chiropractic Clinic215 South ElmPO Box 601Rushford, MN 55971(507) 864-8888HoursMonday & Friday, 8 am - 5 pmTuesday & Thursday, 9 am - 6 pmWednesday, 8 am - 1 pmSaturday, 9 am - 12 pmChiropractorHinz, David G, DC

MINNESOTARochester - Rushford




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Rushford Clinic (Affiliatedwith Winona HealthServices)109 West Jessie StreetPO Box 579Rushford, MN 55971(507) 864-7726HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pmFamily MedicineMichener, Mary S, MDModjeski, Nicholas J, MDFamily Medicine NursePractitionerFrie, Kathryn J, FNPHalder, Katie M, FNPFamily Medicine PhysicianAssistantBrown, Denver T, PA-CPodiatryNachtigal, Thomas R, DPM

Nursing Home

Good Shepherd LutheranHome800 Home StreetPo Box 747Rushford, MN 55971(507) 864-7714HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pm


Sterling Pharmacy - Rushford115 West Jessie StreetRushford, MN 55971(507) 864-2153HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 5:30 pm Saturday,9 am - 12 pm



Spring Grove FamilyChiropractic102 First Street, SoutheastSpring Grove, MN 55974(507) 498-5445HoursMonday, Wednesday & Friday,8:30 am - 5 pm Tuesday, 2 pm - 5pmChiropractorStender, Jennifer L, DC


Gundersen Spring GroveClinic123 Fifth Avenue SoutheastSpring Grove, MN 55974(507) 498-3302HoursMonday thru Friday,7:30 am - 4:30 pmFamily MedicineBerg, Randi K, MDBreitenbach, Robert A, MDFamily Medicine NursePractitionerHansen, Jennifer L, FNPFamily Medicine PhysicianAssistantElsbernd, Leslie A, PA-C

Nursing Home

Gundersen Tweeten CareCenter125 Fifth Avenue SoutheastSpring Grove, MN 55974(507) 498-3211HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 5 pm daily


Sterling Pharmacy - SpringGrove137 Main StreetSpring Grove, MN 55974(507) 498-5509HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 6 pm

Physical Therapy

Gundersen Tweeten CareCenter - Outpatient Therapy125 Fifth Avenue SoutheastSpring Grove, MN 55974(507) 498-3211HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pm daily

Spring Grove Rehab & SportsMedicine Center107 West Main StreetSpring Grove, MN 55974(507) 498-3631HoursMonday, Wednesday and Friday,2 pm - 4:30 pm



Olmsted Medical Clinic -Spring Valley (Affiliated withOlmsted Medical Center)302 West Tracy RoadSpring Valley, MN 55975(507) 346-7373HoursMonday, Wednesday, Thursday &Friday, 8 am - 5 pm Tuesday,8 am - 7 pmFamily MedicineVize, Barbara J, MDFamily Medicine NursePractitionerLunaas, Michele L, FNPGeneral Internal MedicineNurse PractitionerTienter, Roxie, CNP


Weber & Judd Pharmacy -Spring Valley501 North Park DrivePO Box 88Spring Valley, MN 55975(507) 346-7273HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 5:30 pm Saturday,8:30 am - 12 pm



Olmsted Medical Clinic - St.Charles (Affiliated withOlmsted Medical Center)403 West Fourth StreetSt. Charles, MN 55972(507) 932-3810HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmFamily MedicineLamp, Lynette M, MDFamily Medicine NursePractitionerKarp, Tammy L, CNPGeneral Internal MedicineHankel, Lindy S, MD

Nursing Home

Golden LivingCenter -Whitewater (GGNSC St.Charles, L.L.C.)525 Bluff AvenueSt. Charles, MN 55972(507) 932-3283HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm


Weber & Judd Pharmacy -St Charles401 West Fourth StreetSt. Charles, MN 55972(507) 932-3160HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 5:30 pm


Durable MedicalEquipment

Apria Healthcare, L.L.C. - St.Cloud1501 Northway DriveSt. Cloud, MN 56303(320) 252-0655HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 5 pm

MINNESOTA Rushford - St. Cloud



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Behavioral HealthAODA


Hazelden Fellowship Club(Affiliated with HazeldenBetty Ford Foundation)680 Stewart AvenueSt. Paul, MN 55102(800) 257-7800Hours8 am - 5 pm


MEDTOX Laboratories, Inc.402 West County Road DSt. Paul, MN 55112(800) 832-3244HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm



Olmsted Medical Clinic -Stewartville (Affiliated withOlmsted Medical Center)208 Centertown PlazaStewartville, MN 55976(507) 533-4727HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmFamily MedicineThauwald, Craig D, MDFamily Medicine NursePractitionerDevorak, Judith A, FNPHiggins, Michelle L, FNP


Weber & Judd Pharmacy -Stewartville220 Centertown PlazaStewartville, MN 55976(507) 533-4245HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 6 pmSaturday, 9 am - 1 pm


Behavioral Health

Hiawatha Valley MentalHealth Center - Wabasha611 Broadway Avenue, Suite 100Wabasha, MN 55981(651) 565-2234HoursMonday thru Thursday,8 am - 7 pmBehavioral Health NursePractitionerRodell, Frank J, ARNPBehavioral Health ProfessionalCounselorIves-Virnig, Veronica, LPCCBehavioral Health PsychologyDelvin, Bryan L, PsyD


Eagle Valley Chiropractic -Wabasha131 West Main StreetWabasha, MN 55981(651) 565-4863HoursMonday, 8 am - 5 pmWednesday, 12 pm - 7 pm &Friday 8 am - 2 pmChiropractorSkoug, Jessin L, DC



Olmsted Medical Clinic -Wanamingo (Affiliated withOlmsted Medical Center)217 Main Street, Suite BPO Box 158Wanamingo, MN 55983(507) 824-2217HoursMonday thru Thursday,8 am - 5 pm Friday,8 am - 12 pmFamily MedicineDetert, David G, MD



Winona Area AmbulanceService, Inc.370 West Second Street,Suite 300PO Box 9Winona, MN 55987(507) 452-5351HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pm

Behavioral Health

Athena Counseling ServicesLLC902 East 2nd Street Suite 224Winona, MN 55987(507) 474-4140HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 7 pmBehavioral HealthRadloff, Kristine A, LPCC

Counseling Associates,L.L.C. - Winona111 Market Street, Suite 4AWinona, MN 55987(507) 452-5033HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 5 pmEvenings & weekends byappointmentBehavioral Health ChemicalDependency CounselingBerzinski, Carmen C, LCSWSzatkowski, Jeanne C, LADCBehavioral Health OutpatientPsychotherapyco*cker, Richard, LPEinsman, Mario W, LCSW, LMFTBehavioral Health ProfessionalCounselorGerth, Andrea K, LPCCSemling, Tricia I, LPCCBehavioral Health PsychologyCasselman, Robert B, PHD

Family & Children’s Center -Winona601 Franklin StreetWinona, MN 55987(507) 453-9563HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pm

Behavioral Health ClinicalSocial WorkerThomas, Brittany L, LICSWBehavioral Health OutpatientPsychotherapyLichliter, Ann E, LICSWBehavioral Health ProfessionalCounselorAnderson, Erin G, MS, LPCBrakenridge, Caryn P, LPCHengel, Alicia M, LPCCLacine, Betty L, LPCCBehavioral Health PsychologyHollenhorst, Kathryn L, LP

Hiawatha Valley MentalHealth Center - Winona166 Main StreetWinona, MN 55987(507) 454-4341HoursMonday thru Thursday,8 am - 8 pm Friday, 8 am - 4 pmBehavioral Health ChemicalDependency CounselingCunningham, Lee W, LADCDieck, Jennifer E, LADCSwenson, Carrie A, LADCBehavioral Health ChildPsychiatrySmick, Annette M, MDBehavioral Health Child/Adolescent PsychologyKuenn, Lori A, MA, LPPlanavsky, JoAnn, LICSWBehavioral Health ClinicalSocial WorkerCarr, Rose M, LICSWCramer-Drazkowski, Princess,LICSWBehavioral Health NursePractitionerRodell, Frank J, ARNPSchossow, Elizabeth A, NPBehavioral Health OutpatientPsychotherapyBunke, Rebecca L, LCSWWhetston, Jennifer C, LICSWBehavioral Health ProfessionalCounselorIves-Virnig, Veronica, LPCCOMara-Meyer, Julie E, LPBehavioral Health PsychiatryTrannel, Thomas J, MDBehavioral Health PsychologyDelvin, Bryan L, PsyD

MINNESOTASt. Paul - Winona




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Peace of Mind Counseling,L.L.C. - Winona902 East Second Street,Suite 322Winona, MN 55987(608) 782-4426HoursMonday - Friday by appointmentBehavioral Health ProfessionalCounselorKirby, Kelly C, LPCC

Winona Health Psychiatry &Counseling Services(Affiliated with WinonaHealth Services)855 Mankato AvenuePO Box 5600Winona, MN 55987(507) 454-2606HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmBehavioral Health OutpatientPsychotherapyHerzing, Dorothy M, LICSWPetz, Diane V, LCSWStenseth, Laurie E, LICSWBehavioral Health PhysicianAssistantMorey, LeAnne M, PA-CBehavioral Health PsychiatryPowell, Carol J, MD

Behavioral HealthInpatient

Winona Health Services855 Mankato AvenueWinona, MN 55987(507) 454-3650Hours24/7


Back to Health Chiropracticand Wellness - Huff Street619 Huff StreetWinona, MN 55987(507) 454-7870HoursMonday thru Friday, 7 am - 6 pmChiropractorArndt, Kevin D, DCDennis, Dale G, DCPing, Megan J, DC

Back to Health Chiropracticand Wellness - Service Drive3760 Service DriveWinona, MN 55987(507) 454-2419HoursMonday, Wednesday and Friday11:30 am - 6 pm Tuesday,8 am - 1 pm Thursday, ClosedFriday, 11:30 am - 5 pmChiropractorArndt, Kevin D, DC

Cone Chiropractic, Ltd.801 West Sarnia StreetWinona, MN 55987(507) 454-4898HoursMonday & Wednesday,8 am - 6 pm Tuesday, 8 am - 10am & 2 pm - 5 pm Thursday, 2pm - 6 pm Friday, 8 am - 2 pm &Saturday by appointment onlyChiropractorCone, Steven J, DC

Great River Chiropractic350 East Sarnia StreetWinona, MN 55987(507) 474-6011HoursMonday and Wednesday,9 am - 6 pm, Tuesday andThursday, 1 pm - 6 pm, Frida y,8 am - 5 pm, Saturday byappointment.ChiropractorStrangstalien, Kathryn L, DC

Meisel Chiropractic856 West Fifth StreetWinona, MN 55987(507) 452-5142HoursMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday &Friday, 8 am - 1 pm & 3 pm - 6pm & Thursday, 8 am - 1 pmSaturday, by appointmentChiropractorMeisel, Scott A, DC

The Center For FamilyChiropractic Care601 East Sanborn StreetWinona, MN 55987(507) 474-1530HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmChiropractorEichman, Jennifer B, DCEichman, Jude B, DC

Vail Chiropractic164 East Fourth Street, Suite 3Winona, MN 55987(507) 474-4260HoursMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday &Friday, 8 am - 5:30 pmChiropractorVail, John D, DC


Winona Clinic (Affiliatedwith Winona HealthServices)855 Mankato AvenueWinona, MN 55987(507) 454-3680HoursMonday thru Thursday,7 am - 7 pm, Friday 7 am -5 pmAudiologyPerrone, Diane C, AuDDental Specialists, Oral &Maxillofacial SurgeryEvelhoch, Steven, MDFamily MedicineBeguin, Everett A, MDForsyth, Jennifer J, DOMichener, Mary S, MDModjeski, Nicholas J, MDRetzinger, Thomas A, MDFamily Medicine NursePractitionerFrie, Kathryn J, FNPGreen, Virginia L, FNPGreiner, Lori L, FNPKramer, Mary K, FNP, MSNMorken, Traci J, FNPNitti, Christina M, CNPFamily Medicine PhysicianAssistantBrown, Denver T, PA-CGeneral Internal MedicineEdin, Andrew E, MDFerris, Richard C, MDHammel, Katrina R, MDParker, Daniel, MDReed, Bryan W, DOShepard, Charles A, MDGeneral Internal MedicineNurse PractitionerOlsen-Wagner, Ann Marie, FNPGeriatrics Nurse PractitionerCopley, Michelle M, CNPStevens, Jackie D, NPNeurologyFischer, Gregory G, MD

Obstetrics & GynecologyBirdsall, Scott B, MDRichards, Melissa S, MDObstetrics & GynecologyMidwifeCooley, Martha S, CNMOrthopaedic SurgeryHuang, Der-Chen T, MDPediatricsLallaman, Sarah A, DOOstermann, Kelli M, MDPediatrics Nurse PractitionerCole, Autumn L, CNPPodiatryDonnenwerth, Michael P, DPMHanson, William E, DPMNachtigal, Thomas R, DPMRheumatologyDanning, Carol L, MDSurgery, GeneralBroghammer, Matthew J, DOHaines, Wen-Yu V, MDSerleth, Hans J, MDTrombetta, LeRoy J, MDSurgery, Physician AssistantPerkins, Karen E, PA-CUrologyEndrizzi, Joseph M, MDWomen’s Health NursePractitionerSuffrins, P Tara, CNP

Clinics - Specialty Care

Gundersen DentalSpecialties - Winona111 Riverfront, Suite 201Winona, MN 55987(507) 452-9958HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmDental Specialists, EndodonticsEllenz, Daniel G, DDSDental Specialists, Oral &Maxillofacial SurgeryCastro, Lauren M, DMDKoop, Martin J, DDSMacKenzie, Thomas S, DDSDental Specialists,OrthodonticsEndrizzi, Mark T, DDSDental Specialists,PeriodonticsEnglish, Ellyn M, DDS

MINNESOTA Winona - Winona



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Durable MedicalEquipment

Bourne Medical Service(Affiliated with FladEnterprises, Inc.)163 WalnutPO Box 111Winona, MN 55987(507) 452-1313HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm

Winona Clinic Pharmacy-DME (Affiliated with WinonaHealth Serices)855 Mankato AvenueWinona, MN 55987(507) 457-4321HoursMonday thru Friday,8:00 am - 4:30 pm

Eye Clinic

Gundersen Eye ClinicWinona106 East Second StreetWinona, MN 55987(507) 454-4640HoursMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday &Friday, 8 am - 5 pm Thursday,8 am - 6:30 pm Saturday,8 am - 12:30 pmOptometryThompson, Sean K, ODWolner, Bradlee G, OD

Winona Health Eye CareCenter (Affiliated withWinona Health Services)859 Mankato Ave, Suite 330Winona, MN 55987(507) 474-4760HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmOphthalmologyQuinn, Laurel M, MDOptometryPastryk, Scott M, OD

Family Planning Center

Semcac Family PlanningClinic76 West Third StreetWinona, MN 55987(507) 452-4307HoursMonday thru Thursday,8 am - 5 pm, Friday8 am - 12 pmObstetrics & GynecologyMidwifeBohn, Sarah J, CNM


Winona Area HospiceServices (Affiliated withWinona Senior Services)175 East Wabasha StreetWinona, MN 55987(507) 457-4468HoursMonday thru Friday8 am - 4:30 pm On Call 4:30pm - 8 pm M-F, 24/7 on-callSaturday & Sunday


Winona Health Services855 Mankato AvenueWinona, MN 55987(507) 454-3650Hours24/7 Lactation Consultant ServicesAvailable

Nursing Home

Lake Winona Manor(Affiliated with WinonaSenior Services)855 Mankato AvenuePO Box 5600Winona, MN 55987(507) 454-3650HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm

Saint Anne of Winona1347 W BroadwayWinona, MN 55987(507) 454-3621HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pm


Southeast Minnesota SportsMedicine and OrthopaedicSurgery Specialists111 Riverfront, Suite 307Winona, MN 55987(507) 474-9300HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 5 pmSports Medicine OrthopaedicSurgeryRomeyn, Richard L, MD


Goltz Pharmacy274 East Third StreetWinona, MN 55987(507) 452-2547HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 8 pmSaturday, 8 am - 5 pm Sunday,9 am - 4 pm

Hy-Vee Pharmacy - Winona1475 Service RoadWinona, MN 55987(507) 452-5254HoursMonday thru Friday 8 am - 8 pm,Saturday & Sunday 9 am - 5 pm

Parkview Pharmacy -Winona State University117 West SandbornWinona, MN 55987(507) 457-2245HoursMonday thru Friday, 1 pm - 5 pm

Parkview Pharmacy, Inc.825 Mankato Avenue, Suite 100Winona, MN 55987(507) 454-4925HoursMonday thru Friday,9 am - 5:30 pm Saturday,9 am - 12:30 pm

Shopko Pharmacy - Winona405 Cottonwood DriveWinona, MN 55987(507) 452-1244HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 9 pmSaturday, 9 am - 6 pm Sunday,10 am - 6 pm

Target Pharmacy - Winona860 Mankato AvenueWinona, MN 55987(507) 452-6308HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 7 pmSaturday, 9 am - 5 pm Sunday,11 am - 5 pm

Wal-Mart Pharmacy -Winona955 Frontenac DriveWinona, MN 55987(507) 452-0615HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 9 pmSaturday, 9 am - 1:30 pm & 2pm - 7 pm Sunday, 10 am - 6 pm

Walgreens - Winona750 Mankato AvenueWinona, MN 55987(507) 452-4076HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 10 pm Saturday,9 am - 6 pm Sunday, 10 am - 6pm

Winona Clinic Pharmacy859 Mankato AvenueWinona, MN 55987(507) 457-7688HoursMonday thru Thursday,8:30 am - 5:30 pm Friday,8:30 am - 5 pm Saturday,8:30 am - 12 pm

Sports Medicine Clinic

Gundersen Sports MedicineCenter - Winona111 Riverfront, Suite 103Winona, MN 55987(507) 454-8700HoursMonday thru Friday, 7 am - 6 pmPhysical Medicine &Rehabilitation, PhysiatryMaslowski, Erin L, MDPodiatryFournier, Magali, DPMSports Medicine OrthopaedicSurgeryTanner, Suzanne M, MD

MINNESOTAWinona - Winona




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Sports Medicine PhysicianAssistantLuter, Michael E, PA-C

Winona Health Sports andOrthopedic Specialties(Affiliated with WinonaHealth Services)859 Mankato AvenueWinona, MN 55987(507) 474-3338HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmOrthopaedic SurgeryDussault, Michael C, MD

Urgent Care

Winona Health Urgent Care(Affiliated with WinonaHealth Services)420 E. Sarnia Street Suite 1600Winona, MN 55987(507) 474-7830HoursMonday thru Friday, 7 am - 8 pm,Saturday & Sunday, 8 am - 5 pm

MINNESOTA Winona - Winona



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Gundersen Calmar Clinic106 East Main StreetPO Box 538Calmar, IA 52132(563) 562-3211HoursMonday thru Thursday,8 am - 5 pm Friday, 8 am - 4 pmEndocrinologyFrohnauer, Mary K, MDFamily Medicine NursePractitionerCenek, Stephanie L, ARNPKriener, Rene L, FNPGeneral Internal MedicineMyrom, Ronald C, MDHematology/Oncology NursePractitionerTorkelson, Janet L, NPNephrologyMetz, Leah I, MDPalliative Care Clinical NurseSpecialistKendall, Marcia M, NP



Dean Family Chiropractic402 State StreetClermont, IA 52135(563) 423-5133HoursMonday, Wednesday, Thursday &Friday, 9 am - 5 pm Tuesday,9 am - 1 pmChiropractorDean, Jessica R, DC


Durable MedicalEquipment - Wound


KCI USA, Inc. - Coralville302 1/2 Second StreetCoralville, IA 52241(888) 275-4524Hours24 Hour Customer Service



Foley Chiropractic Clinic127 Second Avenue WestPo Box 378Cresco, IA 52136(563) 547-5250HoursMonday & Thursday, 12 pm - 7pm Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday,9 am - 5 pmChiropractorFoley, Donald W, DC

Joslyn Chiropractic Clinic221 West Second StreetCresco, IA 52136(563) 547-3782HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmChiropractorJoslyn, Paul C, DC


Cresco Medical Clinic(Affiliated with RegionalHealth Services of HowardCounty)321 8th Avenue WestCresco, IA 52136(888) 547-5474HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmCardiologyBrown, Ward M, MDJohnson, Gordon L, MDFamily MedicineChawla, Mohit, MDJensen, Paul J, MDKammerer, Jon D, MDLathrop, Deborah, MDMaher, J David, MDFamily Medicine NursePractitionerDutka, Jessica J, FNPEvans, Carrie K, FNPJohnson, Annette J, ARNPPedersen, Dawn E, NPSchlangen, Tracey J, FNPFamily Medicine PhysicianAssistantDietzenbach, Andrea K, PA-CSikyta, Adriana C, PA-C


Regional Health Services ofHoward County235 Eighth Avenue WestCresco, IA 52136(563) 547-2101Hours24/7

Nursing Home

Hawkeye Care Center ofCresco, LLC701 Veron Road SouthwestCresco, IA 52136(563) 547-3580Hours24/7


Cresco Family Pharmacy235 8th Avenue WestCresco, IA 52136(563) 547-6666HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 5:30 pm

Sterling Pharmacy - Cresco303 Second Avenue SouthwestCresco, IA 52136(563) 547-5111HoursMonday thru Friday 8 am - 6 pmSaturday 9 am - 2 pm

Physical Therapy

Team Rehab, L.L.C. - Cresco316 Third Avenue EastCresco, IA 52136(563) 382-4770HoursMonday, Tuesday & Thursday, 1pm - 6 pm, Wednesday andFriday, 7:30 am - 6 pm


Infusion Therapy

Coram Specialty InfusionServices - Davenport3513 Vine CourtDavenport, IA 52806(563) 386-3220HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 5 pm, Saturday &Sunday On-Call


Behavioral Health

Gundersen BehavioralHealth Decorah1830 State Highway 9Decorah, IA 52101(563) 382-3140HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmBehavioral Health AdultPsychiatryGupta, Lalit, MDMaret, Jason A, MDBehavioral Health ChildPsychiatryQuinn, Kevin V, MDPediatrics Developmental/BehavioralHead, Lara S, PHD

Lighthouse ProfessionalCounseling Services1111 Paine Street, Suite DDecorah, IA 52101(563) 382-1900HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 7 pmSaturday by appointmentBehavioral Health ChemicalDependency CounselingAtkinson, Mary-Christine M,LISWBehavioral Health ClinicalSocial WorkerHagen, Carol S, LICSWBehavioral Health OutpatientPsychotherapyDoll, Susan E, LCSWLudwig, Kirsten A, LMHCTenneson, Karen L, LCSW

IOWA Calmar - Decorah



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Northeast Iowa BehavioralHealth - Decorah905 Montgomery StreetPO Box 349Decorah, IA 52101(563) 382-3649HoursMonday thru Friday,7:30 am - 5 pmBehavioral Health ChemicalDependency CounselingChristensen, Carrie L, IADCElgers, Lynda L, CADCOltrogge, Marcia, MA, IAADCThompson, Alexia, LMHC,CADCBehavioral Health ClinicalSocial WorkerBaumgartner, Diane L, MSWHohenbrink, Nichol S, MSSWSieck, Kathryn E, LISWBehavioral Health NursePractitionerBahe, Deborah K, NPGordon, Dawnelle M, NPSahatevasukont, Chitchawal, NPBehavioral Health OutpatientPsychotherapyDeutsch, William B, LCSWHamilton, Jeannie M, LCSWWolfs, Karla J, LICSWBehavioral Health ProfessionalCounselorBruening, Tara J, LPCLoven, Rebecca, LPCMisseldine, Karen H, LMHCNielsen, Joelle D, LMHC


Decorah Chiropractic405 College DriveDecorah, IA 52101(563) 382-0700HoursMonday, 8 am - 5:30 pm Tuesday8 am - 3 pm Wednesday,8 am - 5 pm Thursday,8 am - 6 pm Friday, 8 am - 3 pmChiropractorGehling, David J, DC

Swella Clinic ofChiropractic, P.C.810 South Mechanic StreetDecorah, IA 52101(563) 382-3801HoursMonday, Tuesday, Thursday &Friday, 8 am - 5:15 pm &Saturday by appointment only

ChiropractorSwella Smedsrud, Rebecca J, DC


Gundersen Decorah Clinic1830 State Highway 9Decorah, IA 52101(563) 382-3140HoursMonday thru Thursday,7:30 am - 6:00 pm Friday,7:30 am - 5 pm Saturday,8 am - 12 pmAudiologyRutta, Mandy M, AuDCardiologyGudmundsson, Hjalti, MDJaeger, Kevin M, MDCardiology Nurse PractitionerWypyszynski, Juliana E, APNPDermatologyMueller, Kurt K, MDEndocrinologyAsp, Arnold A, MDFrohnauer, Mary K, MDFamily MedicineBerg, Randi K, MDCoppola, Anthony M, DOPellett, Paul D, MDRyan, Janet S, MDSchilling, Sherri K, MDSwanson, Kurt A, DOThompson, Matthew R, DOWientzen, Daniel S, DOFamily Medicine NursePractitionerBakewell, Danielle J, FNPHematologyFarnen, John P, MDHematology/Oncology NursePractitionerTorkelson, Janet L, NPNephrologyKamada, Pratima, MDMetz, Leah I, MDSiddiqi, Sumaiya W, MDNeurologyBiemiller, Rachel A, MDObstetrics & GynecologyDavidson, Jill E, MDObstetrics & GynecologyPhysician AssistantPeterson, Jaime M, PA-COncologyBottner, Wayne A, MDDietrich, Leah L, MDJumonville, Alcee, MD

Orthopaedic SurgeryNorris, Russell J, MDOrthopaedic Surgery PhysicianAssistantWilson, Andrea G, PA-COtolaryngologyRedman, Michael D, MDPediatrics Allergy/Asthma/ImmunologyMahr, Todd A, MDPediatrics GastroenterologyUko, Victor E, MDPodiatrySullivan, Craig P, DPMTappe, Brooke A, DPMValkosky, Gregory J, DPMRheumatologyWhite, Douglas W, MDSurgery, GeneralBierman, Scott L, MDLaBelle, Michael F, MDYee, Phillip S, MDUrologyKlein, A Scott, MD

Clinics - Specialty Care

Gundersen DentalSpecialties - Decorah202 West Main StreetDecorah, IA 52101(563) 382-2525HoursThursday, 8 am - 5 pmDental Specialists,OrthodonticsBarba, Michael, DDS

Northeast Iowa CommunityAction Corporation305 Montgomery StreetDecorah, IA 52101(563) 382-6025HoursMonday thru Wednesday,8 am - 5:30 pm Thursday8 am - 4:30 pm & Friday, 8 am -12 pmFamily Medicine NursePractitionerCowles, Annastacia W, FNP

Durable MedicalEquipment

American HomePatient -Decorah909 South Mechanic StreetDecorah, IA 52101(563) 382-8477HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 12 pm & 1 pm - 5 pm,Customer Service 24/7

Eye Clinic

Gundersen Eye ClinicDecorah1830 State Highway 9Decorah, IA 52101(563) 382-2639HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmOphthalmologyShappell, Kristie K, MDOptometryGipp, Jennifer E, ODReierson, Kristen M, ODSassaman, Andrew E, OD

Home Health

Winneshiek County PublicHealth Nursing Service305 Montgomery Street, Suite 3Decorah, IA 52101(563) 382-4662HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pm


Donlon HealthmartPharmacy201 West Water StreetDecorah, IA 52101(563) 382-2626HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 6 pm Saturday,8:30 am - 5 pm

Thrifty White Pharmacy -Decorah702 Montgomery StreetDecorah, IA 52101(563) 382-8765HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 5:30 pm, Saturday8:30 am - 1:30 pm

IOWADecorah - Decorah



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Wal-Mart Pharmacy -Decorah1798 Old Stage RoadDecorah, IA 52101(563) 382-8456HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 9 pmSaturday, 9 am - 7 pm Sunday,10 am - 6 pm

Physical Therapy

Euro Team Physical TherapyClinic, PC110 Washington Street, Suite 4Decorah, IA 52101(563) 277-1059HoursMonday thru Thursday,8 am - 5 pm & Friday,8 am - 12 pm

Integrated TherapySpecialists, PC915 Short StreetDecorah, IA 52101(563) 382-8431HoursMonday thru Friday, 7 am - 5 pm

Oneota Physical Therapy308 College Drive, Suite 4Decorah, IA 52101(563) 382-1289HoursMonday thru Wednesday,8 am - 6 pm Thursday,8 am - 3 pm Friday, 8 am - 5 pmSaturday by appointment

Team Rehab, L.L.C. -Decorah516 Montgomery StreetDecorah, IA 52101(563) 382-4770HoursMonday thru Friday,7:30 am - 6 pm


Durable MedicalEquipment - Wound


KCI USA, Inc. - Des Moines2023 Northwest 92nd CourtDes Moines, IA 50325(888) 245-2295Hours24/7 Customer Service


Durable MedicalEquipment

American HomePatient -Dubuque3220 Dodge Street, Suite 109Dubuque, IA 52003(563) 556-8118HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 11am & 1 pm - 4 pm, CustomerService 24/7



Cornerstone Family PracticeClinic - Edgewood101 South Washington StreetPO Box 550Edgewood, IA 52042(563) 928-6435HoursMonday & Wednesday, 12 pm - 5pm Tuesday & Thursday,8 am - 12:30 pmFamily MedicineDikkers, Michele L, DOHoffmann, Jeffrey J, DOShaw, Nathan A, MDSmith, Andrew C, MDFamily Medicine NursePractitionerBockenstedt, Kristen J, FNPErion, Arlana L, FNP

Physical Therapy

Millennium Therapy -Edgewood (Affiliated withMillennium Rehab &Consulting Group, Inc.)104 West Union StreetPO Box 38Edgewood, IA 52042(563) 928-7170HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm


Home Health

Clayton County VisitingNurses Association(Affiliated with DubuqueVisiting Nurse Association)600 Gunder Road, Suite 5Elkader, IA 52043(563) 245-1145HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pm


Moser Family Pharmacy135 North Main StreetElkader, IA 52043(563) 245-2530HoursMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday &Friday, 8:30 am - 5:30 pmThursday, 8:30 am - 7 pmSaturday, 8:30 am - 4 pm



Fayette Chiropractic Clinic139 South Main StreetFayette, IA 52142(563) 425-3341HoursMonday & Friday, 8 am - 5 pmTuesday & Thursday, 8 am - 7 pmSaturday, 8 am - 10 amChiropractorAbernathy, Kirk A, DCAbernathy, Shelly L, DC


Gundersen Palmer LutheranHospital and Clinics -Fayette110 King StreetPO Box 157Fayette, IA 52142(563) 425-3381HoursMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday &Friday, 8 am - 5 pm, Thursday,8 am - 12 pmEndocrinologyFrohnauer, Mary K, MDFamily Medicine NursePractitionerZitelman, Chelsey E, FNPFamily Medicine PhysicianAssistantConnelly, Darcy H, PA-CGreenwaldt, Steven W, PA-C

Nursing Home

Maple Crest Manor100 Bolger DriveFayette, IA 52142(563) 425-3336HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm


Scott Pharmacy238 South Main StreetFayette, IA 52142(563) 425-4530HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 5:30 pm Saturday,8:30 am - 12:30 pm



Cornerstone Family PracticeClinic - Garnavillo104 South Main StreetGarnavillo, IA 52049(563) 964-2608HoursMonday, Wednesday & Friday,8 am - 12 pmFamily MedicineDikkers, Michele L, DOHoffmann, Jeffrey J, DOShaw, Nathan A, MDSmith, Andrew C, MD

IOWA Decorah - Garnavillo



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Family Medicine NursePractitionerBockenstedt, Kristen J, FNPErion, Arlana L, FNP



Cornerstone Family PracticeClinic - Guttenberg200 Main StreetGuttenberg, IA 52052(563) 252-2141HoursMonday thru Thursday,7 am - 7 pm, Friday,8 am - 5 pm, Saturday,8 am - 12 pmFamily MedicineDikkers, Michele L, DOHoffmann, Jeffrey J, DOShaw, Nathan A, MDSmith, Andrew C, MDFamily Medicine NursePractitionerBockenstedt, Kristen J, FNPErion, Arlana L, FNPNoonan, Tammi L, APNPSvennungsen, Anna C, FNP


Guttenberg MunicipalHospital200 Main StreetPO Box 550Guttenberg, IA 52052(563) 252-1121Hours24/7

Nursing Home

Guttenberg Care Center(Affiliated with ABCMCorporation)1315 Acre StreetGuttenberg, IA 52052(563) 252-2281HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 4 pm


Guttenberg Pharmacy807 South Highway 52Guttenberg, IA 52052(563) 252-1172HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 5:30 pm Saturday,8:30 am - 1:30 pm



Gundersen Lansing Clinic50 North Fourth StreetPO Box 540Lansing, IA 52151(563) 538-4874HoursMonday thru Thursday,8 am - 5 pmFamily MedicineZuercher, Geralyn R, MDFamily Medicine NursePractitionerKrause-Wagner, Erica J, FNP,APNPFamily Medicine PhysicianAssistantCooper, Angela M, PA-C

Nursing Home

Thornton Manor NursingHome (Affiliated withLansing HousingCorporation)1329 Main StreetPO Box 700Lansing, IA 52151(563) 538-4236HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 4 pm

Physical Therapy

Thornton Manor -Outpatient Therapy(Affiliated with LansingHousing Corporation)1329 Main StreetPO Box 700Lansing, IA 52151(563) 538-4236HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 4 pm



Lime Springs Medical Clinic(Affiliated with RegionalHealth Services of HowardCounty)101 West Main StreetPO Box 278Lime Springs, IA 52155(800) 593-5463HoursMonday & Wednesday, 12 pm - 4pm Friday, 7 am - 12 pmFamily MedicineChawla, Mohit, MDJensen, Paul J, MDKammerer, Jon D, MDLathrop, Deborah, MDFamily Medicine NursePractitionerJohnson, Annette J, ARNPSchlangen, Tracey J, FNP



Strutt Chiropractic Clinic333 Main StreetPO BOX 503McGregor, IA 52157(563) 873-3404HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 12 pm & 1 pm - 5 pmTuesday evenings, 6:30 pm - 8:30pm Saturday, 8 am - 12 pmChiropractorMoser, Jonathon P, DCStrutt, Craig H, DC

Nursing Home

Great River Care Center1400 West MainMcGregor, IA 52157(563) 873-3527HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm


McGregor Pharmacy230 Main StreetMcGregor, IA 52157(563) 873-3781HoursMonday thru Friday,10 am - 5:30 pm



Hanson Chiropractic202 Franklin StreetMonona, IA 52159(563) 539-2996HoursMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday &Friday 9 am - 5:30 pm Thursday,ClosedChiropractorHanson, Todd E, DC


Monona Pharmacy118 West Center StreetMonona, IA 52159(563) 539-2348HoursMonday thru Friday,10 am - 6 pm


Behavioral Health

Northeast Iowa BehavioralHealth - Oelwein36 South Frederick AvenuePO Box 113Oelwein, IA 50662(319) 283-5774HoursMonday thru Thursday7:45 am - 6:45 pmBehavioral Health ChemicalDependency CounselingElgers, Lynda L, CADCPape, Diann, IADCBehavioral Health ClinicalSocial WorkerBaumgartner, Diane L, MSWSieck, Kathryn E, LISWBehavioral Health NursePractitionerBahe, Deborah K, NPSahatevasukont, Chitchawal, NP

IOWAGarnavillo - Oelwein



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Behavioral Health OutpatientPsychotherapyHamilton, Jeannie M, LCSWWolfs, Karla J, LICSW

Durable MedicalEquipment

Palmer Home MedicalSupply - Oelwein (Affiliatedwith Palmer Lutheran HealthCenter)955 North Frederick AvenueOelwein, IA 50662(319) 283-4489HoursMonday thru Friday8 am - 4:30 pm

Home Health

Palmer Home Health -Oelwein (Affiliated withPalmer Lutheran HealthCenter)955 North Frederick AvenueOelwein, IA 50662(319) 283-4489HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 4:30 pm 24/7 on call


Palmer Hospice - Oelwein(Affiliated with PalmerLutheran Health Center)955 North Frederick AvenueOelwein, IA 50662(319) 283-4489HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pm 24/7 on call

Nursing Home

Grandview HealthcareCenter (Affiliated withABCM Corporation)800 5th Street SoutheastOelwein, IA 50662(319) 283-1908HoursMonday thru Friday, 7 am - 5 pm

Oelwein Healthcare Center(Affiliated with ABCMCorporation)600 Seventh Street, SEOelwein, IA 50662(319) 283-2794HoursMonday thru Friday 7 am - 4 pm,Saturday & Sunday 8 am - 5 pm


Oelwein Family Pharmacy32 South Frederick AvenueOelwein, IA 50662(319) 283-5254HoursMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday &Friday, 8 am - 5:30 pm Thursday,8 am - 7 pm & Saturday,8 am - 1 pm

Schuchmann’s HealthMartPharmacy12 South Frederick AvenueOelwein, IA 50662(319) 283-2161HoursMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday &Friday, 8:30 am - 6 pm Thursday,8:30 am -7 pm Saturday,9 am - 2 pm

ShopKo Pharmacy - Oelwein1345 South Frederick AvenueOelwein, IA 50662(319) 283-2028HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 6 pmSaturday, 9 am - 2 pm

Physical Therapy

Performance Rehab, L.L.C.1005 North Frederick Avenue,Suite 4Oelwein, IA 50662(319) 283-2002HoursMonday thru Friday8:30 am - 5 pm



Gundersen Palmer LutheranHospital and Clinics -Postville111 South Reynolds StreetPO Box 830Postville, IA 52162(563) 864-7512HoursMonday, Wednesday, Thursdayand Friday, 8 am - 5 pm, Tuesday8 am - 8 pmEndocrinologyFrohnauer, Mary K, MDFamily MedicineLederman, Mordechai D, DOMiller, Kenneth A, DONephrologyMetz, Leah I, MDWomen’s Health NursePractitionerLarter, Kristen L, WHNP

Nursing Home

Good Samaritan Society -Postville400 Hardin DrivePO Box 716Postville, IA 52162(563) 864-7425HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pm



Riceville Pharmacy, P.C.120 West MainRiceville, IA 50466(641) 985-4114HoursMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday, &Friday, 8:30 am - 5 pm Thursday,8:30 am - 12 pm



Clayton Drug104 West Mission StreetStrawberry Point, IA 52076(563) 933-4762HoursMonday thru Friday,9 am - 5:30 pm & Saturday,9 am - 12 pm


Durable MedicalEquipment

Numotion - Urbandale10052 Justin Drive, Suite GUrbandale, IA 50322(515) 986-1022HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 12 pm & 1 pm - 5 pm


Infusion Therapy

NuCara Pharmacy Vital Care#3209 East San Marnan DriveWaterloo, IA 50702(319) 236-8891HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 5:30 pm 24 hour on-call system



Family ChiropracticAssociates210 Seventh Avenue SoutheastWaukon, IA 52172(563) 568-3445HoursMonday & Friday, 7 am - 5 pmTuesday, 7 am - 6 pm Wednesday,7 am - 7 pm Thursday,7 am - 12 pm Saturday,8 am - 12 pmChiropractorHagensick, Gregory F, DC

IOWA Oelwein - Waukon



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Houg Chiropractic, P.C.107 Rossville RoadWaukon, IA 52172(563) 568-0088HoursMonday, 8 am - 7 pm Tuesday,Thursday & Friday, 8 am - 5 pmWednesday, 8 am - 11 amSaturday, 8 am - 11 amChiropractorHoug, Brenda K, DC

Rounds Chiropractic Clinic508 Rossville RoadWaukon, IA 52172(563) 568-6100HoursMonday, Wednesday & Friday,8 am - 1 pm & 3 pm - 7 pmTuesday, 3 pm - 7 pm Thursday,8 am - 1 pm & Saturday,9 am - 12 pmChiropractorRounds, Dustin A, DC


Gundersen Waukon Clinic120 Second Avenue SoutheastWaukon, IA 52172(563) 568-3000HoursMonday thru Friday,7:15 am - 4:30 pmFamily MedicineVenteicher, Andrea L, MDFamily Medicine PhysicianAssistantEverman, Jessica M, PA-CStegen, Jenny L, PA-CNephrologyMetz, Leah I, MDSiddiqi, Sumaiya W, MDPalliative Care Clinical NurseSpecialistKendall, Marcia M, NPPodiatryValkosky, Gregory J, DPMSurgery, GeneralYee, Phillip S, MD

Eye Clinic

Gundersen Eye ClinicWaukon120 Second Avenue SoutheastWaukon, IA 52172(563) 568-3378HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm

OphthalmologyLenth, Gary J, MDOptometryReierson, Kristen M, ODRixen, James P, ODSassaman, Andrew E, OD

Home Health

Veterans Memorial Hospital -Waukon Home Health Care40 First Street SoutheastWaukon, IA 52172(563) 568-3411HoursOn-Call 24/7


Veterans Memorial Hospital -Waukon40 First Street SoutheastWaukon, IA 52172(563) 568-3411HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm

Nursing Home

Good Samaritan Society -Waukon21 East Main StreetWaukon, IA 52172(563) 568-3447HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pm

Northgate Care Center(Affiliated with ABCMCorporation)960 4th Street NorthwestWaukon, IA 52172(563) 568-3493Hours24/7


Hartig Drug - First Avenue22 First Avenue NorthwestWaukon, IA 52172(563) 568-2628HoursMonday, 8 am - 8 pm, Tuesdaythru Friday, 8 am - 6 pm &Saturday, 8 am - 5 pm

Hartig Drug - Waukon21 West Main StreetWaukon, IA 52172(563) 568-6315HoursMonday, 8 am - 8 pm, Tuesdaythru Friday 8 am - 6 pm Saturday,8 am - 5 pm

Shopko Pharmacy - Waukon819 Southwest 11th AvenueWaukon, IA 52172(563) 568-3668HoursMonday thru Friday 9 am - 6 pm,Saturday 9 am - 3 pm

Urgent Care

Veterans Memorial HospitalUrgent Care40 First Street SoutheastWaukon, IA 52172(563) 568-3411HoursSaturday, Sunday & Holidays 1pm - 5 pm



Abernathy ChiropracticClinic612 Highway 150 SouthWest Union, IA 52175(563) 422-5278HoursMonday 9 am - 6 pm, Wednesday8:30 am - 1 pm, Thursdayappointment only Friday9 am - 5 pmChiropractorAbernathy, Shelly L, DC


Gundersen Palmer LutheranHospital and Clinics - WestUnion110 Jefferson StreetWest Union, IA 52175(563) 422-3817HoursMonday, Wednesday, Thursday &Friday, 8 am - 5 pm, Tuesday,8 am - 8 pmAudiologyRutta, Mandy M, AuDCardiology Nurse PractitionerWypyszynski, Juliana E, APNP

Cardiothoracic SurgeryParamesh, Venki, MDRabindranauth, Prem, MDRizvi, Sajjad H, MDEndocrinologyFrohnauer, Mary K, MDFamily MedicineHarmsen, Jody M, MDMiller, Kenneth A, DOThompson, Matthew R, DOZuercher, Geralyn R, MDFamily Medicine PhysicianAssistantBrauer, Samuel D, PA-CDietzenbach, Andrea K, PA-CNelson-Lerch, Kirsten D, PA-CNovak, Vicki L, PA-CHematologyFarnen, John P, MDHematology/Oncology NursePractitionerTorkelson, Janet L, NPNephrologyKamada, Pratima, MDObstetrics & GynecologyMerkitch, Kenneth W, MDOncologyBottner, Wayne A, MDOrthopaedic SurgeryNorris, Russell J, MDOrthopaedic Surgery PhysicianAssistantWilson, Andrea G, PA-COtolaryngologyRedman, Michael D, MDPediatrics GastroenterologyUko, Victor E, MDPodiatryTappe, Brooke A, DPMSurgery, GeneralLaBelle, Michael F, MDUrologyKlein, A Scott, MD

Durable MedicalEquipment

Palmer Home MedicalSupply - West Union(Affiliated with PalmerLutheran Health Center)200 Jefferson StreetWest Union, IA 52175(563) 422-9714HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pm 24/7 on call

IOWAWaukon - West Union



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Eye Clinic

West Union Eye Clinic104 North Walnut StreetPO Box 537West Union, IA 52175(563) 422-6085HoursMonday, 9:45 am - 7 pm,Tuesday, Wednesday,8:45 am - 12 pm, Thursday, &Friday, 8:45 am - 5 pmOptometryLandis, Bruce R, ODOhlson, Michael W, OD

Home Health

Palmer Home Health - WestUnion (Affiliated withPalmer Lutheran HealthCenter)200 Jefferson StreetWest Union, IA 52175(563) 422-6267HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pm 24/7 on call


Palmer Hospice - WestUnion (Affiliated withPalmer Lutheran HealthCenter)200 Jefferson StreetWest Union, IA 52175(563) 422-6267HoursMonday thru Friday8 am - 4:30 pm 24/7 on call


Palmer Lutheran HealthCenter112 Jefferson StreetWest Union, IA 52175(563) 422-3811Hours24/7

Nursing Home

Good Samartian Society -West Union201 Hall StreetWest Union, IA 52175(563) 422-3814HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pm


NuCara Pharmacy119 North Vine StreetWest Union, IA 52175(563) 422-3151HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 6 pmSaturday, 9 am - 1 pm

Union Drug, Inc.315 Highway 150 NorthWest Union, IA 52175(563) 422-3721HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 6 pm Saturday,8:30 am - 4 pm

Urgent Care

Palmer Lutheran HealthCenter Urgent Care112 Jefferson StreetWest Union, IA 52175(563) 422-9755HoursMonday and Wednesday, 5:30pm - 8:30 pm, Saturday andSunday, 1 pm - 5 pm

IOWA West Union - West Union



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Durable MedicalEquipment

Lincare, Inc. - Foley8154 Highway 59, Suite 214Foley, AL 36535(800) 839-8485HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm,On-Call Saturday, Sunday &Holidays



Home Monitoring

Alere Home Monitoring6465 National DriveLivermore, CA 94550(877) 262-4669HoursMonday thru Friday, 7 am - 7 pm,Saturday & Sunday 7 am - 11 am


Behavioral HealthAODA


Betty Ford Center at WestLos Angeles (Affiliated withHazelden Betty FordFoundation)10700 Santa Monica Boulevard#310Los Angeles, CA 90025(800) 257-7800Hours8 am - 5 pm


Durable MedicalEquipment - Insulin


MiniMed Distribution Corp.18000 Devonshire StreetNorthridge, CA 91325(800) 933-3322HoursMonday thru Friday 6 am - 4 pm


Behavioral HealthAODA


The Betty Ford Center(Affiliated with HazeldenBetty Ford Foundation)39000 Bob Hope DriveRancho Mirage, CA 92270(888) 536-4728HoursMonday thru Friday,8 am - 4:30 pm


Durable MedicalEquipment - Insulin


Tandem Diabetes care, Inc11045 Roselle StreetSan Diego, CA 92121(877) 801-6901Hours8 am - 6 pm PT, 24/7/d/wkCustomer Support by calling877-801-6901


Cardiac Monitoring

CardioNet, L.L.C. - SanFrancisco456 Montgomery Street,Suite 600San Francisco, CA 94104(866) 426-4402Hours24/7/365 days monitoring centeris staffed

LifeWatch Services, Inc. -San Francisco33 New Montgomery Street4th Floor, Suite 450San Francisco, CA 94105(415) 344-0259HoursCustomer Service: available 24/7,Billing Office: 9 am - 5 pm

Home Monitoring

CardioNet, L.L.C. - SanFrancisco456 Montgomery Street,Suite 600San Francisco, CA 94104(866) 426-4402Hours24/7/365 days monitoring centeris staffed

LifeWatch Services, Inc. -San Francisco33 New Montgomery Street4th Floor, Suite 450San Francisco, CA 94105(415) 344-0259HoursCustomer Service: available 24/7,Billing Office: 9 am - 5 pm



Veracyte, Inc.6000 Shoreline Court, Suite 300South San Francisco, CA 94080(650) 243-6300HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pmPacific Time



NuFactor, Inc.41093 County Center Drive,Suite BTemecula, CA 92591(800) 323-6832HoursMonday thru Friday 6 am - 6 pm


Durable MedicalEquipment - BoneGrowth Stimulator

DJO, L.L.C.1430 Decision StreetVista, CA 92081(800) 328-2536HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm



Durable MedicalEquipment

Apria Healthcare, L.L.C. -Louisville385 South Pierce Avenue Suite ALouisville, CO 80027(303) 604-2249HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 5 pm



Behavioral HealthAODA


Hazelden Florida (Affiliatedwith Hazelden Betty FordFoundation)950 6th Avenue NorthNaples, FL 34102(800) 257-7800Hours8 am - 5 pm



Behavioral HealthAODA


Hazelden Chicago (Affiliatedwith Hazelden Betty FordFoundation)867 North Dearborn StreetChicago, IL 60610(800) 257-7800Hours8 am - 5 pm




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Durable MedicalEquipment - BoneGrowth Stimulator

Joint Active Systems, Inc.2600 South Raney StreetPo Box 1367Effingham, IL 62401(800) 879-0117HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm



AccuQuest Hearing Centers2800 West Higgins Road,Suite 895Hoffman Estates, IL 60169(630) 380-5563HoursMonday thru Friday, 9 am - 5 pm



Advanced Radiology, SC615 Valley View Drive,Suite 202Moline, IL 61265(309) 762-1072HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm


Cardiac Monitoring

LifeWatch Services, Inc. -RosemontO’Hare International Center II10255 West Higgins Road,Suite 100Rosemont, IL 60018(877) 774-9846HoursCustomer Service: available 24/7,Billing Office: 9 am - 5 pm

Home Monitoring

LifeWatch Services, Inc. -RosemontO’Hare International Center II10255 West Higgins Road,Suite 100Rosemont, IL 60018(877) 774-9846HoursCustomer Service: available 24/7,Billing Office: 9 am - 5 pm



Durable MedicalEquipment - Insulin


Insulet Corporation9 Oak Park DriveBedford, MA 01730(800) 591-3455HoursMonday thru Friday 7 am - 7 pm,24/7 Product Support

North Carolina



NuFactor, Inc - Kernersville1601 Old Greensboro RoadKernersville, NC 27284(844) 871-4773HoursMonday thru Friday8 am - 5:30 pm



Durable MedicalEquipment - Wound


KCI USA, Inc. - Omaha5338 F StreetOmaha, NE 68117(888) 275-4524Hours24/7 Customer Service

New Jersey


Durable MedicalEquipment - BoneGrowth Stimulator

EBI, L.L.C.399 Jefferson RoadParsippany, NJ 07054(800) 526-2579HoursMonday thru Friday8:30 am - 5 pm

New York


Behavioral HealthAODA


Hazelden New York -Chelsea (Affiliated withHazelden Betty FordFoundation)322 8th Avenue 12th FloorNew York City, NY 10001(800) 257-7800Hours8 am - 5 pm

Hazelden New York -Tribeca (Affiliated withHazelden Betty FordFoundation)283 West BroadwayNew York City, NY 10013(800) 257-7800Hours8 am - 5 pm



Durable MedicalEquipment

National BiologicalCorporation23700 Mercantile RoadBeachwood, OH 44122(800) 338-5045HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm


Durable MedicalEquipment

Edgepark Medical Supplies(Affiliated with RGHEnterprises, Inc.)1810 Summit Commerce ParkTwinsburg, OH 44087(800) 321-0591HoursMonday thru Friday,7:30 am - 7 pm Saturday,8 am - 2 pm



Durable MedicalEquipment

180 Medical, Inc. -Oklahoma5324 West Reno Avenue, Suite AOklahoma City, OK 73127(877) 688-2728HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 7 pm



Behavioral HealthAODA


Hazelden Beaverton(Affiliated with HazeldenBetty Ford Foundation)6600 SW 105th AvenueSuite 115Beaverton, OR 97008(800) 257-7800Hours8 am - 5 pm

ADDITIONAL STATESEffingham - Beaverton





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Behavioral HealthAODA


Hazelden Betty FordFoundation - Newberg1901 Esther StreetNewberg, OR 97132(800) 257-7800HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 8 pm



Cardiac Monitoring

CardioNet, L.L.C. - Malvern1000 Cedar Hollow Road,Suite 102Malvern, PA 19355(866) 426-4402Hours24/7/365 days monitoring centeris staffed

Home Monitoring

CardioNet, L.L.C. - Malvern1000 Cedar Hollow Road,Suite 102Malvern, PA 19355(866) 426-4402Hours24/7/365 days monitoring centeris staffed


Cardiac Monitoring

LifeWatch Services, Inc. -Philadelphia1900 Market Street, Suite 627Philadelphia, PA 19103(800) 517-6330HoursCustomer Service: available 24/7,Billing Office: 9 am - 5 pm

Home Monitoring

LifeWatch Services, Inc. -Philadelphia1900 Market Street, Suite 627Philadelphia, PA 19103(800) 517-6330HoursCustomer Service: available 24/7,Billing Office: 9 am - 5 pm



Durable MedicalEquipment - BoneGrowth Stimulator

Bioventus, L.L.C.1900 Charles Bryan Road,Suite 275Cordova, TN 38016(800) 396-4325HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 5 pm



Durable MedicalEquipment - Wound


KCI USA, Inc. - Houston10540 Bissonnet Street,Suite 190Houston, TX 77099(281) 677-2072Hours24/7 Customer Service


Durable MedicalEquipment

Strive Medical LLC8428 Sterling Street, Suite BIrving, TX 75063(972) 354-7300HoursMonday thru Friday, 8 am - 6 pm


Durable MedicalEquipment - BoneGrowth Stimulator

Orthofix3451 Plano ParkwayLewisville, TX 75056(800) 527-0404HoursMonday thru Friday,8:30 am - 5:30 pm


Durable MedicalEquipment - Wound


KCI USA, Inc. - San Antonio12930 West Interstate 10San Antonio, TX 78249(888) 275-4524Hours24/7 Customer Service

ADDITIONAL STATES Newberg - San Antonio



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1180 Medical, Inc. ...................................53180 Medical, Inc. - Oklahoma ...............80

AAbens Olson Chiropractic, LLC ..............12Abernathy Chiropractic Clinic ................76AccuQuest Hearing Centers ...................80Accurate Imaging, Inc. ...........................39Achieve Physical Therapy and Sports

Medicine - Arcadia ...............................2Achieve Physical Therapy and Sports

Medicine - Blair ....................................6Achieve Physical Therapy and Sports

Medicine - Holmen .............................20Achieve Physical Therapy and Sports

Medicine - La Crosse ..........................28Achieve Physical Therapy and Sports

Medicine - Sparta ................................48Active Health Chiropractic Center -

Tomah .................................................50Active Health Chiropractic - Eau Claire .12Actra Rehabilitation Associates, Inc.- Fond

Du Lac ................................................17Actra Rehabilitation Associates, Inc. -

Kenosha ..............................................21Actra Rehabilitation Associates, Inc. -

Madison ..............................................30Actra Rehabilitation Associates, Inc. -

Milwaukee ..........................................33Actra Rehabilitation Associates, Inc. -

Oshkosh ..............................................39Adams Eye Clinic ...................................54Advanced Radiology, SC ........................80Alere Home Monitoring .........................79Aligned for Health Chiropractic .............51Almost Family - Eau Claire .....................15Almost Family - La Crosse ......................26American HomePatient - Decorah .........72American HomePatient - Dubuque ........73American HomePatient - Marshfield ......30American HomePatient - Onalaska ........38American HomePatient - Rochester ........62Anderson Chiropractic Clinics - Elroy ....17Anderson Chiropractic Clinics -

Reedsburg ...........................................42Appel Chiropractic ...................................8Apria Healthcare, L.L.C. - Eau Claire .....15Apria Healthcare, L.L.C. - Louisville .......79Apria Healthcare, L.L.C. - Onalaska .......38Apria Healthcare, L.L.C. - Rochester ......62Apria Healthcare, L.L.C. - St. Cloud .......65Arkowski Chiropractic ............................12Asbel Chiropractic ..................................31Associated Balance & Hearing Clinics,

L.L.C. ....................................................6Associated Podiatrists, L.L.P. ...................30Athena Counseling Services LLC ............66Atrium Post Acute Care of Black River

Falls ......................................................5Augusta Area Home Inc ...........................2Augusta Chiropractic, L.L.C. .....................2

BBack to Health Chiropractic and Wellness -

Huff Street ...........................................67Back to Health Chiropractic and Wellness -

Service Drive ......................................67Badger Chiropractic, LLC .......................19

Baldwin Chiropractic Health Center .........2Ballweg Family Pharmacy ......................42Balsam Lake Pharmacy ............................2Barneveld Family Chiropractic .................3Barron Chiropractic Health Center, S.C. ...3Benedictine Manor of La Crosse .............27Berres Family Chiropractic .......................9Bethany Riverside (Affiliated with Bethany

Lutheran Homes, Inc.) .........................27Bethany St. Joseph Care Center (Affiliated

with Bethany St. Joseph Corporation) ..27Bethel Home and Services, Inc. .............52Betty Ford Center at West Los Angeles

(Affiliated with Hazelden Betty FordFoundation) .........................................79

Bioventus, L.L.C. ....................................81Birkett Chiropractic ................................17Bjerke Chiropractic ................................52Black River Chiropractic Clinic, S.C. ........4Black River Falls Clinic Pharmacy ............5Black River Memorial Homecare (Affiliated

with Black River Memorial Hospital) ....5Black River Memorial Hospice (Affiliated

with Black River Memorial Hospital) ....5Black River Memorial Hospital .................5Black River Memorial Hospital Urgent

Care ......................................................5Black River Memorial Respiratory DME

(Affiliated with Black River MemorialHospital) ...............................................5

Blair Pharmacy .........................................6Bland Clinic (Affiliated with Vernon

Memorial Hospital) .............................54Boscobel Care and Rehab ........................6Boscobel Pharmacy, Inc. ..........................6Boscobel Pharmacy, Inc. - Durable

Medical Equipment ...............................6Boscobel Pharmacy, Inc. - Infusion/

Pharmacy Services ................................6Boscobel Pharmacy, Inc. -

Prosthetics/Orthotics .............................7Bourne Medical Service (Affiliated with

Flad Enterprises, Inc.) ..........................68Branham-Healy Orthopedic Clinic, S.C. .44Branham-Healy Orthopedic Clinic, S.C. -

Cumberland ........................................10Branham-Healy Orthopedic Clinic, S.C. -

Spooner ...............................................48Bre Chiropractic .....................................42Breidenbach Family & Sports Chiropractic,

Inc. - La Crosse ...................................23Breidenbach Family & Sports Chiropractic,

Inc. - Losey Boulevard ........................23Breidenbach Family & Sports Chiropractic,

Inc. - Onalaska ...................................36Bronston Chiropractic Clinic - Sparta .....47Bronston Chiropractic -Onalaska ............36Bronston Chiropractic - La Crosse ..........23Buffalo River Clinic, S.C. ........................39Burkhardt Physical Therapy Center,

L.L.C. ..................................................54

CCadott Miller Pharmacy ...........................7Cardin’s Pharmacy .................................10CardioNet, L.L.C. - Eagan .......................58CardioNet, L.L.C. - Malvern ...................81CardioNet, L.L.C. - San Francisco ..........79Care Full Chiropractic ............................12Carlson Chiropractic Clinic ....................12Carlson Chiropractic Clinic LLC ...............9

Cary J. Kohlenberg, M.D., S.C. ...............53Caryn I. Schulz, M.D. ............................14Cass Street Pharmacy .............................27Center Creek Professional Building

(Affiliated with Richland Medical Center,Ltd.) .....................................................45

Center Point Counseling ServicesCooperative .........................................51

Chartwell Midwest Wisconsin ................33Chet Johnson Drug ...................................2Chippewa Clinic Pharmacy ......................9Chippewa Valley Eye Clinic, Chippewa

Falls, S.C. ..............................................8Chippewa Valley Eye Clinic, Chippewa

Falls, S.C. - Ladysmith .........................28Chippewa Valley Eye Clinic, Chippewa

Falls, S.C. - Stanley .............................49Chippewa Valley Eye Clinic, L.L.C. -

Amery ...................................................1Chippewa Valley Eye Clinic, L.L.C. - Black

River Falls .............................................5Chippewa Valley Eye Clinic, L.L.C. -

Cumberland ........................................10Chippewa Valley Eye Clinic, L.L.C. -

Durand ................................................11Chippewa Valley Eye Clinic, L.L.C. - Eau

Claire ..................................................15Chippewa Valley Eye Clinic, L.L.C. -

Menomonie .........................................32Chippewa Valley Eye Clinic, L.L.C. -

Neillsville ............................................34Chippewa Valley Neurosciences, L.L.C. .14Chippewa Valley Orthopedics & Sports

Medicine Clin -Durand .......................11Chippewa Valley Orthopedics & Sports

Medicine Clinic -Hayward ..................19Chippewa Valley Orthopedics & Sports

Medicine Clinic, S.C. - 711 West AdamsStreet .....................................................5

Chippewa Valley Orthopedics & SportsMedicine Clinic, S.C. - Altoona ............1

Chippewa Valley Orthopedics & SportsMedicine Clinic, S.C. - ChippewaFalls ......................................................9

Chippewa Valley Orthopedics & SportsMedicine Clinic, S.C. - Cumberland ...10

Chippewa Valley Orthopedics & SportsMedicine Clinic, S.C - Ladysmith ........28

Chippewa Valley Orthopedics & SportsMedicine Clinic, S.C. - Rice Lake .......44

Chippewa Valley Orthopedics & SportsMedicine Clinic, S.C - Stanley ............49

Chippewa Valley Orthopedics & SportsMedicine Clinic -Shell Lake ................46

Chippewa Valley Wellness .......................8Chiropractic First of La Crescent ............58Chiropractic Place - Holmen ..................20Chiropractic Place - Onalaska ................36Chiropractic Place - Sparta .....................47Chiropractic Solutions ............................60Chiropractic & Physical Therapy, Inc. ....38Clark County Community Services .........34Clayton County Visiting Nurses Association

(Affiliated with Dubuque Visiting NurseAssociation) .........................................73

Clayton Drug ..........................................75Clearwater Chiropractic .........................12Clinic for Christian Counseling, L.L.C. -

Eau Claire ............................................11Clinic for Christian Counseling, L.L.C. -

Rice Lake ............................................43Colby Health Mart Pharmacy .................55Colfax Healthmart Pharmacy ....................9

Community Home Medical Equipment,L.L.C. - Baraboo ....................................3

Community Home Medical Equipment,L.L.C. - Richland Center ......................45

Computerized Medical Imaging .............16Cone Chiropractic, Ltd. ..........................67Coon Valley Chiropractic, S.C. ...............10Co-op Pharmacy ....................................19Coram Specialty Infusion Services -

Davenport ...........................................71Coram Specialty Infusion Services -

Mendota Height ..................................59Coram Specialty Infusion Services - New

Berlin ..................................................35Corneiller Chiropractic ...........................12Cornell Pharmacy ...................................10Corner Drug .............................................3Corner Drug Clinic Pharmacy ..................3Cornerstone Family Practice Clinic -

Edgewood ...........................................73Cornerstone Family Practice Clinic -

Garnavillo ...........................................73Cornerstone Family Practice Clinic -

Guttenberg ..........................................74Costco Pharmacy ...................................63Coulee Chiropractic Clinic .....................23Coulee Health ........................................53Counseling Associates, L.L.C. -

La Crosse ............................................21Counseling Associates, L.L.C. - Winona .66County Market Pharmacy .......................20Crawford Chiropractic - Seneca .............46Crawford County Human Services

Department .........................................40Cresco Family Pharmacy ........................71Cresco Medical Clinic (Affiliated with

Regional Health Services of HowardCounty) ...............................................71

Crest View Nursing Home (Affiliated withMile Bluff Medical Center, Inc.) ..........35

Cronk Chiropractic Office ......................44Crossing Rivers Health Behavioral

Health .................................................40Crossing Rivers Health Clinic -

Fennimore ...........................................17Crossing Rivers Health Clinic -

Prairie du Chien ..................................40Crossing Rivers Health Home Health .....41Crossing Rivers Health Home Medical

Equipment ...........................................41Crossing Rivers Health Hospice .............41Crossing Rivers Health Medical Center ..41Crossing Rivers Health Medical Center

Urgent Care ........................................41Crotteau Chiropractic, L.L.C. ..................43Cub Pharmacy ........................................63Cuba City Hometown Pharmacy ............10CVS Pharmacy - Eau Claire ....................15CVS Pharmacy - Menomonie .................32

DDavis Chiropractic .................................34Davis Duehr Dean - Reedsburg ..............43Davis Duehr Dean - Richland Center .....45DaVita Amery Dialysis .............................2Davita Bay Shore Dialysis ......................18DaVita Bluemound Dialysis ...................53DaVita Bluemound PD ...........................33DaVita Brookfield Dialysis .......................7DaVita Capital Court Dialysis .................33DaVita Cedarburg Dialysis .......................7




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DaVita Chilton Dialysis ............................7DaVita Fond Du Lac Dialysis .................17DaVita Fox River Dialysis .......................18DaVita Green Bay Dialysis .....................18DaVita Green Bay Northwood Dialysis ..46DaVita Green Lake County Dialysis .........4DaVita Harbor View Dialysis .................42DaVita Hudson Dialysis .........................21DaVita Humboldt Ridge Dialysis ............33DaVita Janesville Dialysis .......................21DaVita Lake Geneva Dialysis .................29DaVita Lake Hallie Dialysis ....................29DaVita Loomis Road Diaylsis .................18DaVita Manitowoc Dialysis ....................30DaVita Marinette Dialysis .......................30DaVita Marshfield Dialysis .....................31DaVita Mill Street Home Training .............7DaVita Northern Star Dialysis ................55DaVita Oak Creek Dialysis .....................35DaVita Oshkosh West Dialysis ...............39DaVita Prairie River Dialysis ..................33DaVita Rhinelander Dialysis ...................43DaVita River Center Dialysis ..................33DaVita Sheboygan Dialysis ....................46DaVita Siren Dialysis ..............................47DaVita South Ridge Dialysis ...................18DaVita St Croix Dialylsis Center .............45DaVita Stevens Point Dialysis .................40DaVita Sturgeon Bay Dialysis .................49DaVita Sun Praire Dialysis .....................49DaVita Titletown Dialysis .......................18Davita Waupaca Dialysis .......................53DaVita Wausau Dialysis .........................53DaVita Wautoma Dialysis ......................53DaVita West Appleton Dialysis ...............33DaVita West Union Dialysis ...................54DaVita Willow Creek Dialysis ................42DaVita Wisconsin Avenue Dialysis .........33DaVita Wisconsin Rapids Dialysis ..........55Dean Family Chiropractic ......................71Decorah Chiropractic .............................72DeFatta ENT and Facial Plasitc Surgery -

Baldwin .................................................2DeFatta ENT and Facial Plasitc Surgery -

Durand ................................................10DeFatta ENT and Facial Plastic Surgery

-Hayward ............................................19DeFatta ENT And Facial Plastic Surgery -

610 West Adams Street .........................4DeFatta ENT And Facial Plastic Surgery -

711 West Adams Street .........................4DeFatta ENT And Facial Plastic Surgery -

Altoona .................................................1Defatta ENT and Facial Plastic Surgery -

Ladysmith ............................................28DeFatta ENT and Facial Plastic Surgery -

Neillsville ............................................34DeFatta ENT and Facial Plastic Surgery -

Stanley ................................................49Degen Berglund, Inc. - Durable Medical

Equipment, La Crosse ..........................26Degen Berglund, Inc. - Durable Medical

Equipment, Mormon Coulee ...............26Degen Berglund, Inc. - Durable Medical

Equipment, Onalaska ..........................38Degen Berglund, Inc. - Holmen .............20Degen Berglund, Inc. - La Crosse ...........27Degen Berglund, Inc. - Orthotics,

La Crosse ............................................28Degen Berglund, Inc. - Orthotics,

Onalaska .............................................38Degen Berglund, Inc. - Sand Lake Road .38

Delton Family Medical Center (Affiliatedwith Mile Bluff Medical Center, Inc.) ..29

Diagnostic Radiology Associates ofWisconsin, S.C. ...................................44

DJO, L.L.C. .............................................79Dodge Center Chiropractic ....................57Donlon Healthmart Pharmacy ................72Dr. MJ Gonstead LLC .............................12Dr. Odell V. Solverson DC .....................52Draeger Chiropractic ..............................43Driftless Chiropractic and Spinal Rehab .23Driftless Recovery Services, Inc. .............21Drs. Anderson & Durtsche, Ltd. .............26Durand Chiropractic Health Center ........10

EEagle Valley Chiropractic - Alma ..............1Eagle Valley Chiropractic - Wabasha ......66Eannelli Pharmacy ..................................42Eau Claire Anesthesiologists, Ltd. ...........11Eau Claire Chiropractic, S.C. ..................12Eau Claire GI Associates -Balwin .............2Eau Claire GI Associates -Durand ...........11Eau Claire GI Associates, S.C. ................14Eau Claire GI Associates- Stanley ...........49Eau Claire Health Mart Pharmacy ..........15Eau Claire Heart Institute, S.C. ...............14Eau Claire Heart Institute, SC -Chippewa

Falls ......................................................8Eau Claire Heart Institute, SC -Hayward .19Eau Claire Heart Institute, SC -Shell

Lake ....................................................46Eau Claire Optical ..................................15EBI, L.L.C. ..............................................80Econo Foods Pharmacy - Barron ..............4Econo Foods Pharmacy - Durand ...........11Edgepark Medical Supplies (Affiliated with

RGH Enterprises, Inc.) .........................80Ed’s Health Mart Pharmacy ......................6Elite Chiropractic And Massage, L.L.C -

La Crosse ............................................23Elite Chiropractic and Massage, L.L.C. -

Onalaska .............................................36Elroy Area Fire & Ambulance

Association ..........................................16Elroy Family Medical Center (Affiliated

with Mile Bluff Medical Center, Inc.) ..17Erlandson Clinic of Chiropractic .............54Erlandson Family Chiropractic ................36Essentia Health Clinic Pharmacy ............19Essential Health Clinic - Black River

Falls ......................................................5Essential Health Clinic - La Crosse .........26Essential Health Clinic -

Prairie du Chien ..................................41Essential Health Clinic - Richland

Center .................................................45Essential Health Clinic - Sparta ..............48Essential Health Clinic - Viroqua ............52Essential Health Clinic - Whitehall .........55Euro Team Physical Therapy Clinic, PC ..73Evergreen Surgical, S.C. ..........................14Evergreen Surgical, S.C. - Chippewa

Falls ......................................................8Evergreen Surgical, S.C. - Durand ...........11Evergreen Surgical, S.C. - Stanley ...........49

FFair View Nursing Home (Affiliated with

Mile Bluff Medical Center, Inc.) ..........32

Fall Creek Chiropractic ..........................17Family Chiropractic Associates ...............75Family Fresh Market Pharmacy -

Hudson ...............................................20Family Fresh Market Pharmacy - New

Richmond ...........................................35Family Fresh Market Pharmacy - River

Falls ....................................................45Family Medical Supply and CPAP Store .26Family Planning Health Services, Inc

-Wausau ..............................................53Family Planning Health Services, Inc -

Mauston ..............................................31Family Planning Health Services, Inc -

Wisconsin Dells ..................................55Family Vision Center of La Crosse,

L.L.C. ..................................................26Family Vision Center of Tomah (Affiliated

with Family Vision Center) ..................50Family & Children’s Center - La Crosse ..21Family & Children’s Center - Viroqua ....51Family & Children’s Center - Winona ....66Fayette Chiropractic Clinic .....................73Feils Knapp Chiropractic Clinic and

Wellness ..............................................36Fillmore County Physical Therapy

Services ...............................................60Foley Chiropractic Clinic .......................71Foot and Ankle Clinic, L.L.P. - Baldwin ....2Foot and Ankle Clinic, L.L.P. -

Cumberland ........................................10Foot and Ankle Clinic, L.L.P. - Eau

Claire ..................................................16Foot and Ankle Clinic, L.L.P. -

Hayward .............................................19Foot and Ankle Clinic, L.L.P. -

Menomonie .........................................33Foot and Ankle Clinic, L.L.P. -

Neillsville ............................................35Foot and Ankle Clinic, L.L.P. - Rice

Lake ....................................................44Foot and Ankle Clinic, L.L.P. - Shell

Lake ....................................................46Foot and Ankle Clinic, L.L.P. - Stanley ...49Foundations Chiropractic .......................17Frederic Pharmacy .................................18Freeman Drugs .......................................45

GGalesville Chiropractic LLC ....................18Galesville Pharmacy ...............................18Garrison Counseling, Inc. .......................21Gateway Chiropractic Center .................12General Surgery Clinic (Affiliated with

Tomah Memorial Hospital) ..................50Generations Chiropractic and Wellness ..36Genoa Healthcare Pharmacy ..................27Golden Living Center - Rochester East

(Beverly Enterprises - Minnesota,L.L.C.) .................................................63

Golden LivingCenter - La Crescent(GGNSC La Crescent, L.L.C.) ..............59

Golden LivingCenter - Riverdale (GGNSCMuscoda L.L.C.) ..................................34

Golden LivingCenter - Rochester West(GGNSC Rochester West, L.L.C.) ........63

Golden LivingCenter - Whitewater(GGNSC St. Charles, L.L.C.) ................65

Goltz Pharmacy .....................................68Good Samaritan Society - Fennimore .....17Good Samaritan Society - Home Care ...60

Good Samaritan Society - Postville ........75Good Samaritan Society - Waukon ........76Good Samartian Society - West Union ...77Good Shepherd Lutheran Home .............65Goodman’s Behavioral Health Clinic .....42Grace Home Respiratory, Inc. ..................1Grand View Care Center, Inc. ..................6Grandview Healthcare Center (Affiliated

with ABCM Corporation) ....................75Grant County Health Department - Home

Health .................................................29Grant County Health Department -

Hospice ...............................................30Grant Regional Community Clinic

(Affiliated with Grant Regional HealthCenter) ................................................29

Grant Regional Health Center ................30Grant Regional Health Center Hospice ..30Grant Regional Health Center Walk-in

Urgent Care ........................................30Great River Care Center .........................74Great River Chiropractic ........................67Groth Chiropractic Clinic .......................53Guidepoint Pharmacy ............................63Gundersen Behavioral Health Decorah ..71Gundersen Behavioral Health

Prairie du Chien ..................................40Gundersen Behavioral Health Sparta ......47Gundersen Behavioral Health Tomah .....49Gundersen Behavioral Health

Whitehall ............................................54Gundersen Boscobel Hospital and

Clinics ...................................................6Gundersen Boscobel Hospital and Clinics

Urgent Care ..........................................7Gundersen Boscobel Hospital and Clinics -

Boscobel ...............................................6Gundersen Boscobel Hospital and Clinics -

Fennimore ...........................................17Gundersen Boscobel Hospital and Clinics -

Muscoda .............................................34Gundersen Calmar Clinic .......................71Gundersen Clinic Pharmacy ...................27Gundersen Clinic Pharmacy - East Building

(Cancer Center) ...................................27Gundersen Decorah Clinic .....................72Gundersen Dental Specialties -

Decorah ..............................................72Gundersen Dental Specialties -

La Crosse ............................................26Gundersen Dental Specialties -

Onalaska .............................................37Gundersen Dental Specialties -

Prairie du Chien ..................................41Gundersen Dental Specialties - Winona .67Gundersen ExpressCare - La Crosse .......28Gundersen ExpressCare - Onalaska ........38Gundersen Eye Clinic Black River Falls ....5Gundersen Eye Clinic Decorah ..............72Gundersen Eye Clinic Hillsboro .............20Gundersen Eye Clinic Prairie du Chien ..41Gundersen Eye Clinic Sparta ..................47Gundersen Eye Clinic Tomah .................50Gundersen Eye Clinic Viroqua ...............52Gundersen Eye Clinic Waukon ..............76Gundersen Eye Clinic Whitehall ............55Gundersen Eye Clinic Winona ...............68Gundersen Galesville Clinic ...................18Gundersen Harmony Care Center ..........58Gundersen Harmony Care Center -

Outpatient Therapy .............................58Gundersen Harmony Clinic ....................58Gundersen Houston Clinic .....................58




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Gundersen Industrial Rehab Center ........28Gundersen Lansing Clinic ......................74Gundersen La Crescent Clinic ................58Gundersen Lutheran Dialysis - Black River

Falls ......................................................5Gundersen Lutheran Dialysis -

Onalaska .............................................38Gundersen Lutheran Dialysis -

Prairie du Chien Memorial ..................41Gundersen Lutheran Dialysis -

Richland ..............................................45Gundersen Lutheran Dialysis - Tomah ....51Gundersen Lutheran Dialysis - Vernon

Memorial ............................................53Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center

Behavioral Health La Crosse ...............22Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center

Behavioral Health Onalaska ...............35Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center

Behavioral Health Onalaska Annex ....36Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center East

Building ..............................................23Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center Eye

Clinic La Crosse ..................................26Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center Eye

Clinic Onalaska ..................................38Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center

Founders Building ...............................24Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center

Hospice ...............................................27Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center,

Inc. ......................................................27Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center, Inc. -

Behavioral Health ...............................23Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center

La Crosse ............................................24Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center

La Crosse Urgent Care ........................28Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center

Onalaska .............................................37Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center

Onalaska Urgent Care .........................38Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center

Orthotics .............................................28Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center

Outpatient Physical Therapy -La Crosse ............................................28

Gundersen Lutheran Medical CenterOutpatient Physical Therapy -Onalaska .............................................38

Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center UnityHouse for Men ....................................22

Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center UnityHouse for Women ...............................22

Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center -Sports Medicine Center - Onalaska .....38

Gundersen Lutheran Renal Dialysis -La Crosse ............................................28

Gundersen Palmer Lutheran Hospital andClinics - Fayette ..................................73

Gundersen Palmer Lutheran Hospital andClinics - Postville ................................75

Gundersen Palmer Lutheran Hospital andClinics - West Union ...........................76

Gundersen Pharmacy - Onalaska ...........38Gundersen Prairie du Chien Clinic .........40Gundersen Sparta Clinic ........................47Gundersen Sports Medicine Center -

Winona ...............................................68Gundersen Spring Grove Clinic ..............65Gundersen St. Joseph’s Hospital and

Clinics .................................................20

Gundersen St. Joseph’s Hospital andClinics - Elroy .....................................17

Gundersen St. Joseph’s Hospital andClinics - Hillsboro ...............................19

Gundersen St. Joseph’s Hospital andClinics - Wonewoc .............................55

Gundersen St. Joseph’s Hospital UrgentCare Clinic ..........................................20

Gundersen Tomah Clinic ........................50Gundersen Tri-County Care Center .........55Gundersen Tri-County Hospital and

Clinics .................................................55Gundersen Tri-County Hospital and Clinics

Urgent Care ........................................55Gundersen Tri-County Hospital and

Clinics - Blair ........................................6Gundersen Tri-County Hospital and

Clinics - Independence .......................21Gundersen Tri-County Hospital and

Clinics - Whitehall ..............................54Gundersen Tweeten Care Center ............65Gundersen Tweeten Care Center -

Outpatient Therapy .............................65Gundersen Viroqua Clinic ......................52Gundersen Waukon Clinic .....................76Guttenberg Care Center (Affiliated with

ABCM Corporation) ............................74Guttenberg Municipal Hospital ..............74Guttenberg Pharmacy .............................74

HHanson Chiropractic ..............................74Harmony Chiropractic Office .................58Harris Family Chiropractic Center ..........49Hartig Drug - Fennimore ........................17Hartig Drug - First Avenue .....................76Hartig Drug - Lancaster ..........................30Hartig Drug - Platteville .........................40Hartig Drug - Prairie du Chien ...............41Hartig Drug - Waukon ...........................76Hawkeye Care Center of Cresco, LLC ....71Hazelden Beaverton (Affiliated with

Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation) .......80Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation - Center

City .....................................................57Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation -

Newberg .............................................81Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation -

Plymouth .............................................60Hazelden Chaska (Affiliated with Hazelden

Betty Ford Foundation) ........................57Hazelden Chicago (Affiliated with

Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation) .......79Hazelden Fellowship Club (Affiliated with

Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation) .......66Hazelden Florida (Affiliated with Hazelden

Betty Ford Foundation) ........................79Hazelden Maple Grove (Affiliated with

Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation) .......59Hazelden New York - Chelsea (Affiliated

with Hazelden Betty FordFoundation) .........................................80

Hazelden New York - Tribeca (Affiliatedwith Hazelden Betty FordFoundation) .........................................80

Health Direct Pharmacy .........................27HealthDirect Institutional Pharmacy

Services, Inc. .......................................15Heart Journey, L.L.C. ..............................22Heart & Vascular Center (Affiliated with

Sacred Heart Hospital) ........................14

Heike Pharmacy .....................................11Heike Pharmacy Inc. - Durable Medical

Equipment ...........................................11Heritage Manor ......................................17Hesse Foot & Ankle Clinic, S.C. -

Chippewa Falls .....................................9Hesse Foot & Ankle Clinic, S.C. - Eau

Claire ..................................................16Hesse Foot & Ankle Clinic, S.C. -

Spooner ...............................................48Hiawatha Valley Mental Health Center -

Caledonia ............................................57Hiawatha Valley Mental Health Center -

La Crosse ............................................22Hiawatha Valley Mental Health Center -

Wabasha .............................................66Hiawatha Valley Mental Health Center -

Winona ...............................................66High Point Family Medicine, L.L.C. -

Fennimore ...........................................17High Point Family Medicine, L.L.C. -

Lancaster .............................................29Hillview Health Care Center ..................27Hirsch Clinic (Affiliated with Vernon

Memorial Hospital) .............................52Ho-Chunk Health Care Center (Affiliated

with Ho-Chunk Nation) ........................4Ho-Chunk Health Care Center Pharmacy

(Affiliated with Ho-Chunk Nation) ........5Ho-Chunk House of Wellness Pharmacy

(Affiliated with Ho-Chunk Nation) ........3Holmen Chiropractic ..............................20Home Health United Home Medical

Equipment - Baraboo ............................3Home Health United Home Medical

Equipment - Janesville .........................21Home Health United Home Medical

Equipment - Madison ..........................30Home Health United Home Medical

Equipment - Platteville ........................39Home Health United Home Medical

Equipment - Portage ............................40Home Health United Home Medical

Equipment - Reedsburg .......................43Home Health United Visiting Nurse

Service - Home Health .......................43Home Health United Visiting Nurse

Service - Hospice ..................................3Home Health United Xtra Care

Pharmacy ............................................30Homeward Bound Home Health -

Baraboo ................................................3Homeward Bound Home Health -

Lancaster .............................................30Houg Chiropractic, P.C. ..........................76House of Wellness (Affiliated with Ho-

Chunk Nation) ......................................3Houston County Public Health ..............57Hover Chiropractic Clinic ......................43HSHS St. Joseph’s Wound Care &

Hyperbaric Medicine -EauClaire(Affiliated with St. Joseph’sHospital ..............................................14

HSHS St. Joseph’s Wound Care &Hyperbaric Medicine-ChippewaFalls(affiliated with St. Joseph’sHospital) ...............................................8

Hudson Hospital & Clinics Pharmacy ....20Hunt LTC Pharmacy ...............................63Hunt Silver Lake Drug ............................63Hurtgen Chiropractic ................................8Hy-Vee Pharmacy - Crossroads ..............63Hy-Vee Pharmacy - Rochester ................63

Hy-Vee Pharmacy - Winona ...................68

IIHC - Wound Care Services, L.L.C. - St.

Joseph Wound Care Center .................14IHC - Wound Care Services, L.L.C. - St.

Joseph’s Hospital ...................................8Independence Family Chiropractic .........21Independent Surgery Center, LLC .............9InnerChange Counseling, Inc. ................36Innervisions Counseling & Consulting

Center - Baraboo ...................................3Innervisions Counseling & Consulting

Center - Mauston ................................31Innovations Rehabilitation, S.C. .............48Insulet Corporation .................................80Integrated Therapy Specialists, PC ..........73International Quality Homecare -

La Crescent .........................................59International Quality Homecare -

Rochester ............................................62Interventional Pain Specialists of

Wisconsin, S.C. - Amery .......................1Interventional Pain Specialists of

Wisconsin, S.C. - Cumberland ............10Interventional Pain Specialists of

Wisconsin, S.C. - Hudson ...................20Interventional Pain Specialists of

Wisconsin, S.C. - Rice Lake ................43

JJames Pharmacy - Barron .........................4James Pharmacy - Turtle Lake .................51Jennifer Gonstead Chiropractic ...............12Johnson Chiropractic - La Crosse ...........23Johnson Chiropractic - Stoddard .............49Johnson Drug at ARMC ............................2Joint Active Systems, Inc. .......................80Jones Chiropractic, L.L.C. .......................54Jones Family Chiropractic ......................20Jorandby Chiropractic Office ..................42Jordan Chiropractic Clinic ........................4Joslyn Chiropractic Clinic .......................71Juneau County Human Services .............31Jurgensen Chiropractic ...........................31Jurgensen Chiropractic of Mondovi ........33

KKCI USA, Inc. - Coralville ......................71KCI USA, Inc. - Des Moines ...................73KCI USA, Inc. - Duluth ..........................58KCI USA, Inc. - Houston ........................81KCI USA, Inc. - Janesville .......................21KCI USA, Inc. - Kaukauna ......................21KCI USA, Inc. - La Crosse ......................26KCI USA, Inc. - New Brighton ................59KCI USA, Inc. - Omaha ..........................80KCI USA, Inc. - San Antonio ..................81KCI USA, Inc. - Waukesha .....................53Kelley Chiropractic, S.C. ..........................6Keltgen Family Chiropractic ...................12Kennedy Snyder Drug ............................59Kenneth J. Garrison, M.D., S.C.- Shell

lake .....................................................46Kenneth J. Garrison, M.D., S.C. -

Cumberland ........................................10Kickapoo Valley Medical Clinic (Affiliated

with Vernon Memorial Hospital) .........47Kinex Medical Company, LLC ................53




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Klug Chiropractic ...................................12K-Mart Pharmacy - La Crosse .................27K-Mart Pharmacy - Platteville .................40K-Mart Pharmacy - Rochester .................63Konsella Health Mart Pharmacy ...............9Krohn Clinic, Ltd. .....................................4Krohn Clinic, Ltd. - Behavioral Health .....4

LLa Farge Medical Clinic (Affiliated with

Vernon Memorial Hospital) .................28Lac Courte Oreilles Pharmacy ................19LaFarge Chiropractic ..............................29Lair’s Shoes (Affiliated with Prosthetic

Laboratories of Rochester, Inc.) ...........64Lake City Family Physicians, P.C. ...........59Lake Winona Manor (Affiliated with

Winona Senior Services) .....................68Lancaster Care Center, LLC, dba Atrium

Post Acute Care of Lancaster ..............30Lancaster Chiropractic, L.L.C. ................29Lancaster Family Medical Center, S.C. ...29La Crescent Chiropractic ........................58LE Phillips- Libertas Treatment Center-

Chippewa Falls (Affiliated with St.Joseph’s Hospital) ..................................7

Libertas of Marinette (Affiliated with SacredHeart & St. Joseph’s Hospital) .............30

Libertas of Sheboygan Libertas ofSheboygan (Affiliated with Sacred Heart& St. Joseph’s Hospital) .......................46

Libertas Treatment Center (Affiliated withSacred Heart Hospital & St. JosephHospital) .............................................18

LifeWatch Services, Inc. - Philadelphia ..81LifeWatch Services, Inc. - Rosemont ......80LifeWatch Services, Inc. - San

Francisco .............................................79Lighthouse Professional Counseling

Services ...............................................71Limb Lab - La Crosse ..............................28Limb Lab - Mankato ...............................59Limb Lab - Rochester .............................64Lime Springs Medical Clinic (Affiliated with

Regional Health Services of HowardCounty) ...............................................74

Lincare, Inc. - Eau Claire ........................15Lincare, Inc. - Foley ...............................79Lincare, Inc. - La Crosse .........................26Lincare, Inc. - Rochester .........................62Lincare, Inc. - Wausau ...........................53LiveWell Chiropractic and Wellness - Jay

Street ...................................................23LiveWell Chiropractic and Wellness - Pearl

Street ...................................................23Living Well Christian Family Clinic,

L.L.C. ..................................................36Lorenz Chiropractic - Boscobel ................6Lorenz Chiropractic - La Crosse .............23Lorenz Chiropractic - Prairie du Chien ...40LTC RX .....................................................9Luck Pharmacy .......................................30

MMaday Chiropractic ................................60Maple Crest Manor ................................73Maplewood of Sauk Prairie Pharmacy ....45Marinuka Manor (Affiliated with Bethany

St. Joseph’s Corporation) .....................18

Marshfield Clinic Pharmacy of ChippewaFalls ......................................................9

Marshfield Clinic Pharmacy of EauClaire ..................................................15

Mary Riedel Counseling Services, LLC ...22Maurer Chiropractic Care .......................19Mayo Clinic Health System Franciscan

Healthcare Professional ArtsPharmacy ............................................27

Mayo Clinic Health System FranciscanHealthcare - Holmen ClinicPharmacy ............................................20

Mayo Clinic Health System FranciscanHealthcare - Onalaska ClinicPharmacy ............................................38

Mayo Clinic Health System Pharmacy &Home Medical - Clairemont Campus .16

Mayo Clinic Health System Pharmacy &Home Medical - Downtown ...............16

Mayo Clinic Health System Pharmacy &Home Medical - Long Term Care ........16

Mayo Clinic Health System Pharmacy &Home Medical - Luther Campus .........16

Mayo Clinic Health System Pharmacy &Home Medical - Osseo .......................39

Mayo Clinic Health System Pharmacy -Baldwin ...............................................63

Mayo Clinic Health System Pharmacy -Eisenberg .............................................63

Mayo Clinic Health System Pharmacy -Holmen ...............................................20

Mayo Clinic Health System Pharmacy -Mary Brigh ..........................................63

Mayo Clinic Health System Pharmacy -Rochester ............................................63

Mayo Clinic Health System Pharmacy -Subway ...............................................63

Mayo Clinic Health System SkempPharmacy ............................................27

Mayo Clinic Health System - RedCedar ..................................................32

Mayo Clinic Pharmacy - Northeast ........63Mayo Clinic Pharmacy - Northwest .......63McGregor Pharmacy ..............................74McMahon Chiropractic and Physical

Therapy ...............................................12Med Pak Pharmacy ................................27Medical Arts Pharmacy ..........................43Medications Plus ....................................44Medicine Shoppe - Chippewa Falls ..........9Medicine Shoppe - Tomah .....................51MEDTOX Laboratories, Inc. ....................66Meisel Chiropractic ................................67Mell Chiropractic ...................................57Memorial Medical Center Urgent Care ..35Memorial Medical Center - Greenwood .19Memorial Medical Center - Hospital ......34Memorial Medical Center - Loyal ...........30Memorial Medical Center - Neillsville ...34Merrick Plastic and Hand Surgery -

Cumberland ........................................10Merrick Plastic and Hand Surgery - Eau

Claire ..................................................14Merrick Plastic and Hand Surgery -

Hayward .............................................19Merrick Plastic and Hand Surgery -

Ladysmith ............................................28Merrick Plastic and Hand Surgery - Shell

Lake ....................................................46Micklesen Drug Inc. ...............................20Midwest Open MRI, L.L.C. .....................33Mile Bluff Clinic .....................................31Mile Bluff Medical Center, Inc. ..............31

Mile Bluff Medical Center, Inc. UrgentCare ....................................................32

Mile Bluff Medical Center, Inc. - HomeHealth Agency ....................................31

Millennium Therapy - Edgewood (Affiliatedwith Millennium Rehab & ConsultingGroup, Inc.) ........................................73

Mindful Solutions Counseling ................39MiniMed Distribution Corp. ...................79Mobile Medical Diagnostics of La Crosse,

Inc. ......................................................39Mondovi Chiropractic Offices ................33Mondovi Healthmart Pharmacy ..............33Mondovi Physical Therapy, L.L.C. ..........33Monona Pharmacy .................................74Morrow Memorial Home for the Aged ...48Moser Family Pharmacy .........................73Most Pharmacy ......................................42Mulder Health Care Facility ...................54Muscoda Health Center (Affiliated with

Richland Hospital) ..............................34

NNational Biological Corporation .............80National Seating And Mobility, Inc. -

Greenville ...........................................19National Seating and Mobility, Inc -

Madison ..............................................30National Seating And Mobility, Inc. -

Maplewood .........................................59National Seating And Mobility, Inc. -

Wauwatosa .........................................53Natural Health Chiropractic Center,

Inc. ......................................................49Naturally Aligned Chiropractic and

Wellness ..............................................36Necedah Family Medical Center (Affiliated

with Mile Bluff Medical Center, Inc.) ..34Nemitz Family Chiropractic .....................4New Glarus Hometown Pharmacy .........35New Lisbon Family Medical Center

(Affiliated with Mile Bluff MedicalCenter) ................................................35

Norseland Nursing Home (Affiliated withBethany St. Joseph’s Corporation) .......54

Northeast Iowa Behavioral Health -Decorah ..............................................72

Northeast Iowa Behavioral Health -Oelwein ..............................................74

Northeast Iowa Community ActionCorporation .........................................72

Northgate Care Center (Affiliated withABCM Corporation) ............................76

Northwest Counseling And GuidanceClinic - De Pere ..................................10

Northwest Journey - Amery (Affiliated withNorthwest Counseling and GuidanceClinic) ...................................................1

Northwest Journey - Black River Falls(Affiliated with Northwest Counselingand Guidance Clinic) ............................4

Northwest Journey - Menomonie (Affiliatedwith Northwest Counseling andGuidance Clinic) .................................32

Northwest Journey - Siren (Affiliated withNorthwest Counseling and GuidanceClinic) .................................................46

Northwest Passage Child & AdolescentCenter Passage I ..................................53

Northwest Passage Child & AdolescentCenter Passage II .................................48

Northwest Passage Child & AdolescentCenter Passage III & CAC ....................18

Northwest Radiation Oncology Associates,S.C. .....................................................14

Northwoods Therapy Associates -Altoona .................................................1

Northwoods Therapy Associates -Chippewa Falls .....................................9

NuCara Pharmacy ..................................77NuCara Pharmacy Vital Care #3 ............75NuFactor, Inc. .........................................79NuFactor, Inc - Kernersville ....................80Numotion - Appleton .............................18Numotion - Eau Claire ...........................15Numotion - Fridley .................................58Numotion - Grand Rapids ......................58Numotion - Milwaukee ..........................35Numotion - Urbandale ...........................75

OOakLeaf Advanced Wound Care &

Hyperbaric Medicine Center .................1OakLeaf Clinics, SC Eau Claire Medical

Clinic Lab ...........................................15OakLeaf Clinics, SC - Eau Claire Medical

Clinic ..................................................13OakLeaf Clinics, SC - Eau Claire Medical

Clinic - 610 West Adams Street ............4OakLeaf Clinics, SC - Eau Claire Medical

Clinic - 711 West Adams Street .............4OakLeaf Clinics, SC - Eau Claire Medical

Clinic - Baldwin ....................................2OakLeaf Clinics, SC - Eau Claire Medical

Clinic - Cardiology ..............................14OakLeaf Clinics, SC - Eau Claire Medical

Clinic - Chippewa Falls .........................8OakLeaf Clinics, SC - Eau Claire Medical

Clinic - Clairemont Avenue .................13OakLeaf Clinics, SC - Eau Claire Medical

Clinic - Cumberland ...........................10OakLeaf Clinics, SC - Eau Claire Medical

Clinic - Ladysmith ...............................28OakLeaf Clinics, SC - Eau Claire Medical

Clinic - Neillsville ...............................34OakLeaf Clinics, SC - Eau Claire Medical

Clinic - Stanley ...................................49OakLeaf Clinics, SC - Eau Claire Women’s

Care ....................................................14OakLeaf Clinics, SC - OakLeaf

Pediatrics ............................................14OakLeaf Clinics, SC - OB-GYN Clinic of

Eau Claire ...........................................14OakLeaf Clinics, SC - Southside Medical

Clinic ..................................................13OakLeaf Clinics, SC - Southside OB-GYN

.............................................................14OakLeaf Clinics, SC - Southside OB-GYN -

Durand ................................................11OakLeaf Concussion Services (Affiliated

with OakLeaf Surgical Hospital) ............1OakLeaf Surgical Hospital, L.L.C. .............1Oas Family Chiropractic, L.L.C. .............12Ocooch Counseling Services, L.L.C. .......51Oelwein Family Pharmacy .....................75Oelwein Healthcare Center (Affiliated with

ABCM Corporation) ............................75Ohde Pharmacy .......................................7Olmsted Medical Center Behavioral

Health - Rochester ..............................60Olmsted Medical Center Northwest Clinic

Pharmacy ............................................63




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Olmsted Medical Center Southeast ClinicPharmacy ............................................63

Olmsted Medical Center - Center forWeight Loss & Wellness (Affiliated withOlmsted Medical Center) ....................62

Olmsted Medical Center - Hospital(Affiliated with Olmsted MedicalCenter) ................................................63

Olmsted Medical Center - RehabilitationServices (Affiliated with Olmsted MedicalCenter) ................................................62

Olmsted Medical Center - RehabilitationServices Northwest (Affiliated withOlmsted Medical Center) ....................62

Olmsted Medical Center - SkywayClinic ..................................................64

Olmsted Medical Center - Urgent Care/Emergency (Affiliated with OlmstedMedical Center) ..................................64

Olmsted Medical Clinic - Byron (Affiliatedwith Olmsted Medical Center) ............57

Olmsted Medical Clinic - Cannon Falls .57Olmsted Medical Clinic - Chatfield

(Affiliated with Olmsted MedicalCenter) ................................................57

Olmsted Medical Clinic - FastCare North(Affiliated with Olmsted MedicalCenter) ................................................64

Olmsted Medical Clinic - FastCare South(Affiliated with Olmsted MedicalCenter) ................................................64

Olmsted Medical Clinic - Pine Island(Affiliated with Olmsted MedicalCenter) ................................................59

Olmsted Medical Clinic - Plainview(Affiliated with Olmsted MedicalCenter) ................................................59

Olmsted Medical Clinic - Preston(Affiliated with Olmsted MedicalCenter) ................................................60

Olmsted Medical Clinic - RochesterNorthwest (Affiliated with OlmstedMedical Center) ..................................60

Olmsted Medical Clinic - RochesterSoutheast (Affiliated with OlmstedMedical Center) ..................................61

Olmsted Medical Clinic - Spring Valley(Affiliated with Olmsted MedicalCenter) ................................................65

Olmsted Medical Clinic - St. Charles(Affiliated with Olmsted MedicalCenter) ................................................65

Olmsted Medical Clinic - Stewartville(Affiliated with Olmsted MedicalCenter) ................................................66

Olmsted Medical Clinic - Wanamingo(Affiliated with Olmsted MedicalCenter) ................................................66

Olson Chiropractic .................................50Olson Chiropractic Office ......................39Omnicare of Chippewa Falls ....................9OmniCare of La Crosse ..........................27Onalaska Care Center (Affiliated with

Bethany St. Joseph’s Corporation) .......38Onalaska Family Chiropractic Wellness .36Oneota Physical Therapy .......................73Optical Fashions, Ltd. ............................26Optima Health and Vitality Center .........13Optimum Therapies - Eau Claire ............16Optimum Therapies - Menomonie .........32Oral Surgery Clinic of La Crosse ............38Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Associates of

Eau Claire ...........................................14

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Associates ofEau Claire -Menomonie ......................32

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Associates ofEau Claire-Chippewa Falls ....................7

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Associates ofEau Claire - Rice Lake .........................43

Orthofix ..................................................81Osceola Clinic Pharmacy .......................39Osseo Chiropractic and Health Center

LLC .....................................................39Osterbauer Drugs ...................................44Owen Withee Pharmacy ........................55

PPain Clinic of Northwestern Wisconsin,

S.C. - 610 West Adams Street ...............4Pain Clinic of Northwestern Wisconsin,

S.C. - 711 West Adams Street ................5Pain Clinic of Northwestern Wisconsin,

S.C. - Clairemont Avenue ....................14Pain Clinic of Northwestern Wisconsin,

S.C. - Eau Claire ..................................14Pain Clinic of Northwestern Wisconsin,

S.C. - Lake Elmo .................................59Pain Clinic of Northwestern Wisconsin,

S.C. - Menomonie ...............................32Pain Clinic of Northwestern Wisconsin

S.C. - Oakwood ....................................1Pain Clinic of Northwestern Wisconsin,

S.C. - Rice Lake ..................................43Palmer Home Health - Oelwein (Affiliated

with Palmer Lutheran Health Center) ..75Palmer Home Health - West Union

(Affiliated with Palmer Lutheran HealthCenter) ................................................77

Palmer Home Medical Supply - Oelwein(Affiliated with Palmer Lutheran HealthCenter) ................................................75

Palmer Home Medical Supply - WestUnion (Affiliated with Palmer LutheranHealth Center) .....................................76

Palmer Hospice - Oelwein (Affiliated withPalmer Lutheran Health Center) ..........75

Palmer Hospice - West Union (Affiliatedwith Palmer Lutheran Health Center) ..77

Palmer Lutheran Health Center ..............77Palmer Lutheran Health Center Urgent

Care ....................................................77Pank Chiropractic Relief and Wellness

Center .................................................54Parkinson Dermatology, S.C. ..................48Parkview Pharmacy, Inc. ........................68Parkview Pharmacy - Winona State

University ............................................68Pathology, S.C. .......................................15Paulsrud Chiropractic .............................13Pauquette Center - Baraboo .....................3Pauquette Center - Prairie du Sac ...........42Pauquette Center - Reedsburg ................42Pauquette Center - Richland Center .......44Peace of Mind Counseling, L.L.C. -

La Crosse ............................................22Peace of Mind Counseling, L.L.C. -

Winona ...............................................67Pediatric Home Service ..........................64Performance Rehab, L.L.C. .....................75Personifilrx, LLC .....................................16Peterson Pharmacy .................................20Phillips Drug Store, Inc.- Durable Medical

Equipment ...........................................31

Phillips Drug Store, Inc., Home InfusionServices ...............................................31

Phillips Health Mart Pharmacy -Mauston ..............................................32

Phillips Roche-A-Cri Pharmacy, Inc. -Durable Medical Equipment ...............18

Phillips Tomah Pharmacy .......................51Phillips Tomah Pharmacy, Inc. - Durable

Medical Equipment .............................50Phillips Total Care Pharmacy ..................32Pigeon Falls Health Care Center (Affiliated

with Trempealeau County Health CareCenter) ................................................39

Pine Grove Family Medicine - ClairemontAvenue ................................................13

Pine Grove Family Medicine - SteinBoulevard ............................................13

Pine Grove Family Practice Associates,Ltd. - Stanley .......................................49

Pine Valley Healthcare & RehabilitationCenter .................................................45

Pine View Care Center .............................5Prairie Health .........................................40Prairie Maison (Affiliated with Prairie

Nursing Facility, L.L.C.) .......................41Prairie Maison - Outpatient Therapy

(Affiliated with Prairie Nursing Facility,L.L.C. ) ................................................41

Prairie Pharmacy Gundersen HealthSystem .................................................41

Prairie du Chien Emergency MedicalServices, Inc. .......................................40

Precision Physical Therapy .....................38Prevea Health Cornell (Affiliated with

Sacred Heart Hospital) ........................10Prevea Health - Arcadia (Affiliated with

Sacred Heart Hospital) ..........................2Prevea Health - Chippewa Falls (Affiliated

with Sacred Heart Hospital) ..................8Prevea Health - Clairemont Avenue

(Affiliated with Sacred HeartHospital) .............................................13

Prevea Health - County Highway I(Affiliated with Sacred Heart Hospital) ..8

Prevea Health - Eau Claire (Affiliated withSacred Heart Hospital) ........................13

Prevea Health - Menomonie (affiliated withSacred Heart Hospital) ........................32

Prevea Health - Osseo (Affiliated withSacred Heart Hospital) ........................39

Prissel Chiropractic ................................13Procare Chiropractic, Inc. ........................2Professional Hearing Care, LLC ..............31Prosthetic Laboratories of Eau Claire

(Affiliated with Prosthetic Laboratories ofRochester, Inc.) ...................................16

Prosthetic Laboratories of La Crosse(Affiliated with Prosthetic Laboratories ofRochester, Inc.) ...................................28

Prosthetic Laboratories of Madison, Inc. .33Prosthetic Laboratories of Rochester,

Inc. ......................................................64Psychiatric Associates Counseling Center,

L.L.C. ..................................................51PT Works, L.L.C. ....................................32Purpose Chiropractic ..............................37

QQoL Meds ..............................................63

RRaabe’s Pharmacy ..................................35Recover Health, Inc. - Rochester ............62Recover Health of Wisconsin, Inc. -

Baraboo ................................................3Recover Health of Wisconsin, Inc. -

La Crosse ............................................26Red Cedar Chiropractic ..........................32Red Cross Pharmacy - Spooner ..............48Red Feather Therapy and Consulting,

L.L.C. ..................................................22Reedsburg Area Medical Center, Inc. .....43Reedsburg Area Medical Center, Inc.

Urgent Care ........................................43Reedsburg Area Medical Center -

Clinic ..................................................42Reedsburg Area Medical Specialty Center

(Affiliated with Reedsburg Area MedicalCenter, Inc.) ........................................42

Reedsburg Family Prescription ...............43Regional Health Services of Howard

County ................................................71Riceville Pharmacy, P.C. .........................75Richland County Health and Human

Services ...............................................44Richland Family Prescription Center ......45Richland Hospital ...................................45Richland Medical Center, Ltd. ................44River City Chiropractic ...........................37River Hills Chiropractic ..........................59River Valley Chiropractic Center, S.C. ....37River Valley Pharmacy ...........................48Rogers Memorial Hospital - Brown Deer .7Rogers Memorial Hospital - Kenosha .....21Rogers Memorial Hospital - Madison .....30Rogers Memorial Hospital - Milwaukee .33Rogers Memorial Hospital -

Oconomowoc .....................................35Rolling Hills Rehabilitation Center .........48Rosemeyer Jones Chiropractic ................39Rounds Chiropractic Clinic ....................76Rucker M.D. Plastic Surgery Clinic

(Affiliated with Plastic Surgery Clinic ofEau Claire, Ltd., S.C. ...........................15

Rucker M.D. Plastic Surgery Clinic - RiverFalls (Affiliated with Plastic SurgeryClinic of Eau Claire) ............................45

Rushford Chiropractic Clinic ..................64Rushford Clinic (Affiliated with Winona

Health Services) ..................................65Rusk County Clinic Pharmacy ................29

SSacred Heart Behavioral Health Clinic

(Affiliated with Sacred HeartHospital) ..............................................11

Sacred Heart Hearing and Balance Center -Chippewa (Affiliated with Sacred HeartHospital) ...............................................8

Sacred Heart Hearing and Balance Center -Eau Claire (Affiliated with Sacred HeartHospital) .............................................15

Sacred Heart Hospital ......................12, 15Sacred Heart Obstetrics & Gynecology

(Affiliated with Sacred HeartHospital) .............................................15

Sacred Heart Outpatient RehabilitationCenter (Affiliated with Sacred HeartHospital) .............................................15




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Sacred Heart Urgent Care (Affiliated withSacred Heart Hospital) ........................16

Saint Anne of Winona ............................68Sam’s Club Pharmacy ............................63Sam’s Pharmacy .....................................16Sannes Skogdalen Heim .........................47Sannes Skogdalen Heim - Outpatient

Therapy ...............................................47Sauk City Pharmacy ...............................45Sauk County Department of Human

Services - Baraboo ................................3Sauk County Department of Human

Services - Reedsburg ...........................42Scenic Bluffs Community Health Centers

Behavioral Health - Cashton .................7Scenic Bluffs Community Health Centers -

Cashton .................................................7Scenic Bluffs Community Health Centers -

Norwalk ..............................................35Scenic Bluffs Community Health Centers -

Pharmacy ..............................................7Schaefer Optometry ...............................31Schams Chiropractic ..............................58Scharer Chiropractic Clinic ....................39Schmitt Woodland Hills, Inc. .................45Schmitz’s Economart ..............................48Schneider Pharmacy ...............................10Schoeberl Chiropractic Clinic ................57Schuchmann’s HealthMart Pharmacy .....75Schwab Chiropractic Clinic ....................13Scott Pharmacy ......................................73Semcac Family Planning Clinic ..............68Shell Lake Clinic, Ltd. - Shell Lake .........46Shell Lake Clinic, Ltd. - Siren .................46Shell Lake Pharmacy ..............................46Shopko Hometown Pharmacy -

Abbotsford ............................................1Shopko Pharmacy - Arcadia .....................2Shopko Pharmacy - Chippewa Falls .........9Shopko Pharmacy - Eau Claire ...............16Shopko Pharmacy - Ellsworth .................16Shopko Pharmacy - Lancaster ................30Shopko Pharmacy - Neillsville ...............34Shopko Pharmacy - North La Crosse ......27ShopKo Pharmacy - Oelwein .................75Shopko Pharmacy - Onalaska ................38Shopko Pharmacy - Rice Lake ................44Shopko Pharmacy - River Falls ...............45Shopko Pharmacy - Rochester North ......63Shopko Pharmacy - Rochester South ......64Shopko Pharmacy - South La Crosse ......27Shopko Pharmacy - Stanley ....................49Shopko Pharmacy - Waukon ..................76Shopko Pharmacy - Winona ...................68Silhouette Shoppe - Eau Claire (Affiliated

with Prosthetic Laboratories of Rochester,Inc.) .....................................................16

Silhouette Shoppe - La Crosse ................28Silhouette Shoppe - Rochester (Affiliated

with Prosthetic Laboratories of Rochester,Inc.) .....................................................64

Siren Pharmacy ......................................46Smith Chiropractic - Eau Claire ..............13Smith Chiropractic - Menomonie ...........32Sniteman Pharmacy ................................35Solar Town Pharmacy .............................47Somerset Drug ........................................47South Side Chiropractic ..........................23Southeast Minnesota Sports Medicine and

Orthopaedic Surgery Specialists ..........68Southside Medical Clinic - Chippewa

Falls ......................................................8Southside Medical Clinic - Cumberland .10

Sparta Area Ambulance Service, Ltd. .....47Sparta Chiropractic Clinic ......................47Sparta Pharmacy ....................................48Specialty Clinic (Affiliated with Tomah

Memorial Hospital) .............................50Spring Green Medical Center (Affiliated

with Richland Hospital) ......................48Spring Green Pharmacy, Inc. ..................48Spring Grove Family Chiropractic ..........65Spring Grove Rehab & Sports Medicine

Center .................................................65Spring Valley Drug .................................48St. Joseph’s Hospital Day Treatment

(Affiliated with Sacred Heart Hospital) ..7St. Joseph’s Hospital Home Health -

Chippewa Falls (Affiliated with SacredHeart Hospital) ......................................8

St. Joseph’s Hospital Hospice - ChippewaFalls (Affiliated with St. Joseph’sHospital) ...............................................9

St. Joseph’s Hospital OutpatientRehabilitation Center (Affiliated with St.Joseph’s Hospital) ................................15

St. Joseph’s Hospital Urgent Care (Affiliatedwith Sacred Heart Hospital) ..................9

St. Joseph’s Hospital - Chippewa Falls(Affiliated with Sacred HeartHospital) ............................................8-9

St. Joseph’s Occupational Health &Medicine - Chippewa Falls (Affiliatedwith Sacred Heart Hospital) ..................8

St. Joseph’s Occupational Health &Medicine - Eau Claire (Sacred HeartHospital) .............................................15

Stangl Chiropractic & Massage Therapy .13Stein Counseling & Consulting Services -

Mondovi .............................................33Stein Counseling & Consulting Services -

Onalaska .............................................36Sterling Pharmacy - Caledonia ...............57Sterling Pharmacy - Cresco ....................71Sterling Pharmacy - Harmony ................58Sterling Pharmacy - La Crescent .............59Sterling Pharmacy - Rushford .................65Sterling Pharmacy - Spring Grove ..........65Strive Medical LLC .................................81Strum Pharmacy, Inc. .............................49Strutt Chiropractic Clinic ........................74Sunrise Family Care Clinic, S.C. ...............8Surgical Partners (Affiliated with Reedsburg

Area Medical Center, Inc.) ..................43SWCAP Neighborhood Health Partners ..39Swella Clinic of Chiropractic, P.C. .........72

TTandem Diabetes care, Inc .....................79Tangen Drug ...........................................48Tank Family Chiropractic .......................50Target Pharmacy - Eau Claire .................16Target Pharmacy - Hudson .....................20Target Pharmacy - Onalaska ...................38Target Pharmacy - Rochester North ........64Target Pharmacy - Rochester South ........64Target Pharmacy - Winona .....................68Team Rehab, L.L.C. - Cresco ..................71Team Rehab, L.L.C. - Decorah ...............73Tenold Chiropractic Clinic .....................13The Apothecary ......................................10The Betty Ford Center (Affiliated with

Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation) .......79

The Center For Family ChiropracticCare ....................................................67

The Center of Chiropractic ...............23, 37The Therapy Place of La Crosse, LLC .....22Thomas P. Peller, M.D., S.C. ..................13Thomas P. Peller, MD, SC - Chippewa

Falls ......................................................8Thornton Manor Nursing Home (Affiliated

with Lansing Housing Corporation) .....74Thornton Manor - Outpatient Therapy

(Affiliated with Lansing HousingCorporation) ........................................74

Thrifty White Pharmacy - Decorah .........72Thrifty White Pharmacy - Richland ........45Tomah Chiropractic Clinic .....................50Tomah Memorial Hospice Serenity Touch

(Hospice Touch and Palliative Care LifeChoices Clinic) ....................................51

Tomah Memorial Hospital ......................51Tomah Memorial Hospital Urgent Care ..51Tomah Nursing and Rehabilitation

(Affiliated with CCG Tomah, Inc.) .......51Transformations Today, LLC ....................22Trempealeau Family Chiropractic ...........51Tri-County Ambulance Service ...............54Two Rivers Clinic, S.C. ...........................15

UUnified Community Services (Affiliated

with County of Grant) .........................29Union Drug, Inc. ....................................77

VVail Chiropractic ....................................67Valley View Nursing Home of Houston,

Inc. ......................................................58Value Center Health Mart Pharmacy ......16Van Dyke, David M.D., S.C. -

La Crosse ............................................22Vanasse Chiropractic ..............................13Vantage Point Clinic and Assessment

Center (Affiliated with Synergy Group ofEau Claire, S.C.) ..................................11

Vantage Point Clinic and AssessmentCenter -Golf Road ...............................12

Veracyte, Inc. .........................................79Vernon Clinic of Chiropractic .................52Vernon Manor ........................................52Vernon Memorial Home Health Care .....52Vernon Memorial Hospice .....................52Vernon Memorial Hospital .....................52Vernon Memorial Hospital Urgent Care .53Vernon Memorial Pharmacy - Viroqua ...52Vernon Memorial Pharmacy - Westby ....54Veterans Memorial Hospital Urgent

Care ....................................................76Veterans Memorial Hospital - Waukon ...76Veterans Memorial Hospital - Waukon

Home Health Care ..............................76Village Pharmacy Glenwood ..................18Village Pharmacy - Baldwin .....................2Viroqua Healing Arts Mental Health

Center .................................................51

WWacker Chiropractic, L.L.C. ...................44Walgreens Pharmacy - Hudson ..............21Walgreens Pharmacy - Rochester North .64Walgreens Pharmacy - Rochester South .64

Walgreens - Baraboo ................................3Walgreens - Chippewa Falls .....................9Walgreens - Clairemont Avenue .............16Walgreens - Hastings Way .....................16Walgreens - Hayward .............................19Walgreens - Mauston .............................32Walgreens - Menomonie ........................32Walgreens - Mormon Coulee Road ........27Walgreens - Platteville ............................40Walgreens - Prairie du Chien .................41Walgreens - Reedsburg ...........................43Walgreens - Rice Lake ............................44Walgreens - River Falls ...........................45Walgreens - Rose Street ..........................27Walgreens - Sauk City ............................46Walgreens - Sparta .................................48Walgreens - State Road ..........................27Walgreens - Viroqua ...............................53Walgreens - West Avenue ......................28Walgreens - Winona ...............................68Wall Chiropractic Clinics - Adams ...........1Wall Chiropractic Clinics - Hillsboro .....19Wally Shong Health Mart Pharmacy ........2Wal-Mart Pharmacy - Baraboo .................3Wal-Mart Pharmacy - Black River Falls ....5Wal-Mart Pharmacy - Chippewa Falls ......9Wal-Mart Pharmacy - Decorah ...............73Wal-Mart Pharmacy - Eau Claire ............16Wal-Mart Pharmacy - Hayward ..............19Wal-Mart Pharmacy - Hudson ................20Wal-Mart Pharmacy - Lady Smith ...........29Wal-Mart Pharmacy - Ladysmith ............29Wal-Mart Pharmacy - La Crosse .............27Wal-Mart Pharmacy - Menomonie .........32Wal-Mart Pharmacy - New Richmond ...35Wal-Mart Pharmacy - Onalaska .............38Wal-Mart Pharmacy - Platteville .............40Wal-Mart Pharmacy - Prairie du Chien ..41Wal-Mart Pharmacy - Rice Lake .............44Wal-Mart Pharmacy - Richland Center ...45Wal-Mart Pharmacy - Rochester North ...64Wal-Mart Pharmacy - Rochester South ...64Wal-Mart Pharmacy - Sparta ..................48Wal-Mart Pharmacy - St. Croix Falls ......49Wal-Mart Pharmacy - Tomah ..................51Wal-Mart Pharmacy - Viroqua ................52Wal-Mart Pharmacy - Winona ................68Wal-Mart Pharmacy - Wisconsin Dells ...55Warrens Walk In Clinic (Affiliated with

Tomah Memorial Hospital) ..................53Washa Chiropractic Clinic, Inc. .............23Weber Chiropractic Clinic -

Prairie du Chien ..................................40Weber & Judd Pharmacy - Barlow

Plaza ...................................................64Weber & Judd Pharmacy - Chatfield ......57Weber & Judd Pharmacy - LTC ..............64Weber & Judd Pharmacy - Marriott

Plaza ...................................................64Weber & Judd Pharmacy - Plainview .....59Weber & Judd Pharmacy - Preston .........60Weber & Judd Pharmacy - Spring

Valley ..................................................65Weber & Judd Pharmacy - Stewartville ..66Weber & Judd Pharmacy - St Charles .....65Weber & Judd - South Broadway ...........64West Central Wisconsin Behavioral Health

Clinic ..................................................21West Salem Chiropractic ........................54West Salem Health Mart Pharmacy ........54West Union Eye Clinic ...........................77Western Wisconsin Urology, SC -2116

Craig Road ..........................................15




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Western Wisconsin Urology, SC -Amery ..1Western Wisconsin Urology, SC -Baldwin

...............................................................2Western Wisconsin Urology, SC -Chippewa

Falls ......................................................8Western Wisconsin Urology, SC

-Cumberland .......................................10Western Wisconsin Urology, SC -Durand

.............................................................11Western Wisconsin Urology, SC-

Hayward .............................................19Western Wisconsin Urology, SC -Ladysmith

.............................................................28Western Wisconsin Urology, SC- Lake

City .....................................................29Western Wisconsin Urology, SC-Neillsville

.............................................................34Western Wisconsin Urology, S.C. - 610

West Adams Street ................................5Western Wisconsin Urology, S.C. - 711

West Adams Street ................................5Western Wisconsin Urology, S.C. - Eau

Claire ..................................................15Western Wisconsin Urology, S.C. -

Menomonie .........................................32Westfields Community Pharmacy ...........35Whitney Sleep Diagnostics &

Consultants .........................................57Whitney Sleep Diagnostics & Consultants -

Durable Medical Equipment ...............57Whole Life Chiropractic and Wellness

Center .................................................34Williams Chiropractic ...............................6Winneshiek County Public Health Nursing

Service ................................................72Winona Area Ambulance Service, Inc. ...66Winona Area Hospice Services (Affiliated

with Winona Senior Services) .............68Winona Clinic (Affiliated with Winona

Health Services) ..................................67Winona Clinic Pharmacy .......................68Winona Clinic Pharmacy-DME (Affiliated

with Winona Health Serices) ...............68Winona Health Eye Care Center (Affiliated

with Winona Health Services) .............68Winona Health Psychiatry & Counseling

Services (Affiliated with Winona HealthServices) ..............................................67

Winona Health Services ....................67-68Winona Health Sports and Orthopedic

Specialties (Affiliated with WinonaHealth Services) ..................................69

Winona Health Urgent Care (Affiliated withWinona Health Services) .....................69

Wisconsin Brain and Spine Center ...........1Wisconsin Brain & Spine Center -Black

River Falls .............................................5Wisconsin Brain & Spine Center

-Chippewa Falls ....................................7Wisconsin Brain & Spine Center -Rice

Lake ....................................................44WKM Psychology Clinic - Lancaster ......29WKM Psychology Clinic - Platteville ......39Wood River Pharmacy ...........................18

YYellow River Pharmacy ..........................53

ZZolper Family Chiropractic ......................3

Zumbro Valley Health Center - AODAResidential Treatment ..........................60

Zumbro Valley Health Center - BehavioralHealth .................................................60

Zumbro Valley Health Center - Clinic ....62Zumbro Valley Health Center -

Harmony .............................................58Zumbro Valley Health Center - Seventh

Street ...................................................60




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AAbcejo, Andrea J, MD ......................57, 61Abdel-Aziz, Samer, MD ....................61-62Abele, Jennifer J, LMFT ...........................11Aberger, Frank J, MD .......................25, 54Abernathy, Kirk A, DC ............................73Abernathy, Shelly L, DC ...................73, 76Abicht, Bradley P, DPM ...................25, 50Adam, Jory J, PA-C .................................14Adams, Bernadette L, FNP ......................54Adams, Debra S, CNM ...........................42Adams, Gerald S, OD ............................54Adams, Teri L, DC ..............................2, 10Adams-Stevenson, Ruby A, LPC ...............3Aders, Graig A, MD ...............................22Adkins, Aron S, MD ........2, 10, 13, 28, 49Adsit, Jacqueline A, APNP ......................24Agar, Ben A, MD ....................................28Agger, William A, MD ............................25Agudelo Suarez, Patricia A, MD .......61-62Ahmed, Atif U, MD ................................37Ailiani, Raju G, MD .........................24, 44Aleckson, Steve R, DC ...........................39Alexandrov, Tamara, MD ..................61-62Allen, Abby E, PA-C ...............................29Allen, Kelli, FNP .....................................50Allmon Dixson, Allison L, PHD LP ........22Alvarado, Mary S, MD .....................25, 55Anastasio, Emily R, PHD LP ...................18Anczak, John D, PA-C ..............................1Anderson, Andrea L, PA-C ......................19Anderson, Christopher R, DC ...........17, 42Anderson, Erin G, MS, LPC ....................66Anderson, John J, DC .......................36, 47Anderson, Karen S, CNM .................47, 50Anderson, Kevin M, MD ..........................4Anderson, Krista D, APNP ........................4Anderson, Mitchell A, DC ................23, 36Anderson, Renata M, DC .................36, 47Antonelli, Darrin, MD ..............................4Antonie, Joseph J, DC ............................18Aranguren, Nina R, PA-C .......................23Arndt, Kevin D, DC ................................67Arndt, Kristin C, MD .........................61-62Arndt, Peter M, MD ..........................61-62Asbel, Andrew J, DC ..............................31Asp, Arnold A, MD ....................25, 52, 72Atkinson, Mary-Christine M, LISW .........71Ault-Brinker, Elizabeth A, MD ................26Auth, Dennis A, DO ........................13, 49Avecilla, Constante S, MD .....................34

BBabbitt, Janet, APNP ...............................44Bablitch, Casey J, CSAC .........................22Babovic, Srdan, MD ...............................62Bade, Elizabeth R, MD .......................7, 35Bahe, Deborah K, NP .......................72, 74Bahr, Janet L, NP ........................25, 37, 41Bahr, Kelley A, MD ................................37Baker, Kathryn A, PHD ...........................24Baker, Matthew T, MD .....................26, 37Bakewell, Danielle J, FNP ......................72Balder-Schroeder, Mary B, APNP .....24, 37Baldwin, Leah M, PA-C ................6, 25, 37Balfanz, Eva, LPC ...............................3, 42Balink, Kay M, MD ................................44Ballweg, Breanna R, DC ........................42Banda-Wolk, Martine, APNP ..................44Bank, Paula A, MD ..............22, 40, 47, 50

Banks, Ida M, ARNP ...............................62Banks, Richard W, DO ...........................50Barba, Michael, DDS .................37, 50, 72Bard, Neil N, MD ..................................44Barnes, Angela M, LPC ...........................22Barnhart, Sharon I, APNP .................37, 52Barrette, Erica C, MD ........................14-15Bartels, Duane R, MD ............................61Bassett, Rachel M, MD ...........................52Bassing, Mary C, MD .............................25Bassuener, Alan J, DC ..............................2Bassuener, Scott R, MD ..........................25Baudek, Meggan M, WHNP ...................37Bauer, Anneliese K, FNP ........................37Baumgart, James R, DO .........................25Baumgartner, Amie L, PA-C ....................25Baumgartner, Carrie J, LPC .....................23Baumgartner, Diane L, MSW ............72, 74Bavlnka, Claudia M, LPC .......................42Bayola, Ricardo P, MD ...........................11Beard, Shanti G, DC ........................23, 36Beaudrie, Michael L, DO .......................11Beck, Thomas S, MD .............................45Beckenbaugh, Jeffrey P, DO ...................62Beeksma, Siobhan M, OD ......................15Beguin, Everett A, MD ............................67Beighley, Anne M, CNP .........................61Bell, Jamie Lea T, PA-C ..........................46Bell, Kirby A, PA-C .................................25Bell, Roberta, LCSW ...............................51Bellard, Jessica L, LCSW ..........................3Belling, Lisa A, ANP ...............................23Belling-Dunn, Amy J, CNM ....................25Belmont, Richard E, DO .........................11Benacci, Joseph C, MD ..........................24Benden, Dana M, MD ............................24Benish, Deanna D, MD ..........................42Benn, Nathan J, PA-C .............................62Benson, Terry D, MD ...................8, 13, 28Benson-Storrar, Kathy A, CSAC LPC .......11Benware, Julie M, LPC ...........................12Berg, Jason H, APNP ............................1, 9Berg, Randi K, MD .....................58, 65, 72Berg, Troy L, MD ...........................1, 9, 44Berger, Kylie E, FNP ...............................24Bergmann, David R, DC .........................39Bergquist, Paul E, MD ............................52Berres, George W, DC ..............................9Berschback, John C, MD .........1, 9, 28, 44Berti, Shareene M, LCSW .......................36Berzinski, Carmen C, LCSW .............21, 66Bessac, Judith A, LCSW ......................3, 31Beuthin, Sarah R, LMFT ...........................3Bhargava, Deepika, MD ....................61-62Biemiller, Rachel A, MD ..................23, 72Bierman, Scott L, MD .............................72Binegar, Joseph B, MD ...........................24Binsfeld, Brad G, DO .............................29Bird, Julio J, MD .....................................24Birdsall, Scott B, MD ..............................67Birkett, Steven, DC .................................17Bischel, Ann L, FNP .................................8Bjelland, Timothy D, DO .................17, 31Bjerke, John A, DC .................................52Bjerke, Mark D, PHD .............................12Black, Curtis F, DC .................................12Blank, Rebecca L, PA-C ...................20, 24Bleidorn, David F, MD ...........................25Bockenstedt, Kristen J, FNP ...............73-74Bodden, Jacquelyne A, WHNP ...............40Bodnar, Joseph J, LPC .............................22Bodoh, James T, DC ...............................37Boe, Crystal M, FNP ...............................59

Boe, Kathy A, FNP ...................................2Bogue, Stephen C, DPM ........................30Bohn, Sarah J, CNM ...............................68Boisvert, Walter R, MD ..........................40Boland, Erica A, DC ...............................53Boland, Kyle D, DC ...............................53Bollman, Megan A, DMD ......................14Bolton-Flynn, Candace A, LPC ...............39Bonde, Denise L, MD .......................61-62Booth, Alane M, PA-C .................59, 61-62Borders-Robinson, Angala, DO .........61-62Borene, Steven C, MD ...........................24Borge, Robyn A, MD ..............................24Born, Christopher P, MD ..................26, 41Bottcher, Michael L, MD ........................24Bottner, Wayne A, MD .24, 37, 41, 47, 55,

72, 76Bounds, James V, MD ............................23Bouska, Richelle C, LPC .........................40Bowman, Daniel J, MD ..........................11Bowman, Karen M, FNP .........................13Bowman, Martha A, MD ...................61-62Brahmbhatt, Neil J, DO ..........................22Brakenridge, Caryn P, LPC ......................66Brandt, Randall, PA-C ............................31Branham, Roger V, MD ..............10, 44, 48Brauer, Samuel D, PA-C .........................76Breidenbach, Amy K, DC .......................36Breidenbach, Benjamin J, DC ..........23, 36Breidenbach, Kimberly B, MD ...........6, 54Breitenbach, Robert A, MD ....................65Brendel, John, MD .................1, 10, 20, 43Brey, Allison R, PA-C ..............................42Bright, Jodi K, LPC .................................12Brink, Kristine A, APNP ....................36, 47Broghammer, Matthew J, DO .................67Bronson, Mark C, LICSW .......................60Bronston, Leo J, DC .........................23, 36Brose, Christine M, MD .........................24Brown, Brenda K, MD ............................61Brown, Denver T, PA-C ....................65, 67Brown, Jeffrey F, MD ....................8, 28, 49Brown, Ward M, MD .4, 6, 17, 24, 34, 44,

71Brozak, Shannon P, PA-C .......................26Brucker, Wallace B, MD ..................31, 50Brudnicki, Christine A, LPC ....................12Brueggen, Kristine K, APNP ....................52Bruening, Tara J, LPC .............................72Buck, Jennifer M, PA-C ..........................24Buckley-Pechous, Krynn K, MD .............29Bucknam, William C, MD .........22, 36, 49Budd, Sharon K, APNP ...........................23Budzak, Ann E, MD ...............................24Bunke, Rebecca L, LCSW .......................66Bunkelman, Allison L, LPC .....................12Buntrock, Chris T, MD .................5, 11, 15Burelbach, John C, MD ..........................24Burgess, Gregory E, PA-C .......................31Burmeister, Adam R, PA-C ...................1, 9Burnet, Joel A, DO .................................25Bush, Steven D, MD ........................17, 40Buss, Robert C, MD ...............................31Busse, Sarah J, MD ...................................4Butler, Aaron M, MD ..............................31Butrick, Robin M, MD ......................34, 44Butterfield, Kevin A, DO ........................31

CCadena, Javier, CSAC ...............................3Calderon, Cindy S, MD ..........................26

Calkins, William N, MD .........................54Cameron, Etson, MD ................................4Campbell, Mary Ann, DDS ....................37Canopy, Ellen N, PA-C .............................8Canzanello, Karen L, CNP ................61-62Caporusso, Annette B, DPM ..........1, 9, 49Caporusso, Eric F, DPM ..................1, 9, 11Carlisle, Stephen E, MD .........................24Carlson, Brent D, MD ..............1, 9, 19, 49Carlson, Carol S, MD .....................1, 9, 49Carlson, David C, MD ...........................34Carlson, Julia J, DC ................................12Carlson, Philip J, DC ................................9Caron, Joseph W, MD ............................58Carr, Rose M, LICSW ..............................66Case, Michael K, MD .................25, 41, 55Casselman, Robert B, PHD .....................66Castro, Lauren M, DMD ............26, 50, 67Cavanaugh, Laura C, LCSW ...................51Cayasso, Richard A, MD ........................24Cenek, Stephanie L, ARNP .....................71Chakoian, David, MD .......................51-52Chamberland, Christen R, MD ...............25Chambers, Craig M, MD ...................61-62Chandra, Vidhan, MD .......................61-62Chang, Michael B, MD ..........................61Charlier, Nancy L, MD ...........................11Charlton, Lesley F, LCSW, LPC ...............22Chawla, Mohit, MD .........................71, 74Cherney, Dustin A, OD ....................26, 50Chestelson, Heather L, DPM ..................52Chrabaszcz, Gerry J, MD .......................43Christensen, Carrie L, IADC ...................72Christian, Christopher J, MD ..................22Chrouser, Carey L, LPC ...........................11Cierzan, John J, MD ..........................61-62Citronowicz, Stephanie A, PA-C ........61-62Clark, Charles E, MD .............................37Clark, Maryanne C, APNP ......................37Clark-Ericksen, Cynthia L, LMFT ............22Clark-Forsting, Michelle J, MD .................4Clements, Gretchen A, LPC ....................22Clements, Sarah A, OD ....................26, 38Cochrane, Richard N, MD ......................11co*cker, Richard, LP ................................66Cody, Jacquelyn A, LICSW .....................22Coffey, John J, MD .................................47Cogbill, Thomas H, MD .........................26Cole, Autumn L, CNP .............................67Collins, Brad W, OD ..............................41Comello, Elise L, LCSW .....................3, 42Conard, Michael G, PA-C ......................34Condit, Randall S, MD ...........................26Cone, Steven J, DC ................................67Connelly, Darcy H, PA-C .......................73Connelly, Mark V, MD ...........................25Connely, Angela M, CNM ................24, 37Connolly, Erin E, NP ........................26, 37Conway, Patrick D, MD .........................24Conzemius, John J, MD ..........................25Cooke, William T, MD ...............17, 19, 55Cooley, Martha S, CNM .........................67Cooper, Angela M, PA-C ........................74Coorough, Carissa A, PA-C .....................26Copley, Michelle M, CNP ......................67Coppola, Anthony M, DO ......................72Corbit, Justin W, PA-C ............................14Corneiller, James J, DC ...........................12Cornelius, Cristine L, MD .......................48Cornell, Lea G, MD ...................17, 19, 55Cotton, Joseph O, PA-C ...........1, 9, 11, 46Coughlin, Joshua M, DC ........................40Coville, Lea, MD ......................................4




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Cowles, Annastacia W, FNP ...................72Coyne, Kimberly M, MD ........................37Cramer Bornemann, Michel A, MD ..61-62Cramer-Drazkowski, Princess, LICSW ....66Crissler Belanger, Mary J, MD ................25Cronk, Laine K, DC ................................44Crotteau, Steven D, DC ..........................43Crow, Austin J, MD ......................1, 44, 46Cruz-Apolinario, Maria G, MD ..............34Cullen, Randall K, MD .....................29, 42Culp, Kimberley E, MD ..........................24Cunningham, Lee W, LADC .............57, 66Custer, Cristina, APNP ............................31Czeczok, Charles A, MD ........................24Czelatdko, Daniel E, DC ..........................8Czys, Steve P, DC .............................23, 36

DDahl, Katherine M, LCSW ......................22Daniels, Richard J, MD ................8, 14, 49Danning, Carol L, MD .....................37, 67Daubert, Ellen M, LPC ...........................21Davenport-Fortune, Polly, APNP ............24Davidiak, Marie J, LICSW ......................60Davidson, Jill E, MD ........................37, 72Davis, Bruce, DC ...................................34Davis, Clark A, MD ................................26Davis, Jerry A, MD .................................23Dawson, David M, DPM ...........25, 37, 47Dawson, Kelly L, DC .............................23Dean, Jessica R, DC ...............................71DeFatta, Rima A, MD ..1-2, 10, 19, 28, 34,

49Degenhardt, Gloria J, PA-C ................7, 35DeGiovanni, Gina M, MD .....................42DeLacey, Karen A, PA-C ..................57, 62DeLine, James, MD ................................28Delventhal, Stephen J, MD .....................45Delvin, Bryan L, PsyD ............................66Demarais, Bradley J, MD ........................31Dennis, Dale G, DC ...............................67Detert, David G, MD .................57, 61, 66Dettbarn, Kyle J, MD ...................2, 13, 34Deutsch, Paul A, LPC .............................51Deutsch, William B, LCSW ....................72Devine, Stephen M, MD ..................24, 50Devorak, Judith A, FNP ...............61-62, 66Dewey, Joshua C, PA-C ..........................25Deyo, Abigail K, MD ..............................25D’Huyvetter, Jolene L, FNP ..................1, 5Dickman, James J, MD .....................34, 44Dickson, Jon W, LCSW ..........................36Dieck, Jennifer E, LADC .........................66Dietrich, Leah L, MD .......................24, 72Dietz, Victoria L, MD .......................57, 61Dietzenbach, Andrea K, PA-C ..........71, 76Dikkers, Michele L, DO ....................73-74Dippen-Castillo, Katerri J, LMFT .......47, 50DiRaimondo, Linda A, MD ..............31, 42Dodge Jerde, Sarah E, PA-C ..............61-62Dolan, Michael J, MD ............................25Doll, Susan E, LCSW ..............................71Domroese, Mark E, MD, Ph D ...............24Donnenwerth, Michael P, DPM ..............67Donohoue, Patricia A, MD .....................24Donohue, Micca K, MD ..............6, 37, 41Dow, C. Thomas, MD ............................15Dowat, Kim W, CNM .......................37, 52Dowis, Ashleigh H, LPCC ......................60Dozier, Ian, DDS ....................................14Draeger, Ricky C, DC .............................43

Drago, Carl J, DDS .................................26Drawbert, John P, MD ..........................1, 9Drawz, Erin K, LPC ................................34Drechsel, Karen S, FNP ..........................13Dresang, Lee T, MD ...............................31Dressler, Christine M, APNP ............40, 51Drexler, Steven J, LCSW ...........................3Driscoll, Collin D, MD ...........................24Drury, Natasha C, LPC .............................3Duga, Linn M, APNP ..............................24Dunham, Jeffrey L, MD ..........................46Dunn, Marcia, LCSW .......................22, 40Durkee, Russell L, DO ...........................13Durtsche, Timothy B, DDS .....................26Dussault, Michael C, MD .......................69Dutka, Jessica J, FNP ..............................71

EEbersold, Michael J, MD ........................23Eckerman, Christopher M, DPM .......32, 43Ecklund, Daniel J, MD ...........................25Edge, Renee D, FNP ...............................29Edin, Andrew E, MD ..............................67Edwards, Terri B, MD ........................61-62Edwards, Thomas M, OD .......................26Eichman, Jennifer B, DC ........................67Eichman, Jude B, DC .............................67Einsman, Mario W, LCSW, LMFT .....21, 66Eissfeldt, Jennifer L, CNM .......................52Eklund Walsh, Lori J, LPC ......................12Ekobena, Sherri L, PA-C .........................25Elgers, Lynda L, CADC .....................72, 74Elkin, Michele S, AUD .......................8, 15Ellenz, Daniel G, DDS .....................26, 67Ellinwood, Jill D, LCSW, LPC .............3, 42Elliott, Andrew D, DPM .........................25Elsbernd, Leslie A, PA-C ...................58, 65Endres, Stephen M, MD ..............1, 4-5, 15Endrizzi, Joseph M, MD .............26, 37, 67Endrizzi, Mark T, DDS ...............26, 41, 67English, Ellyn M, DDS ................26, 38, 67Eoriatti, Daniel J, DC ..............................54Eppley, Jennilee L, PA-C .........................25Erbach, Thomas J, MD ......................61-62Erdman, Rick A, MD ..............................50Erie, Samantha R, PA-C ....................19, 55Erion, Arlana L, FNP .........................73-74Erlandson, Benjamin W, DC ...................36Erlandson, Joseph L, DC .........................54Erlandson, Kris N, DC ............................52Escher, Scott A, MD ...............................37Etten, Katie L, PA-C ..........................21, 54Ettinger, Robert S, MD ............................25Etzel, Eric D, DO ....................................11Evans, Carrie K, FNP ..............................71Evans, John M, MD ................................11Evelhoch, Steven, MD ............................67Everett, Ethan R, PSY D LP .........36, 47, 50Everman, Jessica M, PA-C ......................76Eyers, Jennifer R, LADC ..........................60

FFalkenberry, Suzanne M, MD .............5, 26Fannin, Melissa J, LPC ............................22Farley, Nathanial E, DDS ........................26Farmer, Emily M, AuD ............................24Farnen, John P, MD .23, 41, 50, 52, 72, 76Farrell, April L, MD ................................37Farrow, Eydie A, FNP .............................46Fassbinder, Katie R, MD .........................51

Fast, Spencer W, MD .............................42Fast, William P, MD .................................6Feltes, James R, MD ...............................52Fenwick, Anne, PA-C .............................35Fernette, Michael L, CSAC .....................29Ferris, Richard C, MD ............................67Fiegel-Newlon, Jennifer A, APNP ...........19Fields, David A, PA-C ......................19, 34Figueroa, Edwin, CSAC ..........................22Finch, Angeline M, CNS .........................25Finch, Ashley K, OD ..............................55Firary, Sylvia A, MD ...............................25Firkins, Steven, CSAC, LCSW ...................4Fischer, Gregory G, MD ...................23, 67Fisher, Corina L, LCSW ...........................11Fisher, Holly M, OD ...............................26Fisher, Mason G, MD .............................26Fitts, Margaret M, PHD ..........................25Flavin, Penny L, CNP ..................59, 61-62Flood, David R, DC ...............................12Fochios, Dean T, MD .............................43Foley, Donald W, DC .............................71Folkers, Milan E, MD .............................25Ford, Catherine L, APNP ....................6, 26Forsyth, Jennifer J, DO ...........................67Foss, Richard L, OD .........................26, 50Fournier, Magali, DPM ...............25, 37, 68Fouts, Joann A, DO ................................54Fowler, Bradley L, MD ...........................38Fox-Warnecke, Beth, LMFT ..............42, 44Frank, Angela L, DC ...............................23Franke, Tom, PA-C .................................52Frederiksen, Timothy J, OD ....................15Freier, Kristen A, MD .......................22, 54Frerks, Tara L, MD ..................................37Frey, Sarah B, WHNP .............................26Frie, Kathryn J, FNP ..........................65, 67Frohnauer, Mary K, MD ......25, 40, 47, 54,

71-73, 75-76Fruehling, David, LCSW ..................22, 54Fuhrmann, Timothy R, CSAC LPC ....47, 49Fullmer, Barbara J, LCSW .......................44Fushianes, America A, NP ......................51

GGabelko, Katrina L, FNP .........................61Gaedtke-Farber, Kelley L, ANP ...............13Gamoke, Adam F, PA-C ..........................24Garbrecht, Kendra E, OD .......................26Gardner, Brett L, MD ..............................11Garland, Eric L, PA-C .............................25Garnett, Karen E, LPC ............................12Garrison, Deborah L, LCSW ...................21Garrison, Kenneth J, MD ..................10, 46Gasch, Paul H, DC ................................36Gasser, Paul W, LMFT ...........3, 17, 19, 42Gatzke-Plamann, Angela M, MD .....31, 34Gaumond, Tiffany, LPC ......................3, 44Geerts, Heather J, LICSW .................58, 60Gehling, David J, DC .............................72Geiger, JoAnn M, LPC ............................31George, Charity K, DC ...........................23Gerhard, Carrie L, MD ...........................58Gerhard, David G, MD ..........................24Gerig, Julie R, MD .................................37Gering, Kristie L, MD ...............................8Gerry, Timothy R, MD ............................11Gerth, Andrea K, LPCC ..........................66Gesiorski, Christine A, LPC ................3, 31Gibson, Katy J, DO ...........................61-62Gilberstadt, Philip M, MD ......................11

Gillman, Diana M, MD .....................61-62Gintner, Laura M, PA-C ..........................18Gipp, Jennifer E, OD ..............................72Gisvold, Anne E, APNP ..........................22Glaunert, Stacey L, PA-C ..................25, 37Glaze, Sarah A, LPC ...............................12Glynn, Staci M, LPC ...............................21Goetz, Jeffrey S, DDS .............................14Gold, Douglas G, MD, Ph D ..................24Gonstead, Jennifer R, DC .......................12Gonstead, Mary J, DC ............................12Gonzalez Paz, Natalia C, MD ...........61-62Goodenough, Katherine M, FNP ..............4Goodman, Barbara G, LCSW .................42Goodman, Louvin B, CSAC ....................44Goodman, Roberta, PHD .......................11Goodsett, Mary L, MD ...........................23Gora-Bollom, Sheryl L, LCSW ................22Gordon, Carol E, LCSW ..........................11Gordon, Dawnelle M, NP ......................72Gorsuch, Jared M, DO ...........................22Gourley, Lauren R, LCSW ......................21Gray, Roger S, MD .................................15Greatens, Todd M, MD .....................61-62Green, Kyra A, PA-C ..............................31Green, Virginia L, FNP ...........................67Greenwaldt, Steven W, PA-C ..................73Gregas, Jennifer J, NP ................25, 37, 45Greiner, Lori L, FNP ...............................67Griffin, Cynthia D, FNP ......................6, 34Grill, Robert, MD ..............................61-62Grimes, Kyle W, DC ...............................17Grimes, Samantha J, DC ........................17Grimm, Gayette F, MD ......................61-62Grimsled, Ashley H, LPC ........................21Griswold, Holly J, APNP ........................40Groeschl, Nicole E, MD ...................59, 61Grogan, E Wayne, MD ...........................31Gronemus, Jeni L, LPC ...........................11Grootwassink, Lois W, MD ....................24Groshek, Dale C, PA-C ..........................24Groshek, Robert R, MD ..........................24Groskreutz, James L, MD .......................25Grossen, Nicole M, PA-C .......................45Groth, Debra A, CNP ........................61-62Groth, Kevin, DC ...................................54Grover, Brandon T, DO ....................26, 37Grube, Casandra L, DO .........................37Gudmundsson, Hjalti, MD ...............24, 72Guelig, John P, OD ................................45Guertin, Marcia L, PSY D ..................60-61Gumulauskas, LeeAnn R, LPC ................11Gundersen, Erik A, MD ..........................37Gundersen, Sigurd B, MD ................26, 37Gupta, Lalit, MD ..............................40, 71Gursky, Jeffrey T, MD .............................60Gutzke, Lisa, LPC ...............................3, 42Guzzo, Matthew H, MD ........................24

HHaddeland, Kristen G, LPC ....................12Haesemeyer, Allan J, MD .......................46Hagan, Brian M, MD .......................25, 37Hagen, Carol S, LICSW ..........................71Hagen, Marcia K, FNP .......................6, 21Hagensick, Gregory F, DC ......................75Hagerman, Cheri L, LCSW .....................51Hagi-Salaad, Misbil F, FNP .....................62Haines, Wen-Yu V, MD ..........................67Halbach, Judi L, ARNP ......................61-62Halder, Katie M, FNP .............................65




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Halverson, Samuel H, PA-C ........57, 61-62Hamamoto, Ashley N, DC ...............23, 37Hamilton, Jeannie M, LCSW ............72, 75Hamilton, Jessica L, CNM ......................25Hamilton, Kimberly R, ANP ...................26Hammel, Katrina R, MD ........................67Hammell, Lucas J, DO ...........................24Hank, Elizabeth A, PA-C ........................43Hankel, Lindy S, MD ..................61-62, 65Hansen, Elizabeth R, MD .......................37Hansen, Jennifer L, FNP ...................58, 65Hansen, Melony A, CSAC ......................21Hanson, Todd E, DC ..............................74Hanson, William E, DPM .......................67Hanson, William R, DO .........................13Harbour, Allison K, MD .........................24Harbst, Timothy A, MD ..........................24Hardy, Kimberly J, MD ...........................24Hardyman, Briana L, LPC .......................29Harmsen, Jody M, MD ...........................76Harp, Cydnie L, ARNP ......................61-62Harris, Anne E, MD ................................42Harris, Corey S, DC ...............................37Harris, Sherry L, FNP .........................7, 35Harrison, James C, LCSW .......................21Harrison, Richard A, PA-C ......................14Harter, Amy E, APNP .............................22Hartman, Tamara L, ARNP ................61-62Harvey, Thomas M, MD ............15, 32, 34Hasenberg, Jill A, DO ..............................8Hasler, Philip J, OD ................................43Hayden, Charles H, MD ............25, 37, 52Hayward, Sharon R, MD ........................34Head, Gregory E, LPC ......................22, 40Head, Lara S, PHD ..........................25, 71Heath, Veronica A, PA-C ..................23, 45Heckenkamp, Dawn L, LPC ...................31Heer, Patricia A, LPC ..............................29Heeren, Brian D, DC .............................50Heichel, Kasey M, DC ...........................36Heiden, David J, DC ..................21, 36, 51Heiler, Greg C, MD ................................15Heinz, Harlan R, PHD ...........................12Hellerude-Borchardt, Susan M, FNP ......17,

19, 55Hellwig-Cottrell, Melissa S, LPC .............22Helpsmeet, Sandra M, LMFT .............11-12Helstad, Paul, DPM ..................................4Hemann, Randy P, MD ..........................61Henderson, Anita E, LICSW ....................60Hengel, Alicia M, LPCC .........................66Henry, Kendra R, LADC .........................60Henry, Michael J, MD ............................25Her, Cheng, MD .....................................24Herath, John F, MD ................................37Herr, Thomas J, MD ...............................52Herried, Jeffery S, PA-C ..........................54Herzing, Dorothy M, LICSW ..................67Hess, Mandy M, LPC .............................22Hesse, David F, DPM ...................9, 16, 48Hibbett, Kevin G, MD ............................43Higgins, Michelle L, FNP ............61-62, 66Highshaw, Ralph A, MD ........................61Hill, Tamera L, LMFT .............................21Hilsinger, Katherine L, MD .....................31Hinck, Patricia J, CNM .....................61-62Hinderaker, Paul H, MD ........................44Hinton, Timothy R, MD .........................35Hinz, David G, DC ................................64Hirsh, Michael S, MD ............................15Hodgson-Kline, Kelly E, MD ..................50Hoefert, James R, MD ............................24Hoel, Gilford C, MA Ed, LCSW ..............51

Hoelzen, Donnalee A, LCSW ...........47, 50Hofer, Lee A, MD ...................1, 11, 15, 32Hofer, Mark W, MD ...............................15Hoffe, Todd A, CSAC ..............................21Hoffman, Donna L, MD .........................37Hoffmann, Ann H, MD ..........................31Hoffmann, David M, MD .......................31Hoffmann, James A, DO ...................61-62Hoffmann, Jeffrey J, DO ....................73-74Hoffmann, Stacie L, PA-C .......................37Hofland, Chris A, MD ............................26Hofmann, Monica R, NP ..................22, 36Hohenbrink, Nichol S, MSSW ................72Hokenstad, Alexis N, MD .................61-62Holden, Gary S, CSAC ...........................11Holden, Katie M, NP .........1, 9, 28, 44, 46Hollenhorst, Kathryn L, LP .....................66Holliday, Chanelle R, DC .........................4Holm, Peter W, MD ...........................8, 28Holmes, Leah J, LP .................................60Holness, Robert A, MD ..............19, 47, 50Holthe, Jared D, DC ...............................19Holthe, Sarah K, APNP ...........................24Holzer, Philip J, OD ...............................41Holzer, Tamara L, DO ............................41Hoornstra, Lynn L, MS, LPC ...................42Horan, John W, MD ...............................31Horsfall, Kimberly A, DC .........................3Horstman, Lisa A, APNP ........................25Horth, Kenneth S, MD ...........................25Houg, Brenda K, DC ..............................76Hougen, Chris H, DC .............................12Hover, Thomas D, DC ............................43Hovland, Courtney L, LPC ......................11Howell, Kelly D, MD .............................24Huang, Der-Chen T, MD ........................67Huebschman, Erin L, MD .......................29Huerter, Karina, PA-C .............................61Huettner, Brooke A, DC ...................36, 47Hughes, Douglas G, MD ..................23, 31Hurley, Theresa L, ARNP ..................61-62Hurtgen, Brian C, DC ...............................8Hutter, Richard D, MD ...........................23Huybrecht, Steven T, DC ........................10

IIgic, Petar, MD .......................................44Immerman, Steven C, MD ......................14Ingraham, Bradley J, PA-C ......................17Insteness, Jennifer A, APNP ....................13Ippel, Paul M, MD ...................................8Irwin, Matthew J, MD .............................11Isaacson, Laura J, DO ..............................8Ivankovic, Slavko, DDS ..........................14Ives-Virnig, Veronica, LPCC ....................66Iwakiri, James S, MD ..............................15

JJackson, Anna J, MD ..............................37Jackson, Jeffrey A, PA-C ..........................11Jacobs, Danielle B, LCSW ........................4Jacobs, P Michael, DPM .........................37Jacobsen, Christine E, MD ......................50Jacobson, Patricia A, APNP ......................4Jacot, Douglas E, DC .........................2, 10Jaeger, Kevin M, MD ...........24, 37, 40, 72Jahnke, Deborah J, NP ...........................37Jain, Mothilal Sonia, MD ........................61Jakim, Stephanie L, MD ....................60-61James, Colleen S, LCSW CSAC ..........3, 31

Jannati, Fatemeh S, MD .........................40Jarecki, Heidi L, MD ..............................15Jarman, Benjamin T, MD ..................26, 37Jarrett, Emily A, LPC ..........................21-22Jedele, Kerry B, MD ...............................24Jefferies, Michael D, MD ........................24Jensen, Brent W, MD ..............................14Jensen, Catherine J, APNP ......................24Jensen, Christine M, PA-C ......................31Jensen, Dorene R, PA-C ...................26, 37Jensen, Paul J, MD ...........................71, 74Jepson, Laurie L, MD .............................62Jessen, James D, DC .................................4Johnson, Annette J, ARNP ................71, 74Johnson, Blair T, DDS ............................14Johnson, Catherine C, APNP ..................37Johnson, Chad A, DC ...............................2Johnson, D. Brooke, MD ........................15Johnson, Deborah L, MD ........................11Johnson, Eric T, LCSW ............................42Johnson, Gordon L, MD ...................24, 71Johnson, Jamie J, AUD ......................60-61Johnson, Jeanne M, MD ...................26, 37Johnson, Jerry L, DC ........................23, 49Johnson, Katrina M, LCSW .....................51Johnson, Kay D, DC ...............................59Johnson, Melanie M, MD .......................61Johnson, Nicole R, LPC ..........................22Johnson, Parnjai, MD .............................22Johnson, Steven J, DO ............................37Johnson-Meeter, Leanne J, PA-C .............24Joles, Thomas I, MD .................................2Jolivette, Sharon L, CNM ......5, 26, 41, 45,

48, 52, 55Jolley, Donna M, LCSW .........................51Jones, Andrew J, DC ...............................20Jones, Daniel J, DC ................................39Jones, Denise L, DC ...............................54Jorandby, Richard A, DC ........................42Jorandby, Shelly J, DC ............................42Jordan, John M, DC ..................................4Joslyn, Paul C, DC .................................71Jostad, Sara J, PA-C ................................25Jumonville, Alcee, MD .....................24, 72Jurgensen, Andrea L, DC ........................33Jurgensen, David T, DC ..........................31Jurgensen, Jacob T, DC ...........................33Juta, Jacob T, MD ..............................61-62

KKabat, Debra L, APNP ......................24, 37Kabbani, Mouhammed R, MD ...............23Kaggal, Sneha R, MD .............................62Kainz, Katherine, PHD ......................60-61Kalinosky, Michael A, DO ......................52Kalisz, Amanda K, LCSW .......................50Kallies, Jack R, PA-C ..............................25Kamada, Pratima, MD ................25, 72, 76Kaminsky, Myron O, DPM ................61-62Kammerer, Jon D, MD .....................71, 74Kang, Seuk B, MD ..................................24Kapla, Steven M, MD .............................11Karlstad, Martha A, MD ....................51-52Karnowski, Jennifer S, MD .....................25Karp, Tammy L, CNP ..................61-62, 65Kattenbraker, Daniel W, MD ..................31Katz, David J, MD ..................................15Kauphusman, James R, MD ....................25Kaus, Thomas A, DC ................................3Kautz, Douglas V, PA-C ....................61-62Kawata, Michitaka, MD .........................26

Kazi, Wahab A, MD ...............................39Kearns, Rebecca K, CNM .......................26Keehner, Rachel B, PA-C ........................25Keisler, Katherine S, FNP ..........................8Kellen, David B, MD ................................4Kelley, Brian S, DC ...................................6Keltgen, Jason K, DC ..............................12Kemp, Evan R, MD ................................25Kendall, Marcia M, NP .24, 41, 47, 50, 52,

71, 76Kett, Kathleen M, CNM ....................47, 50Keyeski, Sarah S, LPC .............................50Khatib, Abd G, MD ................................14Khatib, Irfane M, MD .............................14Kidd, Catherine, PA-C ............................31Kidder, Julie A, LICSW ...........................60Kidess, Anton I, MD ...............................13Kiesau, Eric J, DC ...................................58Kincaid, Steven W, MD ..........................42Kindschy, Nancy R, WHNP ..5, 26, 41, 45,

48, 52, 55King, Timothy A, MD .............................40Kirby, Kelly C, LPCC ........................22, 67Kirsch, Jennifer L, MD ............................24Kirsch, Matthew J, MD ......................61-62Kitowski, Jerome, MD ..............................4Kitowski, Nicholas J, MD .........................4Klas, Paul T, MD ....................................24Klein, A Scott, MD .....................26, 72, 76Klein, Andrew T, DC ..............................57Klein, Steven M, MD .......................25, 37Kleingartner, Tracy R, LPC ..................4, 18Klevan, Judy L, MD ................................24Kleven, James G, MD .............................24Kleven, Jennifer E, MD ...........................24Kline, Robb E, MD .................................50Klingbeil, Eric W, MD ............................43Klomps-McClung, Megan M, DO ......6, 54Klug, James A, DC ..................................12Kluge, Peter W, DO ..........................13-14Knapp, Carolyn F, DC ............................36Knapp, Holly J, LPC ...............................29Knight, Jonathan E, DO ....................57, 61Knuppel, Jeffrey W, MD .........................29Knutson, Brett A, LPC .............................21Koball, Afton M, PHD LP .......................22Koestler, Philip A, LPC ...............11, 36, 43Kojaian, Maral, MD ..........................61-62Kokott-Rebhahn, Valerie J, LPC ........33, 36Kolaczkowski, Gene E, LCSW ................36Konzen, Jon P, DO .................................14Koons, Duane M, MD ............................52Koontz, Robert J, MD .............................42Koop, Martin J, DDS ........................26, 67Kothari, Shanu N, MD .....................26, 37Kovach, Cassondra L, MD ................31, 35Kowalski, Todd J, MD ............................25Kowski, Joel A, DPM .2, 16, 33, 35, 44, 49Koxlien, Brandon H, DC ........................54Kramer, Carrie L, MD .........................6, 41Kramer, Mary K, FNP, MSN ....................67Kratochwill, Colin J, PA-C ......................52Krause, Forrest J, MD .............................24Krause-Wagner, Erica J, FNP, APNP ........74Kress, Patricia L, MD ..............................13Kriener, Rene L, FNP ..............................71Krister, Laura E, MD ...............................24Kroeber, Diana M, CSAC ........................29Kryka, Elizabeth J, CSAC ..........................3Kuck, Paul A, MD ............................26, 52Kudrna, Brittany N, FNP ...........................8Kuenn, Lori A, MA, LP .....................57, 66Kuffel, Mary E, MD ................................25




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Kulkarni, Amit P, MD .............................37Kumar, Ragasri, DO ...........................4, 23Kumar, Surya R, MD ..............................14Kumm, Jaklyn K, PA-C ...........................25Kuncaitis, John J, MD .............................61Kwong, Roger W, MD .........24, 41, 50, 55Kycek, Michael P, NP ........................61-62

LLaban, Janet M, APNP ............................29LaBelle, Michael F, MD ...................72, 76Lace, Michael A, PsyD ...........................11Lacine, Betty L, LPCC .............................66Lacy, Patrick J, PHD .................................4Lahmann, Jennifer S, MD .................22, 24Lahmayer, Bruce A, OD ...........................5Lallaman, Sarah A, DO ..........................67LaMantia, Sheirlie A, MD .......................29Lamm, Jamie N, ARNP ...........................14Lamoureux, John T, MD .........................13Lamp, Lynette M, MD ......................61, 65Lamps, Jennifer M, MD ..........................37Landdeck, Daniel S, MD ........................47Landercasper, Jeffrey, MD .......................26Landis, Bruce R, OD ..............................77Landwehr, Mary L, MD ............................8Lane, Kirk E, MD ......................................4Lang, David A, MD ................................46Lang, Tara R, MD ...................................24Lange, Daniel B, MD .............................26Lange, Ronald H, MD ......................10, 15Langen, Richard J, DPM .......17, 31, 34-35Lansing, Kimberly M, MD ......................24Lapham, Carrie L, APNP ........................24Larsen, David P, OD ..............................50Larson, Christopher J, PA-C, RD .............37Larson, Filomena C, OD ........................38Larson, Jennifer R, PA-C .........................34Larson, John D, OD ...............................26Larson, Sue A, CSAC LPC .......................44Larson-Johnson, Kara B, DC ...................37Larter, Kristen L, WHNP .........................75Lathrop, Deborah, MD .....................71, 74Laufenberg, Carly Z, PA-C ......................25Laukant, Joanna L, MD ..........................42Law, Robert T, PHD LP ................1, 18, 46Lawless, Lindsey M, PA-C ......................44Lawrence, Jeffrey M, MD .......................52Laylan, Jayne M, APNP ..........................24Lea, Robert S, MD ....................................8Lean, James E, MD .....................36, 47, 50Lederman, Mordechai D, DO ................75Lee, Kyla R, MD .....................................25Lee, Shawna S, AuD ....................8, 13, 15Lee, Young K, MD ..................................24Lee, Yvonne, NP .....................................62Lefsrud, Robert D, MD ...........................44Lenth, Gary J, MD ............................26, 76Leone, Michael A, MD .....................23, 41Lettner, Ronda, CSAC LMFT .............33, 36Lew, Angela L, DC .................................23Libi, Sharon, MD ..............................61-62Lichliter, Ann E, LICSW ..........................66Liebert, Paul L, MD ..........................31, 50Liebert, Rebecca A, APNP ......................50Light, Laurel A, LPCC .......................58, 60Lindell, Jamie L, FNP ..............................19Linebarger, Jared H, MD ........................26Lipps, Joshua K, LMFT ............................36Lipps, Kami J, LMFT ...............................36Lisowe, Jennifer A, MD ..........................61

List, Raymond C, PHD ...........................24Listiak, Richard L, PHD LP .....................22Litscher-Lee, Kris M, APNP .....................24Lodahl, James L, MD ..............................11Loeffler, Dale E, DO ..........................60-61Lofgren, David J, MD .........................6, 54Logan, James J, MD ................................35Lombardi, Jan C, LPC .......................29, 39Lombardi, Lauren E, FNP ...................6, 34Lombardo, Kathryn D, MD .....................60Londergan, Thomas A, MD ..26, 41, 47, 50Long, Richard E, MD ..............................52Long, Sarah A, PHD LP ..........................22Longbella, Chris R, MD ....................11, 14Loos, Jennifer J, CSAC, LPC ..............22, 47Lopez, James G, MD ..........................8, 32Lorentz, Marty J, DC ..............................37Lorenz, Linda L, DC ...............................23Lorenz, Patrick J, DC .........................6, 40Loring, Barbara J, PHD ......................60-61LoRusso, Frank P, MD ................11, 14, 34Loven, Rebecca, LPC .............................72Lowe, David, MD .............................60-61Lowry, Christopher M, DO .....................25Ludington, David P, DDS .......................38Ludwig, Kirsten A, LMHC .......................71Ludwikowski, Amy M, MD ....................14Lukasek, Marsha A, LCSW LMFT .....36, 47Lunaas, Michele L, FNP ..............61-62, 65Luter, Michael E, PA-C .....................38, 69Lyons, Trevor L, DC ...........................7, 35Lyrene, Stephen A, MD ..........................22

MMabb, Nicolette M, APNP ......................40Macasaet, Rolando A, MD .....................52MacDonald, Katherine T, LICSW ............61Mack, Gregory J, DPM .10, 16, 19, 33, 44,

46MacKenzie, Thomas S, DDS ......26, 50, 67MacLellan-Tobert, Susan G, MD ......25, 50Maday, Brent T, DC ................................60Maddikunta, Rajesh V, MD .....4, 10, 13-14Madsen, Rhonda J, LCSW ................36, 50Mahan, Michael A, MD ...........................4Maher, J David, MD ...............................71Mahr, Todd A, MD ...........................25, 72Majerus, Susan E, NP .......................59, 62Malinowski, Rodney W, MD ..................31Maliszewski, Andrea R, AuD .....24, 37, 54Manke, Angela S, AuD ..............24, 50, 52Manning, Becky R, APNP .......................29Manske, Westley T, DO ..........................11Manson, Steven R, MD ..........................24Manz, Ryan M, MD ...............................25Marcos, Basem, MD ...............................26Marculis, William, DO ...........................31Maret, Jason A, MD ................................71Marinier, David E, MD .....6, 17, 24-25, 34Marinier, Tiffany J, DO ...........................37Markgren, Brian J, DC ............................12Markuson, Stacey L, FNP, APNP ..............7Marquart, Kathleen E, MD ......................25Martens, David M, DC ...........................13Marthaler, Julie A, ANP ....................25, 37Martin, Lynn T, MD ................................24Marty, Nichole A, FNP ...........................14Mashak, Barbara J, LPC ............................7Maslowski, Erin L, MD ...............24, 38, 68Matey Romeyn, Joan P, MD ...................25Mattheisen, Luke J, LPC .........................60

Matthys, Carol A, NP .............................43Mattie, Pamela J, APNP ..........................22Mattingley, Jennifer S, MD ...............25, 55Maurhoff, Bradley D, PA-C ....................50May, David J, MD ..................................44McCanna, Terrence D, MD ................8, 49McCasey, Christine A, LPC .....................31McCormick, Michael R, PA-C ................38McCoy, Hila H, MD ..........................61-62McCrery, D Lantz, MD ...........................11McCurdy, Rebecca D, LPC .................4, 32McDonald, Monica L, MD .....................14McElligott, Michelle D, PSY D ...............22McGeorge, Jennifer H, CNM ..................25McGettigan, Kallie A, PA-C ....................24McKay, Troy D, OD ...............................52McKenney, Rachel L, MD ......................25McKeon, Kimberly J, MD ..................61-62McKibben, Robert R, PA-C ................61-62McLellan, Jennifer A, MD .......................41McLimans, Heather L, LCSW .................40McMahon, Michael J, DC ......................12McMillan, Susan K, FNP ..................17, 40McMullen, Jill P, MD ..............................50McNamara, David R, MD ......................25McNeilly, Sarah C, PA-C ........................25Meagher, Keely M, OTR .........................57Mechtenberg, Melissa A, DC ..................49Mees, Christopher J, MD ........................40Mei, Jong D, MD ...................................19Meier, Mary C, AuD ..........................60-61Meighan, Laurie L, FNP ..........................29Meisel, Scott A, DC ................................67Mell, Geoffrey, DC .................................57Merckx, Steven J, DPM ..........................30Mergenthaler, Mathew B, OD ................26Merkitch, Kenneth W, MD .........24, 37, 76Merrick, J Clinton, MD ...........................14Mess, Timothy R, PA-C ......................1, 49Metz, Leah I, MD ......25, 41, 71-72, 75-76Meyer, Amber M, PA-C ..........................25Meyer, Lindsay A, CSAC LPC .................29Meyer, Timothy C, DO ...........................34Michener, Mary S, MD .....................65, 67Mickelson, Randy J, PA-C ......................52Middleton, Elizabeth L, PA-C .................24Mijal, Jessica A, PsyD ........................3, 31Mikkilineni, Prasamsi, MD ................61-62Mikonowicz, Renee, APNP ....................42Millard, Erin L, PsyD ..............................22Miller, Christine D, MD ...................25, 41Miller, Kenneth A, DO ......................75-76Miller, William K, Ed D ....................29, 39Millington, M Drew, DDS ......................14Milz, Michael Q, MD .............................11Minier, Veronica S, MD ..........................50Minnaert, Natasha R, DO ......................54Minus, Timothy O, DO ....................47, 50Misseldine, Karen H, LMHC ...................72Mitchell, Donna M, AuD ..................60-61Mitchell, Tara L, LPC .............1, 18, 46, 53Mitley, Jane M, ANP ...............................24Mlsna, Susanne R, APNP ........................52Modjeski, Nicholas J, MD ................65, 67Moe, Traci A, NP ....................................24Moeller, Mark S, DDS ............................26Moericke, Douglas B, PA-C ....................54Molenaar, Karl D, MD .....................57, 61Momont, David A, MD ..........................25Momont, Sheila L, MD ...........................25Morey, LeAnne M, PA-C .........................67Morgan, Tamsen, PA-C ...........................28Morken, Traci J, FNP ..............................67

Morovits, Paul F, DC ..............................46Morris, Mary I, MD ................................24Morrison, David J, MD ...........................24Moser, Jonathon P, DC ...........................74Moses, Clint P, DC .................................32Moses, John, MD .............................37, 44Moses, Nora R, DC ................................32Mowbray, Lisa A, LCSW ....................3, 42Mueller, Jennifer L, PHD LP ...................36Mueller, Kurt K, MD .........................37, 72Muench, Kelly S, PA-C ...........................29Mulrennan, Brian M, MD .......................25Mundinger, Ross R, DC ..........................23Mundinger, Shauna R, DC ......................23Munn, James H, MD ..............................37Murphy, Moiya L, DO ............................17Mutgi, Sunil A, MD ................................23Muthusamy, Kalpana, MD ......................61Myers, Bryan L, MD ...............................44Myhre, Margaret J, APNP .......................25Myhre, Pamela, ANP ..............................40Myre, Gretchen K, PA-C .........................25Myrom, Ronald C, MD ..........................71Myszkowski, Jennifer M, MD .................44

NNachreiner, Gloria, PA-C ........................35Nachtigal, Thomas R, DPM ..............65, 67Nagpaul-Chaudhry, Indrani, MD .......61-62Nahas, Andrew W, OD ..........................52Naik, Rajiv M, MD .................................37Naik, Sarah S, MD .................................37Nanstad, David A, DC ...........................12Napier, Timothy E, MD ..........................31Nash, David L, MD ................................24Nduka, Ngozi A, MD .............................25Nehrkorn, Deseree A, LPC .................3, 42Neira, Jean M, LCSW .............................11Neisius, Rochelle L, APNP .....................41Nelson, Amy E, CNP .........................61-62Nelson, Andrea M, FNP .........................13Nelson, Diana L, PA-C ...........................58Nelson, Josiah D, MD ..............................5Nelson, Kate E, PA-C ................................1Nelson-Lerch, Kirsten D, PA-C ...............76Nemitz, Misty L, APNP ....................17, 29Nemitz, Steffanie R, DC ...........................4Nest, Kelly J, MD ...................................25Neuman, Stephanie A, MD ....................24Neumeister, Erica R, APNP ..............20, 24Neve, Kelly J, CSAC ...............................22Nevers, Juliane R, PA-C ..........................52Nevsimal, Sarah J, PA-C ....................24-25Newton, Christopher C, LP ..............33, 36Nicolet, Stephanie T, LMFT ....................11Niec, Stephanie R, MD ..........................37Nielsen, Joelle D, LMHC ........................72Nigl, Cheryl F, PA-C ...............................24Nigl, Pamela J, LPC ................................44Nimocks, Larissa L, APNP ......................23Nistler, Carole V, MD .............................61Nitschmann, Caroline C, MD ............61-62Nitti, Christina M, CNP ..........................67Noll, Karl R, MD .........................6, 37, 44Noonan, Tammi L, APNP .......................74Nordquist, Megan L, PA-C ...............13, 49Norris, Russell J, MD .....25, 27, 37, 72, 76North, Lowell L, PA-C ......................17, 19North, Margaret, MD ..............................61Novak, Vicki L, PA-C .............................76Nowland, Christi, LCSW ........................22




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Nutter, Lisa M, FNP ................................59

OOas, Mark G, DC ...................................12Obaid, Saleh A, MD ...............................13Odigie Okon, Esosa G, MD .............24, 54Oettel, Kurt R, MD ................4, 24, 41, 55Ohlson, Michael W, OD ........................77Ojelabi, Michael O, MD ..................24, 41Ollendick, Duane G, PHD LP ...........60-61Olsen-Wagner, Ann Marie, FNP .............67Olson, Angela M, PA-C ..........................29Olson, Brian W, DC ...............................50Olson, David J, DC ................................39Olson, Glenna J, PA-C .....................47, 50Olson, Juliette M, LPC .....................33, 36Olson, Kelly A, PA-C ..............................25Olson, Lindsey L, NP .............................25Olson, Lisa, PA-C .............................31, 34Olson, Matthew D, MD .........................40Olson, Richard A, MD ...........................24Olson-Dorff, Denyse G, PsyD ..........22, 36Oltrogge, Marcia, MA, IAADC ...............72OMara-Meyer, Julie E, LP .......................66Omit-Dorshorst, Barbara J, LCSW ..........23Ondersma, Debbie M, DO .....................42Opelt, Tina L, FNP .................................34O’Rourke, Katherine A, DO .......17, 19, 55Orozco, Jennifer M, MD .6, 17, 24, 34, 41,

50, 55Oshan, Amber R, PA-C ...........................47Ostermann, Kelli M, MD ........................67Ott, Ellen M, APNP ..........................24, 37Ottevaere, James A, MD .........................11Overholt, Edwin M, MD ..................25, 52Overholt, Steven L, MD .........................25Owens, Bridget A, DC ............................50

PPace, Michael T, MD .............................47Padilla, Jose A, MD ..................1, 9, 11, 46Palmer, Kenneth M, MD ...................61-62Panetta, Stephen E, DPM .......................61Pank, Sara A, DC ...................................54Pankratz, Shayna D, ANP .......................52Pape, Diann, IADC ................................74Paramesh, Venki, MD ................25, 50, 76Parker, Daniel, MD ................................67Parkinson, Katherine E, MD ...................48Parsons, Benjamin M, DO ......................23Pastryk, Scott M, OD .............................68Pattridge, Mary A, LICSW .......................60Paulsrud, Bradley N, DC ........................13Paulsrud, Teresa M, DC ..........................13Pearson, Steven B, MD ..........................25Pech, Michael L, MD .......................29, 31Peck, Theodore M, MD ..........................25Pedersen, Dawn E, NP ...........................71Pedretti, Tammy S, PA-C ........................47Pelaez, Laura I, MD ...............................61Pelant, Thomas M, MD ..........................44Peller, Thomas P, MD ..................8, 10, 14Pellett, Paul D, MD ................................72Perkins, Karen E, PA-C ...........................67Perrone, Diane C, AuD ....................24, 67Perrone, Jack F, MD ..........................61-62Persing, James S, MD .............................21Peters, Antoinette M, MD ....25, 41, 50, 55Petersen, Christopher E, PA-C ..........18, 37Petersen, Deborah, MD ..........................61

Peterson, Carl R, DC ........................10, 29Peterson, Caroline, PA-C ..................20, 25Peterson, Daniel C, MD ....................61-62Peterson, Emily E, PA-C ..........................25Peterson, Jaime M, PA-C ..................37, 72Peterson, Luke N, MD ......................20, 25Peterson, MaryPat C, DC .......................10Peterson, Michelle R, FNP ...........6, 17, 34Peterson, Noel R, MD .......................61-62Peterson, Paula M, LPC ....................11, 43Peterson-Kattenbraker, Jane E, MD .........31Petty, Joel D, LPC .....................................3Petz, Diane V, LCSW .............................67Pfeffer-Kleeman, Susanne D, MD ...........61Pfeifer, Spencer L, LADC ........................60Pfizenmaier, Vanessa L, DPM ............61-62Pflaum, Douglas D, MD .........................59Philip, Binu M, DO ................................13Pierzina, Jessica A, PSY D ......................21Ping, Megan J, DC .................................67Pintz, Jennifer R, DC ..............................58Plamann, Ryan A, MD ......................34-35Planavsky, JoAnn, LICSW .................22, 66Plondke, Tammy L, FNP .........................41Poczos, Andrew J, PA-C ....................61-62Poellinger, Carleen M, CNM ..................37Polito, Michael L, DC ............................23Polubinsky, Laurie J, MD ...........22, 47, 50Polus, Jacqueline F, MD .........................13Polzin, Jeff K, MD ....................................4Pomranke, Corey L, DC .........................23Pomranke, Natalie M, PA-C ...................24Poole, Philomena M, APNP ...................44Porter, John C, DO .................................52Porter, Phillip J, MD .................................1Potaracke, Joshua J, DC ...................23, 37Powell, Carol J, MD .........................22, 67Pratt, Alan D, MD ..................................25Prichett, Gregory D, PsyD ......................24Prior, Deborah L, MD .............................52Prissel, Angela M, DC ............................13Prodzinski, Kirk D, DO ..........................40Proper, Jacqueline, MD ..........................24Puent, Cindy L, DC ................................47Puls, Jessica C, OD ..........................26, 50Puls, Kathryn E, FNP ..............................34Purdue, John S, OD ...............................38Pyka, Todd C, LCSW ..............................21Pyron Hugo, Amy G, LICSW ..................60

QQuest, Kathryn E, LCSW ........................29Quick, Brian A, PA-C .............................29Quinlisk, Jane A, LCSW .........................21Quinn, Kevin V, MD ........................58, 71Quinn, Laurel M, MD ............................68

RRaabe, Ann L, MS, CCC-A .....................31Rabindranauth, Prem, MD .........25, 50, 76Radant, Leon J, MD ................................31Radcliffe, Jon D, DO ..............................52Radcliffe, Noel A, MD ...............17, 19, 55Radloff, Kristine A, LPCC ........................66Rae, Emily, MD .............22, 36, 47, 49, 54Raimer, Penny, LPC ............................3, 42Ram, Ganesh, PA-C ................................54Randa, Janell M, DC ..............................58Randall, Stephen J, MD ..........................24Rasmusson, James M, DC .......................47

Rathgaber, Scott W, MD .........................25Rayhan, Kazi Z, MD ..............................25Readinger, Lucas P, MD .........................52Reardon, Thomas C, CNS ......................26Redman, Michael D, MD ...........25, 72, 76Reed, Bryan W, DO ...............................67Reed, Mackenzie A, PA-C ......................62Rehman, Abdul, MD ..............................25Reierson, Kristen M, OD ............20, 72, 76Reif, Daniel J, LPC .................................34Reiland, Jeffrey P, LCSW CSAC ..............22Reis, Joseph W, APNP ............................22Renner, Christine F, OD .........................31Retzinger, Thomas A, MD ......................67Retzlaff, Gerald H, DC ...........................13Reuter, Katherine C, NP .........................29Reutlinger, Sherri L, NP ..........................24Reynen, John M, MD .............................24Richards, Christine S, MD ......................44Richards, Melissa S, MD ........................67Richardson, Thomas L, MD ..............44, 48Richmond, Kathryn M, MD ....................25Richmond, Rita A, ANP ..........................26Rickleff, Megan N, DC .............................6Ridenour, Robert V, MD .........................15Riedel, Mary B, LPC ...............................22Rieke, Stephen W, NP ............................25Rigstad, Eugene C, MD ..........................46Riley, Edward H, MD .....6, 17, 19, 25, 34,

55Rivera, Ricardo A, FNP ..........................25Rixen, James P, OD ................................76Rizvi, Sajjad H, MD .........................25, 76Roberts, Elizabeth A, MD .......................52Roberts, Herbert (Gene), PA-C ................25Roberts, Thomas B, LCSW ......................36Robertson, John W, MD .........................50Rodell, Frank J, ARNP ................22, 57, 66Rodgers, Alan E, LICSW ...................58, 60Rogers, Delbert W, MD ............................4Rohlfing, Dale A, DC .............................60Rolling, Cecily C, PA-C ....................20, 43Romeyn, Richard L, MD ........................68Rooney, Joel P, PsyD ..............................34Rosemeyer, Joseph R, DC .......................39Rosenquist, Edward E, PA-C .....................1Rosenstein, Lori J, MD ...........................23Ross, Karin T, AuD ............................60-61Ross, Michael J, PA-C .............................24Roth, James E, MD .................................60Roukis, Thomas S, DPM ............20, 25, 37Roum Brue, Marcia C, LPC ....................39Rounds, Dustin A, DC ............................76Rowe, Nancy R, APNP ...........................37Rucker, Joseph W, MD .....................15, 45Rudd, Kelly D, DC .................................50Rude, Karen A, APNP .............................24Rudie, Chad A, PA-C ........................25, 55Rudnik, Volha, MD ...........................61-62Rufe, Jane E, LCSW ..................................3Rugen-Rendler, Barbara M, APNP ....25, 50Rugowski, James A, MD .........................12Ruh, Paul J, MD .....................2, 11, 14, 49Rumball, Kevin M, MD ..........................25Runde, Matthew R, MD .............26, 38, 50Runstrom, Linda J, APNP ........................58Russell, Theresa, CNP .......................61-62Rutta, Mandy M, AuD ................24, 72, 76Ryan, Janet S, MD ..................................72Rybarczyk, Barbara A, WHNP ................37Rybarczyk, Sara J, MD .....................17, 40

SSabbagh, Fadi, MD ................................13Sabey, Kimberley E, DO ...................29, 31Sackman, Emily A, APNP .......................24Saghir, Mohammed K, MD ...............42, 44Sahatevasukont, Chitchawal, NP ......72, 74Sanchez, Anthony M, PA-C ....................26Saner, Dean B, PsyD ..............................51Santillan, Concepcion E, MD .................23Sassaman, Andrew E, OD ................72, 76Saterbak, Andrew T, MD ........................25Sather, Michelle L, LADC .......................60Sathiah, Deepa T, DDS ....................26, 37Saul, Jennifer S, MD ...1, 4, 18, 32, 46, 48,

53Schad, Todd A, MD ................................43Schaefer, John, OD .................................31Schaffer, Nyhus, DC .........................23, 37Schamber, Travis E, DO ..........................25Schams, Steven K, DC ............................58Schantner, Shawna R, PA-C ................2, 14Scharer II, Galen, DC .............................39Scharringhausen, Gretchen R, LPC ...22, 36Schauberger, Charles W, MD .................24Scheder, Kelly M, APNP .........................28Scherer, Jillian M, MD ......................44, 48Schilling, Sherri K, MD ..........................72Schilling, Tricia A, LICSW ......................60Schlack-Haerer, Steven C, MD .........25, 52Schlangen, Tracey J, FNP .................71, 74Schlimgen, Karla M, MD ........................14Schlimgen, Mark R, MD .1, 4-5, 14-15, 32,

43, 59Schmid, Christopher G, LPC ............36, 54Schmida, Milton J, AuD .............24, 37, 40Schmidt, Kevin R, LCSW ........................51Schmidt, Kimberly M, APNP ..................11Schmidt, Paul P, LCSW ...........................51Schmidt, Tracie L, PA-C ...................17, 55Schmittfranz, James D, DC .....................33Schmude, Valerie A, LPC .......................18Schmus, Robert E, MD ...........................20Schneider, Amy E, MD ...........................34Schoeberl, Milton, DC ...........................57Schoenfelder, Donna L, MD ...................14Schoenfuss, Erin S, PA-C ..................21, 54Schoepel, Kevin L, MD ........26, 41, 50, 55Schonberger, Michael B, DO .................23Schope, Adam W, MD ...........................29Schopf, Nicole M, FNP ............................6Schossow, Elizabeth A, NP .....................66Schreiber, Thomas J, MD ........................29Schroader, Mitchelle L, FNP ...................47Schroeder, Janice L, NP .............24, 52, 54Schuhmacher, Jennifer B, LCSW .............39Schultz-Tiedeken, Clover G, PA-C .....61-62Schulz, Caryn I, MD ..............................14Schulze, Melissa L, NP ...........................23Schuman, Catherine C, PHD LP .............22Schwanke, Annemarie, CNM ............61-62Scott, Erin L, DC ....................................17Screnock, Thomas, MD ..........................39Scudiero, Carmen A, MD .......................25Sdano, Matthew T, MD ..........................25Sedgwick, Shawn T, MD ........................28Sedlacek, Leona J, APNP ........................23Segerstrom, Cole S, DC ..........................13Semling, Tricia I, LPCC ...........................66Serleth, Hans J, MD ...............................67Sersch, Michael J, LPC .....................22, 36Seston, Quinn L, PA-C ...........................25




No Job Name - Gundersen Health System Plan/PNM...· Tagalog Kung ikaw, o ang iyong tinutulangan, ay may mg a katanungan tungkol sa Gundersen Health Plan, may karapatan ka na makakuha - [PDF Document] (106)

Setty, Sampoornima, MD .......6, 24, 37, 40Sexton, Amy E, LPC ................................11Seyfer, Sarah J, MD ................................61Shafer, Jennifer R, MD ............................34Shaffar, Eleanor R, CSAC ..........................7Shapiro, Stephen B, MD ...................26, 37Shappell, Kristie K, MD ....................26, 72Sharaf, Mahmoud A, MD .......8, 14, 19, 46Shaw, Lindsey A, DC ..............................50Shaw, Nathan A, MD ........................73-74Shear, Mary Beth, MD ............................42Shepard, Charles A, MD .........................67Sherry, Anne, PA-C .................................52Shimoda, Jon S, DC ...............................12Shimshak, Jennifer S, PA-C .....................37Shoberg-Weiner, Lisa M, LPCC ...............60Short, Daniel K, MD, Ph D ....................25Shurts, Justin K, DO ...............................25Siddiqi, Sumaiya W, MD ....19, 25, 50, 72,

76Sieck, Brian M, MD .........................25, 50Sieck, Kathryn E, LISW .....................72, 74Siegersma, Scott A, LPC .........................57Sievers, Erik F, LCSW .............................22Sievert, Martin E, MD .............................22Siewert, Jeffrey T, ARNP ....................61-62Sikyta, Adriana C, PA-C ..........................71Simon, Deborah A, MD ...................24, 52Simon, Mary L, FNP ...............................25Simonson, Devin C, DPM ................20, 25Simonson, Heather N, LPC ....................44Sinnett, Karen R, APNP ..........................34Skogstad, Chad, DC ...............................12Skoug, Jessin L, DC ............................1, 66Slane, Eric G, MD ............................17, 29Slinkard, Tamara J, MD ..........................13Smaradottir, Agnes, MD .........................24Smick, Annette M, MD ...........................66Smith, Andrew C, MD .......................73-74Smith, Emily J, DC ...........................13, 32Smith, Michael J, MD .............................13Smith, Nicole, AuD .1-2, 4, 10, 19, 28, 34,

49Smith, Robert P, MD ...............................45Smith, Travis J, MD ..........................26, 50Snider, Jonathon A, PsyD ........................11Soborowicz, John F, DC .........................12Soborowicz, Judy K, DC ........................12Sokup, Mary K, LMFT .............................11Solum, Melanie M, MD .........................37Solverson, Odell V, DC ..........................52Sonsalla, Julie A, APNP ..........................25Sontag, Mark T, MD ...............................11Sontag, Patricia T, FNP ...........................13Sorum Lean, Katrine K, NP .....................22Sparacino, Michael L, DO .....................61Spegman, Howard F, MD .........................4Spicer, Kay E, CSAC ...............................42Srinivasan, Balaji, MD .....................25, 41Stader, Eric E, MD ............................17, 29Stader, Robert E, MD ..............................29Stancic, Zoran, MD ................................24Stanek, Monica B, APNP ........................24Stangl, Melissa A, DC .............................13Stead, Loring J, DPM .........................61-62Stefanski-Williams, Jessica R, DO ..........47Stegen, Jenny L, PA-C .............................76Steging, Mark J, PA-C .................37, 47, 50Stein, Kimberly J, LPC ......................11, 43Stein, Theodore J, LPC .....................33, 36Steinmetz, Mark C, MD .........................14Steinmetz, Steven W, MD ........................8Stender, Jennifer L, DC ...........................65

Stenseth, Laurie E, LICSW ......................67Stephens, Shannan K, MD ..................6, 37Sterba, William M, DC .....................23, 47Sterling, John L, OD ...............................26Stevens, Jackie D, NP .............................67Stewart, Nathaniel J, MD .....................1, 9Stiles, Phillip E, PA-C .......................59, 61Stodola, Carol D, MD ............................31Stowe, Jon P, DC ......................................4Strain, Amy L, MD .................................37Strangstalien, Kathryn L, DC ..................67Strasser, Katie J, DC ................................20Strauss, Richard H, MD ..........................24Streyle, John R, LCSW ......................22, 50Strong, Brandi C, MD .......................24, 37Strosahl, Amanda L, MD ........................25Strutt, Craig H, DC .................................74Studt, Larry C, MD .............................8, 54Suarez, Louis A, MD ..............................14Subla, Mir R, MD ...................................24Suffrins, P Tara, CNP ..............................67Sullivan, Cassie L, APNP ........................35Sullivan, Craig P, DPM .....................41, 72Summerfield, Kent D, OD ......................38Sundaram, Rajah S, MD ...................24, 52Susmaras, Teresa M, PHD LP .................24Sutthiwan, Piraon, MD ........19, 37, 50, 54Svennungsen, Anna C, FNP ....................74Swanson, Kurt A, DO .............................72Swartz, Steven K, PA-C ..................1, 9, 44Swasko, Patricia A, FNP .........................47Swella Smedsrud, Rebecca J, DC ...........72Swenson, Carrie A, LADC ......................66Swift, William J, MD ................................3Szatkowski, Jeanne C, LADC ...........21, 66

TTabatabaei, Niloufar, MD .......................61Tabbert, Jerald F, LCSW ....................36, 47Tank, Meggan M, DC .............................50Tann, Travis J, DC ............................17, 42Tanner, Suzanne M, MD ..................38, 68Tappe, Brooke A, DPM ....................72, 76Tate, Kimberly A, FNP ............................50Taylor, Else M, LADC .............................60Taylor, Kylie A, LPC ..................................3Taylor, Mark L, LPC ..........................22, 40Teachout, Kelly J, LCSW .........................22Temple, John Peter, MD .........................23Tenneson, Karen L, LCSW ......................71Tenold, Lisa M, DC ................................13Tenold, Scott M, DC ...............................13Terrell, John A, MD ................................44Thapar, Kamal, MD ...................1, 5, 9, 44Thauwald, Craig D, MD ..................61, 66Thida, San, MD ......................................25Thoendel, Amanda L, MD ......................61Thomas, Brittany L, LICSW ....................66Thompson, Alexia, LMHC, CADC ..........72Thompson, Elizabeth B, LICSW ..............60Thompson, Gregory P, MD ..............25, 37Thompson, Janell M, DO .......................13Thompson, Jeffrey E, MD .......................25Thompson, Matthew C, MD ..............61-62Thompson, Matthew R, DO .............72, 76Thompson, Sean K, OD .........................68Thompson, Tena M, DC .........................51Thompson-Fleming, Rachel T, MD .........24Thurlow, Peter M, MD ...........................34Thurman, Chad M, MD ....................37, 54Tienter, Roxie, CNP .....................61-62, 65

Tiffany, Michael F, DO .............................8Timm, Leslee C, DDS .............................26Tischman, Cory D, LMFT ........................11Tobert, Daren G, MD .......................25, 37Tock, Jacquelyn M, CSAC ......................22Tompkins, Cayle T, MD ..........................19Tooley, Kyle J, PA-C ................................61Topolski, Mark S, MD ......................25, 52Torkelson, Janet L, NP ..23, 47, 50, 58, 71-

72, 76Tornehl, Christopher K, MD ...................15Townsley, Susan K, LCSW ......................51Trannel, Thomas J, MD ..............22, 40, 66Transo, Poul-Erik, MS, CCC-A ............6, 44Trapani, Carl A, LPC ...............................11Trewyn, Rebecca L, APNP ......................42Trohkimoinen, Jeffrey B, MD ..................24Trombetta, LeRoy J, MD .........................67Turner, Robert C, MD .............................42Tyriver, Michael K, PA-C ........................25

UUdelhoven, Rita M, LPC ........................39Udell, John L, MD ..................................25Uko, Victor E, MD ...............25, 31, 72, 76Ullrich, Elisabeth J, LPC ..........................11Umhoefer, Joseph T, LADC ....................60Undeland, Duane K, MD .......................59Usha, Kumari, MD ...............25, 45, 47, 55

VVail, John D, DC ....................................67Valk, Autumn K, PA-C ............................25Valkosky, Gregory J, DPM ..........41, 72, 76Valyo, Kenneth A, DO ...........................29Van Atta, Ann E, LCSW CSAC ................36Van Auken, Courtney M, NP ..................37Van Dyke, David A, MD ........................22Van Every, Marvin J, MD ..................26, 55Van Loon, Jon A, MD .............................60Van Vreede, LeeAnn E, LPC ...................36Vanasse, Tanya J, DC .............................13Vande Zande, Victoria L, MD .................10VanderLei, Laura K, PA-C .......................26VanDreese, Barbara J, NP .......................23Varichak, Bryan M, DC ..........................52Varnam, Jessica H, MD ....................17, 29Varnes-Epstein, Lisa J, PA-C ..............28, 47Veglahn, Lisa A, MD ..............................37Veldboom, Brea C, FNP .........................37Venteicher, Andrea L, MD ......................76Verdon, Todd A, OD ........................26, 38Vessey, Todd T, PA-C ..............................25Vieth, Chad T, OD ...........................15, 32Vig, Mark E, MD ....................................25Villareal, Alexander M, MD .............24, 55Vincent, Owen D, DO .....................17, 40Vinopal, Laura K, AuD, CCC-A ..............31Virdi, Amarjit, MD ..................................61Vize, Barbara J, MD .........................61, 65Volk, Todd A, DC .....................................4Vosika, Mariana K, MD ..........................36

WWaciuma, John L, MD ...........................14Wacker, Daryl R, DC ..............................44Waddell, Jason K, DO ......................23, 25Wade, Alexander D, MD ........................52Wagner, Matthew P, ARNP ................61-62

Walcker, Elizabeth A, CNM ....................25Waldo, Jeremy J, CNP .................59, 61-62Walker, Bradford P, OD ..........................45Wall, Jon T, DC ..................................1, 19Waller, Christine J, MD ..........................26Wallhaus, Thomas R, MD ........................6Walters, Holly L, LPC .......................22, 54Walters, Matthew S, ARNP ................61-62Waniger, Ricky J, MD .............................24Ward, Amanda M, PSY D LP ..................63Warrior, Jean A, PHD .............................44Washa, David M, DC .............................23Watts, Mary B, LCSW LPC .....................22Weber, Alan J, DC ..................................40Weber, Kevin J, MD .........................19, 43Weber, Kevin J, PHD .........................60-61Weber, Lori S, MD .................................24Webster, Margaret E, MD .......................25Wedig, Brenda S, OD ............................26Wedul, Ted M, DC .................................20Weidenheim, Ann B, LCSW LPC ............21Weimer, Kenneth C, MD ........................34Weinberg, Harvey A, PHD LP ..........22, 36Weinmann, William E, CSAC .................22Weinmeister, Donald D, MD ....................8Weisenberger, Cindi E, FNP .....................1Weiss, Emily M, FNP ..............................42Weiss, Victor J, MD ...........................43-44Welsh, Barbara K, LPC ...........................51Wenninger, Christopher J, MD ...............42Werner, Christine M, FNP ...........57, 61-62Westphal, Mark W, DC ..........................10Whetston, Jennifer C, LICSW .................66Whetston, Thomas J, PA-C .....................41White, Douglas W, MD ...................37, 72Whitehouse, Catherine A, MD .................4Whitford, Steven W, MD .....19-20, 26, 48,

55Whitney, Courtney W, DO ...............34, 57Whitney, Kevin R, MD ...........................44Wickersham, Paula J, PA-C ....................25Wickert, Patricia A, NP ..........................24Wickre, Harlan O, LP .......................60-61Wientzen, Daniel S, DO ........................72Wilbur, Mark, MD ............................57, 61Wilhelm, Kurt, MD ...................................6Willenbring, Molly E, APNP ...................25Williams, Brent S, MD ...........................62Williams, Eileen, PA-C ...........................23Williams, Grant L, DC ..............................6Williams, Linda L, MD ...........................61Williams, Sam, PA-C ..............................31Williams, Trista M, AUD ..........................1Williamson, Jon M, OD .........................48Wilson, Andrea G, PA-C ..................72, 76Wilson, Catherine E, APNP ....................37Wilson, Rachel M, MD ..........................52Winchester, Daniel S, MD ......................61Winters, Andrea J, PA-C .........................50Winters, Sara L, PA-C .............................24Wintersteen, Virginia G, MD ............25, 37Wissing, Linda F, CSAC ..........................22Wissink, Stephen C, MD ........................37Witcik, Michael A, MD ..............19, 24, 52Wogahn, Brent M, MD .....................11, 14Wogahn, Kristin S, MD ..........................13Wolbrink, Rose A, MD ...........................47Wolf, Maria D, FNP ...............................31Wolf, Suzanne J, APNP ......................8, 15Wolfs, Karla J, LICSW ......................72, 75Wolk, Stephen M, PA-C ...................44, 48Wolner, Bradlee G, OD ..........................68Wonderling, Ann M, OD .................26, 50




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Wood, Christopher D, DC ......................58Wood, Cindy L, MD ........................36, 49Wood, Thomas W, MD ..........................43Wood, William J, MD .............................11Woodruff, Kenneth H, DC ......................23Woody, Brian R, MD ..............................52Woolley, Donald W, OD ..................61-62Woychik, Ashley J, CNM ........................25Wright, Andrew J, MD .....................34, 44Wulf, Lance A, DC ...........................23, 37Wypyszynski, Juliana E, APNP ..19, 24, 37,

40, 52, 72, 76

YYanko, Kira A, LPC .................................18Yao, Yongxue D, MD .......................37, 40Yarroch, Raquel M, DC ..........................34Yee, Phillip S, MD ............................72, 76Yoon, Joon, MD .....................................24Young, Carol L, MD ...............................37Young, Gina R, LPC ................................11Yurcek, James J, MD .................................6

ZZabel, Earl W, MD .....................31, 53, 55Zaky, Mary A, MD .................................25Zee-Cheng, Janine E, MD .......................24Zellmer, Mark R, PA-C ...........................54Zhong, Ling, PA-C ..................................29Ziebarth, Thomas M, MD .......................59Zimmermann, Matthew K, PA-C .............24Zirkel, Kip, PHD ....................................21Zitelman, Chelsey E, FNP .......................73Zivney, Aaron J, DO ...............................24Zlabek, Jonathan A, MD, FACP ..............25Zolper, Michael R, DC .............................3Zuercher, Geralyn R, MD .................74, 76




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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Author information

Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.